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File: 26 KB, 728x546, anti-intellectualism-1-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9916593 No.9916593 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any theories on why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States?

>> No.9916602

Jealousy. Fear. Rightly so considering our brains are fucking weapons in the right hands.

>> No.9916604

Religion. Ban it.

>> No.9916608


>> No.9916618

Steven Pinker wrote a whole book about this I believe, but I forget what it was. Something to do with how the descendants of the Jamestown colony were mostly herders as opposed to farmers (think cowboys) and how the necessity of moving around instead of putting down roots in one place caused them not to care too much about broadening their horizons. Their minds were mostly on the work.

>> No.9916626

It isn't cool to be an intellectual, and being cool is desirable, therefore nobody wants to be an intellectual.

>> No.9916632

Desirable to whom? Schoolchildren? You're essentially saying the vast majority of Americans are just overgrown schoolchildren.

>> No.9916637

My answer is not specified towards Americans.

>> No.9916638

(((you)))'re full of shit faggot. Antisemitism is what's causing all this

>> No.9916644


Anonymous, a random: being an intellectual is not cool
You, a semi intellectual: to whom? Schoolkids? (agreed)
You, a semi intellectual: *can't differentiate between "humans" and "americans"*
Me, an intellectual: gets an urge to kill both of you
Pepe, an intellectual: this guy isn't actually an intellectual

>> No.9916648

Atheism. Ban it.

>> No.9916661

This is the first time I have heard the term "anti-intellectualism. I don't even think that it's possible to be one because you have to use your brain at least in some fashion in life. What specific case are you reffing to that need a theory as to explain their "anti-intelectualness"?

Shots in the dark at OP's current non-premise, why are you on /sci/?

>> No.9916670

You must have lead a sheltered life. I truly envy you.

>> No.9916672

Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.9916673

>Does anyone have any theories on why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States?
Is it because the moral wrongness of the ruling class is so plainly demonstrable?

>> No.9916684

intellectualism is an inherently elitist concept, and elitism isn't necessarily fun when you're on the receiving end
various humanities people shoving their opinion over everything, and the occasional non-humanities shoving their opinion over everything (serge lang and AIDS, for example)
probably some weird cultural thing about hard work ethic and that not necessarily always applying to intellectuals

there's some other shit too, but that'd be my wanking circlejerk

>> No.9916695

You must be really really dumb.

>Does anyone have any theories on why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States?

Who in America is actively seeking to destroy/eliminate education? Everyone I know has gone or is going to college. For what, is another matter. We can sit here and list off all the "improper" or "non intellectual" paths that one can take in life and every one of them would be wrong and irrational.
"Anti-Intellectualism" from what I've gathered means "not actively not learning". The only example I see is your common con artist/ criminal, who is either:
a. a mentally defective
b. an actually cunning smart person who happens to be a psycopath/piece of shit. They are still "intellectuals" because they have actively studied how to manipulate society to their benefit.
c. a dumb stubborn fuck who will only learn with wisdom

Case b is still an intellectual, but not to the standards of society. He still lives, breaths and gets by in life just like everyone else. To say he is "dumb" is right, but only from your perspective of someone who gives an arbitrary definition to "intellectualism" and categorizes what falls under it's definition.

And these types of people are found in EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY.

So I will kindly ask again, what example can OP give that would refer to an act of "anti intellectualism" ?

>> No.9916709

I dunno, the fact the U.S populace elected a climate change denier vaccine conspiracy theorist who then filled his cabinet with similar people and some even worse ones?

>> No.9916724

>I dunno, the fact the U.S populace elected a climate change denier vaccine conspiracy theorist who then filled his cabinet with similar people and some even worse ones?
First of all both of those points are debatable, unless you're one of those "settled science" morons who actually believe that there is a "settled" component to any scientific process. There are more people going to college then ever before, in fact it's becoming a problem for those in over-saturated markets. The only problem with academia is the insistence of teaching people what to think instead of how to think.
>politics. You're correlating political decisions with intellectualism which is hilarious. Politics concerns itself with relationships with other countries. Would we magically become a smarter nation if we elected the old bag instead? Would her presence make us smart or would it give is the illusion of appearing smart?

>> No.9916729

Anti-intellectualism is not rampant. People are thirsty for knowledge, real knowledge about the world. Especially those poor rural people you typically associate with ignorance. They, more than anyone, want someone to enlighten them and tell them how the world works so that they can be more efficient. The true problem is that there are too many retards (far left) and conspiracy nuts (far right) pretending to be intellectuals on the public sphere that people simply can't trust anyone calling themselves a public intellectual. Seriously, if Kristi Winters has a Ph.D., what inherent value can you associate to a doctorate degree? None.

>> No.9916732

You do not fear nuclear arms?

>> No.9916734

Why would you fear something that would kill you before your brain even registers that there is something happening to you? Sounds even more peaceful than dying in your sleep.

>> No.9916738

Depends on the radius of effect.

>> No.9916739

When NK says they are going to nuke Cali then just pack your stuff and go on a road trip to San Francisco.

>> No.9916743

This brings up a good question. If North Korea nukes California, do we just integrate North Korea as a state? I mean, anyone who nukes California is more patriotic and American than the Californians. And I'm sure that North Korea would be a secure vote for Trump in 2020.

>> No.9916744

If you get warned on time.

>> No.9916746

True, well this is why it is good to be able to own guns. When you are noticed of an incoming nuclear attack, write on a piece of paper that you want to be counted as a casualty of the nuke, and then just shoot yourself through the mouth. Same thing really.

>> No.9916749

>the necessity of moving around instead of putting down roots in one place caused them not to care too much about broadening their horizons.
That doesn't make sense...
Broadening one's horizons is accomplished by moving around not staying still.

Also anti-intellectualism is relatively new. At least the power of it is. There have always been anti-intellectuals but now they comprise an entire American political party.

There's a good book on it. "Anti-intellectualism in American Life" although Hofstadter is philosophically bankrupt.

It doesn't go into the deep psychological issues, which I believe are the engine of anti-intellectualism, though.


>Anti-intellectualism is not rampant
There's an entire major US political party built on denying science and reason. That's as rampant as it gets.

>> No.9916753

Right, and do you know how many countries have nukes specifically for said reason? This is not a problem unique to America. Nukes are nothing other than an insurance plan that the big boys won't attack one another, I actually feel pretty safe that we have shitloads of them.

Also, who do you suppose designs the nukes? Handles them and maintains them? Do you think dumb people do that? It's literally rocket science with an added caveat. I guess having nukes makes us pretty smart

>> No.9916754

>There's an entire major US political party built on denying science and reason. That's as rampant as it gets.

But you are not getting my point. It is not that they are anti-science and anti-intellectual, it is just that 90% of public intellectuals turn out to be complete fucking idiots. So at one point they decided that instead of picking and choosing which idiot to believe today, they would just vote for whoever suggested solutions.

And if you think about it, if the problem is unemployment then deportation is a solution. You reduce the amount of poor people, so that the remaining poor people have more negotiating power. Obviously, it is a shitty solution but a solution nonetheless. And for these people, the public intellectuals can jerk their dicks on national TV all day for all they care. They are still going to vote for solutions.

This is obviously not optimal, but I would not blame someone from choosing this route.

>> No.9916755

The point of this was that the people are anti intellectual because they fear the whole thing your "smartness" brought about.

