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9928292 No.9928292 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best places to take refuge from incoming climate disaster? I was thinking of Kamchatka.

>> No.9928347

Unless you are planning to live 1500 years, probably you will not need to concern yourself with it that much.
The problem is that it can only be stopped right now, the disastrous effects will not take effect in a thousand years.
It might become a shithole in two hundred years, but some elders that can't afford AC are not a bunker kind of trouble.
Our children's children will be a bit pissed sure, and our children will feel unease as things will obviously worsen, but that aint gonna stop humans being organized freaks.

>> No.9928376

Earth has been warmer in the past. Stop fear-mongering.

>> No.9929648

Rich western countries

>> No.9930463

>What are the best places to take refuge from incoming climate disaster?
Anywhere where people will accept your money.

>> No.9930467
File: 36 KB, 623x374, earthchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left wing is better than the right wing. No exception.

>> No.9930498

>Earth has been warmer in the past.
And? It's the speed of the warming that matters. If current rates continue, we won't have time to adapt.


>> No.9930505

Yeah, you're right. There will be absolutely no change to global civilization no matter how high the ocean rises, or how many species go extinct, or how many places become unlivable due to the heat, or how much less food gets produced. Everything will be just fine

>> No.9930511

climate change isn't real

[math]\color{red}{\text{(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)}}[/math]

>> No.9930512
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In the absolute worst case, there are a number of proposed geoengineering methods that could block any plausible warming effect, for surprising reasonable amounts of money. High altitude sulfur aerosol injection would be one method, that gets mentioned a lot. Another would be marine cloud brightening, which would use automated wind powered barges to spray fine sea salt into the air, increasing reflective cloud cover. This method has the advantage in that sea salt would be very benign, while the sulfur method would have to be carefully managed to not cause excessive acid rain. Exhaust from existing shipping is already increasing cloud formation, creating a minor cooling effect.

Another option would be solar shades; if Ol'Musky delivers cost-wise with the BFR, setting up a reflective material in orbit to cancel global warming becomes doable; granted it would be expensive, but possible.

>> No.9930521

climate change isn't real

>> No.9930529


>> No.9930537

this doesnt work on sci my gay friend

>> No.9930540


You are asking for it.

Also, data does not lie.
Climate is changing (and it always has been).

The questions remaining are:
>Did we cause it?
>Can we reverse it?
>Can we survive it?

Personally, I don't give a fuck and truly want to see the world burn before I die.

>> No.9930564

>solar shades
>expensive, but possible.
nah, to reduce sunshine by 2% you need a shade the size of fucking India

>> No.9930565

> If current rates continue, we won't have time to adapt.
>Yeah, you're right. [a whole lot of sarcastic drivel]
Kill yourselves you fucking tosspots.

>> No.9930615

the afterlife

>> No.9930621

>No rebuttal of any kind to a factually true statement
Why do you even bother?

>> No.9930649

You made no factually true statements. You're regurgitating alarmist, fear-mongering claptrap.

>> No.9930748

Have you considered using data to prove us wrong?

>> No.9930758

Now it's getting very obvious that you might just be paid to post here.

>> No.9930762

The right thinks the world is ending because fags can marry and muh jesus.
The left thinks the world is ending because we're doing fuck all to mitigate the existential risks we've created for ourselves.

>> No.9930767

You can probably stay where you are, finnfag

>> No.9931038

Too much population already and all the southerners will first head here when the situation gets bad.

>> No.9931095

If you insist, you can just move to northern Finland. Property is cheap up there so it's possible that you could buy a place to live in advance and then just make a plan of action to move there quickly once things start heating up.
That is, if you actually believe there's a significant risk that things will get that bad in your lifetime.

>> No.9931096

Not in human history.

>> No.9931114

It was during the neolithic- and bronze age.

>> No.9931125

the far north or far south, but hope you don't like fish, we're going run out of salt water fish soon due to population collapse and the ocean's chemistry changing

>> No.9931128

I'd tell you but I don't want you as a neighbor.

>> No.9931132


>> No.9931151
File: 167 KB, 464x372, ul53a6d48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct, you would need a shade (or more accurately a giant collection of smaller shades, that do some fancy solar sail/ion drive tricks to reach L1 & station keeping) that size, at an estimated 20 million tons, but if the BFR hits its goal launch cost of $7 million, and needs 133,333 launches (at 150 tons per launch) the total launch cost for such a swarm would be less than $1 trillion.

