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9925464 No.9925464 [Reply] [Original]

One day I will sit down and finish writing an op so we can avoid all the "how do I get internship/job/etc" and "is XE a meme?" questions.

What are you currently working on or studying at work/school or for your personal hobby?

Hope the job hunt/school/work went well today.

>> No.9925465
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>First semester of college starts in a week
babby becomes an enjewneer!

>> No.9925508

>tfw having to play the Capital vs Expense shell game to get projects funded

It's fun when I actually get to do engineering but fuck me if I don't have to slog through a mile of business man bullshit to get there.

>> No.9925670

Posted this in the last thread just before it 404'd.

>I want to work in a project for those sweet resume points and experience. I don't have a particular project of my own, so should I just show up at one of the labs at my department and start talking to people that are working there? Or should I go talk with a professor and ask him if he's supervising a project and if I can join in?

EE undergrad btw. Help me, I'm kinda autistic for these things.

>> No.9925675

What the fuck is engineering physics?

>> No.9925679

1. research what your professors are researching. have a good idea of what each of them is doing outside of teaching

2. go talk to them and ask them about their research. pretend you know nothing about it, ask leading questions you know they can answer. feign some interest if you need to.

3. ask him if he needs any help

>> No.9925704
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Is it worth it to go into petrol nowadays?

>> No.9925756
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>looking through requirements database to fix an issue with the color of a background when sailor saves a flight path for a missile
>The system shall display faggotry in accordance with navy tech memo blah blah blah
>try to backtrack it to software requirements, nope
>look on our shared contractor Navy site, nope
>email our lead engineer, nope
>email the Navy's liaison with us, nope

They don't tell you how much stuff like this an engineering job entails in school.

>> No.9925831

Is anyone here a Penn State alumni/student? I'm planning on going there but I'm not exactly sure what program I should do, do any of them stand out? (I was thinking about biomed but fuck that, I'm probably going to revert back to EE)

>> No.9925904

Interviewing at a national lab for a position within a weapons engineering division.
Just finished an internship at a defense contractor.
Going into my last semester as a Mech E, looking forward to being done.

>> No.9925938

>Capital projects group manager throws up all these bullshit requirements just before turnaround to torpedo a project I put a bunch of work into which was like 99% ready to go
>Pulls some new """small""" project out of his ass instead and expects me to drop all my shit and work on it while also not assigning any of his own people to do their part
I would probably fucking kill myself if I was a project manager.

>> No.9925961


>> No.9925963
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>torpedo a project I put a bunch of work into which was like 99% ready to go

delet this

>> No.9926322

>not wanting to be a baby killer

>> No.9926702
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How do I get into working with CPUs, and microelectronics/nanoelectronics, designing chips etc? Wanna work with making/designing PC components and such

Digital circuits path or IC's or embedded systems? All of them perhaps?

Got a Bs.c. in electronics engineering and doing masters in cybernetics with 2 or 3 free subjects i can pick whatever i want, what should i pick for my goal?

>> No.9926725

I don't know anything about that field, but I can promise you meeting the right people will help you more than a couple of electives will. I have some friends from college who weren't really spectacular students or anything but they're working at Samsung's foundry in Austin because one of them had a relative there and once he was in he got his buddies in too. Go to socials and talk to your peers and your professors, go to career fairs, go to events hosted by your professional organization which I'm guessing would be IEEE.

>> No.9926985

Need some advice. I'm transferring in Spring to finish my Junior and Senior year as an EE. What can I do in these last 2 years to better my chances at graduating and finding a really good job that pays extremely well? I haven't decided which discipline to fall under. Which one is more in demand and would get me more cash?

>> No.9927002

Here's genuine advice: never, under any circumstances refer to yourself as an engineer until you actually get a job working as one.

>> No.9927046

>phone interview 2 hours ago
>official job offer 15 minutes ago
l8r job virgins

>> No.9927061

Whatd you apply for and what questions did they ask?

>> No.9927067

They offered you a job after a phone interview? You haven't been there in person?

>> No.9927262

It was a job in aerospace. They asked me to talk about my dissertation research I had listed on my CV. After that a bunch of their engineers asked me a bunch of technical questions - the stuff they are working on is very close to my current research. Was pretty much a condensed dissertation defense. Didn't get to the point where it felt like they were trying to farm me for information though. I recognized one of the guys name on the line as someone who holds a patent in direct competition with one of mine - different process to achieve same goal.
I was pleasantly surprised there were no boomer questions like "why do you want to work for us in particular" or "what is your biggest weakness" etc.
Yes and yes. I realize this probably isn't typical but I have a skillset that perfectly matched what they were looking for.

>> No.9927350

Once you get past a certain level of technical competency, the cringey song and dance for getting hired goes away. I’ve gotten job offers from very casual phone conversations where I send in a resume as a formality. Welcome to the club, nigga. You made it.

>> No.9927553

How do I make it?

>> No.9927692

Just be yourself :^)

>> No.9927695

Happened to me, but I was hired during finals week when they were rushing to find a summer co-op.

>> No.9927788

No one cares what your specialty is in undergrad.If you don't know which one is right for you, then get internships in different fields and try to see them from an insider's perspective. (Talking with current employees helps here)

>> No.9927855

Maybe I should just give up on getting a job
90% of what I apply to the job status never changes so who the fuck knows what's going on

>> No.9927930

Thanks anon, I'll take that advice. Out of common sense I have never said I was an engineer to anyone, so when I actually learn a thing or two I might say I'm an engineering student.

>> No.9927933

To any engineer. I need help with this dumb question.
So i have one stupid question. How do you get the value of the interval on the x-axis. For example Im doing the simpsons, trapezoidal rule. So naturally you need to find the interval value that you will plug into your ((b-a/2n)(f(x0)+f(x1)..etc). you know how if you have the interval from x{0,2} when n=4 you have the interval 1/2,1,3/2,2. how do you formulate those number. Help

>> No.9927938

Homework help belongs on >>>/wsr/

Stop being a brainlet and get real help from your prof

>> No.9927948

Don't listen to that retard, your engineering professors will call you engineers, people at career fairs will call you it's a stupid piece of autism that you'll only find among the hyper autists on here.

>> No.9927958

yall fucking engineers and cant help me with this fairly simple question. answer should be like 4 lines

>> No.9927966

Goddamn I hate boomer interview questions. Last year I had a phone interview and the dude starts off "Hey anon me and a couple of my colleagues are here with me today and we're gonna be conducting the interview. So uhh what motivates you?" and I literally just sat there surprised they could think of a question so retarded.

>> No.9927970

fuck off brainlet. the first thing an engineer learns is to not solve problems for free. paypal me $60 and we can talk.

>> No.9927975

lol i would pay that for your mom. i can figure this shit out by myself faggt

>> No.9927989

Just because a bunch of retards does it doesnt make it right. Being an engineer means you work as an engineer.

>> No.9928090

>being mad because no one wants to help you
>”wow you guys can’t help me? Youre sooo dumb”

>> No.9928103

>daaddy who makes the bombs, are they people?

>> No.9928235

Okay kill yourself you cancerous piece of shit.

>> No.9928241

Anybody has any thoughts on Biomedical Engineering in the US? Im thinking to switch to that. I just got my AA on biology and was thinking about switching to BME

>> No.9928331

As i enter my last 2 years as an undergrad, can i have some good advice to get ready for when i graduate? If it helps, I am studying to become an electrical engineer. Probably emphasis on DSP, although i want to do more research on the other disciplines.

