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990834 No.990834 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this ?

>nuclear fusion
>unlimited source of power
>free power for the entire world
>unprecedented economic boom easily 100-1000 greater than any previous
20 years
>molecular assemblers
>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else
28 years
50-70 years

>> No.990839

Not very.

>> No.990841


>> No.990843


>> No.990845

get the fuck out.

>> No.990846

Ray Kurzweil, is that you?

>> No.990848

It ignored one possibility: the new dark ages

>> No.990849
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>> No.990863


Just go read the comments about the new synthetic cells.

>Science shouldn't be done because it intrudes on God's domain

>Scientists are playing God!

Amerikkka, home of the Luddites and Rednecks

>> No.990867

Someone please fucking explain:

What is transhumanism, and why does /sci/ give a shit about it?


>> No.990868

>freedom from the "economy"
Yes, in many countries.
>every part of the world
Nah. Not for another 50-100 years.

>> No.990869

In 20 years, we'll begin the Modern Dark Ages.

This will begin with niggers, spics and arabs gaining political power in the western world.
The niggers' hedonistic culture will become popularized. They'll waste resources, popularize crime, drugs, and sex, and become a majority with their overly large birthrates. They'll all demand equal rights, requesting public schools "stop bein so hard cuz its racist and holdin us back".

As a result, schools get dumbed down to accommodate idiots. Idiots who attend these new schools aspire to be successful since they got good grades in school and refuse to do demeaning jobs. Nothing will get done and they'll all come to the conclusion that crime is he only way to get money (the only thing that would matter to such people).

After about 400 years of this with whites becoming increasingly rare, we'll enter a new enlightenment period where we continue to progress.

>> No.990873


Rednecks, maybe. Luddites? Are you kidding me? The fact that you admit that the US can create synthetic DNA kinda fucks that anti-technology statement up because if it were true, we'd have never done that.

>> No.990877

I love your optimism OP :D

>> No.990880

we wont be free of the economy until after teleportation, however teleportation will pretty much do it

>> No.990885


doesn't matter what we can do, it matters what we are allowed to produce and distribute

>> No.990886


Using technology to exceed the normal, natural capabilities of the human body or mind.

Medicine doesn't count because all it does is bring sub-normal people up to par.

>> No.990888

replace "economic boom" with "economic apocalypse" and hope that we make it to 20 years and you just might be right. If anything, a global economic upheaval, while potentially deadly for many, will probably result in the "freedom from the 'economy' as we know it" thing. The intarwebs will help too... unless the pool gets closed due to AIDS...

>> No.990890

Can't we already sorta do that ?

>> No.990891

Can you give me an example of this? Like Will Smith in iRobot? or Iron man? Thx for the explanation tho.

>> No.990893

Even accepting all the racism and the ridiculous claims, you completely ignore China, Japan, and India. The instant the Western world became ineffectual China would step up. And Japan is notoriously xenophobic, so you can't claim "niggers" would ruin it too.

>> No.990897
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>unlimited source of power
>My face

Good to be optimistic, but I prefer to be realistic. This isn't going to happen.

>> No.990898


Those who support and advance Science in the USA are a small minority. A very small minority. The Non-science involved Amerikkkans either could give a shit about science or think Science is the tool of the devil.

>> No.990901

Just pretend he said "sufficient source of power" and move on. If we could convert all of the sun's output to electricity the difference between "very high" and "unlimited" would be academic.

>> No.990902

>how accurate is this

let me just check with the ACTUAL time values... oh yep..0 % accurate. show work or fail

>> No.990903

Basically computers grow in power to surpass the human brain. This point is the singularity, where technological increase is no longer limited by the human brain. Technological growth becomes unpredictable after this point.

To some, this is also the point when humans will merge their own consciousness with machines. This will be a new step in human evolution, leading to the "transhuman" (literally, beyond human).

>> No.990905

haha yeah. The Chinese could achieve everything on this list in ~10 years. They just wouldn't let the white devirr and kurombo use their teleportation system out of fear of contracting AIDS.

>> No.990906


So...I take it you're not from the US, then? Or you're from the Bible Belt. I mean, not for nothing but the US has kinda been at the forefront of pretty much every technological advance in the last 40 years, medical or scientific.

>> No.990909
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>Can you give me an example of this?

