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9932204 No.9932204 [Reply] [Original]

Math phd student here
Before I go into my green text let me just preface this with the following. 80% of cheaters during exams and tests are international Chinese students.
>invigilating exam
>3rd year math course
>300-400 students
>multiple students told me that as soon as time was called they witnessed immediate chinktalk and scribbling of answers (Asians and whites both come forward, even the one black kid told me about it)
>the school is literally doing nothing about it
>a colleague of mine a senior professor told me that the university gets flak over the years due to Chinese students cheating and getting expelled and then going to their embassy and the embassy going full autism and complaining to the gubment

>> No.9932345
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they are rich asf and probably going to school for fun so in the end it doesnt even matter

>> No.9932363

White people are cucked and can't do anything against any kind of minority. OP, do me a favor and look up. Who are your superiors? There you'll see the answer.

>> No.9932381

I'm an engineering student at one of the more popular universities and the majority of students are asian and indian. Both of these groups engage in cheating for every class no matter how easy or hard and don't seem to give a shit how obvious they are. The greatest problem is that it's almost impossible to do well without cheating, I'll admit after seeing this cheating there have been some classes where I've basically been forced to either cheat to fail, and I cheated.
It's not even a lack of studying sometimes, these faggots force the grade curve to be exaggerated to such an extent that the time constraints and complexity of problems are impossible to complete within the parameters and I've seen plenty of smart and capable students fail because they didn't know to cheat.
I'm talking about these fuckers having asian or indian grad/phd student friends who literally give them answers before an exam (I've "befriended" some of them and this shit has been going on forever). This isn't "they're smart and know this that and the other thing, you can see them copying from hidden answer sheets, and I've been given access to this as well. 70% of graduates don't actually know more than freshman or sophomore level knowledge due to this cheating phenomenon.
I had a fucking chinese kid placed in my capstone project group and this little chink was suggested buying a commercial product that fits our requirements, putting it in a god damn box, and claiming it as our invention.

Like what the fuck.

I know I'm by no means the smartest person on earth and I know I'm probably not smart enough to pursue pure mathematics or physics which is why I'm studying electrical engineering but god damn I want to get something out of the money I'm spending for school.

I really wasn't racist until I went back to school, and I fucking hate these chinese and indian faggots. They have no respect for knowledge or learning.

>> No.9932447

But there is no reason to be racist. Sure, it is the asians that are doing this right now but look at the underlying reasons this is happening and truly look inside you. If those same circumstances presented themselves to white people, would they not cheat? The answer is no because you are cheating too.

The reality is that human beings, in general, are pieces of shit that blindly follow, like robots, their best interest. When a shitty bureaucracy is in place, sometimes the best way to follow your interests is to cheat. Fix the system, and the cheaters will disappear on their own.

>> No.9932483

weird how these circumstances don't present themselves to white people until you flood the school with chinks and poos

>> No.9932491

Think about it. Do you think that asians have some kind of magical touch that allows them to just have the power to cheat wherever they go? The reality is that they have insiders. There is a hidden political web at your school that allows this to happen.

>> No.9932497
File: 742 KB, 654x763, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time I took a class (graduate level) that hadn't been taught in maybe 10 years so the Chinese collective didn't have the old tests in their records like they normally do. The professor assigned a take-home test, and I ended up getting an email from the Chinese person in our class (class was 4 people total) asking for help. Unfortunately I'm a pussy and told suggested he ask the professor instead of forwarding to academic affairs.
Our department head also gets a lot of angry phone calls from software companies because our license for their software keep popping up in China.

>> No.9932498

300 students in a single course?

That's a lot, especially for math.

But yeah I always catch cheaters almost every year. Some times we give them zero. But the professors tend to pussy out short of expelling them because they get sued too often.

>> No.9932523

>pic related
Not surprising. There is also nothing inherently Chinese about that. Cheating is the result of a failed bureaucracy, and bureaucracies fail if and only if they are bloated. Have the same piece of shit system in the west, and you get just as much cheating.

