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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 145 KB, 320x475, MarioBob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9921023 No.9921023 [Reply] [Original]

Lol how is the American education system real

>> No.9921027

Jews entrenching themselves in the education system, practicing hyper-nepotism for >century, then pushing egalitarianism and diversity in schools

>> No.9921028

what you end up getting is a race to the bottom, the sacrifice of all for one.

>> No.9921030

Why the anti-Semitism?

>> No.9921038
File: 139 KB, 693x770, Jew_Uni_Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooling it intensifies
It's a rational explanation. Forced diversity and egalitarian thought at all costs is not the product of European minds. And shit like common core is the brainchild of the former.

>> No.9921045

They can't into imaginary numbers.

>> No.9921050

Well, whether this is suspicious really depends on how high above this unspecified "High Ability" level the elite universities like their students to be.
If it's high enough, the jewish over-representation you see could be a totally fair meritocratic outcome.

>> No.9921054

Looks like only a few *chosen* posses the [math]\mathcal{PHENOTYPE}[/math] but dont feel too bad goy lmao

>> No.9921067
File: 26 KB, 432x269, nazism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you're saying comes even close to being rational. Standard low IQ conspiracy logic coupled with neo-nazism makes you one of the dumbest people alive.

>> No.9921071

Report shills

>> No.9921083

It's more like you don't know what I'm talking about so you feel obliged to disregard it as vitriol.
>low IQ
>conspiracy logic
>dumbest person
Great counter-argument you've got there, faggot.

>> No.9921084

While you're probably correct, could you please just humor us and explain what's wrong with this anyway?

>> No.9921086

You would still see the same effect in Asians albeit in a less pronounced manner, but they also lose out.

>> No.9921103

>know what I'm talking about
You're regurgitating vague, baseless lies you read in a stormfront infograph because you're stupid and gullible. That's all you're talking about.

>> No.9921112

Are you ever going to respond without committing cheap logical fallacies 3x per sentence? I'm going to the gym I'll check this thread later.

>> No.9921136

At least you aren't in the humanities
Skim through this thread. Horror stories, one after another.

>> No.9921709

Omniscience doesn't exist.

>> No.9923973
File: 347 KB, 750x523, 1520806206073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the price of FREEDOM BOY

>> No.9924037

Consider the following true statements about Americans:
They hate taxes
They hate government
They hate oversight
They especially hate the federal government
They hate paying employees
They hate workers rights and job security

Now try to invent and implement a proper public education system nationwide when those people are the ones who would have to pay for it.

>> No.9924090

is there one thing americans don't hate
I can't think of one

>> No.9924096


>> No.9924097
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180808-035024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the Juice!

They even hate literacy. Pic related

>> No.9924175

getting ass reamed by the very wealthy, while defending said ass reaming
Jesus fucking christ that is beyond anything I would have said satirically.

>> No.9924185

Right? I estimate the number of US adults with business degrees and it was about 4% based off some quick googling. That means there are more people in the US that have business degrees then there are people who can compare two credit cards. Crazy, right?

>> No.9924187


>> No.9924255


>> No.9924378

Do you have the full source available, I need to further research this shit because if true it would explain why our democracies are constantly making decisions that are objectively, quantitatively terrible.

>> No.9924389

it isnt

>> No.9924402

>When it comes to Jews, /pol/ suddenly forgets about "the right side of the bell curve" that it usually loves to cite in their information war against women

>> No.9924414

Well you see, most Asians live in Asia.

>> No.9924460
File: 394 KB, 860x5600, 1533509005190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is why innumeracy is such a problem

I refuse to believe that only 3% of americans can do a surface area math problem.
If so, then
>Q: How many americans does it take to install a carpet?
>A: 100. 1 to do the quote, 1 to install the carpet, 1 to calculate the installer's tip and 97 to clap.

>> No.9924849

This is where I found that


The stats come from the US department of Education though

>> No.9924858 [DELETED] 

>I refuse to believe that only 3% of americans can do a surface area math problem. That's the best part about statistics; you don't have to

>> No.9924862

>I refuse to believe that only 3% of americans can do a surface area math problem
That's the best part about statistics. You don't have to!

>> No.9924950

Lower education system:
Blacks and hispanics are retarded and leftists in power said that was racist, so they changed the definition of retarded and made it illegal to teach people according to their ability and instead forced everyone to be 'taught' at the lowest level.

Upper education system:
International (((communists))) sought to expand the influence of (((communism))) in the early 1900's and began supporting domestic subversionist movements in the US. Then in the 1930's they 'infiltrated' the government and attained major positions of power due to the FDR regime. Then in the 1940's and 50's these international (((communists))) in government aided (((espionage agents))) in stealing atomic secrets. However there was internal and public resistance towards the organized and institutionally aided treason. The resistance caused the soviet (((international communists))) to realize that they needed more than just governmental infiltration, so in the 1960's they infiltrated the civil rights movement and used it for subversion, which then permitted them to enter positions of power in academia.
What you see today is a direct result of that.