>> No.9928401

Best language to learn as an engineer to communicate across different countries? Japanese? French? Punjabi?

>> No.9928513


But really, totally depends on your field and what specific companies you want to work for/with

>> No.9928920
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What are some notable (and also more obscure) field/technical jobs you've had or heard about that relate to engineering, whether it be in your field of study or another? Something that on occasion or frequently gets you out of the office and into the field, or very least the lab.

>> No.9928927

Thank you for posting a decent OP.

I'm working on a new surface structure that is homological to real Gibbs energies, but allows for easier optimisation.

Mostly applied to phase equilibrium calculations for fitting complex models to data.

I hope to apply it in drug discovery eventually.

>> No.9929069

Did any of you ever get your undergrad research paper published? Was it any use?

>> No.9929241
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EE and IE dual major here. What are some jobs i could do that involve both fields? Right now i'm in my uni's research group about solar energy, where i'm learning about the panels design, technicals aspects (EE) and the manufacturing and energy costs (IE). Any other ideas?

>> No.9929263

It's never not useful to publish anything.
t. one undergrad pub

It's useful for any encounter where you're trying to prove you're useful because you can explain different parts of the work to different people where relevant, and the best part is they're never going to actually read it anyway, they just go wow and if they really care they might read the abstract.
The ONLY time they'll read anything is if
1. they actually like you as a person and have some free time and want to discuss the paper with you later
2. the work is their exact expertise and they're secretly checking it to criticize it

>> No.9929406

Oh yeah I forgot about that
I'll find out in a month, there's little chance of our paper getting published though.

>> No.9929663

how is the architecture field? I'm an EE intern doing power systems for buildings and lighting, and it's a good gig aside from shit pay, but its boring as fuck. i honestly could have done this in high school. I might take the offer to work when i graduate because the vacation is good, but idk

>> No.9929843

If its the only offer you get then take it, it will help you buff your resume to get a better job in the future

>> No.9929918

Do it. Jump ship after 2-3 years into a better position. Just don’t let your skills get rusty.

>> No.9929951

So I am about done with my mechanical engineering degree and I'm not quite sure what the fuck I'm gonna do outside of college. Feel like I should quit my grocery job and work on some personal projects to buff up my resume since I haven't had any internships still. Only have my senior project under my belt.

Advice? Worried about the job market.

>> No.9929953

I work in the semiconductor industry making wafers for "quantum" computers. AMA

>> No.9929959

u fucked

>> No.9929965

nobody is going to hire somebody with a biology degree to be an engineer.

>> No.9929990
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so get this m8, you are going to do an internship. i don't care if they don't call it that, but you are going to do 2 years of eating shit as the bottom guy at some literally who company. probably doing HVAC or something else equally banal. very few get out of having to do this. you should have done it during college when it was only your summers. now you got to do it all year. lmao.

>> No.9930017

>How is XE?

-Biomed and Aerospace
niche as fuck, and the two most competitive engineering fields. airplane and android/cyborg autism is so fucking powerful that guys will work for peanuts just to put their hands on the technology. i hope you got a masters.

-Mechanical, Electrical, Civil
the holy fuckin' trinity of civilized society. do something blue collar like water, power, or HVAC and you will live that 30 yo boomer upper middle class life. specialize with a masters+ if you think you can become a real expert.

i hope you can find a factory or something thats not oil and gas. sorry.

-Mining and Petroleum
think about the places these resources are and you will understand why it pays so good. be prepared to wait a few years to catch the industry on an upswing for that high pay.

>meme shit like mechatronics or environmental
dude what are you doing? this should be something you study in grad school. don't do this for undergrad

nothing really to say because if you are doing nuclear you probably already know.

>> No.9930037

Since it has such a high turnover rate does that mean field engineering is an easy job to get?

>> No.9930038

yeah. you really that guy tho?

>> No.9930041

That guy?

>> No.9930047

that guy who doesn't mind being on the road all the time and working in kind of shitty, unpredictable conditions.

>> No.9930048
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Man, we really need to get a good OP going.

>> No.9930061

Classical physics, but for retards

>> No.9930070

If I get job as engineer, will all my coworks be shitskins?

>> No.9930073

its what you take as an undergrad to hedge your bets against failing out of a physics PhD program. it also allows you to acquire a PE sometime throughout your career.

>> No.9930076

how many of your classmates are shitskins?

>> No.9930080

maybe half, but H-1Bs are a thing

>> No.9930087

Did any of you go abroad for masters? How was your gre,TOEFL?

>> No.9930088

Probably not, actually very likely not, but it's worth a shot. Hard to tell though, all the experiences I read are so varied. Also it's hard to figure out exactly what is the level of difficulty of whatever the fuck it is exactly that they do.

>> No.9930112

Nah what you see in school is about parity

>> No.9930125

I haven't been able to get one around here. I don't mind eating shit if it pays off, but I didn't have a very compelling resume because I missed all of the project classes people take since I transferred, so I haven't even been able to get my foot in the door for anything

>> No.9930129

I don’t know if you noticed but you don’t have a very compelling resume right now either.

>> No.9930145

Do...do industrial engineering!

>> No.9930151

It's much more compelling than it used to be. I have more projects and skills on it than I used to, learned formatting, etc. Basically the past year I crammed in all the project classes I wasn't able to get in.

>> No.9930178
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Which country are you from?Living in?

What specifically do you do in a day?

Hows the pay?

Whats your educational background?

>> No.9930198

I'm [spoilers]Hispanic[/spoilers] but my coworkers are like 90% white men. There's an Indian engineer in another department. There's a couple of engineers who are white women, my manager is also a white woman. The operators are 99% white boomers with a couple of Hispanics and blacks. I&E techs are mostly white males, other craftsmen are mostly hispanic males.

But this is also at a chemical plant so the demographics skew towards mostly boomer rednecks, if you get an office job it might be different. My college classmates were like 50% women and no single majority of any race.

>> No.9930892

Remember to avoid the nuclear industry like the plague!

>> No.9931068

>My college classmates were like 50% women
the only engineering discipline I could imagine where that could be the case is biomedical

>> No.9931126

>metal coatings of silicon wafers of varying thickness and refractive index
>started at over 68k+ out of uni
>chem eng

>> No.9931131

It was chemical engineering, but I was exaggerating a bit. I just looked up the actual statistics for my school, in Fall 2017 chemical engineering was around 36% female. 24% white, 4% black, 29% asian, 16% hispanic, 3% multiracial, .003% native american, and 21% international students. For whatever reason the race of international students isn't included, so most of that 21% is probably Chinese grad students which would make Asians the largest group.

Biomedical did have the highest proportion of women of all the engineering departments at 43%.

>> No.9931134

Fellow britbongs - which uni out of Southampton, Leicester or Surrey should I do my Space Engineering masters at?

>> No.9931139

>Try to keep the piece of shit production unit running (it's a specialty process, an intermediate for making a pesticide), do process engineering design for capital projects, do paperwork and jump through hoops for environmental reporting and OSHA PSM stuff.
>$86k starting
>BS in chemical engineering

>> No.9931163

Anyone have any experience getting into engineering with a Physics/Math degrees? Anyone have any advice? This job hunting season has been shit and I've gotta be doing something wrong cause after 200+ applications I've had 4 interviews total.