When the value assigned to a person is not the content of their character but the symbols they write in a paper, any means for writing the correct symbols is fair game. This is the end result of any bloated bureaucracy.

>> No.9932551

Anon I'm so sorry.

But yes that is the situation. Even when they don't anwers directly they get old exams with similar questions to practice.

The professor will explicitly tell us not to give these out.

But unfortunately I see cheating and it's largely raced based (due to most social circles being interracial). The white and black students are often the most honest, but they get left out of this loop. And it should be levelling the playing field by giving white/black similar opportunities, but I don't and your careers suffer for my integrity.

Even having old exams is a massive advantage. It doesn't matter how smart you are. A question is a hundred times easier if you've seen a similar one before.

Once I convinced the lecturer to simply change the exam style (to more modern techniques anyway) and the class average was 36%, a few white students who actually studied the material got over 90% (it was still an easy exam, litterally just different problems using modern methods that were well explained in tutorials).

And guess what happened? The Asians and Indians and ME all got together and constantly accused and harassed the lecturer. They made his life hell. They quickly got him removed from the course and almost fired later. They pretended it was some kind racist thing because of the grade distribution. If they had just fucking studied the material instead of focusing on cheating and old exams as much as possible they would've easily passed.

I really don't know what to do. People are scum.

>> No.9932579

Adjust your hiring practices accordingly later in the future.

>> No.9932591

>the absolute state of the Ameritards

>> No.9932596

I agree, there is nothing inherent about Chinese people that makes them cheat, but it is definitely a common cultural theme. I know some Chinese who have integrated into American society and abandoned the mentality of doing whatever it takes even if it means playing unfairly to get ahead. But that isn't the majority.
To your second point, if there has to be some way to assess academic performance, I don't what system you replace it with.

>> No.9932614

Yeah, it's actually quite easy to see how much a student knows in an interview.

If you ask even simple questions like "how would find the time constant on this process and build a rudimentary controller with it". They will just panick because they have not even learned the most basic concepts to a point where it is second hand.

...but now you have to remember there's AA these days...

>> No.9932630

>but there is no reason to be racist
Except in this situation there absolutely is -- if a particular racial group is overwhelmingly engaged in despicable, destructive behavior, is it not rational to treat members of that race differently than others? Maybe hatred and resentment (which is what you're trying to say) aren't the best answer, but the problem isn't going to resolve itself unless people begin speaking out against this kind of parasitic activity.

>> No.9932638

>but there is no reason to be racist
Except in this situation there absolutely is -- if a particular racial group is overwhelmingly engaged in despicable, destructive behavior, is it not rational to treat members of that race differently than others? Maybe hatred and resentment (which is what you're trying to say) aren't the best answer, but the problem isn't going to resolve itself unless people begin speaking out against this kind of parasitic activity.

>> No.9933251

>Chinese pal of mine with whom I've studied math for one semester paid 3000 euros to get to germoney.
>They told him not to tell that he wants to get a citizenship.
>Wants to get his family of 8 + gf to Aachen
>They won't speak german

Man am I glad to have the polish ciizenship.

>> No.9933255

He's not going to get citizenship or even a res permit that easily...

Germany deports anyone who doesn't have a good reason for being there other than trying to suck social welfare. Including German citizens who are expats and lost their jobs in Germany.

t. German expat

>> No.9933491

>And guess what happened? The Asians and Indians and ME all got together and constantly accused and harassed the lecturer. They made his life hell. They quickly got him removed from the course and almost fired later. They pretended it was some kind racist thing because of the grade distribution. If they had just fucking studied the material instead of focusing on cheating and old exams as much as possible they would've easily passed.
How the hell do they manage to accuse him of racism over a test?

>> No.9933503

Because the white students did well while the other students did not.

This is racism in the 21st century.

I'm not even joking. When I retell the story most people me that it IS racist for white people to do better on test. And I don't mean irrational people, like Asians, Arabs and Africans in postgrad or lectureships.

>> No.9933510

The prof knowingly designed a test that gave white people an advantage. How is that not racist?