>> No.9916757

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.9916759 [DELETED] 
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Non-White admixture

>> No.9916761

>/pol/ boogeyman, let me ignore all your points and continue to make this into a political discussion.

Very unscientific

>Also anti-intellectualism is relatively new. At least the power of it is. There have always been anti-intellectuals but now they comprise an entire American political party.
>My side lost, time to blame to other and make them look as bad as possible so maybe they'll win next time.

The ride never ends.

>> No.9916784

"Intellectuaism" is a term born from and made trivial by the internet. Anyone can watch a 5 minute video or look at an article on the front page of Reddit/Facebook and consider themselves read up in that field of knowledge.
Why read a book on Chemistry when I can get new facts every day from I Fucking Love Science on Twitter?
It's all the feel-good moments of learning something new without the negatives of studying for it.

>> No.9916802

This sounds absolute retarded. How does the culture and occupation of a minority of people in one location in 1600's America affect of today?

>> No.9916808

White Americans are 98% European (Mostly Northwestern/Anglo/Irish/Dutch) on average. Euronigs need to stop posting this obnoxious fucking meme.

>> No.9916819

Christianity and nonsense about souls and spirits are the root of it. Religion and spirituality nonsense are the perfect foundations for a wide range of anti-intellectual beliefs.

>> No.9916824

>This is the first time I have heard the term "anti-intellectualism.
How? Have you never read a book or had a conversation of substance in your life?
>ou have to use your brain at least in some fashion in life
butt mannn can anyone like owwnnn anythinngg?

>> No.9916835 [DELETED] 

If I'm not mistaken isn't the largest Caucasian ancestry German?

>> No.9916844
File: 170 KB, 1057x947, 4chan pol meetup 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are 98% White!


>> No.9916846

>And if you think about it, if the problem is unemployment then deportation is a solution.
This would be true if it wasnt 2018 and there wasnt a global economy. Jesus fucking christ.
>they would just vote for whoever suggested solutions.
Forming a conclusion based of someones stated solution without understanding anything about the topic is willfully anti intellectual.

>> No.9916847

Uh, no. They’re not. Climate change is fact and it’s fact vaccines don’t cause autism.

>> No.9916859

>This would be true if it wasn't 2018 and there wasnt a global economy. Jesus fucking christ.

Yeah, tell that to some Alabama redneck that hasn't left his home-town since the moment he was born. For him, the "economy" is the two factories that operate at a driving distance from him. If those two factories are not hiring and giving competitive wages, the economy is going to the shitter (for him).

Seriously, what's the point of being smart if you cannot put yourself in the shoes of the people you want to vote in your favor? Think of those rednecks, and you will get all the votes Trump got for free.

>> No.9916867

Im a leaf where our social strat to address this is convince the idiots to pay taxes to fund institutions which will eventually benefit them via their kids not being as dumb.

>> No.9916872

The (correct) stereotype of intellectuals in America is one of a spineless twit sitting in his ivory tower pontificating about how he could improve a world he doesn't live in. He thinks he is fit for a crown when he doesn't have a drop of noble blood in him, so to speak.

>> No.9916882

I can see 2 possible reasons.
1) People don't trust power. Our hierarchies are built around "competence". The "intellectuals" at the top of the hierarchies wield the most power. People naturally distrust those that can exert control over them. (It doesn't need to be people exerting control; people distrust technology and nature too)

2) Many "intellectuals" are wrong and serve as convenient examples to distrust the whole group of "intellectuals". Anybody that tries to think new ideas in order to improve upon the status-quo runs the risk of doing worse than the status-quo. As long as people are trying new things, there will be failures.

Essentially, the shortcomings of those in 2) make people hesitant to trust the actions of the those with power in 1).

Not trusting some intellectuals is the right thing to do sometimes.

>> No.9916888

>mutts have trouble finding an ethnic identity
Well no shit. Just stop posting that fucking meme.

>> No.9916889
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone have any theories on why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States?
It has to do with using the internet to brainwash people.

In the past if you wanted to brainwash the masses you needed to do it with TV. TV was/is tightly controlled by giant media corporations and so what people thought was controlled by them. Of course most media corporations have no anterior motivation other than money so they just took add revenue from the highest bidder.

Now EVERYONE is capable of reaching the masses though internet which means everyone is vulnerable to brainwashing from just about anyone else. This includes religious organizations, corporations, and even foreign governments. The goal of brainwashing use to be trick people into buying your goods to make more money. Now everyone with a motive and ambition can brainwash the masses. It's a dangerous time we live in. Worst part is nobody knows quite yet just how bad things really are, and those with the power to teach the public in anti-brainwashing techniques refuse to do so because they have their own motives and would prefer to brainwash people too.

I thought we wouldn't see this kind of brain hacking shit till we developed brain 2 computer interfaces, but apparently you don't need sophisticated equipment to upload bad information into a persons mind. All you need are some written words.

>> No.9916899

oh, and if you're wondering how anti-intellectualism and brainwashing is connected. The 1st thing you tell someone you want to brainwash is that everyone else is lying to them. Anyone caught in this mental trap will be incapable of believing anything from the scientific community. Various religions have been doing this for centuries, which is why some religions clash so often with science. Tho religious belief is not necessary to fall victim to this trap at all. Anybody can fall victim to this mental trap, even those of the science community. Which is why the best scientists are skeptics. A healthy dose of skepticism in everything is best. You should even be skeptical of me.

>> No.9916914

>Climate change is fact
>it’s fact vaccines don’t cause autism.
Actually that's not a fact. What you actually meant was
>Vaccines are intended to combat and prevent diseases.

How to think, not what to think. This is what truly makes someone an intellectual.

>How? Have you never read a book or had a conversation of substance in your life?

Buddy, you can read all the books in the world if what they're saying is of no substance then you're wasting your time. If by "anti-intellectualism" you meant "stupid people" then yeah I've met a few. Doesn't mean they aren't trying to learn. There are:
1. stupid people, who eventually learn through wisdom
2. People who think they're smart because they repeat what others think. Are actually stupid because they don't know how to think for themselves
3.People who are actually smart because they seek the truth and facts for themselves, generally view themselves as dumb because the pursuit of knowledge never ends
4. Evil stupid people who wish to destroy knowledge because it doesn't align with their agenda or way of thinking.
5. Stupid people who generally don't care about anything other than getting through life.

So far I have never in my life met anyone who was an "anti-intellectual".

>> No.9916918

>not knowing what a scientific theory counts for

if you don't know the basics, why are you trying to talk like a big boy?

>> No.9916920

Examples 1, 2, 4, 5 are all anti intellectualism. Each of those archetypes knowingly rejects enlightenment even if it would improve their lives.

>> No.9916922

holy shit kys

>> No.9916929

>rejects enlightenment

Sounds like some secularized metaphysical shit you're regarding to as "intellectualism".

>> No.9916932

If you know the basics then why do you need to "theorize"?

>> No.9916933 [DELETED] 

The declaration of war by jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself. It is not only anti-bourgeois, it is anti-cultural. It means, in the final consequence, the absolute destruction of all economic, social, state, cultural, and civilizing advances made by western civilization for the benefit of a rootless and nomadic international clique of conspirators, who have found their representation in jewry.