The technology in Ghost in the Shell is a perfect example

>> No.990912

Faster-than-light teleportation is not possible. We don't know if molecular assemblers are either. "Transhumanism" is a vague concept and could be said to already be here. Freedom from the economy, free power and such won't happen, no matter what scientific breakthroughs happen, if people wont stop being greedy and hungry for power.

>> No.990914

The only reason US still has decent science is because we import half a billion math factory workers from China, Japan, and India every year to work our labs and we pay them with our wealth which is sustained through chronic debt. Once the brain drain from China stops, the US is totally fucked. Need proof? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px_hvzYS3_Y
You dumb. Japanese kid smarter than you.

>> No.990916


>Forefront of science and technology

LOL! And I bet you amerikkkunts think the world revolves around you too. Amerikkka has fallen behind other countries as far as research goes since the early 90's. And it's falling farther behind.

Nice try though. lmfao, Amerikkka at the forefront....

>> No.990930

Haha. The only place in US where science takes place is the California-Chinese embassy AKA UCLA. Nobody who does any real science in this country speaks English. The average redneck Amerikkan would not hesitate to deport their non-English-speaking-deekrrjeeerrrb-asses.

>> No.990932

Guess again, bitch.
Pick an article. Any article.

Pick any major pharmaceutical, medical, or technical company with a significant research branch. Guess where that branch is based. Hint: it's America.

Take any ranking of the top hundred or so research university in the world, in general or in any specific subject. How many of the universities are in America? Hint: pretty much all of them.

>> No.990941

Take any ranking of the top hundred or so research university in America, in general or in any specific subject. How many of the students at top universities in America are from China, Japan, Korea, or India? Hint: pretty much all of them. Enjoy not knowing how anything in your country works.

>> No.990945

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me guys. Nationalism is also one of the reasons we can't have nice things.

>> No.990948

All of humankind has basically been divided into hyper-pessimism or hyper-optimism.

Hoping for the latter.

>> No.990950

Haha true. The only other people doing anything of value are the Jews, and they're only here because they ran away from the Nazis.

>> No.990953

Who gives a shit what country they're from. The argument is that it happens in America. It doesn't happen in the other countries as much because they suck.

>> No.990955

The remaining Class of 2011 is 38 percent Caucasian, 26 percent Asian American, 7 percent Mexican American, 1 percent Native American, 2 percent Puerto Rican, and 3 percent other Hispanic. One percent is of other ethnic descent, 8 percent are international students whose ethnicity was not polled, and 5 percent did not respond.

Besides, no one claimed other people don't come to America to do science. The fact remains that the science is done in America. Because it's the best place in the world to do science.

>> No.990957

A cursory glance at the replies to this most intriguing of questions would suggest that rampant nationalism will doom us all to a nuclear apocalypse long before we break free from the limiting factors of growth facing us today.

>> No.990960

>Besides, no one claimed other people don't come to America to do science. The fact remains that the science is done in America. Because it's the best place in the world to do science.

this, we cant do it, but by god we have the facilities!

>> No.990966

Haha 75% of "Caucasians" are Jews. Historical anti-semitism in America is probably the greatest of gifts to Jewish Americans. While the rest of the white people were busy trying to hang niggers and chase away spics, the Jews were doing about half of all modern physics and enslaving the rest of the country with an insane banking system.

>> No.990969


>> No.990970

What, and Jews are somehow not American?

>> No.990971


I'll give you Japan because it correlates with my data, it's the only thing you've given proof of, and it's the only thing which actually makes sense from a personal point of view.


China has roughly 4.3 people for every person the US has. The US has almost nine times the amount of R&D personnel than China does.

India has 3.7 people for every person the US has but the US has 25 times the amount of R&D personnel.

I don't believe we're importing anywhere near the amount of people you say we are on account of our population graph not deviating from the course it's taken previously.

>> No.990973



you mean that there ARE chinese, korean, japanese, and indian students at top ranking universities

(obviously we are talking about grad students)

the truth is that most grad students at places like MIT, cal tech, berkeley, UIUC, etc are white.

POST DOCS, however, are often asian.

post docs often choose to do their post doc in a foreign country

there are a lot of white american post docs in japan and europe.

also, white people are more likely to do a post doc for an actual company than for a researcher at a university

>> No.990974

Haha. We just got a $50M grant from the NSA to work on quantum computing. Let's find some Asian kid to work the plasma etchers for minimum wage (me in college).

