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9920191 No.9920191 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, both are unsuccessful theories.

>> No.9920195

Modern academia isn't about science or even quality publications.

It's about who controls the power and resources using reputation to affect grant flow.

Academia is a negative sum game that sucks money from the state and does not produce anything meaningful.

>> No.9920205

Harvard/the US is to blame. Things used to be much better when the Royal Society was the leader everyone followed.

>> No.9920216

I'm inclined to agree with.

Treacherous scum as they were, the Brits have done a lot of science.

>> No.9920313


>> No.9920957

How are they unsuccessful?

>> No.9920977

The majority of string theorists don't give a shit about LQG. As for LQG, you could probably count the number of people who still take that seriously on one hand.

>> No.9921551

>How are they unsuccessful?
Lack of experimental evidence to support the theory

>> No.9922193


Goes both ways. 'String theory' is a punchline now amongst most non-string theorists.

>> No.9922266

What's current state of this theory?

>> No.9922280

The Brits are the traitors? What the fuck are you talking about -- the statesmen are clearly traitors to the Brits, not the other way around!

>> No.9922292

Ever heard of Perfidious Albion?

>> No.9922300

Not true at all: there are plenty of non-string theorists who admit ST must almost certainly be the ultimate fundamental description of reality, but see its study as futile, plagued by the number of possible vacua and huge energy scale of stringy effects.
The reason boils down to the fact that string theory is practically inaccessible, so people are forced to look for low energy alternatives. The most popular alternative is LQG, but this theory is mathematically unsound and could never hope to make contact with established physics: it's CLEARLY not Lorentz covariant; a spin net background always has a huge entropy that can never approximate Minkowski space.

To call ST an unsuccessful theory is completely dishonest. It might not have made contact with experiment, but it does provide a mathematically sound description of quantum gravity that no other theory (with D > 3), before or after, could.

>> No.9922323


>> No.9922436


Hermann Nicolai discussed shortcomings of LQG. As usual, Thiemann got shit on. String theorists really hate his guts.

>> No.9922480


>> No.9922625

>It's about who controls the power and resources using reputation to affect grant flow.
this is true

>> No.9923028


'there are plenty of non-string theorists who admit ST must almost certainly be the ultimate fundamental description of reality'

You don't seem to realize how bizarre this kind of language is and you write like someone whose physics education came from Lubos Motl's blog. String theory is mired in wishful thinking and things being swept under the carpet; it has nothing useful to say about any physical phenomena in our universe.

>> No.9923057

Fuck off. Don't you dare fucking agree with my posts. You goddamn asshole.

Don't you understand the concept of anti-credibility?

Your reputation is so shit you literally make any post you agree with look like schizophrenic idiocy.

Hell, now that I reread my post I'm realizing that that's exactly what it was.

>> No.9923061


This is merely a representation of much darker nature of the British "soul" or whatever the demonic equivalent of it is.

>> No.9923070

Is quantum gravity itself a meme? I'm really interested in quantum information but don't want to study a total meme

>> No.9923195

String Theory may still be unverified but it has had a significant impact on theoretical physics (Ads/CFT stuff) and mathematics (CFT, TQFT, SUSY, Mirror Symmetry, etc.).

LQG is just useless

>> No.9923212

Did he sneeze on the camera before taking that picture?

>> No.9923218

Quantum gravity is just a blanket term for any theory that can describe both quantum mechanics and gravity accurately

They all fail because the math goes to shit, and I'm not sure if that's on quantum for being a mess of equations that shouldn't work, or if it's on gravity for fucking the coordinate systems

>> No.9923226

It's because gravity is a load of horse shit that's never been right in the first place.

>> No.9923239

Ah, so it’s important to study since we have little understanding of it anyway?

>> No.9923247

>String theory is mired in wishful thinking
Particles do behave like strings. You can describe them with string theory. That part isn't wishful. You don't have a grand unified string theory with experimental confirmation, but you don't have a grand unified QFT, even while it has the same experimental confirmation as the limits of the string theory.

>> No.9923256
File: 207 KB, 1005x408, TRINITY___particles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>important to study
For me, it seems like studying is futile because no amount of merit, seemingly, will earn the reward I am after. I do study, my pace of production is quite high compared to others writing physics and math papers. I find the energy to study what fascinates me, and do it regularly, but I have little interest in self-studying the rudiments of other people's theories when I am not concerned with their opinions.
>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9923291


>> No.9923296 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1200x778, Virgin vs Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why ... attack each other?

>> No.9923298

You are batshit insane and should check yourself into an institution

>> No.9923301
File: 168 KB, 1200x778, Virgin Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why ... attack each other?

>> No.9923356

I read his blog, but I have no math education so I have no idea whether or not his tirades are justified.

What do you guys think of Brogile-Bohm and Sabine Hossenfelder? My gut instinct is that it probably contradicts some fundamental shit but idk.

>> No.9923717

I will study it just to spite you.

>> No.9923777

Pilot wave theory is incomplete, it's not as developed as QFT.

>> No.9923784
File: 208 KB, 1005x408, TRINITY___particles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it probably makes more sense like this, and this figure is described concisely in
>Geometric Cosmology

I will probably try to relate the 4x4 structure of the particles to the four types of wavequaternion (wave vector analogue) I developed in my newest paper
>Time Arrow Spinors for the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9923787

I will have a look at this, my I am not feeling like working right now, so I don't want to be compared to people who have jobs to do what I do for free because I find it fascinating and I think it offers me a good path for my life. I have also written a novel recently, I hope you all get to pay $35 for the hardcover.

>> No.9923826

the Eternal Anglo is a traitor to mankind and, more importantly, the white race

>> No.9923828

Gott strafe England motherfucker

>> No.9923832

>mankind and, more importantly, the white race
>implying nonwhites are human

>> No.9923833


>'String theory' is a punchline now amongst most non-string theorists.

Wrong, ST dominates high energy theory. You are not a physicist.

>> No.9923943


Maybe 15 years ago. As I say - it has nothing useful to say about any known phenomena in our universe. Think about that.

>> No.9923956

The US is anglo, idiot

>> No.9924100

Seek help.

>> No.9924126

>and I'm not sure if that's on quantum for being a mess of equations that shouldn't work, or if it's on gravity for fucking the coordinate systems
The main problem is that the gravitational coupling constant G is dimensionfull, in contrast with the fine structure constant or the equivalents for QCD and weak interactions (which have no dimensions). The only way to cancel the dimension at one-loop correction (first quantum correction) is to multiply by the dimensionfull cut-off, assuring you problems in the UV (when you try to decouple the theory from the cut-off by taking it to infinity).

Fuck off Tooker, you already have your own thread.

>> No.9924144

That's their job, duh

>> No.9925115