>> No.9931180

>having any sort of aerospace industry post-brexit

>> No.9931378

How do I tell my career center to get me a job.

>> No.9931383

You go there and they help you present your best self.

>> No.9931405
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I don't give a shit about anything besides doing drugs, shitposting, anime, masturbating, and vidya, so I went with engineering because it seemed like a decent path to take

>> No.9931413
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this post is me: >>9929663
almost all my coworkers are white men, except for like 2 people who i don't really work with much. my boss and coworkers are pretty sexist and based and non-pc, so it's a good work environment

only problem is that I make 12$ an hour, although it's my first job and I have a shit gpa (~2.75) because of depression, adhd, and medical problems. so, I'm not too unhappy with it. I might take a 5th year to get my gpa up and try to branch into something more challenging after I get my PE.
it just feels kinda bad to be making 10 an hour after taxes after 3 years of study

>> No.9931421

For my department of about 700 people it is approximately the following:

>70% White
>20% Indian
>9% Asian
> <1% Black and Hispanic
>70% men, 30% women

>> No.9931427

here's mine:
60 people
90% men (reception, HR, architects)
97% white

>> No.9931431


high purity cryogenic fluids. i have an N2 distillation plant that i manage. i also pick up some of the other engineers stuff when they go on vacation. very comfy.

>> No.9931446

Who the fuck does this? I've been at this shit for a couple years now and I have never referred to myself or heard anyone refer to themselves as an engineer. The closest any of us have come is saying something like, "I'm studying engineering," or "I'm an engineering student."

>> No.9931449

None of my engineering professors have referred to me as anything other than my name. Where the hell do you people go to school?

>> No.9931455

>tfw as a postgrad I called a collaborator "Doctor"
>He told me only undergrads need to use his title, engineers can call him by his name
>tfw I still feel like I'm just a researcher and not a real engineer

>> No.9931465


>> No.9931472

Is it hard finding internships? 2 more years in college and I haven’t applied to any yet. Will try now, though. Are there paid internships or will I be working for free? Are they usually in the morning, thus forcing me to take classes at night? Would this mean I have to quit my current job at starbucks?

>> No.9931478


>> No.9931562

Do internships during the semester not exist or something?

>> No.9931585

Typically an internship is during the summer and a co-op is during the school year, but they're the same thing. You really need to do at least one or two internships/co-ops as soon as possible because if not you're going to have a much harder time getting a job later. Assuming you're in the US they will be paid if it's in industry, don't fall for any unpaid internship scams. Pay varies a lot for internships but it'll probably be more or a lot more than Starbucks anyway, and even if it isn't an internship is going to be a million times more valuable to your career.

Schedules for co-ops vary and some companies are more flexible than others. Some companies force you to not take any classes and work full-time for a semester, others work around your class schedule. You'll have to work out with them something that works for you, and although it isn't ideal to miss a whole semester for a full-time co-op it might be worth it.

>> No.9931635

This pls

>> No.9931638

Major? Location?

>> No.9931665

Mechanical engineering. I’m in the US, rather not say where.

>> No.9931674

I'm starting robotics bachelors study in a few weeks. Anyone know what the job situation for that is in Europe or elsewhere?
Any tips on what I should focus on (ai, kinematics, materials)?
I know it seems like a meme degree to the americans, but the job offerings in my country don't demand specific degrees typically, just that the person has technical knowledge and the relevant certs.

>> No.9931694

It is a meme degree. How about you focus on one of those topics instead?
>I want to learn the bare minimum across CS, ME, and MSE and make that into a degree

Computer Science will give you a better edge

Mechanical Eengineering will give you a stronger foundation

Material Science Engineering will give you a stronger foundation

>> No.9931705

The job market isn't as tight here, so everyone doesn't have to super specialize in specific areas in order to fit into huge and rigid corporations.
My ambition is to learn as much as possible in multiple areas in order to synergize them into wholesome product ideas.
I think robotics will give me a good foundation to plug additional masters degree level knowledge into, later in life.

>> No.9931755


>> No.9931763

3d printers maybe?

>> No.9931768

fuck man, is it really that bad? i know it's on the decline, but there isn't any level of engineering or optimism in reactor and plant design that can possibly save it?

>> No.9931770

It's all politics, so can't predict much.
Maybe once the renewable energy hype dies down, when people realize how many resources are needed to offset global warming, they'll look towards nuclear energy again.
I've read about the potential of small reactors, which would be easier to finance and would be a great help for nations that are having trouble with maintaining or setting up centralized energy grids in the developing world.

>> No.9931771
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>Computer Science will give you a better edge


>> No.9931779

lets not pretend any engineering major goes beyond intro to C or Matlab. And before someone says it "software" engineers are not engineers.

>> No.9931797

>if they don't learn it in school, they can never learn it

kek maximus

>> No.9931815

Why are you being so autistic? Do you really believe any XE is more qualified than a CS for an AI job competing right as a new grad?

Obviously anyone can learn to program but do you really think an XE has the better skillset than the CS? Engineering students take 2-3 extra math classes in undergrad than CS.

>> No.9931898

What I can honestly say is that if you went to a mediocre state uni for EE, you won't find a job anytime soon, even with perfect grades and projects.

EE loves school name.

>> No.9931920

how long have you been looking and how many apps?

>> No.9932096

While your average CS major is a dork because everyone wants the CS money,. a CS major at a good school who either double majors in math or minors has a pretty big skillset. It's not a
"learn to code major." If you're at a proper non brainlet school, you're already taking your classes from the math department, it's not super easy, and it's more a degree in solving hard problems. It's less physical than traditional engineering, but a lot of the work you get after a bachelor's (HPC, scientific computing, crypto systems, compiler design and implementation, GPU programming, etc.) is more familiar than it is unfamiliar.

There are few things I'd consider software engineering (as actual engineering), but the above work (especially compiler implementation and OS work where you have to make decisions on routing, buses, real time constraints, etc) is mostly close if not engineering behind the bullshit.

t. CS/math double major who did embedded work, did grad school for EE, and now makes dream amounts of money

This same thing applies to CS majors. Knowledge isn't locked behind the name of a major

>> No.9932105

graduated winter, so 6 months.

300 something

>> No.9932115

you didn't have any internships did you?

>> No.9932136

redpill me on lying about internships

>> No.9932145

you're fucked man

>> No.9932215

so i want to go with a second career as my marketing career get me 0 jobs 0 income

i want to go with industrial and administration engineering but i have -5 to 0 skills on maths, like i remember no shit about maths anons, can i make it?

im 27 years old for reference

>> No.9932219

of course not, since once again, mediocre uni

>> No.9932230

Honestly, no.

>> No.9932239


can you elaborate on your answer, just a "no" doesnt give me anything

>> No.9932259

>mediocre uni
now you are just making excuses. i guarantee you there was some small time general contractor or CNC job shop that could have used a bitch boy around the office.

>> No.9932260

Can I make dreams amount of money with EE degree?

>> No.9932331

If you work hard, are passionate enough to take risks, and don't shit on other majors. Seriously, that last part will bite you in the ass. I see passionate (and intelligent/knowledgable) CS people change the game while some EE boi thought he was above it because he took an extra signal processing class (that was more a status symbol more than something that he enjoyed learning)

The best piece of advice I can really give you in these trying times is to be humble and passionate. It'll work out, but you have to be patient and work hard.