>> No.990976


Regrettably you are right that we are recruiting a whole lot of people from China and India into our graduate schools to fill the labs.

Even with what you said right there, I still don't understand why they are flooding in the way they are. Even if they are good at math, that is about it. They completely suck at abstract concepts and invention. I work with Indians and Chinese all the time at my lab, so I can say from experience that they are both hard working people, but they just can't get the big picture. Those who do are few and far between.

>> No.990983


Better yet, how about Physorg?

>Japan again

Nice try amerifag.

>> No.990984

Jews are middle-eastern, not really European. Also thousands of years of persecution made Jews friggin smart. Same reason niggers in America are so friggin huge.

>> No.990991


thanks for that youtube vid. I always wondered where they kept the proof.

the truth of the matter is this:

every time a japanese student comes to the US, works for 5 years, gets his PHD, then works for 3 years getting a post doc....

getting paid $20k/year (phd) and 30k/year (post doc)...

he is being trained by a white person.

also, his underpaid labor is fueling patents owned by US universities, researchers or companies.

and no. graduate students get nothing. LITERALLY NOTHING of patent income.

so what is REALLY happening, is that the US is getting literally thousands of super cheap researchers and exploiting them like no other.

the cost vs income of a graduate student is comparable to a shoe factor in vietnam.

>> No.990996


no ;_;

>> No.991014

Academia is one giant fucking Ponzi scheme.

>> No.991016


It is. And of the Ponzi scheme, the US is far and away at the top.

>> No.991032


thank god. someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

it is a joke in certain research fields. the "asian post doc" is like a slave laborer.

they dont have friends, they eat at school, live on campus, and finish their work at home.

they get paid <30k/year, and work 70 hours per week.

look up any university in the US. look at the top research groups with the most money.

notice the trend: all of the major researchers have like 12 asian post docs

they are cheap, hard workers. they require zero training and can do the same level of work a graduate student in his 4th year can but starts that way.

they dont have to take classes, defend theses, or perform any other form of educational effort.

they are literally cheap slaves.

but the truth is that they are basically the PI's robotic arms.

do this, do this, then do this, take an NMR of this, and purify this.

they do it. they can analyze spectra, make the usual observations that any undergraduate could perform, etc.

but science requires more than work ethic and technical knowledge.

science requires actual imagination that many people from substantially different cultures do not possess.

this is especially true of chinese and koreans

less so with japanese, and even less so with Indians

(note that the trend is how much of an intrinsically free thinking culture and expansive cultural values)

american born asians are often ridiculously intelligent.

an american or european born Asian, who is exposed to their family's culture, but also to the western culture can often be ridiculously successful

good work ethic, a drive to succeed, but also a very expansive mindset.

>> No.991039

will happen once the pyramid collapses. Education's economic position of being affordable to the masses is the one thing that keeps everything in place. America's school systems have been completely useless for about 20 years, and it's only getting worse as college tuitions take up more and more of the average household's shrinking real wages. TL;DR inb4shitstorm

>> No.991046

Hey, here's a novel idea, why don't we fucking COLLABORATE?

>> No.991050

Race is a cultural concept, as is nationality, you retarded pieces of shit.

>> No.991051

Current supercomputers are as fast as human brains. All that's missing is the right software.

How long will that take? It could take 10, 20, not beyond 30, because by then we'll be able to just copy the brain. Predicting when you'll finish writing some software can not accurately really be done, either in the positive or negative (will be done in X years; will not be done by Y years).

as soon as an intelligent system is made, we put it to work making itself more intelligent. it makes itself more intelligent, and uses its new intelligent to make even more intelligent changes to itself, this cycle progress into omniscience..

>> No.991056

fuck is that?

>> No.991057
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>This is what racists fucks actually believe.

>> No.991058

artificial fusion will never be a viable power source more accurate would be to say in the next 10-15 year total switch to renewable resources and energy sources, in large part solar energy (natural fusion). nanotech including universal assemblers will be within the next 30 years, and transhumanism/teleportation will both come with them (through mind uploading that they will make possible)

>> No.991070

None of this would be a problem if you would just ask your friendly Asian postdoc to do something creative. It's not a lack of ability due to a "nail which sticks out gets hammered down" culture. It's a lack of initiative and a satisfaction with achieving results through applied, albeit repetitive, mental effort. How is a culture which produced Taoism not "free thinking"? We just live in a time when America holds all the wealth and the best and brightest from other countries are satisfied with what to us looks like shit pay.