Between 1918 and 1933 the withdrawals from the German Evangelical Churches alone amounted to two-and-a-half million persons in Germany. The programme which these atheistic societies laid down in regard to sexual matters is amply characterised in the following demands publicly expressed at meetings and distributed in leaflet form:

1. The complete abrogation of those paragraphs of the law dealing with the crime of abortion, and the right to have abortion procured free of charge in State Hospitals.

2. Non-interference with prostitution.

3. The abrogation of all bourgeois-capitalistic regulations in regard to marriage and divorce.

4. Official registration to be optional and the children to be educated by the community.

5. Abrogation of all penalties for sexual perversities and amnesty to be granted to all persons condemned as “sexual criminals.”

Truly a case of methodical insanity, which has for its aim the wilful destruction of the nations and their civilization and the substitution of barbarism as a fundamental principle of public life.

Where are the men behind the scenes of this virulent world movement? Who are the inventors of all this madness? Who transplanted this ensemble into Russia and is today making the attempt to have it prevail in other countries? The answer to these questions discloses the actual secret of our anti-Jewish policy and our uncompromising fight against Jewry; for the Bolshevic International is in reality nothing less than a Jewish International.

>> No.9916936

It was the Jew who discovered Marxism. It is the Jew who for decades past has endeavoured to stir up world revolutions through the medium of Marxism. It is the Jew who is today at the head of Marxism in all the countries of the world. Only in the brain of a nomad who is without nation, race and country could this satanism have been hatched. And only one possessed of a satanic malevolence could launch this revolutionary attack. For Bolshevism is nothing less than brutal materialism speculating on the baser instincts of mankind. And in its fight against West European civilisation it makes use of the lowest human passions in the interests of International Jewry.

>> No.9916939
File: 181 KB, 625x626, 4bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you're just throwing everything you got against the wall and hoping something sticks

>> No.9916940


that question doesn't even make sense. the definition of a scientific theory is the exact opposite of what is used casually by plebs like you who don't know what they're talking about.

the layman definition of theory is what would be called a hypothesis. congratulations, now you know something that they tell you in the first week of chem 101.

>> No.9916941


The "new left" did a lot of internal damage to the university system.

>> No.9916944

The theory underlying this political and economic fanaticism was excogitated by a Jew named Karl Mordechai, alias Marx, the son of a Rabbi in Treves. A variant of the same theory sprang from the brain of another Jew called Ferdinand Lassalle. He was the son of the Jewish Chaim Wolfsohn from Loslau, who changed his name first to Losslauer and then to Lasel and finally to Lassalle. The Labour Minister of the Paris Commune was the Jew, Leo Fraenkel. The Jewish terrorist, Karl Cohen, was the friend of Marx. On the 7th May 1866, in Unter den Linden, Berlin, this Cohen made two attempts to murder Bismarck by shooting at him...

There is no longer any political question at issue here. This thing cannot be judged or estimated by political rules or principles. It is iniquity under a political mask. It is not something to be brought before the bar of world history but rather something that has to be dealt with by the judicial administration of each country. It must be met with the same ruthless and even brutal means with which it strives to usurp power or hold power in its hands. Here there can be no barganing; because the danger that threatens Europe is acute. Overnight it might break in among the civilised nations of the world and spread universal catastrophe. Those States that make peace with it will soon learn from experience that it is not they who will tame Bolshevism but that Bolshevism will bring them under its heel. It cannot be said that the Komintern has changed its practices. It is and remains what it always was-the propagandist and revolutionary machinery which is avowedly intended to bring about the downfall of the West.

>> No.9916945

>climate change isnt a fact
The climate is demonstrable changing and has changed in the past, so yes it is a fact. The exact mechanism is a theory.
>it’s fact vaccines don’t cause autism.
Actually that's not a fact. What you actually meant was
>Vaccines are intended to combat and prevent diseases.
You want to know what is a fact? There is no known statistically significant link between autism and vaccination. There is no plausible proposed mechanism for vaccination to cause autism. The author(s) of the original paper postulating it have since rescinded it.

>> No.9916946

That is Communism with the mask off...This gospel of “the emancipation of the proletariat from the yoke of capitalism” is the worst and most brutal kind of capitalism that can be imagined. It has been thought out, set afoot and led under the inspiration of the Mammon worship and materialist thought which is incarnated in international Jewry, scattered throughout every country of the globe. It is no social experiment. It is nothing else than a mammoth system for the expropriation and despoiling of the Aryan directive classes in all the nations, and the substitution of the Jewish underworld in their place. Those people who put themselves forward here as the apostles of a new teaching and the liberators of mankind are in reality figures that herald anarchy and chaos for the civilized world.

>> No.9916948

Examples 1, 2, 4, 5 are all anti intellectualism. Each of those archetypes knowingly reject well obtained logic even if it would improve their lives.

Better? Stop arguing semantics and just accept you dont have a valid position. There are plenty of people in the world who reject relevant quality information.

>> No.9916951


it's funny. no matter how you word the antisemite nonsense, it always boils down to 'we have to get violent because jews are just too good at business compared to us'

maybe spend some time learning some math, kek

>> No.9916958

>jews are just too good at business compared to us
A Gemeinschaft is a group of persons deeply linked to each other, whereas a Gesellschaft is a group of persons united by only external, practical considerations such as gaining money. It is important to note that in National-Socialist discourse, society and community are not interchangeable terms.

>> No.9916961

A term that intensifies the distinction is Volksgemeinschaft, community of the people. A term that intensifies the distinction in the other direction would be Aktiensgesellschaft, which means joint-stock company.

>> No.9916974
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>> No.9916979

Is it just a meme? I think it's just a meme.

>> No.9916981
File: 74 KB, 720x540, barry-goldwater-preachers-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because, back in the 80's, Reagan brought in the religious right, and that particular brand of anti-intellectualism (for the autists, let's define that as an innate distrust of the scientific and educational establishments), coupled with the later advent of the Tea Party's anti-establishmentism in general, combined to "Science = Bad". Be it stem cell research, alternative energy, climate change, or near anything else, science now is against God, and therefore anti-American.

Blame Al Gore as well, for making climate change a partisan issue. (Granted, before the 80's, even abortion wasn't a partisan issue.)

There's always been an anti-establishment streak in American culture, and a small minority of anti-intellectuals, but it's only recently that science and the educated have been linked to the "left", and thus nearly half the nation has declared education and science, in addition to philosophy, anti-American. Evolution and climate change deniers in high office, unthinkable not long ago, are now par for the course.

Thus we see the Whitehouse Science & Technology completely unstaffed for the first time since Truman founded it, and any honest scientist that refuses to tow the party line excised.

It's not just America though - it just takes a different flavor elsewhere. There's an increasingly strong anti-reality wave running through much of global politics, where any fact that might run counter to a reigning political party's message is buried in favor of "alternative facts" that support them. This often involves the production of a whole lotta disinformation from both sides that tends to make any remotely controversial topic near impossible to analyze, as you can quote studies and papers for either side of the argument until the cows come home. This is, of course, not restricted to science, but runs the gambit from social issues to economics as well. Truth often becomes the enemy, once politics gets involved, and reality by consensus is the norm.

>> No.9916988

TL;DR: It's no longer about what is or isn't true, but what makes us right.