>> No.9933789


>> No.9933974

I recently managed to get an interview with a company (mechanical designer) but they told me I would be a "better fit" at a different location (their HQ) and I told them sure. Turns out that the "better fit" was as a sales engineer. I hate dealing with people, specifically customers so would it be wise to bail out or to take the interview and see what happens? Would be my first engineering job out of college

>> No.9934027

Kek, you make your gay little bombs, let them sit in a warehouse for a decade and then I'll design a machine that de-militarizes them

>> No.9934138

You should honestly talk to your microelectronics professors, a lot of them have connections in the industry and if they like you they pass on the word to you or offer you an intership cus their buddy needs intern or something.

One of my professors knows people at intel and gave out 2 internships to people in her class. I didn't have her that semester, but I know the people that got the internships at intel because she referred them. Pretty based.

>> No.9934156

Do you guys use general ed classes to boost your GPA's? My gpa in the school of engineering is kinda shit, so I'd like to use the couple of upper division gen. ed's I have to boost that.

>> No.9934165

All your classes should be used to boost your GPA. Pick easy Gen Eds if you are super desperate for A's.

>> No.9934172
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>sales engineer

gross. i mean, if you're good at it, its great money. but still gross.

don't turn down the interview though, the practice is always good. if you really don't want the job just high ball them on salary requirements and commission percentages. if they say yes, get paid son.

>> No.9934247
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So can i just try and get an internship next summer when i graduate and then be fine? Or should i just try and gun for a full time position? I got too depressed to apply for an internship for the summer and i don't wanna get fucked by not finding a new position

>> No.9934268

If you start applying now then you should definitely have a full time job by the time you graduate

>> No.9934273

i hope your other browser window is Indeed.

>> No.9934288

hey! so I'm new around here, and next year I will start an engineering course (civil engineering) in university. what should I expect?

>> No.9934295
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>starts next year
>doesn't already have a portfolio and two internships under his belt

lmao look at this dude.

>> No.9934388

>mfw I took a Heidegger philosophy class AND a postmodern peotry class the same semester and they both destroyed my GPA

They've been my worst course grade in like... ever

>> No.9934396

Job searching is my full time job, i just don't know what i should be looking for. Guess i could also look for a co op

>> No.9934422

>that humanities professor who has a hard on for showing STEM students just how brutal their field can be

like, c'mon rose why you gotta be like that?

>> No.9934424

Does Indeed even work? Do any online job applications work? I've wasted so much time sending out applications and they get like 99% ignored. None of the companies I want to work for call me back, the best I get are linkedin messages from recruiters for jobs that are shittier than the one I already have.

>> No.9934459

you have to contact the companies
i talked to a hiring manager today that's what she told me, you can't let them ignore you.

>> No.9934471
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yes and yes.

you always want to go to the company website first. it can take time if you aren't a rock star my dude. shit, it can take time if you are.

>> No.9934475

That's bullshit and you goddamn well know it is. All applicants are given is a "submit application" button. there's very rarely any contact information whatsoever you can use to ever actually follow up with anybody.

>> No.9934479
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>there's very rarely any contact information whatsoever you can use to ever actually follow up with anybody.

>not stalking the hiring manager via linkedin and facebook

step up

>> No.9934496

dude they all have linkedins

>> No.9934498

redpill me on industrial engineering, is it just a dumbed down mech Eng

>> No.9934502

Depends on uni. IE is closer to Chem Engineering than Mech usually.

>> No.9934513

its the most soft skill centric discipline that focuses on building human integrated systems and optimizing work flow. basically figuring out how to shave 20 minutes off a workers output per part or something. industrial engineering is also what most of the big capital sales guys get there degree's in so if you like money and have charisma, you can show up niggas on wall street.

>> No.9935568
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>STILL can't get an EE interview after graduating last spring
>projects, great gpa, good school, lab experience
>not even a single goddamn phone screening

>b-b-but your resume is the proble-
>get cold-called by recruiters for software dev positions
>good jobs too

EE is such fucking shit. What an utterly worthless degree. I should have gone for CS.

>> No.9935581

IE isn't close to any engineering discipline.

It's close to business and actuary science.

>> No.9935584

Anybody mind sharing their experience with undergrad research, particularly in EE? I'm entering my 3rd semester and might only be taking 14 credits, so I'm thinking I may try to get a professor to take me on.

>> No.9935616

Do a machine learning MSc if you have the money. At least that's what I'm doing. EE skills such as signal processing are valuable in the ML field.

>> No.9935651
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I interned at a medical device production company and they often will hire IE and supply chain management majors for the same positions. IE has absolutely nothing in common with chemE

>t. chemE

>> No.9935661

Engineering is extremely competitive, and the job prospects aren't much better. Of the people who start a four year engineering degree, over half get weeded out in the first two years, and half of the people that make it will necessarily be "below average" in terms of grades which makes them ineligible for work, and of that half of a half, another half won't be able to find internships so they can't get hired either. So there's an 87.5% chance that you end up right back where you are now after working your ass off and incurring more debt.

>> No.9935797

How'd you go from mech E to a chemical job like that?

>> No.9935798

Do you mind telling us your story?

>> No.9935803

Good luck

>> No.9935810

Have two interviews (one for ME and one for Systems) this week and I'm nervous as fuck.

Any tips for interviews?

>> No.9935820

Got my master's in EE a bit ago, now looking for jobs/PhDs. Should I go for a PhD at my old university, which will likely be very stressful and chaotic but with people I know and like? Or should I go for a PhD with a large corporation in a different country?

I'm sorta working on lining up both options - talked with my Professor about doing a PhD at his lab and there's positions open at the lab literally next to it, and I have a phone interview on Thursday with the large company dudes. IDK wat do

>> No.9935824

Forgot to say, pay would probably be comparable. My uni is one of the best paying for PhDs afaik.

>> No.9935852

Are both PhDs in EE as well? Why not diversify? You should probs tell us a LOT more about your location, specialties, what you're looking for in a career, etc.

>> No.9936026

How do you guys figure out who the hiring manager is?

>> No.9936035

do i have to have a perfect background in algebra for calculus?

>> No.9936042

Is a 3.7 gpa physics bachelors from a fairly renowned (in physics) state school, with two years of research experience enough to break in to engineering jobs? Ive sent in a ton of appa but not a single interview

>> No.9936080

>physics bachelors

>> No.9936091

Not a larp
I'm sorry you can't believe that X major doesn't strictly follow Y behavior

>> No.9936111

It's not about the GPA. It's about ABET accreditation and experience. Engineering majors already have trouble getting their jobs because of oversaturation and the need for even more specialized people; they're not asking for someone who has a theoretical (albeit good) understanding of the physical phenomena. They want someone who has a record of making things, of understanding enough that they can make more things, and people who have a wide knowledge and understanding how to apply it. Engineering as it is in the industry is different than just understanding; a lot of it encompasses things that aren't physics and academics

>> No.9936127

is chemical really that grim?

>> No.9936132

i had some previous experience with compressors and HVAC/R. they had also just fired the last (chemical) engineer because he grenaded the bull gear on the compressor.