>> No.991077


Uh, I don't think that's what will happen, honestly. Let's say for arguments sake that this is the truth and American schools stopped functioning outright starting with the year 1980. That's long enough that we'd probably be at the end of our tether about now in terms of brainpower. But achievements and inventions keep pouring forth. And you can flabble about "brain drain other countries china will stop the flow etc" but at the end of the day if the science is being done in the US, the US benefits first and foremost.

>> No.991093

Leave Jews to the money, Blacks to the labor, and Asians for science. Oh yeah Caucs can do our art stuff.

>> No.991095


As an addendum to this, if China or India has to Americanize to beat the US at its own game, who has really won here?

>> No.991111

I'll bet you a dollar that your friendly local school will post this on its doors in ~15 years:
Schools' closed due to the existence of the Internet: the largest collection of human-readable data known to man. Google it, you stupid fucks!

Once quality comprehensive lessons are built for the web that are capable of answering students' questions with a reasonable degree of relevance and accuracy, the school system can officially be renamed "day care and interpersonal relationships center", which is essentially all it's good for right now (at least in the US)

>> No.991115


>> No.991119

Uh... China and India win. Whats the point of having created a culture when you're at the bottom of it? Enjoy being white in an Asian-dominated world, bitch.

>> No.991121


>> No.991125

It's not, in fact it's utterly rediculous. Bad troll! 0/10

>> No.991127

FUCK YEAH!! WE'RE NUMBER 1 (even if we aren't)

>> No.991129


your premise is flawed and you are flawed.

>> No.991143


We're teaching their children, their best and brightest. Their future leaders, engineers, and scientists. And we're giving them great technical knowledge and insight into the world. While gently whispering in their ear "America is great." And you know what? They buy it lock, stock, and barrel. Or hook, line, and sinker depending on your worldview.

How many Hindus and Chinese return to India or China without having given their ideas and wealth to an American company? How many come back out of those who leave?

>> No.991146


Well, everybody is flawed one way or another. How is my premise flawed, though?

>> No.991156

....I don't even know where to begin on how fucking wrong this is.

>> No.991158

How many naturalize and become heads of American companies? America is great? Okay. I become American now. What's that? Hire white guy? No. White guys I used to work for as post-doc are all dumb. I hire more Chinese and outsource. Cost of living lower in my home country. What's that? Americans pissed that I outsource job to more competent and cost-effective laborers overseas? Well too bad! This is America. If you don't like it, you can go back to Europe!

>> No.991170

Did you just refer to people of the Indian Subcontinent as "Hindus" Wow. That really puts everything else you have to say in perspective...

>> No.991176

I'll take that bet.

>the school system can officially be renamed "day care and interpersonal relationships center", which is essentially all it's good for right now (at least in the US)
You mean the lower education system, right? Because this isn't even close to accurate for universities.

>> No.991193


They're about 80% Hindus, but I digress that was the wrong word. Indians, then.

>> No.991197
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>nuclear fusion
>unlimited source of power
>free power for the entire world
Solar, wind, and geothermal never existed.
Power will never be free as long as there are energy companies and oil companies.

>> No.991198

You're also implying that what gets taught to a typical science undergrad shouldn't be taught to every single 14 year old in the country. Classrooms are great for the average student (as long as they're in a classroom setting). They generally make those who are slightly behind fall farther and farther back and bore the shit out of those who are ahead. Web-based individually-paced lessons are WAY better than most classrooms, and they're capable of not being boring. Also, many university profs videotape their lectures and post them online as it is. With technologies such as Google Video entering the mainstream, it's ridiculous to think that we will continue to trudge to stuffy lecture halls instead of retreat into our living areas (which will also eventually become our working areas).

>> No.991201


Some people play it that way, and it works for them. Just know that you aren't going to get a lot of creativity hiring a bunch of drones to do your work, thats all.

>> No.991204

>commercial nuclear fusion
15 years....check
>unlimited power
15 years....check
>unprecedented economic boom
>15 years....maybe

20 years
>molecular assemblers

>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available,

No, not in 20 years.

28 years

I am optimistic

One part of me want to believe that scientific progress will get us through but the pessimist inside me says it wont happen because of arabs spicks and other rednecks.

>> No.991209

You're not going to get a lot of creativity from a generation of kids who don't know the first thing about calculus.