>> No.9916992

all truth can be derived from first principles

>> No.9917001

>The climate is demonstrable changing and has changed in the past, so yes it is a fact.
okay okay, I thought you were reffering to man made climate change. Yes the climate does indeed change. That is a good thing
>The exact mechanism is a theory.
Yep. The very foundation and explanation as to what climate does and why it does it is still unknown.
>You want to know what is a fact? There is no known statistically significant link between autism and vaccination
I never said there was
Actually only 4 is really "anti-intellectual" from the standpoint of progression and change. 2 enables 4's retarded ideas to spread because most people are 2's, full of unwarranted self-importance looking for the illusion of being smart. In realty they control a small portion of their own little world.
1. the wise fool, is not "anti-intellectual" for he has already learned, just the hard way. He has learned what not to do and maintains his hubris by telling others what's wrong based on his experience. He does not tell you what he does not know, he only tells you what he knows.
2. the beancounters, politicians, journalists, comedians, entertainers, actors. The "go with the flow crowd". Not really "anti intellectual" because they are still willing to learn (just not by themselves).
3. Philosophers, Scientists, metaphysics.
4. Psychopaths, Cultists, secularized metaphysics, hyper-materialists
5. The truly dumb person is not "anti-intellectual" for he at his foundation is but an animal looking for food, shelter and safety. He follows natures law and if nature was so dumb then how the fuck did you or I get here? He is not a threat to intellectuals, if anything he is an asset. Someone who can at the very least follow the intellectuals instructions and orders, the grunt worker. If not, then he has no choice but to make his own way. He is too dumb to preach anti-intellectualism or be smart. He is not anti anything.

>> No.9917021

Anyone who can speak proper English is obviously a Zionist spy

>> No.9917031

>non-humanities shoving their opinion over everything
I think we disagree on what constitutes as an opinion anon

>> No.9917037

It is stoked in order to create single-issue voters (siv)
SIVs are easy to manipulate into voting against against their own interest.
The 0.1% laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.9917048


>> No.9917057

unite vs divide

>> No.9917064
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>> No.9917065

>Postmodernism is a late 20th-century movement which represents a departure from modernism
>Departure from modernism

Modernism was fucking great! Gave us the enlightenment, sciences&math, industrial revolution, tech+++++++ These postmodernist don't believe in science, reason or objective truth, only in power and deception :(

>> No.9917069

It's a largely conservative country.

>> No.9917071

This conservative hate of California is hilarious considering California is one of the few states pulling the US into the future, and it's extremely financial successful and contributes a net positive to the federal tax revenue coffers, as opposed to shit tier red flyover states like Oklahoma that take more than they give

>> No.9917098

substantial drop in proportion of white people

>> No.9917109

Evangelicals and Protestants mostly

>> No.9917142

Post what constitutes "anti-intellectualism" and give an empirical examination demonstrating that the United States is more likely to have it.

>> No.9917145

Unironically postmodernism and Marxism. Average Joes don't respect that shit.

>> No.9917146

>This is the first time I have heard the term "anti-intellectualism.
If you haven't heard of it you probably have it.

>> No.9917181


>> No.9917223

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9917232

Oh great this thread has one of those guys who thinks spending his time being a text wall contrarian will hone his argumentative skills.

>> No.9917240

Imagine publishing a document, that contains your own name, with such a fucking laughable premise.

>> No.9917243

Its not, at least in comparison to other countries.

>> No.9917247

>a jew publishes a book on how those dumb dum protestants just can't seem to be smart
>catholics are smart normally but dum dum dum in America

Brilliant insights. I'm glad academia is so closely associated with subjective nonsense. I would say wasting your time and talent in a useless field is the most anti-intellectual thing you could do.

>> No.9917258

Rampant as compared to where? Do you think the average person in any country on this planet is "intellectual"?

Some random social theorist is not the harbinger of what makes a society intellectual, and what doesn't. What a fucking pretentious concept.

>> No.9917268

>and it's extremely financial successful and contributes a net positive to the federal tax revenue coffers, as opposed to shit tier red flyover states like Oklahoma that take more than they give

Sort by high school graduation rate, then look at bachelor degrees. California will be a segregated tech society and here's why that's a good thing.

>> No.9917382

the western world is plagued with cults all the way down.

culture cult-ture

>> No.9917390

People do not like to feel stupid. And they would rather change others than themselves, because they are stupid.

>> No.9917444

The current wave of anti-intellectualism that's hitting the U.S. may be a coping mechanism to deal with their growing realization that their relevance or way of life is changing. Thus what we are witnessing are some pseudo death wails in the form of conspiracy theories and us vs. them mentality. Also they tend to be contradictory when pushing deep state conspiracy, anti-climate change or anti-vaccine.

For instance if there is really a "deep state" then why are you only now acknowledging it now when minorities or alien theorists were complaining about it decades ago? What changed? Or is it that your ""deep state"" is more true than the other two?

With climate change if you don't believe the science behind it then why are you okay with the science behind aeronautics, weather patterns, migratory biology, oceanology and soil science? Especially when they all share models or are utilized to derive models for climate change.

And with anti-vaccine, you notate that you keep yourself and child away from it because you are afraid of its effects. But if you or your child are bitten by a snake you rush to the hospital to get anti-venom with no worry of side effects. Why the difference between the two when both have danger of killing you?

>> No.9917448

It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.

>> No.9917480

Maybe self-styled intellectuals in america are assholes.

>> No.9917481

Entertainment media/industry. Lead exposure.

>> No.9917512

"Deep state" is as much of a conspiracy theory as "middle management."

>> No.9917516

Read "The death of expertise" by Tom Nichols. It answers the question posed in the OP.

>> No.9917521

I have a theory but little else, my thought is that it’s not so much “Anti” as much as a lack of desire to improve on ones self significantly, a lot of people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in 10, this plus similarly to reading, the school system burns out any real desire to learn when it’s reduced to assignments after assignments to students who see procrastination as their only control over their situation. After all, if the majority of students get the fun of reading out of them by their English teachers and unless the teacher is honestly passionate about teaching, they won’t put more work into teaching the kids the subject with the twinkle of wonder in their eyes, instead they’ll be given the standard paper packet of homework questions. I’m not saying anywhere is perfect, this is just my personal theory on the topic I personally lived, I’ve only found the joys of learning recently after my college years.
I hope this gives you some food for thought.

>> No.9917539

USA, as a new world colony, was founded on "fuck the established authorities Im gonna do my own thing in america". Intellectualism is elitist, americans hate elitism.

>> No.9917551

Because intellectuals are/have become a bunch of lying hacks whomst many people run the gauntlet of via increased university participation

>> No.9917579

>There's an entire major US political party built on denying science and reason. That's as rampant as it gets.
you seem to think there is only ONE political party built on denying science and reason. there are multiple, anon.
There are major political parties who demonize GMO's, markets, etc. Moreover, the scientific ventures they DO side with, they don't even understand. They just side with it because it aligns with their political beliefs.
The entire world of politics is filled with scientism, my dude. Nobody cares, in the world of politics, for actual science or scientific arguments.

>> No.9917655
File: 338 KB, 2560x1440, TheEndJustifiesTheMeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then let us band together and FINISH these petty fucking arguments.

>> No.9917939

They deny the two genders of humans? They deny the evolutionary differences between men and women? No sweetie the left is the new anti-intellectuals.

>> No.9917941 [DELETED] 


>> No.9917947

Scarecrow, on a cross.