>> No.9936140

how long ago did you graduate. I just narrowed into chemeng and im spooked about job prospects. I'm so far, above average

>> No.9936152
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>CS/Math undergrad
>at behest of an EE friend asked an EE professor for research
>said he needed someone who had a great understanding of theory but also a good understanding of application
>get experience under that and some lab research
>get an internship at a good place for CS
>Focus on classes about OS design and theory, architecture, embedded work, circuit analysis, compiler design and theory
>hell took a computational complexity class which featured circuit complexity for fun (usually irrelevant to low level implementation, but it's a kickass topic and anyone who shits on CS as a field should be humbled after complexity classes)
>take pure math as a double major, so I have a lot of theoretical basis in real analysis, combinatorics, abstract algebra, etc.
>take physics classes whenever I can
>applied for embedded work after college with stuff on my resume for small controllers, pi's, and small driver I made alongside my other stuff
>get a gig at a fairly cool local place, decent salary
>work for 2 years
>self study the physics I didn't get to take in school for physics GRE (mostly stat mechanics, advanced mechanics)
>self study some signal processing
>take GRE and math + physics subject tests
>do well on them (< 91%, <92% math, <86% physics)
>get letters of recommendations from professors I kept in touch with and current employers who really like some of my work
>get into a pretty great course based masters
>parallel computing, some embedded stuff, project working on distributed computation on small embedded systems I designed (funnily enough, CS was way more handy since the algorithms were harder than just designing the small stuff)
>companies love it since embedded work is usually state or control oriented, but now they can do low cost powerful distributed computation
>work for a big boy company and make big boy dollars

I think this worked mainly since most EE positions don’t ask for a PE license.

>> No.9936166

no, its just that chemical doesn't have the ubiquitous applications that mech/electrical/civil has. a mechanical guy can go anywhere and stumble into an HVAC or fire protection job ez pz. chemical.... ehh there better be a factory around and they better be hiring. i guess you could say you aren't as portable?

>> No.9936168

i graduated 2.5 years ago.

>> No.9936179

probably, yeah, if you want to do hvac and shit. I work with a physics major

>> No.9936182

I genuinely don't understand how people have so much difficulty finding jobs. I am at a school no one here has ever heard of, have a sub-3.0 gpa, and I have an internship and a job offer after less than a dozen applications and 2 interviews. Unironically just have a firm handshake and work hard at your job

>> No.9936194

maybe you just got lucky

>> No.9936218

maybe, but literally everyone i know got one. I think its about going to a small school with a good local reputation

>> No.9936231


>> No.9936241

How good was your masters program and by "big boy dollars" are we talking 100k, 150k, 300k, more?

>> No.9936244

What should i do? Ive worked in an optics lab and have specialty there

>> No.9936248

How do you find good shit to research or a good project to work on?

>> No.9936272

ask your professors

>> No.9936282

Thanks. How should I approach them? Directly ask for it?

>> No.9936283


>> No.9936298

there is definitely a luck component but most people complaining don't detail all their constraints. for instance, there are many grads who can't (read: won't) take jobs outside their geographical area. others have glaring flaws in their resume that gets their app immediately shitcanned by a computer before it even gets to a real person. then you have guys who put in 20 apps over a month and expect that to be enough even though hiring is extremely cyclical and tends to come in waves throughout the year. so maybe you and your friends caught a big wave and some of these other guys didn't. i cannot understate the impact of timing.

>> No.9936305

I majored in both Math and Physics and graduated with a 3.1 from a mid-tier 'Research Factory' Public Uni where I was a lab assistant and conducted said research. Upon graduating, after 6 months and a few hundred applications I'd landed a handful of interviews, but I couldn't find a job between poor fits, bombed interviews, and restricted location criteria. Eventually I said fuck it: applied and later hired for an IT job a couple hours from my ideal area. While the functions of the job are cake, I know I can do better so I'm reviewing for the Mechanical FE to show I still know my shit.

Regardless, just keep applying and exaggerate on your resume. Also, if you haven't recently, reach out to any students and professors from university that you're decently close with to ensure they're not aware of any opportunities. I've seen just as many people land jobs out of connections and luck as out of true merit, and if it's an opportunity somewhere they work, an inside eye to a place is invaluable as you can't predict work conditions until you've already committed without 'em.

The Resume Filters can be pretty heartless. Godspeed

>> No.9936349

You unironically made it.
Also You and I have extremely similar interests

>> No.9936359

Convince me not to leave my $120k a year engineering job with a Fortune 50 company to tend a graveyard in northern France

>> No.9936362

Lmao so you just choose to be unemployed?

>> No.9936402

just call some random engineering firm and work for 50k for a few years
you must have pretty bad autism

>> No.9936501

It's in the top 20 or 15
120k starting, with two increases
Even considering the cost of living, it's very comfy money

>> No.9936538

Are americans surprised by this?

>> No.9936555

In the US, there's a hard bar between doing engineering and doing science. The idea is that engineers have immediately enough knowledge they need to do project work. Their requirements are heavily monitored over ABET accreditation in undergrad, which while it ensures that they're getting a standard education, also shoots people who want to get into the field or a higher level degree in the foot,

That and the sciences, while boasting harder material, don't always have the sheer volume of material that's expected of an engineering student. That being said, double majoring in a science and CS or math (or doing as I did and doing Math/CS with 3 classes away from a physics major) puts you on the same level, if not higher, of rigor and work output. Unfortunately, it'll never be recognized as "industry ready."

>> No.9936566

east or west coast USA?

>> No.9936567

>double majoring in a science and CS or math (or doing as I did and doing Math/CS with 3 classes away from a physics major) puts you on the same level, if not higher, of rigor and work output.
Maybe in America. Here no CS or math major could ever dream of working in circuit design / embedded systems, since our EE degree takes 5 years (3 years of general EE classes, and 2 years where you pick the classes related to the EE field you want to work on) There is no way some retarded american with some shitty 3 years cs/math degree would be picked to do real EE work.

>> No.9936574

I spent 4 years doing math and CS at a good research university. Both subjects were rigorous here (extensive math requirements for the CS classes, and even the project classes like graphics where math intensive), and I did a lot of physics on the side. I was able to do this since I overloaded on classes, not because I had degrees that could be finished in 3 years. I self studied a lot after school and messed around with soldering kits and the like. I ended up in EE after embedded work (which if we're being completely honest, is not so difficult that you can't pick it up)

I know you like to shit on American education, but I worked hard at a highly rated university. At the end of the day, I do the interesting EE work at a big company, so I don't have much to prove to some europoor undergrad trying to shitpost online.

>> No.9936577

East Coast, funnily enough.

>> No.9936583

huh, thought for sure you were making that facebook or google money

>> No.9936584

Insecure larper

>> No.9936587

What do I gain through larping?
I just restated the claims I made in my earlier green text to your obvious shitpost, and now you're just accusing me of being a larper. Nice argument europoor

>> No.9936589

>I think its about going to a small school with a good local reputation
I'm in the same situation, but I don't really want to work anywhere near my school, so I'm having a harder time.

>> No.9936591

>Both subjects were rigorous here
Top kek

>> No.9936593

Close, but the company I work with has a branch in the tri state area. It's made things like helping out my little brother with schoolwork and helping fund his education so much easier

>> No.9936599

I mean, do you want a full course list?