>> No.991211

Why does every thread on /sci/ transform into racist pieces of shit arguing with nationalistic pieces of shit

>> No.991221
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>20 years

>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else
I'm going to try my hardest to make this happen.

>> No.991222


Knowledge of calculus is not required for creativity.

>> No.991229

It'd help if we stopped pretending calculus was some kind of pretentious mystery cult.

>> No.991231
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Nonwhites are a disease on white society that will eventually consume it unless proper action is taken.

>> No.991236


No, you won't get a lot of ability for a person with creativity to do something with his idea without calculus. But not knowing calculus doesn't exclude people from having good ideas.

>> No.991242


I bet you believe in invisible sky magicians too, you neckbeard cunt

>> No.991245


Actually that is quite similar to what I think will happen.

Every now and then you hear impressive stuff being discovered/invented, the future is closer than we think.

>> No.991246


>> No.991253


Predictions suck and are never, ever right.

You just fucked us over.


>> No.991264

You're a good poster, Coffee Mug.

>> No.991269

Chem major here. Uh NOOO. First Nuclear Fusion is already possible via the hydrogen bomb a Fusion reaction triggered from the hear generated from neutron initiated fission reaction of U-235. And we Don't have unlimited energy. In fact I should point out it's impossible to amass infinite energy at least in one place like earth.
Molecular assemblers well I should know more about this considering I'm a nanotech researcher and this is even FARTHER from reality then the fusion power idea MUCH FARTHER. Why? BECAUSE IT'S so DAMNED hard to both VIEW and atom and KNOW where it's going. THE SHIT IS TO SMALL Nanoscale research is hard enough.
Teleportation, Over my head Not a genius.

>> No.991275

>>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available

>> No.991280


>nuclear fusion
We have fusion now. It's just not very good. Certainly not efficient. It'll be more than 15 years before it begins to displace other things.

>unlimited source of power
By which you mean fusion. See above. It's not unlimited, but near enough.

>free power for the entire world
No way. There's a very slight chance we'll have enough power, but we certainly won't have the means or desire to distribute it.

>unprecedented economic boom
Difficult to say.

>molecular assemblers
Not outside of science.

>freedom from the economy
Ahahah, no.

Never going to happen. Given very efficient assemblers you might have near-light speed travel by having said assemblers deconstruct the body and precisely map how it's made, transmit that data to somewhere else, and assemble a new one. This has a whole host of largely irrelevant ethical issues associated, such as: what if you don't take apart the original? Does breaking continuity mean you're a new person?

This is more likely to happen in 20 years than fusion is.

>> No.991294

>doesn't understand what a replicator would entail

>> No.991307

>nuclear fusion
They expect it to become available in ~50 years. We have fusion, but it requires more input than output. Recently, a reactor in Korea broke even. So now they're building ITER in France, and expect it to become available.
>unlimited source of power
Not unlimited, but a lot. We should be careful, a high rate of consumption would, you know, consume all the Hydrogen in Earth's oceans, but that should drive expansion into space and cometary colonies.
>free power for the entire world
Eeeehh, kinda.
>unprecedented economic boom easily 100-1000 greater than any previous
Yes. With enough power the industry can just move forward. Asteroidal mining will become necessary as resources on the continental masses run out. Again, expansion into space for the purpose of old-fashioned strip mining.
>molecular assemblers
Yes. I recently read something, dunno the source, that said they should become available in 20 years. 10 with more money invested into research. 30 if they are harder than expected.
>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else
*Might* happen if the nanorobots are:
1 - Self-replicating
2 - Not fragile (They resist changes in temperature, Brownian motion and radiation)
Possible. Big *if* there. If the teleportation is slower-than-light (And therefore restricted to Earth and the Earth-Moon system), then yes. If FTL, eeehhhhhh don't think so.
On the other hand, wormholes, Alcubierre drive, stuff like that.
Quite likely, almost a definite yes.

>> No.991313


My Darwin that was longer than expected.

>> No.991367


>My Darwin

( ._.)

>> No.991397

>nuclear fusion
>unlimited source of power
>free power for the entire world
If I've learned only one thing about humanity, it's that we instantly expand out to take up slightly more space than we have available to us.

For example: I think we've all been in a situation where our garages, bedrooms, desks, or whatever are just crowded with shit. So what do we do? We buy a bigger desk, build a storage shed, or move into a bigger place. But before we know it, THAT is full too, and we need to repeat the whole thing over again (or just live in clutter, if we don't have the money).