Add in $500 billion for the costs of building the shades, and the total project cost would be $1.5 trillion, or $75 billion a year for 20 years. As I said, expensive, but something that the US, EU, or China could afford on their own, or some sort of joint project could be done.

Some of the other methods would be even cheaper; the lower end estimates for using sulfur aerosols put the price at $10 billion a year; that is at the point where Brazil or Indonesia could fund & implemented it if they wanted.

>> No.9931194

So you have no arguments and you're a mouth breathing retard. Got it.

>> No.9931197

Fuck you, nigger

>> No.9931210

I don't agree with your politics just because denialtards exist.

>> No.9931230

I wasnt that anon genius, however it is obviously true that there would be changes to global civilization if the ocean rises, many species become extinct, or temperature changes dramatically. It is also demonstrably true that if an organisms environment changes too drastically, too quickly it cant adapt and it dies out. Both of these points are demonstrably true via historical data, yet you claim the contrary. Make a rebuttal or fuck off.

>> No.9931270

>133,333 launches

1 per day would take 365 years
great plan

>> No.9931349

That's very different from saying "we're doomed".

>> No.9931371

"Doom" and "depressing and bleak" with irreversible changes that will persist for thousands or millions of years aren't very far apart, semantically.

>> No.9931376

It isn't even certain if these changes are "depressing and bleak" (some possible negative effects might be counterbalanced by positive ones, like the Sahara turning green for example), or for how long they will persist (and whether that is good or bad).
Stop masquerading ideology for science. If you can't do that, just fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.9931391

You'll have to forgive me. My knowledge causes me to express my opinions in most forums. I wasn't aware /sci/ was held to the high standard of dispassionately discussing empirical evidence and theory.

Biodiversity loss is irreversible on anything less than "several hundred thousand years" timescales, or usually millions of years. Hothouse earth is irreversible for at least a few thousand years and probably much longer. Topsoil erosion is irreversible for at least 500-10k years. All of these are happening at an outrageous pace, and apparently will not be addressed until a lot of people start dying of starvation.

>> No.9931402

>It isn't even certain, therefore I can make up whatever I want and ignore what scientists are saying.

>> No.9931420

>Sahara turning green
the Sahel, not the Sahara, it won't be human livable due to lightbulb effect though.

Really this, and it's already happening in full force. It's probable that salt water staple fish will disappear from menu within a decade due to population collapse and increased price for the average person.
The whole agri issue is another factor, that alone is going to collapse entire regions of the globe, there's already way too many people for the arable land we have, we're simply using it too much

Not to mention the recent find that CFCs have been buttfucking the ozone layer since no one adhered to the actually banning of them

>> No.9931434

or, you know, we could just address the problem directly by not making so much fucking pollution

>> No.9931436
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Job 34:22

There is no deep shadow, no utter darkness,
where evildoers can hide.

>> No.9931466
File: 25 KB, 550x543, 1533559457693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck can we do about overpopulation? china and africa are just getting bigger and bigger

>> No.9931467

no new born till 2100

Also Why the fuck is so HOT

>> No.9931475

What do we do about people still driving cars every day? Pick-ups and SUVs at that.

>> No.9931510
File: 48 KB, 329x499, 51baoEVDKJL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dude don't worry it's been going great, in fact we're going to space!

>> No.9931537

Africa will be China's China. Let's hope the Chinese keep repopulating with their high IQ and the whites die out from all the nigger blood in them.

>> No.9931971

nothing, depopulation and mass die off will handle most of it

>> No.9931990


>> No.9932097

lel fail

>> No.9932102

They’re slowing down. They’re just earlier in the process than the West - but it will happen to them too.

But hundred starving Africans cause less damage to the environment than one American in their SUV at the McDonald’s drive through.

>> No.9932117

Any country near the arctic (Canada, Russia, Greenland, etc.) Stay away as far as you can from countries near the equator (Those are the countries that are truly screwed.)

>> No.9932125

there are no effective ethical solutions to overpopulation

>> No.9932240

Ethics are subjective. What you are saying is just that there is no way to lower the population without lowering the population.