>> No.9919278

Because Republicans need a stupid population to win. It's not even a meme

>> No.9919369


intellectuals are not philosophers and like to pretend they are the new nobility above criticism

>> No.9919375

nukes dont exist

>> No.9919379

>Stop arguing semantics and just accept you dont have a valid position

stop arguing and accept my axioms goy

>> No.9919447

your inferiority is showing

>> No.9919454

like so the modern intellectual is an elitist who does not like to be questioned. Thinking his perceived mental superiority due to memorizing abstract concepts and paper pushing is of some great worth.

>> No.9919469
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If you studied Logic maybe you know it underpins correct thought.

Imagine going through a whole course of education without receiving any Logic instruction.

Thats the American system. Logic was once taught as a normal subject among others, but what happened was an uncomfortable tendency for logic and philosophy to quickly find the flaws and inconsistencies with political and religious rhetoric.

So, what you have today is a society where kids are not taught how to think properly. Adults in this society are, pretty much, without the mental tools to better themselves. Bewildered and beset by irrational cognitive dysfunction, they tend to atrophy intellectually over time, accelerating into premature senescence.

The "Golden Years" are marked statistically by an increase in happiness, as neural networks of the troubling and unknown problems they faced during their lives are annihilated by a great forgetting.

The final disinhibition is the disavowal of all adult responsibility, which they were never truly equipped to deal with.

From this senescence comes the idiot's happiness. Thus ends the cycle of wealth and progress and we begin the descent into a new dark age

>> No.9919474
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>trillions of dollars later which created the school to prison pipeline

>> No.9919483

Anyone who fears being questioned is by definition, anti-intellectual and a coward. No amount of degrees, achievements, or other bluster changes that fact.

>> No.9919490

There's a difference between fearing being questioned, and objecting to vapid questions that have been repeated for decades to attempt to discredit your work at the behest of corporate interests

>> No.9919509
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True, but there is a difference between annoyance with excessive repetition, and simply refusing to (re)consider an argument because you are too personally invested in wanting to conclude that an argument is true/false.
It's a fine line.

>> No.9919525

the axis tilt is 23.5

>> No.9919530

>nothing is ever settled unless it agrees with my carefully pre-calculated political preconceptions
That anon is right >>>/pol/

>> No.9919547

Because "intellectuals" tend to act smug and try to lord over people telling them how to live and think.

>> No.9919556
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Christian fundamentalism is zionist movement.

>> No.9919573
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23.5 is rounded up

23.4 - 90

>> No.9919609

More like anti-pseudism.

People legitimately respect actual intellectuals, not the brainlet undergrad math majors on /sci/.

>> No.9919615

this post right here is exactly why this is the absolute worst board on this site.
i fucking despise americans

>> No.9919616

I'm anti-intellectual because I'm a brainlet who wishes to look for himself. Simple as that. If I can tear/wear down the people who have advantages over me, I can live a little bit more freely. It's just my way of survival. Surely you understand, right?

>> No.9919649
File: 144 KB, 320x320, comic-books-from-the-atomic-age_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While both the left and right are guilty of ignoring facts for their agenda, America's left has never tried to limit or dismantle the science sector in the fashion that the right has.

Albeit, likely only because scientific and education foundations have been among the largest funders of the Democratic party, though, conversely, that's why they are among the largest funders, and, in turn, why they have those funds to give.

On the other hand, that money has created a corruption that is eating at the insides of the education system, and the left does have a habit of lowering standards to create greater inclusiveness, which does more of the same - and while I suppose it isn't their intent to make America dumber, that is the end effect.

But cultural anti-intellectualism becoming mainstream really started in the 80's (>>9916981). Before then, science and scientists had the utmost respect in America, and America was proud to be on the forefront of the frontier, making every effort to become and remain so. Having the White House Science & Technology division wiped out would have been unthinkable before. Riots and guns would have been involved if they had done that in the 50's. Today, most Americans aren't even aware of the fact that it's gone.

>> No.9919665

'Cause knowing stuff is stupid.

>> No.9919669


Satan, your drunk.

>> No.9919674


Nukes arnt real.

>> No.9919675

>Yep. The very foundation and explanation as to what climate does and why it does it is still unknown.
Radiative forcing is generally understood as positive and negative feedback loops, other than some poorly understood aspects, significantly the total contribution of water vapor to the climate system, including the large amounts of water introduced artificially by human activity. But forcing is an established thing, and it works quite well as far as our understanding extends.

>> No.9919712

Because being intellectual today means learning and preaching all the propaganda you get with an air of superiority and treating science like a religion and a moral compass instead of just an observation tool

>> No.9919725

>i fucking despise americans

no reasons why? You can do better than that Vlad

>> No.9919727

>>Yep. The very foundation and explanation as to what climate does and why it does it is still unknown.
Radiative forcing is generally understood as positive and negative feedback loops, other than some poorly understood aspects, significantly the total contribution of water vapor to the climate system, including the large amounts of water introduced artificially by human activity. But forcing is an established thing, and it works quite well as far as our understanding extends.

Amazing post right here. Succinct, cuts right to the bone. 10/10 deniers, eternally btfo'd

>> No.9919731

>treating science like a religion and a moral compass instead of just an observation tool

Ken Hamm detected

>> No.9919744

I think the US election demonstrated that people in general do not like being preached to from those sitting high up in their ivory towers.
Colleges are currently dominated by mostly left-wing ideologies which isn't a bad thing in itself (although a balance would be preferred) but that the general attitude towards others is holier-than-thou and that if you disagree with any of their opinions then you are immediately branded uneducated, bigoted or both.
Not that right-wing commentators are innocent of this themselves, but it seems at least as of right now they seem more willing to at least compromise on some points as opposed to some unnecessary "us or them" mentality.

>> No.9919748

The National Myth of the United States centres on being able to become anybody and do anything with the right attitude and perseverance. In reality, social mobility is fairly limited. Physical appearance, athleticism, and intelligence (via professional standing) are some of the few mechanisms of real mobility. Each of these mechanisms is accepted as partially genetic, and partially a matter of effort and training. And in each of these cases, there is a nebulous view of what that ratio is of genetics versus effort.

If the National Myth has failed, you're left with the choice between the idea that the myth was a lie and some things are beyond your control, and the idea that the myth was honest and you failed to live up to it. This seems to lead to a strange dichotomy of worshiping the idea of an attractive, fit, or intelligent person, but some elements of the culture chastising members of each of those groups for the same. Although these past-times each have very different popularity.

>> No.9919753

>Doesn't know what the term "anti-intellectual" means
>Not autistic

Pick one.

>> No.9919756
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>myth was a lie and some things are beyond your control

The myth was a lie and everything is 'your will', including being deceived.

>> No.9919776

>I think the US election demonstrated that people in general do not like being preached to from those sitting high up in their ivory towers.
So they voted in a guy who all but literally lives in an ivory tower and is worth billions more than his opponent?

Granted, in any POTUS election, the guy who they feel they can have a beer with will win.

>> No.9919781

Clinton nearly won, if the popular vote and razor thin margins in the rust belt were any indication. The left/corporate donor side couldn't drive turnout to contain a surprisingly strong turnout for Trump.

>> No.9919782

This. Trump does not represent the best interests of the common American working man. He hasn't "worked" a day in his life in the traditional way. He doesn't even shop for his own groceries, judging by his comments about how he literally thinks you have to have an ID to buy groceries.