>> No.9933516

The white students only did better since they studied?

I'm sure there must have been some anti social gooks/poos that weren't in the social circle that studied and did well?

Futhermore couldn't the professor just say "look at your test, and look at your answers, and tell me where in my questions or where in my marking I showed racism"

>> No.9933579

Let's be honest, anon. Race isn't real, and anyone who says otherwise is just awful. IQ is not linked to skin color, all of us have the same genes, we all all equally likely to exhibit any personality traits, and the only reason anyone is being held down is because one group of people with the least amount of melanin in their skin like to pretend that they're better because of it.

>> No.9933583

At my university we only se student numbers, no names or surnames, when we mark.

Race based marking is impossible.

The black kids got 60% +-10% for that test since they also actually studied. It's unfortunate because if there were more black kids some of them would've gotten 90%.

But I'm willing to bet they would just have ignored that anyway. Racism rhetoric has just become a tool that individuals use to get ahead.

>> No.9933590

Sorry but white majority societies are the only racially tolerant ones. There are no melting pots in the ME, far east asia (where koreans can't even get along with chinese) etc. Etc.

The only laws "holding anyone back" is AA.

>> No.9933592

Never read this word before today

>> No.9933594

No one said anything about the law. AA makes sure POC get a fair shot, nothing more. Of course you'd have a problem with them, seeing as you've built an entire society around making sure you stay on top. It's kind of sick, honestly, that the only reason there is so much hate in this country is because people with white skin have convinced themselves that people without white skin are somehow below them, even though we're all the same.

>> No.9933601

If everyone is equal why have AA?
If you don't think that POC can survive in a meritocracy based on their own merits, isn't that kinda racists of you?
If chinks and poos fail an exam while the whites get A's on it what is racists? Are math questions racists?

>> No.9933607

>No one said anything about the law.
Of course, because if you look at the facts then your lies dwindle away.

The fact is that the only structure in society holding anyone down based on race is AA.

You have no proof other than emotional rhetoric to the contrary even though all companies claim to hire on merit and have AA policies.
>even though we're all the same.
Yes, this is true then why are you not advocating that everyone be treated equally under the law? Is it because you're using your race as an argument to squeeze advantage out of society?

It's kind of sick, honestly, that the only reason there is so much hate in this country is because people with high melanin skin have convinced themselves that people with white skin are somehow below them and they need to step on them, even though we're all the same.

And for the record I am Asian.

>> No.9933616

>If everyone is equal, why have AA
Everyone is equal, whites have banded together to ensure that everyone who isn't white is held down. AA takes that power out of their hands
>If you don't think POC can survive in a meritocracy, isn't that kind of racist?
We don't live in a meritocracy, if we did, there'd be no disparities between race and gender. It's all tribalism and nepotism.
>If ASIANS and INDIANS fail an exam while the whites get A's, is maths racist?
Maybe if Non whites were given equal standards of education, didn't have to live and work in a society that isn't constantly dragging them down, and didn't have to deal with professors who won't acknowledge cultural differences because OH NO DIFFERENT CULTURES, it'd be equal.

>> No.9933619

WIthout AA, what would stop the constant onslaught of white men holding down everyone who isn't a white men? AA is a guaruntee that non whites and women get a chance to put their foot in the door, so they get to prove that they're just as capapble as white men. f this was truly a meritocracy, there'd be no need for it. The only reason we have it is because white men won't allow non white men a fair chance.

>> No.9933623

>WIthout AA, what would stop the constant onslaught of black men holding down everyone who isn't a black men? AA is a guaruntee that whites and women get a chance to put their foot in the door, so they get to prove that they're just as capapble as black men. f this was truly a meritocracy, there'd be no need for it. The only reason we have it is because black men won't allow non black men a fair chance.