>> No.9932598

Production line, 19 launch pads.

>> No.9932647

I don't think you're representing either position particularly well and you seem like an ideologue

>> No.9932671

kys fag

>> No.9932706

no u

>> No.9932813

Those anons didnt say "were doomed" that was your inference. You didnt actually read what they wrote, you read what you wanted to read and created an argument. Then when confronted by this demonstrable fact you label me a fear monger. You are the worst kind of intellectually dishonest cretin.

>> No.9932825

Maybe you should pay attention to the train of discussion.

>> No.9933009


>> No.9933010

That's the solution? Wait for more babies?

>> No.9933122

Well obviously you would need more than one BFR. A thousand of them flying every two or three days would be adequate. As I said, expensive, but still possible. There are about a 100,000 commercial flights a DAY, after all, so adding 300 to 400 BFR flights isn't that far-fetched.

>> No.9933176

Sadly, that doesn't seem viable at this point; replacing all (or at least most) fossil fuels in the world would be extremely expensive, more so even the $1.5 trillion sunshade plan, much less the cheaper options. For example, 88 million cars were sold in 2016; even if fully electric cars were only $1000 more per car than current gas ones, well that would be an extra $88 billion a year. And that would just a start to getting rid of co2 emissions; you still need to worry about all the power plants.

Plus reducing emissions requires large scale international cooperation, that in the face of large scale incentives to simply cheat, and growing third-world populations that want AC & cars, are unlikely to be enforceable. The geoengineering plans can be done by a single nation, or small group of countries, which makes them politically a lot easier to accomplish.

>> No.9934176

>the entire cost of the war on terror vs human extinction
I’m sure it will get it’s funding if not more

>> No.9934191

I’ve been a car enthusiast my entire life, but nothing makes me rage more than people who own F150’s, Hummers, and SUV’s that don’t need them. I get it if you’ve got six kids and you need a minivan, in that case it’s fine because you’re carpooling a lot of people, or you’re running a business and need a truck, or if you’re driving an armored hummer in the army because you need to protect yourself from bullets and bombs, but I rage every time I see some fatass or hillbilly in an F150, a single child family with a minivan just so they’re spoiled son can watch Disney in the backseat, or some asshole with a small penis overcompensating for driving a hummer. Burning gas just to burn it. What a waste

>> No.9934198

>Guys, we need to keep fighting Darwinism and natural selection! We settled all these places we shouldn't have and now we're paying the price for it! Think of all the poor animals you've never seen outside of a zoo!

>> No.9934207

I want to get out of my car and drag whoever drives one of those godawful trucks right out of the driver side and beat the shit out of them

>> No.9934315

back to twitter faggot

>> No.9934365
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Oh no, looks like we have a real tough guy right here.

More seriously though, telling people they have to make major changes to their lifestyle (have to drive a smaller car, if you get to drive one at all, have to have a smaller house or apartment, eat less meat, ect and so on) is why trying to deal with global warming by emissions reductions ends up so unpopular. Especially when it might not actually accomplish anything if other countries continue to increase emissions. That is another reason why I think geoengineering will end up being the solution; telling people that they don't have to make major changes, but just pay a bit more in taxes/make some minor spending cuts elsewhere will end up being a lot more popular politically.

>> No.9934379

Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Siberian Russia, South American Patagonia, New Zealand, Antarctica coasts will be the desired places to be in the second half of the 21st century.

>> No.9934749

what if one explodes though.

>> No.9935275

So you are ok with rolling the dice that geo engineering on the scale we would need it will become available before catastrophic damage and/or loss of life and environment occurs rather than putting down the fork? Our species doesnt deserve to survive if this is actually representative of our collective will.

>> No.9935461
File: 192 KB, 578x407, Screen-Shot-2018-03-30-at-9.00.52-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not so much willing to roll the dice rather simply recognizing that the choice is simply to roll the dice or not play at all. You simply aren't going to get enough people to put down the fork in the time scales necessary, so to speak. The only realistic way I see to cut CO2 emissions quickly enough would be if some breakthrough like cheap fusion power happened.

>> No.9935495

>We won't have time to adapt
That's where you're wrong bucko. I for one look forward to our future as mole people.

>> No.9935563

i am going to hide in the freezer