And we're exactly the same with energy consumption. When fusion power plants do become economically viable, there will be an economic boom, but it will be short lived, as we QUICKLY rise to meet the energy surplus. And without some other equally impressive technological breakthrough, we'll be right back where we were in the 2010's-2020's with oil.

>> No.991411


Pretty much.

Time to turn the Moon into a gigantic solar panel.

>> No.991433




Not if we can help it.

>> No.991455

Just being able to look up info doesn't work. You have to instill higher level thinking like critical thinking, analysis, and other stuff. School does that. It's also important in forming social skills as you implied.

>> No.991619

Too optimistic OP.

>> No.991626

I don't think you understand what nuclear fusion entails.


>> No.991749






>> No.991797

This saddens me greatly.
Oil Companies have been fighting hard against nuclear fusion. There are huge cooperations that stand to lose a lot of money with "perfect" technology. It almost brings me to tears to think that there are people fervently fighting against the progression of humanity, and what is worse is that these people already have tons of money and power.

>> No.991809

You're one of the worst kinds of people. I hope you know that.

>> No.991824


lol u mad?

>> No.991826

Wow, you're a self-righteous fuckcunt. Seriously, you're a massive prick who doesn't realize the hypocrisy in this statement.

>> No.991828

I love how that is all anyone can reply with now a days.

>> No.991830

Square all of those values.

>> No.991832

>freedom from the "economy" as we know it

not happening with the amount of pro-capitalism propaganda and the degree of individualism of the people in western civilization

also privitized knowledge will make this process take much longer

>> No.991835

you forgot overpopulation

>> No.991850

theres a lot more business in oil that needs to be taken care of first

>> No.991871


Medfags in here, stat! We've got a case of level 4 butthurt! If we don't do something he's going to start fisting himself AT FULL FORCE!

>> No.991877


yep, u mad. lol

>> No.991892

Like raping our environment till civilization collapses? Man are they useful.
The steps towards saving humanity and ushering a golden age are:
The abolishing of religion. As sad as it sounds, this needs to be done the same way religion speads, through indoctrination, kids need to be learning about science as the primary means for explaining the world at a very early age. This is morally justified simply in the fact that it is correct.

Population control. We are growing to quickly for the planet we have to sustain us, we need to keep our numbers in check for the good of our species. Growing human populations are the greatest threat to local and global environments and stopping it is absolutely key in the preservation of our atmosphere and biodiversity.

Unified government, if not, unified language. Humans need to get over nationalism, it is seriously fucking us up. This goes without saying, even within this thread we see examples of ignorant nationalistic tendencies that lead to insults simply due to ones "nationality."

Further indoctrination or early academics that enforce a species progression mentality that inspires work for the sake of humanity, not personal profit.

These things are not out of the realm of possibility. You can't stop humans from fighting, but a unified government would offer more then enough local and global law enforcement to handle any rebel sects that might arise. Early education is absolutely key to shaping the development of a human personality.

>> No.991929

15 years:
>nothing invented, Science is gagged by patents and religion

20 years:
>nothing invented: science is further gagged

50 years:
>islam is now finally dominating the world. Science is irrelevant.

>> No.992960

15 years
>Unprecedented Depression 10-20 greater than any previous
>Economy and Technology Staggered by Politicians
>Next international war begins
>All tech is further reduced for wars
20 years
>Decayed Progress by first-world being over thrown
>Possible Pandemic (Engineered)
>Every nation reduced to it's second/third world counterpart
28 years
50-70 years

>> No.992996
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>> No.992999


>implying reconstruction could not fully occur within 10 years

>> No.993026

uhhh not sure. All I can say is that Nuclear fusion as a viable energy source is at least 50 years away.

>> No.993028

i would refer you to the wiki article, but you're a faggot

>> No.993030


It's 50 years away, from this point in time. Given the exponential nature of computing power and information it's entirely possible that as time goes forward the amount of time and effort required to achieve a scientific breakthrough is reduced severely. What is 50 years away might only be 10 years away in 5 years.

>> No.993045

15 years

>Acts of terrorism, closer development of fusion

25 years

>Moar terrorism, fusion is further developed

35 years

> Moar terrorism, fusion becomes more efficient

55 years

> Moar terrorism, scientific development becomes irrelevant as markets collapse due to terrorism

>> No.993061

Nuclear fusion won't ever become a major source of energy, because there is no fucking tritium anywhere in the world. Some very small quantities are produced as a by-product of fission, but that's barely enough to use in our current experimental fusion reactors.