>> No.9933628

>Everyone is equal, whites have banded together to ensure that everyone who isn't white is held down. AA takes that power out of their hands
Source needed
>Maybe if Non whites were given equal standards of education, didn't have to live and work in a society that isn't constantly dragging them down, and didn't have to deal with professors who won't acknowledge cultural differences because OH NO DIFFERENT CULTURES, it'd be equal.
What was stopping the gooks and poos from studying? The whites studied, and they got 90%. The gooks and poos relied on cheating, and the test was done in a way that stopped them from cheating. Somehow thats racists?

>> No.9933631

without AA what would stop the constant onslaught of niggers bringing the white man down?

>> No.9933640

>and the test was done in a way that stopped them from cheating
I'm the OP of that post.

Just to clarify I did not suggest the change "to stop cheating", but to make the curriculum more modern for the benefit of every student.

It is unfortunate that the racists like the sick person you're replying to have entered this thread, so I'm going to hide it now.

>> No.9933642

You and I both know that isn't true. There is no greater oppressed group of people than blacks. Only whites oppress.

>> No.9933646

Only whites can be racist, idiot.

>> No.9933654

So if a black person says "fuck I really hate white people, the next white guy I see I am punching in the face"

That is in no way racists?

>> No.9933656

White people cheat just as much.

>> No.9933662

Literally they don't.
Nice source you pulled out of your ass

>> No.9933679

Nope. Blacks can't be racist, because they do not benefit from the social order of the white countries they live in. Race is a social construct, and since a black man has had all of his social power taken from him by whites, even if he killed a white man because he was white, it still wouldn't be racist. Only white's can be racist.

>> No.9933805

>Blacks can't be racist, because they do not benefit from the social order of the white countries they live in.

>> No.9933817

White people pop adderall instead

>> No.9933825

Anecdotes are not evidence.

>> No.9933837

Just ignore them, Chinese don't create anything . Just imagine they don't exist and never interact with them (or as little as possible), always focus on your own skills and try to think about the theorems that you are using.

Why do we need ot use X here?
How did author X try to get around this problem?
If I were to generalize theorem X in setting Y will the results hold, why/why not?

Focus on fundamental questions and not on the people around you. People come and go and this is especially true of cheaters. Of course make sure that you don't just give away your work or else they'll plagiarize it and take all the fame.

>> No.9933847

Is this bait?

>> No.9933909
File: 1.15 MB, 777x985, 1531355167890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want this to become a /pol/ thread, but that is marxist unscientific crap.

>> No.9933910

Nice bate.

>> No.9933994

Can you or OP expand on these?
>But the professors tend to pussy out short of expelling them because they get sued too often.
>a colleague of mine a senior professor told me that the university gets flak over the years due to Chinese students cheating and getting expelled and then going to their embassy and the embassy going full autism and complaining to the gubment

>> No.9933997

I mean those two men looks more similar than the tigers, just saying.

>> No.9934485


>> No.9934567

They don't. Stop lying.

>> No.9934623
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1530845248802s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't want this to become a /pol/ thread
>proceeds to post image claiming black people are a different subspecies

>> No.9934782

dont understand where this notion that white people don't cheat comes from.
Back when I was in CC, in my DE class, there was a group of white dudes and they all literally cheated during exams cus the professor was too busy grading some shit during the exams.

After I saw that, I just figured every race cheats. No matter what, just seems indians and chinese are leading the front when it comes to stuff like this.

I honestly don't know how they do it, I can't bring myself to cheat on exams so blatantly as I saw some chinese students do during exams. For our formula sheets I would jsut write the necessary equations and spent the previous nights working out problems to understand the exam material. This asian guy that sat next to me during exams in our electromechanical systems class would just pull out solved problems from his backpack. He was so carelessa bout it, but then you looked around and a bunch of other people took out their cell phones and what not.

>> No.9934802

You're using a bullshit lie to mask your own racism and hatred.

If you hate white people so much why don't you just go live in Liberia so you don't have to see them just like your racist ancestors?

>> No.9934815

(Before /pol/ invaded this thread) No one said they didn't cheat.

The difference is they rightly get expelled when they are caught.

The situation in the OP is obviously quite different where students used the embassy and pressure of international politicians to keep cheating. Again some rich white students do similar things.