Quite frankly it seems like Democrats have their best interest in mind more.

>> No.9919784

Modernism rejected the Enlightenment and realism. Modernism gave us abstract art like Jackson Pollack paintings, and nihilism.

Postmodernism gave us Portal, The Stanley Parable, and Doki Doki Literature Club, so let's not knock it.

>> No.9919841

Anti intellectualism is the default state for the majority in the majority of countries isn’t it? I can only think of a handful of Northern European and Asian countries that really celebrate intelligence

>> No.9919889


>> No.9919897


Gender and sex are two entirely different things anon

>> No.9919915

A weapon for false flagging or a more genuine response to materialist atheism?

>> No.9919943

Yes: genes. Most US citizens are descended from the cooks and cranks of past centuries.

Ban religion and you just get secular versions of the same behaviours. It's in their genes.

>> No.9919944

Yeah and Romney nearly won against Obama, what's your point?

>> No.9919946

Culture is a cult, every culture has a single lie.

>> No.9919948

>Northern European
which? isn't everything especially concepts like intelligence racist over there?

>> No.9919952

well iq is racist so...

>> No.9920013

It's present everywhere. But for america in particular, I'd say that the american militant anti-collectivist and contrarian attitude on a personal level are to blame for the elevated levels. Average and below average (brainlet) americans consider themselves exceptional and shift their (most often than not uninformed) opinions to a type of pseudo-facts, fueled by their massive societally-induced ego (i.e. the "participation award" culture). People in other countries just don't have that boundless ego and individualism to continuously "fight" against the scientific, cultural and art paradigm. The bible pseudoscience also doesn't help, but I wouldn't say it's the main culprit, even though it's almost exclusively responsible for flat earth-ism and most fringe conspiracies.
t. lived and studied in the US for several years

>> No.9920021

>I actually feel pretty safe that we have shitloads of them.

How safe do you feel about all the small nuclear devices and fissile material that went AWOL during the collapse of the USSR?

>> No.9920023


>I guess having nukes makes us pretty smart


spot the /pol/tard taking credit for other peoples accomplishments again.

>> No.9920037

I thought Jews were a religious group and not a race?

>> No.9920072

They are what it's useful for them under the right circumstances.
Like hydra, but its heads represent their lies, slash one and two new ones emerge.

>> No.9920314

>Culture is a cult, every culture has a single lie.
at least one lie

>> No.9920368

>I fucking love science! Rationality? That isn't science!
>spot the /pol/tard taking credit for other peoples accomplishments again.

Getting this butthurt over pronouns. >>>/lgbt/
White knighting pronouns when the pronoun is something you're biased against. >>>/pol/

Well given the fact that we still have nukes to throwback at the motherfuckers that launch them at us, yeah I do.
>What if the people who stole them don't care.
That's right, somewhere on this planet there is a rouge group of billionaire terrorists with the technology and capacity to build a missile silo (and the long range missile to carry the payload) in order to launch 1 (maybe 2) missiles that they stole back at the most powerful country in the world. Show me one country that is willing to do that. North Korea maybe when they were under Kim Jong Il, but they have always threatened just to get more money and food aid appeasements from America.


Holy fucking shit , coherent thoughts.

>the definition of a scientific theory is the exact opposite of what is used casually by plebs like you who don't know what they're talking about.
And somehow people like you manage to convince yourself that you aren't part of a secularized metaphysics cult. Lets claim we have a foundation in philosophy and then do nothing but appeal to authority.

examples in history where "scientists" like you have deluded mankind with the exact same mentality:

Flat earth
"Gravity" as a modality or "force"
the sun revolves around the earth
AC current will never work
wave-particle "duality" (go ahead a post your butthurt comment about the inclusion of this monstrosity)

>> No.9920392

Actually in this instance yes. Bringing up semantics during the course of another discussion gives me cancer.

>> No.9920403

>Well given the fact that we still have nukes to throwback at the motherfuckers that launch them at us, yeah I do.
Who is going to be the target of your retaliation when the strike is the product of terrorism? The amount of fissile material missing in the world is comically large and building a bomb isnt hard.
>Lets claim we have a foundation in philosophy and then do nothing but appeal to authority
The foundation of science is philosophy, specifically natural philosophy, in short the idea that trying to explain something is better than just saying its magic.

>wave-particle "duality"
Are you denying the massive amount of experimental data here? If you have a better model then you should publish and collect your nobel prize.

>> No.9920413

>USA, as a new world colony, was founded on "fuck the established authorities Im gonna do my own thing in america"
This is literally propaganda narrative and revisionist history. The us was founded because a few fabulously wealthy white dudes didnt want to pay taxes to the british crown but wanted to continue to exploit the rest of the colonists. So they mobilized the idiot people to fight for a cause that wasnt even in their best interest. Sound familiar?

>> No.9920416

That was the american rev
I'm talking the settlement of north america

>> No.9920417

Why are you trying to argue the meaning of a phrase that is defined.

>> No.9920422

Then yeah I agree. Though the same kind of thinking of the elite during the revolutionary war existed among more common people only towards the extant natives and the NA envrionment in general.

>> No.9920433

Probably because intellectual jobs pay better, and society doesn't put resources forward to counteract advantages of growing up rich. Class resentment is simple stuff people. What, you gotta be Jeff Bezos to have a good life?

Holy shit why are there so many fucking nazis here. You sick asshole.

>> No.9920476

California is having it's 2nd largest wildfire in history currently. 1/100 year hurricanes are coming every 16 years now. And you're bitching about how we'll never know if climate change is legit. I'd agree with you if there wasn't a cigarette company style effort carried out by big oil right now. At the very least you could be extremely neutral, rather than obfuscatory.

>> No.9920491


copypastaing Goebbels. Yeah, there definitely isn't a horseshoe theory. Your shit is legitimately fucking evil. All you can claim is 100 million people died under communism, not that most of the actual deaths happened during the process of industrialization, by counting every famine and natural disaster, or that the number is insanely inflated cold war propaganda. USSR industrialized in 2 decades vs centuries for the west, of course there was death. Thousands of people died building New York's underground infrastructure. You don't blame capitalism for that do you?

>> No.9920520

American culture rewards action rather thinking (opposite of oriental cultures), and intellectuals are pretty much all talk and no doing, this is why engineers are the master race.

>> No.9920522


>> No.9920525

Google "Intellectual Yet Idiot". Essay by Taleb. Pseuds (the majority of intellectuals) are dangerous and arrogant. Instinct is remarkably good at identifying pseuds

>> No.9920572
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Drop in trust in America and her institutions. At the end of the day, believing in a scientist or "intellectuals" in general is not an act of critical thinking, but an appeal to authority, whose validly is strictly based upon the legitimacy of that authority. Over the past 50s year, wages have been stagnate, America and her culture appears to be in decline, political polarization is at an all time high, large amount of student debt, lack of jobs to go around, men and women are sick of hook up culture and hate how feminism has destroy gender relations, and our country seems to prioritize keeping the borders open above all else.

Overall, people have lost trust and faith in society, and are feeling hopeless. Compound this with the rise of irreligiousity, where religion teaches people to form communities, work hard on self improvement, and have faith in not only God but each other, it's obvious that atheism's rise only exacerbates modern day problems.