>> No.993096


We don't need tritium though, we need He3. Which we could find on the moon or in the local Jovian planets.

>> No.993111
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>fusion and tritium in same sentence
I lol'ed

Only guy who seems to know anything about fusion

>> No.993123


Well don't be too harsh. In a technical sense we need tritium because it decays into He3...unless we just take the He3 from other sources.

>> No.993197


>> No.993247


>nuclear fusion

Not within 20-30 years, we are close, but it is harder then scientists let the general population believe.

>unlimited source of power

Never, but it is possible to create a source of power so profound that it will address the needs of the general population.
Not within 50 years.

>free power for the entire world

Economy doesn't work that way.

>unprecedented economic boom easily 100-1000 greater than any previous

That's pure speculation, it can not be measured, but in ~100 years people WILL live better then we do today.

>molecular assemblers

This may be achieved within ~15 years, however there doesn't seem to be enough interested in THAT subject.


There are up there with FTL traveling, a.k.a for now it is pure speculation.

>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else

Unfortunately an economical model of equality does not work, our current system is probably the best solution (still there is a lot polishing to be done).

>> No.993270

Um guys, remember who we are?

We are the motherfuckers who sustain a population of OVER 6 BILLIONS.

We are so fucking awesome that I can smell an optimistic future.

>> No.993276


HAHAHAHAHA an optimistic point of view leads only to disappointment.

>> No.993282


And yet I am not wrong.

>> No.993292


stop watching spiderman.

you can buy tritium by the fucking liter. my dad's company has a shitload of it.

fusion is NOT hard to achieve.

fusioin is hard to extract energy from.

here is a method to create fusion:

take a very smooth, finely polished (like nanometer polished) titanium dioxide surface.

put it at the end of a long tube.

at the other end of the tube, put a tiny hole in a conductor that separates a container of dueterium gas (D2)

flood the tube with tritium gas until the TiO2 surface has been completely saturated with T2, then evacuate the chamber

apply a 40,000 volt potential (easily achievable) across this device (the anode/cathode are the TiO2 plate and the metal conductor with the small hole)

the potential will ionize and accelerate the D2 at the TiO2 plate.

the impact produces fusion.

my dads company has done this many many many many hundreds of thousands of times.

they did not design the device. they bought it.

>> No.993294

You're just in denial.

>> No.993299


Science-fiction, and that's only from the scientific perspective........

>> No.993300

Oh wow. I didnt even know they had it in the wikipedia entry for Tritium:

"Actuated by an ultrafast switch like a krytron, a small particle accelerator accelerates ions of tritium and deuterium to energies above the 15 keV or so needed for D-T fusion and directs them into a metal target where more tritium and deuterium are adsorbed as hydrides. High-energy fusion neutrons from the resulting fusion radiate in all directions; some strike plutonium or uranium nuclei in the primary's pit, initiating nuclear chain reaction. The quantity of neutrons produced is large in absolute numbers, allowing the pit to quickly achieve neutron levels that would otherwise need many more generations of chain reaction, though still small compared to the total number of nuclei in the pit."

>> No.993306


I should clarify, though that the the point of this device is to generate neutrons.

the company uses the neutrons to detect explosives.

thermal neutrons are absorbed by matter and generate gamma rays.

the gamma rays are detected and can be compared with experimental data to determine the existence of explosives.

it is a prototype detection system that can be used at a distance (at the moment, the distance is very small, like 3 meters, but the money from the government will change this)

>> No.993310


wtf am I reading?

is it a way to make a small quantity of plutonium or uranium go critical, like an atomic hand grenade or something?

>> No.993315

when people normally talk about nuclear fufion, they are referring to the efficient extraction of power from a sustained fusion reaction.

Cmon, use your brain.

>> No.993330


it is a way to generate nuetrons WITHOUT plutonium.

admittedly, the tritium gas you need is just as highly regulated as the plutonium (maybe a bit less, but certainly on the same level)...

the Gammas created are peaked in the Thermal range and in the 11 MeV range.