>> No.9936603

Did that. Over 450 apps. Nothing.
Not anymore. I'm an infrastructure engie code monkey now. God help any EE looking for a traditional EE job these days. The well is completely dry.

>> No.9936607

nigga shut up. you are just too proud to do power.

>> No.9936610

holy fuck

power is so extremely competitive it may as well be dead. you fell for the meme

>> No.9936614

What do you mean by traditional? Do you mean P O W E R? Embedded, RF, Analog, Digital, and Communication systems are all thriving right now. Especially in commercial aerospace and defense.

Also lmao 450 apps. That should never happen if you everything you said was true, I had no problem finding an EE design job in aerospace in under 80 apps.

>> No.9936618

i searched for embedded, VLSI, and comm mostly

>> No.9936619

>power is so extremely competitive
i'm honestly in awe. absolute shitter.

>> No.9936620

i legitimately have no idea what planet you're living on. you are american, right? did you go to a top-tier school like Stanford or Berkeley?
almost every EE at Irvine got absolutely shafted.

>> No.9936624

I don't know what you are talking about buddy. Do you even actually know anything about the power industry? The amount of available positions for entry level power positions to that amount of engineers applying to those positions is crazy. Power is such a meme that there are entry level power positions that literally say a "P.E. is preferred for this position."

We can meme all day about power being easy and for brainlets but to say it is not competitive is a lie.

>> No.9936625

>in under 80 apps.
How many internships did you have and what school?

>> No.9936627
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>am also an EE
I've made a grave mistake.

>> No.9936628

>"P.E. is preferred for this position."
thats code for "you better have passed the FE already"

>> No.9936632

Is field engineering a meme?
I've been looking it up and the few example of an actual salary I can find are in the range of 60-75k starting. I thought it was huge from all the bullshit you have to put up with? You mean to tell me people are working in the middle of the desert out of a trailer on call 24/7 half the year for barely more (if even that) what you could make working a normal job?

>> No.9936634

>How many internships did you have
Just 1 but I worked at it from sophomore to senior year
>what school?
The only big football school in South Carolina

>> No.9936638

Additionally my GPA wasn't even that good, little over a 3.0. Just a lot of work experience and engineering projects.

Have a cool EE design job in Texas now

>> No.9936641

per diem and overtime.

>> No.9936645

(b-a) / 2n suppose n is 2 and interval is {0, 2}

you have 2-0/ 2 * 2 which is 2/4 or 1/4. take 1/4th sized steps from 0 to 2 until you arrive at 2. (1/4, 2/4 3/4 4/4 ect.....)

>> No.9936654

Is power really that competitive? I honestly don't know and I'm not even in EE, but my girlfriend works in substation design for the local power company. She kind of fell into it by accident, power wasn't even her focus in college. It is true that power was generally the concentration for brainlets, though.

That base pay doesn't sound so great but it ends up being decent take-home pay after bonuses and all the expenses that they cover for you. And the raises come pretty quickly if you stay in it, which nobody does because field engineers are expendable and turn over very quickly. But no matter how much they're paying it is absolutely not worth it, field engineering is fucking awful.

>> No.9936657

Yes everyone wants a comfy, not mentally taxing, well paid job. Why would it not be competitive? The lazy goys and the dumb dumbs compete heavily for the few positions available. At my university power was such a popular concentration that any other concentration was considered "werid".

>> No.9936659

are robotics, control, comm and vlsi meme specializations?

i'm a freshman EE this coming year.

>> No.9936664

>Are these traditional EE fields a meme
Yes, EE is a meme as a whole.

>> No.9936667

so i had a white crew cab silverado and a set of magnetic decals i'd throw on the side when i was on business. all paid for by the company. the second i got a call to go somewhere i was on company time IE every fucking thing got expensed.

>> No.9936668

EE was always a meme. At least people on here are finally waking up to it.

>> No.9936672

All EE concentrations are fine. Even power is fine. Your concentration is like 2 to 3 classes max typically. You aren't doomed if you pick one. A VLSI concentration can get a job out of college for robotics and a robotics concentration can get a VLSI job as well. Keep in mind some in some industries a masters is almost essential. Just think of concentrations as dipping your feet into the water.

Ignore the unemployed engineering students who call EE a meme because they lacked the grades/personality to succeed. There are a lot of failures and people with 800+ app submissions here who are disillusioned and bitter at the world for their failings.

>> No.9936673

>Keep in mind some in some industries a masters is almost essential. Just think of concentrations as dipping your feet into the water.
Out of curiosity, which would those be?

>> No.9936674

Do whatever you want I guess, concentrations are only a little bit less irrelevant than minors.

I did chemE and sometimes I wish I had done EE with controls instead because I like plant automation and safety systems. You can get into process automation from a chemical or EE background, and it can be hard to find a job in it but once you're in it you're more valuable than an ordinary process engineer.

>> No.9936675

EE is doing particularly awful right now, though. More than 80% of my graduating class is still unemployed since May, and this is from a "good school."

At least he can become a software developer.

>> No.9936677

Just google it man. Why does everyone expect to be spoon fed on Vietnamese shadow puppet board? Go use the Bureau of Labor statistics or any other engineering career site. They will tell you what is generally the bare minimum to enter a certain industry,

>> No.9936686

Got any sources for that claim buddy? Just because your brainlet friends can't find jobs doesn't mean your entire class is unemployed four months after graduation

>hurrrr I will wait till after I graduate before I start applying to jobs.
Most of the jobs are already filled. There were plenty of available EE jobs available from Jan. to May, any responsible student would have started looking a year out before graduating. Only way I can imagine that being true is if everyone in your class wanted to do (((power))) and now can't find a position due to the few seats available.

Any good engineering school doesn't boast a 20% ENGINEERING job placement rate upon graduation. What an embarrassing school you attended.

>> No.9936689
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>gave it my absolute all, still couldn't find an internship this summer
>senior year coming up
How fucked am I? I refuse to believe more than 5 percent of my major actually managed to snag one.

>> No.9936710

I must be a retard because I don't know what you get when you multiply mass and amperes.

>> No.9936738


Clearly, you would get some derived physical unit which is merely the product of the so-called fundamental unit types of mass and current. However, it's clear that that other anon was referring to force as itself another derived unit being equal to the product of the fundamental mass and still another derived acceleration, and you're just being cheeky on account of the capitalized A.

>> No.9936754

how many subjects do you take per semester to avoid flunking 2 subjects per sem?

>> No.9936829
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Maybe one of u turbonerds can actually help me with something

>> No.9936837

Shoulda started earlier

>> No.9936851

I'm in mechanical engineering and I do more far programming than the computer science degree.
The hilarious thing is that you have no idea that you and your technical coding ability is a tool to be used by software engineers, almost always SE gets hired to project manage teams of code monkeys because they learn much more.
I am certain any of the SE could pick up a book and bridge the technical gap posed by CS in a night, but why would they bother when they can simply instruct you to do it?

>> No.9936890

I'm CAD enginee-scratch that, I'm for all purposes a drafter since a year.

I'm also 29 because burn-out from 2 faculties and consequitive depression fucked me up hard during studies.For years.

Now I am enjoying life and while job is for simpletons and people who are 10 years younger than me/without school, I like it.

But now I have an opportunity to become a PhD student for a project involving thermal CAE on flex bearings.