"Anti-intellectualism" is simply no longer investing intellectual figures with the authority and legitimacy they once had.

>atheists/ifuckinglovescience crowd with be triggered

>> No.9920583

Nothing good really happened until there was a separation of church and state and secularism took over. That's why some form blank-slate post-modernism is actually the correct way to do things. Just look at science, the only thing that can discern any sort of truth has to be done in a completely inbiased manner.

>> No.9920588

I believe that people have hope. They did however lose faith in society. They are trying new approaches for once. The rise of interest in robotics and math and medicine has increased markedly so across The West.

>> No.9920609
File: 422 KB, 640x637, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that in terms of epistemiology both science and religion are on the same side while postmodernism is on the opposite? To conduct science, it requires the belief that
>objective truth exists
>humans can figure out objective truth
Postmodernism doesn't believe objective truth exists, and thus obviously don't believe that you can discover any level of truth. A good scientists discriminates in favor of truths proven by the scientific method against all other truths.

>nothing good happened until there was separation of church and state and secularism took over
Look, you scientists/edgelord types are very good at science, but every single one of you are 100% garbage at history. There is no such thing as an atheistic civilization, all civilization requires religion. Under Christendom, Western Civilization was built, universities were established, ideas were freely explored (with a bias towards proving Christianity as truth), lessons from pagan philosophers were widely spread, etc. The idea that the church was anti-science is enlightenment propaganda.
How are robotics and math and medicine gonna solve
>college debt
>open borders
>political polarization
Do you actually think modern day people are more hopeful about science than say people in the late 19th century? I think not.

>> No.9920610
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>why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States
Because 'intellectuals' are still claiming that egalitarianism is a valid worldview and that there are 6 gorrillion genders and that females are oppressed and that diversity is our strength etc etc.
Basically this, and here's why that's a good thing!

>> No.9920613

The West, if not the world has decided to separate from this planet.

We will have space oligarchies spanning sectors of various strengths and sizes and beliefs if this keeps up.

Our technology has reached critical state. We can control life itself and make new beings if we so wished. New entire civilized races can be bio-engineered.

Viruses that can evolve at unprecidented speeds, computers so advanced that can simulate entire biospheres let alone intelligence. Methods of harvesting asteroids and getting efficient returns on energy or turning them into weapons.

Soon I wager, even portals to other universes let alone galaxies will be within our grasp. If we can gather the energy and direct it so.

(Soon as in relative to our age of human kind and the age of our planet.)

The power we have is unprecidented.

>> No.9920632

>Are you denying the massive amount of experimental data here?
a "wave" is not a thing.

Definitions change because of...peer review! Take "Facism" and the Oxford dictionary for example.

>California is having it's 2nd largest wildfire in history currently.
It's almost like California is a fucking desert or something. I know how we can fix this
>Lets fill this very dry and arid place with plants, there's little water but we can pump it in specific small areas of the land
>Hmmm, very dry and flammable plants seem to do very well here, like pine trees.
>Then lets put most of the population of the US in it and make sure there's lots of nutcases and clueless people.
>Then wire it with electricity
>then pretend we have no clue why fires burn so well and are hard control
>Every single time a fire happens we'll blame it on global warming and further delude the people into believing that California is supposed to be some tropical utopia like the imported palm trees show it to be. We'll let most of the river deltas go even though we could be storing this water to combat drought and fires.
Let it burn to the fucking ground, I'd rather plant my own veggies

>And you're bitching about how we'll never know if climate change is legit
The climate is supposed to "change" that's what seasons are called.

>I'd agree with you if there wasn't a cigarette company style effort carried out by big oil right now
Do you honestly believe that oil companies aren't invested in "green energy"? Do you think shitty peak solar 100 watt panels can make up for the potential energy of petroleum? Do you think that any "green energy" doesn't affect the environment? So if there's a massive "conspiracy" that big oil is keeping green energy down then why was the government allowed to offer solar subsidies for those buying more efficient appliances and solar panels? Why is it one of the main talking points of the media if it was all being kept in the dark by big bad oil?

>> No.9920634
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A sufficiently advanced robot can educate you at fractional costs. Pen and paper being replaced by voice and inputs. The school is always open. 24/7. A machine never tires like men do. It takes much longer. A machine can also verify you and your peers at a devistatingly fast rate.

A machine can guard your boarders. Although a vast radiation shield is the most efficient method. Which machines can navigate with or without the help of men.

Political Polarization is solved by seperatism most of the time. Resources can be managed by a non partisan artificial intelligence that can lead to a neo-golden age society.

A machine has different wants and needs than a man does. It can only be corrupted via a virus.

>> No.9920645

>Radiation Shield

Operation Miasma you mean.

>> No.9920664

>science and religion are on the same side
top kek

faith vs evidence, 'nuff said

>> No.9920672

>such thing as an atheistic

wew lad

>doesn't know the difference between a secular and an atheist society

>> No.9920677
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You AND the religious will simultaneously eat those words and rejoice if chaos theory leads to multiverse.

>> No.9920680
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Teachers can't be replaced by robots, they will never understand the intricacies of human emotion, motivation. Neither do the virgin retards who program the AI. Furthermore, the universities industries requires you to get a prestigious degree from an established universities with REAL teachers. At best a robot will be a discussion helper or something. It will not solve the monopoly universities have on education.

Machine won't guard the border if politician directly tell the machine not to.

The balkanization of America is failure, we're aiming for unity, did you know?
>resource management
So AI communism? That's more retarded than actual communism.

>can only be corrupted via a virus
Literally controlled by humans and thus susceptible to all human shortcomings.

>> No.9920685

Americans are getting red-pilled


>> No.9920704

Got some evidence that this is a true statement?

>> No.9920714
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You think that our current glorified silicon golems are the extent of our powers of machinisation and chemistry?

Your life is nothing but atoms and calorific output to me. There is so, so much more we are capable of.

>> No.9920723

>chaos theory
more like Heisenberg

>> No.9920748

there is no time or place where anti-intellectualism hasn't been a problem, and its source is our bias toward our preconceived ideas about life and the universe
we're all afraid of the possibility of something we've attached to emotionally being wrong, and closing ourselves off to things that conflict with our perceived reality is always more comfortable and thus the more common solution
all nations, races, classes and creeds are guilty of it. I'm guilty of it myself. anyone who says they aren't is probably especially guilty

>> No.9920753

says the same people who say shit like "settled science" and "common consensus"

>> No.9920755

long ago already

>> No.9920757

prove them wrong and collect the Nobel prize

>> No.9921088

Ban intuition heavy genes

>> No.9921091

Most people peak in middle school

>> No.9921098

Based sci-fi poster

>> No.9921159
File: 124 KB, 1327x723, climate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd largest fire currently underway is in the woods of northern california, far away from those liberal pussies your stupid ass hates so much. Stop playing with words, you sound like complete shit.

>Climate is supposed to change.
"That's what seasons are called?" You sound so fucking impotent. It enrages me that you're so shameless as to talk.

Yeah, all of your questions are shit. "Oil Giants Spend $115 Million A Year To Oppose Climate Policy" What the fuck does that mean to you? Go suck Scott Pruitt's dick.

I appreciate that you're saying that it's difficult to pin down scientific fact with something as amoebous as the climate. But lets not pretend there isn't a broad consensus that serious shit is happening. Attached image is a survey from the American Meteorological Society.