>> No.993345


too bad computational complexity scales as:

N^7 (good DFT calculations)

N^4 (super approximate Protein calculations)

N can be a variety of things, but it is typically the number of basis functions used in the calculation.

this number is the number of basis functions for each particle in a quantum calculation.

at present time, given a pretty modern cluster, maybe a 64 node dual chip cluster with Scsi interconnects (scsi limits the bottleneck of IP interconnect)....

a 400 atom DFT calculation of a semiconductor would take about 1 month.

>> No.993356


Molecular assembly. Actually there is a shit ton of research in that field.

but no. not 15 years. much longer than that.

15 years is a more realistic time frame to consider as being the point at which true nanotechnology applications see widespread application.

I mean like, nanoparticle based LCD screens, not medicines.

nanomachines are basically science fiction. there are some interesting systems... but nothing really truly mechanical.

there are some interesting bistable molecular switches (rotaxanes and/or catenanes with different functionality at thermodynamically stable points that can cause conformational changes under the influence of external chemical change)

this is, of course, if you discount existing "nano technology"

the most legitimate "nano tech" are "lab on a chip" technologies.

essentially these are semiconductors with organic chemicals attached to the surface that detect changes in voltage or current under the influence of specific chemical reactions of the attached chemicals.

a research group at my school attached a protein that binds to cocaine to a semiconductor.

when the cocaine binds to the protein, it changes conformation.

the detector detects cocaine in nanomolar concentrations.

>> No.993357

I don't understand all the hate transhumanism gets. It's a form of improvement and adaptation, just much more radical that what we're used to.

The only downside I see is possible discrimination where "enhanced" humans are viewed as much more desirable for employment/whatever than normal humans.

>> No.993367

thanks for posting that! very interesting!

>> No.993381


you have to be more specific about "molecular assemblers"

cells are molecular assemblers. proteins synthesize molecules.

they assemble molecules. proteins make other proteins.

proteins are literally machines.

they are the machinery of the human body.

I think what you mean are molecular assemblers applied to non-biological or pharmaceutical applications.

like assembling nanowires, metals, or semiconductors.

the truth is that many research groups have already developed bacteria and virii capable of doing these things.

a long time ago (at least 5 years) a woman was able to develop a virus that would orient itself on a gold contact deposited on a silicon substrate.

the virii would orient themselves regularly. the researchers then "burned" the virii....

the remaining chemical material was used to grow a different semiconductor material on the gold contacts.

that was relatively crude. modern efforts have shown virii and bacteria synthesizing nanowires and nanoclusters.

indeed, Nitrogen fixing bacteria synthesize an FeSMoCo complex (an incredibly large inorganic nanocrystal for a bio system)....

it is almost as if these organisms are synthesizing a nanocatalyst.

>> No.993406

eh, I meant to say that this is really interesting haha

>> No.993455
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oh shit if i had known you'd ask i'd have paid more attention when i was 50 YEARS IN THE FUTURE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! it's hard to predict whats going to happen next week, let alone in 20 years. how ACCURATE?! are you retarded??

>> No.993479

Within the next 20 years
>peak oil
For the rest on the next millennium
>no advances in technology

>> No.993498
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if you know how accurate a prediction is beforehand it wouldn't be a prediction, would it?

>> No.993545
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Peak oil was in 2008 bro


>Beginning around 2005, however, world oil production began to hit a brick wall, and by 2008 global oil demand actually exceeded supply. With only a 2 percent shortfall of supply compared to demand, oil spiked to $147/barrel, and U.S. gasoline prices soared to over $4/gallon.

>In the last few months, there has been a sea change in attitudes about global oil supply among top officials. The U.K. government, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Joint Forces Command, among others, have begun to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation.

>Whatever you call it, there is now a growing official consensus the world faces serious oil supply shortages beginning in the 2011-2015 time frame and continuing

so yeah, we're pretty much fucked, starting next year.

>> No.995713


It probably doesn't help that we're hemorrhaging an Exxon Valdez every day from the Gulf, either.

>> No.995726


>> No.995731

And that's why we will start to move to renewable energy. *puts on shades, smirks*

>> No.995745

Implying everyone on that science team was american.

>> No.995760
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20 years
>molecular assemblers
>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else

...yeah right

>> No.995795

>nuclear fusion
>unlimited source of power
>free power for the entire world
>unprecedented economic boom easily 100-1000 greater than any previous
20 years
>molecular assemblers
>freedom from the "economy" as we know it, everything is freely available, no more rich / poor, every part of the world is as prosperous as anywhere else
28 years
50-70 years