Should I do it? I am honestly on one hand thinking that it is stupid as fuck and I am just not learning from the past, especially that now I have child on the way and why in the fuck I would have to commute at least once a week 140 km to teach students and sit in the lab.

On the other hand, I don't have luxury of time that younger people have. I want to do engineering by big "E", not to get stuck being drafter for years. I always wanted to be in development and research. Also it would double my pay and it's 80% scripting in Matlab that I can do remote.

Does /sci/ have any experience with engineering PhD programs? Also I'm second-tier EU if it matters.

>> No.9936915
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>you get a derived unit when you multiply base units
>you're just being cheeky
well duh it was a joke. It's a less autistic joke than just saying force doesn't equal milliamps, which is the correct meaning of the mA abbreviation in the SI system.

>> No.9936991

See, the problem is that you confuse basic GUI and database solutions with the jobs everyone actually goes for in computing:
HPC/scientific computing
Algorithms for scaling solutions
HFT algorithms
Embedded computation
Distributed computation
In house compiler work
OS design and systems work

Programming isn’t hard. It’s mostly a skill borne of habit. The interesting CS jobs are taken up by the ones who go to non meme schools and have a background in math. Those jobs take way more than a basic understanding of data structures to do. I’ve seen engineering students go into those interviews and bomb them because they can’t construct algorithms on a whiteboard on the spot, much less prove their correctness or optimize them

t. mechE at a non meme school who had friends in CS

>> No.9937058

Uni starts in a bit more than two weeks and I have two electives that colide and I need to choose from bc I'm interested in both of them. One is bioinformatics the other is "aplied data anlysis" if translated.
I have some worries about applied anything bc there is a chance that it'll be : here are some r scripts and here are the use cases for them, without too much background
Bioinformatics on the other hand looks more like a graduate course and I'm not sure if I can manage it
Help make a decision pls

>> No.9937067

>good gig
>aside from shit pay, but its boring as fuck
So it not a good gig then

>> No.9937097

Don't do it man, unless you really feel that you've overcome the issues that got you to this point in the first place. Besides, at least in the US, someone who works hard and puts in overtime whenever he's asked is way more respected and gets more opportunities at work than a PhD.

>> No.9937207


I put the (unpaid) overtime and really try to do my best at my job, although I'm afraid that it's in vain. I'm not from USA, as I mentioned I am in second-tier EU country working for central that is in Germany which pays x4-x5 what I have here.

I feel panic looking at the coworker who puts the CAD into database for 5th or 6h year in a row now. I don't want to be such guy. And no, neither he nor I do any development. Development is kept abroad and those projects are few and far in between since we are mostly build-to-print supplier.

I...I mean, maybe it's desperate, maybe I stupidly want to prove myself and should just try realize myself outside of work. I definitely see your point, I think about it constantly nowadays, but I can't decide for myself if it's worth the risk of possibly catastrophic failure.

>> No.9937241

Idk man, sounds like a tough situation. Working for a build-to-print is not gonna do you much good, so maybe a PhD might be better, if you can't find a better job. That said, when you're 29 and with a family, risk is something you have to take seriously... Good luck bro

>> No.9937282

Just wrapped up my controls engineering internship, and they already told me they want to hire me when I graduate after this semester. Things are looking up

>> No.9937334

what is Systems engineering, really?

>> No.9937391

don't be thirsty. still look around and send out more apps.

>> No.9937401

bare minimum course load to qualify for financial aid

>> No.9937431

I honestly have no idea, but I took it as the concentration for my comp/soft""""E"""" course

>> No.9937480

Oh, I didn't even realize it was a course. I meant as a job. It seems to me more like a jack of all trades. But I wasn't really sure when I hit apply lel

>> No.9937507

At my school it was half electrical engineering half physics.

>> No.9937541

>did absofuckinglutely nothing this summer (the one before junior year)
how fucked am I for finding internships?

>> No.9937545

>It seems to me more like a jack of all trades.
Yeah, from what I understood it's more of a technical managerial position with less of the nitty gritty details and more of an overarching design decisions

>> No.9938217

nigga just go to a job fair and pretend you're interested
online apps are shit
what school is this for?

>> No.9938219

>do undergrad in Che (bioengineering elective stream)
>work for 1 year in industry in a cuck tier job where filipino mothers with no degree make more than me to clean the building
>thought i was going to make enough to make grad life easier
>enroll in phd program as i originally planned

i honest to god studied this shit because i thought it was cool now i just wish i went into cs like most retards got a C average and a job at google coding iphone apps and playing ddr

>> No.9938223

basically an applied physics degree that you can eventually get PE with

at my school they did general app physics/math then picked an engineering "track" where they took tons of courses from mech civil or eece

>> No.9938226

well its a good company to work for, as much overtime as i want, and i like the flexibility and freedom that i get. I can come and go as I please without much trouble

>> No.9938228

that's what I die last summer and things worked out for me. just say you were traveling or working on projects

>> No.9938231


>> No.9938477

>a job at google coding iphone apps and playing ddr

>someone who gets Cs will do well in a google interview


>> No.9938648

F equals milli-amps
learn to read

>> No.9938660
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>mechanical engineering masters
>all control engineering and CFD elective units
>Thesis is biomedical imaging
>machine learning work with a global engineering company while I study
Am I even a mechanical engineer?

>> No.9938665

Yup. Kill it nigga.

>> No.9938828

>Onsite interview
>Working Groups literally lining up to take me
>Get an offer
>Told that so many groups believed I could support them that I will be splitting my time, and that this is nonstandard
Well I feel pretty good.

>> No.9938832

If you are transgender poc dragonkin, you don't even have to say a word at the silicon valley company interviews desu

>> No.9938930


Catia V5

>> No.9938971

applied physics

>> No.9939368

Living the dream my boy. I want to get into ML too but I'm an electrical engineer.

>> No.9939389
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>lmao, I want to do machine learning too!!!11!! XD
I've come to the conclusion that the engineering job market is so shit because everyone who studies engineering is the type of person who only did it because it was trendy at the time. Then when engineers realize there are no jobs, they're all going to flood into the next fad and wind up un/underemployed there too. I am guilty of this and clearly most of you are as well.

>> No.9939399

nah people are just to autistic to network
that guy up there sent out 400 aps and never once contacted them after sending anything out

>> No.9939543

The machine learning bandwagon is long past gone in the US, but in the third world the trend is just starting. Don't assume everyone in this thread is from the US.

>> No.9939547

You’d think that if you had a couple million dollars worth of work to contract out that people would be chomping at the bit to throw bids your way, but that is not the case.

Fuckin’ Reee

>> No.9939579

>tfw didn't go for the math minor because always tired, still two classes out from it
>tfw missed out on the one (1) class I needed to get a business minor because scheduling at my school was borked
Fuck, bros I screwed up good.

>> No.9939586

>Got a degree in EEE 4 years ago
>Never did anything with it

Is it too late for me to try and get back into this shit?

>> No.9939631
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I fucking hate the rat race bros. I just chose EE because I genuinely liked it.

>> No.9939734

How common is it for someone with a BS in physics to do an MS in EE?

I have a physics degree and it sucks. I barely was able to find a shitty low wage job at a financial firm and that took me almost 2 years.

