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9926871 No.9926871 [Reply] [Original]

>want to drive a car?
>need to take a driving test
>want to have a baby and the responsibility for another human being?
>dude just do it lmao
What I'm trying to say, how come no governments at all do background checks on people who want to have children? With criminality and overpopulation one would think babby-making would be more controlled.
>inb4 muh human rights

>> No.9926885

>First world countries already struggling to have enough kids to replace their current populations
>Yeaaaah man let's just get the government involved! Let's make even fewer babies!

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

>> No.9926888
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more humans = more taxpayers

>> No.9926890

The world isn't shitty enough to warrant strict regulation on breeding yet, though I imagine it'll happen eventually. Plus it'd be hard to enforce on a national scale, much less global.

>> No.9926896

I unironically think there should be a parent license just so they can screen potential child abusers

>> No.9926898

>now even the British government has paid shills on 4chan
Oy m8 wers yer shilling loicense?

>> No.9926908

seig heil
there now you know I'm not british, or the hate speech gestapo would come for me

>> No.9926934

Fair enough. What do you suggest we do when a woman without a parent loicense gets pregnant? Abortion? Abortion + a fine? Note that you cannot punish any man because unless you can take a DNA test of the baby, a man can just claim that it is not certain that it is his baby. So whatever laws you place will only hurt women, which is something I am completely on board with so let's talk the specifics.

>> No.9926942

Human rights

>> No.9926944

Reproduction is a labor issue. Our corporate overlords will not place restrictions until human labor has become obsolete.

>> No.9926945

This has to do with science and math only in that somewhere in that mess of babies is one destined for scientific/mathematical endeavours.

>> No.9926951

>eugenics is (((their))) fault
fuck off red dit

>> No.9926960

>I unironically think there should be a parent license just so they can screen potential child abusers
You're the reason mass shooters exist.

>> No.9926962

No, get it right. The reason mass shooters exist is women.

>> No.9926964

>red dit

>> No.9927019


I can drive a car without a licence.

>> No.9927021

You can only drive a car without a license if you are a moderately attractive middle-class white woman.

>> No.9927197

well I'm against abortion so I'd say the law is that anyone without a parent loicense who has a kid will have the kid taken away and put up for adoption, and the unspoken government policy will be to pretend not to notice until after the baby is born
it'd be hard to punish them just for getting pregnant since they can just claim it was accidental or the condom broke or something, but you could have a fine for getting caught raising the kid in secret

>> No.9927202

not true I'm a cop and we let off attractive woman of any race for driving without a license except black of course

>> No.9927258

As long as you're not breaking any rules, chances are you can drive without a licence half your life without it getting noticed. But then again, if you aren't breaking any rules you probably have a licence to begin with

>> No.9927453

I'm not a doctor so I don't know if this would be possible without causing long term damage to the reproductive system, but what if we just temporarily sterilized babbies after being born? Then unsterilize them when they're adults, continent on passing a series of tests which ensure they're fit to be a parent.

>> No.9927456 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9927461
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>> No.9927469

The main reason a driver's license is required is because you are putting other lives at risk when driving.

How does having a kid potentially harm people?
I can see two ways:
1) Negligent parents harm kid
2) Shithead kid grows up and harms others

Our laws are reactive. We give people the benefit of the doubt. A wrong must be committed in order for action to be taken.
For 1), Police/CPS intervene
For 2), Police/CPS intervene

I agree that it would be nice if people were more prepared to have kids and if crazy/unstable people didn't have kids.
Where do you draw the line for too crazy?
Women are crazy 1 week out of every month.

>> No.9927484

maybe we could rule out people with a history of violent or psychotic behavior

>> No.9927498


>> No.9927500
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>With criminality and overpopulation one would think babby-making would be more controlled.
it's the exact opposite. overpopulating the world with dirt-poor wage-slave consumer zombies is very beneficial for the upper classes. more food to sell, more desperate workers/slaves

the WHO even wanted to make reproduction a human right.
I dont know which rich cunt(s) are/were behind that, but it's a truly depressing prospect.

overpopulation cheapens life. all life. human life, your life, the life of other animals on this planet.
but it enriches the already-rich, so I guess it's gonna keep happening.

here's a happy thought for comfort: if we sterilized all humans today, there would be no more humans in 100 years from now.
we dont even need nasty massacres and nukes, just mass sterilization.

>> No.9927502

So you are going to bring a kid into this world with the complete knowledge that the moment he is born you are going to separate him from his family (that wanted him)?

Now, that's finna woke. But thinking about how much pain and suffering you plan on forcing upon children, is there any way we can redirect that pain and suffering onto the woman? That is why I was voting for abortion + fine. You know, if anyone deserves to suffer it is not the kid. It is the woman.

>> No.9927531

Your logic is retarded because you are comparing the regulation of a artificial product to the regulation of natural phenomenon. This isn't just about human rights it's about how one can realistically implement any sort of logistical regulation to the general public. Even the most successful version of it the One Child Policy was riddled with holes because you had families who have a child see it's a girl and try to secretly dump it somewhere until they get a boy and consider that their "one child" to be registered by the government. Which ultimately back fired because now the government has a generation of men on the books that can't statistically be paired properly while they have a bunch women not on the books existing somewhere. Which also means that technically these women are considered undocumented and cannot legally work. And thus depend on illegal work which in turn increases the criminal element of a country.


Seriously why are you retards not researching your own arguments that clearly have flaws?

>> No.9927533

well if we assume that the criteria for the license is reasonable then I'd say we're preventing the kid from suffering more than it would've
the woman suffers pregnancy and doesn't keep the baby, if that's enough to satisfy you

>> No.9927541

Okay, I can agree with that. You have my vote.

>> No.9927579

>inb4 muh human rights
That's why, most people find it unethical to stop people from reproducing, that's why the whole banning tards from having babies in Iceland or whatever was so controversial. In addition, if it were put it place, I'd be hard to regulate. What are you gonna do with an illegal infant?

>> No.9927599
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>what about illegal infants
Rape and kill, whichever order you want

>> No.9927630

>killing before raping
Absolutely degenerate. How can you live with yourself? This reminds of those gore threads on /gif/ where some gang or terrorists have a qt and then shoot her or cut off her head before raping her. It's like, why would you waste a nice pussy like that? You can always just kill her afterward.

>> No.9927649

t. edgemaster500

>> No.9927653

Yeah man, that was totally edgy but "Rape and kill, whichever order you want" is typical facebook talk I suppose.

>> No.9927744
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>> No.9927828

Okay stop being a moral retard and imagine that you are a terrorist or gang member. You were assigned to kill a woman so you capture her, torture her a little, and finally, you get our camera to record the beheading. She is going to die either way because you have been tasked with killing her and you can't refuse. But you notice she is kinda hot, so why not just fuck her first? She won't mind, she is going to die anyway.