People are using sensitive political subjects to bully university staff into letting them cheat. It's disgusting that we as a society are allowing this to happen.

>This asian guy that sat next to me during exams in our electromechanical systems class would just pull out solved problems from his backpack. He was so carelessa bout it, but then you looked around and a bunch of other people took out their cell phones and what not.
This is just down to poor invigilation though. Did you not have TAs patrolling the hall?

At my university we've adopted a solid system when people are caught cheating
>Film them cheating so you have proof and you are protected from legal action against yourself.
>Take their exam from. Offer them a blank exam book and say they may start over. (Legal according to our university laws and regulations).
>Even if they use their daddy to put political and legal pressure on us and we are forced to drop the case the student is still held back unless they actually study hard enough to pass the supplementary exam (where there are less students to monitor).
>Eventually they realize how difficult it is to pass honestly and drop out.

Seriously the university has had to install 10 cameras in every lecture hall, we also use our own phones to film in case someone makes the camera footage "disappear" and fuck us over.

This is what we have to resort to, but it's worth it to keep just a few cheating fucks from graduating.

>> No.9934857

>3rd year math course
>300-400 students

BS. Might be believable if it was a first year course that a bunch of engineers/science majors have to take too. But a 3rd year math course with 300-400 people? No.

>> No.9934863

I don't believe you. Arranging tests so that cheating is impossible is very easy.

>> No.9934868

It could be
>Calculus of variations (for physics+math+some electrical engineering)
>A numerical methods class which some science and engineering programs take only in 3rd year


Almost certainly not a pure math course though.

>> No.9934984

Are you fucking retarded? Why do you come a science board if you are this low IQ

>> No.9934985

> Let's be honest, anon. Race isn't real, and anyone who says otherwise is just awful. IQ is not linked to skin color, all of us have the same genes, we all all equally likely to exhibit any personality traits, and the only reason anyone is being held down is because one group of people with the least amount of melanin in their skin like to pretend that they're better because of it.
Are you trolling? Then again there a lot of deluded retards who browse r/atheism and have monikers with the words "rational" and "intelligent" in them; that I am not surprised anymore.

>> No.9934986

> WIthout AA, what would stop the constant onslaught of white men holding down everyone who isn't a white men? AA is a guaruntee that non whites and women get a chance to put their foot in the door, so they
Confirmed for being a low IQ redditor

>> No.9934989

don't you have a code of conduct to rewrite?

shit cunts like you have infested the other boards like /g/

you all post moronic shit, dont engage the points of the person you reply to and attach cringe tier pics to your posts

>> No.9934991


>> No.9935189

Every time I tried this I did significantly worse on the exam than I normally did, so I stopped.

>> No.9935196

Scientific racism spam and greentext about how you're a racist community college grad student are not science.

>> No.9935245

He’s going all out

>> No.9935257

Is there ever any escaping these pieces of shit? Surely this doesn’t happen in graduate school.

>> No.9935267

>Surely this doesn’t happen in graduate school.
You have a lot of Professors that are extremely racist and only take on Chinese, Indian or Afro American students.

Not all though. Just a minority, but they are shameless about it. They think they won't be accused of racism because they aren't white (they're wrong, they get in trouble a lot).

If you have to share lab space with them then they do everything in their power to sabotage you.

I don't know if there is an escape. Perhaps it gets better in research companies.

>> No.9935269
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>> No.9935272

Why do they do that?

>> No.9935278

Because they're racist.

>> No.9936013


>> No.9936776

is this georgia tech

>> No.9936788

>80% of cheaters during exams and tests are international Chinese students
don't need to read the rest of your post, already believe it.
when i was at college (not US college) they would all buy their coursework online from some weird chinese website. couldn't speak english at all, i only met one who was pretty fluent and he was from HK

>> No.9938230

Fucking based university policies. My uni has similar policies, but are far less lenient if someone is caught.

If you're lucky, you only get an F for the course. If not, academic suspension or expulsion it is. There are still a few who get caught every semester though.

>> No.9938233

*but the administration is far less lenient