Do American universities tend to accept physics majors into their EE grad programs? As a physics major, I had to take a really intense course in electronics. From what I understand, it covered all the material an EE studies in digital logic and analog circuits 1 & 2.

>> No.9939738


Woops! I also had to take two upper level courses on electromagnetism and one in semiconductor physics.

>> No.9939759

How good is an electronics and instrumentation engineering degree?

>> No.9939795

For real. I’m ready to take a pay cut to go do something more comfy.

>> No.9939855


>> No.9939943


3.7 but it was from a university that's not exactly high-ranked to put it mildly.

>> No.9939947

Get an internship if you haven't already as that will make getting a job a fuckload easier. If you haven't joined any design teams or EE clubs by now you may want to look into that as well. Also start thinking about what you want to do for your senior design project.

>> No.9939962

You should try to get on in the Summer after your second year as well as your third year, Internships are usually in the Summers while co-ops can be during the semester but you won't be taking any classes if you do one. The engineering ones are generally paid. You shouldn't take an unpaid internship unless you can't find a paid one. I don't know about other countries but in the U.S they are kind of hard to get as everyone is getting pushed to major something STEM now so you're competeting with a fuckload of people.

>> No.9939972

Other thing to note for co-ops is that a lot of companies will ask that you work multiple rotations if you do a co-op meaning you would need to work more than one semester, but usually not two in a row. This can be a good thing as if you won't really need to worry about finding something else the second time around since you can just wait until your second rotation instead of applying to other jobs. However if you don't like what you're doing it might suck.

Internships on the other hand usually are only a one Summer commitment but they might ask you to come back next Summer or for a full time job but you are not obligated to do that.

>> No.9940038
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What's a reliable laptop brand?

Also just starting electrical engineering, any hints or tips

>> No.9940045

>Also just starting electrical engineering, any hints or tips

You're going to waste a lot of time and money into a degree that will most likely leave you unemployed or underemployed.

The market is oversaturated. There was a time when more EEs were needed but those days are over. An EE degree is no longer something that guarantees you a good-paying job.

>> No.9940079
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Can you guys recommend me a free/torrented software that I can use to take an idea I have in my head and turn it into a reality. I need to make precise parts and test them moving under spring pressure (in the software).

>> No.9940080
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Fucking hell

What's in demand or well paying right now? Gonna switch next semester if needed

>> No.9940099


>> No.9940101

Code monkeying

>> No.9940128

Can't you apply to code monkey jobs with an EE degree?

>> No.9940131
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>all these people rightfully shitting on EE and spreading the truth to naive freshmen and sophomores

I fell for the meme too and I regret not doing CS. I hope EE as a major fucking dies.

>> No.9940140

I can't find a reliable torrent for a recent version

>> No.9940142

You don’t need the most recent version.

>> No.9940145

is 2013 ok?

>> No.9940148

Actually I cant find any reliable torrents

>> No.9940155

That’s odd. You can probably do it in ProE, I just know that solid works modeling tools are retard tier simple.

>> No.9940157

I'll keep browsing

>> No.9940198
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What discipline actually has jobs available? Some engineers I know say that EE, biomed, mech, etc have a lot of openings but I highly doubt that

>> No.9940203

they all do

>> No.9940210

You could always just tell them you're not coming back if you don't like the first semester and find something better. I only did summer internships and no co-ops, but of the people I know who did co-ops I don't think I heard of any that make you commit to multiple semesters, but I guess it's possible. I do know there were lots of companies that required you to do a semester coop before they would consider you for a summer internship, so you could do a spring semester and then continue working through the summer.

Whatever discipline you're good at and put lots of effort and hard work towards. If you're a good candidate you'll probably get hired and if you're shit you probably won't.

>> No.9940277

Yes, in fact you don't even need a degree for code monkeying.

>> No.9940290

Where do I apply for summer internships in 2019? I have literally no valuable skills except that I have decent grades, math skills, and some knowledge of circuits. What should I put on my resume?

>> No.9940322

Go to your school's career fair or whatever networking events and things they offer. You'll have a much better chance if you're actually in front of someone instead of just sending out nameless faceless online applications.

>> No.9940370

Can you work excel? That’s all you need. Literally it.

>> No.9940385

I like ThinkPads. /g/ has a whole general on them. Some of the lines have styli, which I use to take notes.

I started EE last year. I'd advise you to join some sort of design team. On mine I had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and made friends with a lot of competent upperclassman, which is a good resource. I'd also start going to career fairs early. You shouldn't expect to land a co-op or anything (but you might get lucky and do so, like I did), but it'll help you get a feel for how to present yourself later.

>> No.9940431
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How expensive are think pads? I don't really have a lot of cash on me right now

>> No.9940435

Used ones are cheap

>> No.9940497

Like an earlier anon said, a CS degree is actually the barrier to entry for the harder (and therefore much more prestigious and well paying) jobs when first graduating. You're not gonna get crypto, HPC, HFT, , etc. money from the forefront. When they say that codemonkey jobs are available, they literally mean code *monkey.* It's a slow burn, but be prepared to be doing inane GUI shit and basic database management for a while before you get to do anything actually interesting.

Not to say you guys are incompetent; it's just that the best CS jobs are locked behind a lot of competition and hard interviews.

>> No.9940509


They still do more interesting things than engineers who just have a BS.

>> No.9940527

My school actually got rid of it a few years back for Renewable Energy Engineering

>> No.9940644

>life just keeps getting worse
Fuck it. Actually going to kill myself this time.

>> No.9940651

Thinkpads, the used ones are cheaper, more performant and mor reliable than brand new general use laptops
If you have money, you can also buy a new one
Ask >>>/g/tpg but be aware that when they start to talk about keyboards they can become a bit autistic

>> No.9940669

>life just keeps getting worse
That's the one constant I've found. Still, I'm waiting til 30, just in case

>> No.9940812

Mind telling me which country? I'll have to do some similar choices in a year or so.

>> No.9940986



>> No.9941050

What's a good intro book for power generation, transmission, and distribution?

>> No.9941153

I have a phone screen with Oracle (non-computer related) in about 15 minutes, any last minute tips?

>> No.9941219

I'm currently getting a bachelor's in EE in Germany, have a year left and I was contemplating whether I want to stay and work there or go back to my home country. Honestly Germany isn't that great, even though as you say the get bigger wages. I've no idea what the situation in Poland looks like, but in my opinion, if you have a kid it would be better to raise it at home. Don't forget your family can help you a lot, whereas in Germany you'd be alone.
As far as the PhD goes, do it if there are no opportunities for you to climb the ladder at your place and can't find anything else. It might be a catastrophe but it might open a lot of new doors to you and there's only one way to find out in the end.

>> No.9941224

check for engineering clubs and campus news about any senior students working on a sponsored project (even if its not your branch of engineering). They often invite litterally every ENGR major student to attend certain staged of development. For example I recieved an email invitation to watch some kind of elecrric cart project.

>> No.9941229
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I'm a physics bachelors trying to break into engineering. I have research experience where I did faux-engineering work, but I'd like to start working on my own project at home just to get into the field while I apply for jobs. I was thinking EE might be best since I really like electromagnetism and did well in it, and have taken circuits courses. Does anyone have project suggestions or places where I can get ideas?

>> No.9941237

>baby killer
Ummm sorry no sweety that would be bioengineering for planned parenthood

>> No.9941266

How’d it go anon?