>> No.9921181

Women they love moron behavior and consider smart behavior nerdy and boring. Its always girls who make young intelligent men doubt themselves. I hear 30 year old cunts calling men who are smart nerds it makes me disgusted to think we let a gender that only approves of stone age social activity to be considered our equals.

>> No.9921188

Sorry anon, that was rude of me. I only meant like half of what I said.

>> No.9921191

Pseudo-Intellectual Here

It is because Anti-Intellectualism is one of the easiest way to get power in terms of influence. Religion, Ideology, Postmodernism all are methods of maintaining control over people's perceptions and minds without being very intelligent, charismatic (would be helpful though), rich, or strong. The "-ism" is so great that I shall never give them up. Sophistry, Fallacies, Obscurantism, Distortion, they are all tools too easy to use and too powerful to ignore. For those who have nothing in the world, nonsense is their greatest weapon.

>> No.9921206

> 'nuff said
found the urban redneck

>> No.9921207

This has to be autism

>> No.9921271

>"That's what seasons are called?" You sound so fucking impotent. It enrages me that you're so shameless as to talk.

Visibly upset, also I never referred to any specific area being liberal/conservative ridden. I said "nutcases and clueless people" because you would have to be clueless to live in a fucking desert that takes more than 40 percent of your income. Stop putting words in my mouth

> "Oil Giants Spend $115 Million A Year To Oppose Climate Policy"

Peanuts compared to the amount of subsidies granted to solar companies. Also, since when is it bad to promote the product you sell?

>But lets not pretend there isn't a broad consensus that serious shit is happening

I'm not pretending that isn't happening, I'm saying just because you get a bunch of monkeys together to say the same thing, doesn't make what they're talking about of substance.

>> No.9921290

>23.4 - 90

>> No.9921294

>Does anyone have any theories on why anti-intellectualism is so rampant in the United States?


smart people are harder to convince to screw themselves over.

>> No.9921304

lol ur a faggot

>> No.9921322

>Quite frankly it seems like Democrats have their best interest in mind more
Only if you obey the narrative and learn your place

>> No.9921376

>The climate is supposed to "change" that's what seasons are called.
Seasons are not climate. Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance, so that rational minds know not to listen to your bullshit. Is the average surface temperature "supposed" to go up multiple C because grown ass adults hate inconvenience, and will rape the planet to death overconsuming energy sources for that convenience? Hell, it's not even convenience so much as utter frivolity half the time.

>> No.9921481

>a "wave" is not a thing.
I didnt say it was, I said there is a massive amount (about a century) of observation supporting it (wave particle duality). Again, if you have a better alternative than publish and become one of the greatest minds of all time. Otherwise shut the fuck up because "i dunno magic" isnt useful.
>Definitions change
This is irrelevant, the definition of anti intellectualism right now is clear.

I havent seen one post yet where you address the core of any argument. Concerning you this anon said it best.

>> No.9921556

>Seasons are not climate
They most assuredly are part of the climate since one would think that the position of the fucking earth relative to the sun would matter. Did you also know that the sun happens to change a lot as well?

>Is the average surface temperature "supposed" to go up multiple C because grown ass adults hate inconvenience, and will rape the planet to death overconsuming energy sources for that convenience?
Loaded questions. See this is what I mean. What am I supposed to argue if there is no argument?

>I didnt say it was, I said there is a massive amount (about a century) of observation supporting it (wave particle duality).
>observation supporting it (wave particle duality)
>something that isn't a thing can be "observed" or reified.

And I won't even go into the fact that there is no empirical evidence of any indivisible "particle","indivisible unit of matter" or any other abstraction. You cannot have a "duality" of something that doesn't even fucking exist in the first place. You can call it a duality, but that doesn't make it one.

>This is irrelevant the definition of anti intellectualism right now is clear.
Apparently not. No one is actively seeking to be "anti-intellectual". You hear of people downplaying colleges and making fun of certain degrees, but they of course substitute it with what they think is "smart" in order to substantiate their claim. Said person may instead be a business owner, or your dumbest pauper the point is that just because they aren't actively seeking education does not make them "anti-education". You have a mixed bag of educated people who learn their own way, that's the way it is. There is nothing "anti" about it, they are people still in the process of learning!.
Unless "intellectualism" is a goalpost term for "People who agreed with 12-48 other people and got a paper saying they agreed with them".

>> No.9921566

>something that isn't a thing can be "observed" or reified.
You must be the only person in the world who doesnt see waves when they go to the beech. At this point you are conclusively retarded, bye.

>> No.9921577

found the pol/tard

>> No.9921594

>They most assuredly are part of the climate
Seasons are NOT climate. Climate is the most long-term patterns of earth's atmospheric activity.
>since one would think that the position of the fucking earth relative to the sun would matter
it does, seasonally and because of snall variations in earth's orbit.
>Did you also know that the sun happens to change a lot as well?
Solar variance does not account for the observed radiative forcing and temperature change over the last century.
>Loaded questions. See this is what I mean. What am I supposed to argue if there is no argument?
Nice fallacy fallacy. "Science I don't like" is not invalidated because of your preferences. Energy consumption is scheduled to increase, so the observed warming this century will likely be larger than the 0.8C of last century, i.e. close to 3C cumulative or even more depending on how it plays out.

>> No.9921629

Don't argue with this moron. He's obviously a propagandist.

>> No.9921640

At least >50% of people (i.e. the hundreds of millions on the left side of the bell curve) don't have the patience to sit down and read even 1 page of a book, yet are still too arrogant to admit there are things they have zero clue about.

>> No.9921644

>see waves when they go to the beech
Waves of WHAT moron? Sand? Mist? Rain? Speed bumps in the asphalt?

I see water, the water is WAVING. It is still fucking water, not "Wave water". This is why a "wave" is not a thing. It's a description of what SOMETHING IS DOING. Please reify it. I fucking dare you to try and explain how a "wave" is a thing.

>> No.9921670

>This is why a "wave" is not a thing. It's a description of what SOMETHING IS DOING.
When it comes to subatomic particles and photons, what's the difference? The experience humans have when observing the same thing is consistent, and thinking of them as having wave qualities and particle qualities makes sense based on the evidence.

>> No.9921686

You realize Canada has a tighter immigration process than the U.S.A based on a points system right?

>> No.9921962

I believe, to a great extent, America is more anti-intellectual as compared to older cultures. The one that I have some in depth knowledge of is the druids. Druid colleges were very selective, and focused on the arts and its theory of how it affects our psychology (color/sound theory, for example), primarily because it was very important to their spirituality, but it did not forego subjects such as mathematics, law, and integrated philosophy throughout. The goal was to understand more of the universe on a fundamental level.

I don't knowuch about aristocrats of olde but I do know they were similar in a sense. I know that they sought life-long guidance of studied philosophers to basically tell them how to live their life in a similar pursuit.

American culture today doesn't want to go to college for the sake of learning and understanding, people want to go to college for the sake of finding a liveable job. Not many could care very much at all for actual learning. They want TRAINING, not learning. I'm sure you've also encountered the parents and children alike who asked, "When am I going to use algebra/calculus/trigonometry in the real world?"
This question, in my opinion, is a very good example of their anti-intellectual mentality. I suppose what I'm describing is more anti-scholar, and not everyone is fit for scholarship, but I believe one definitely in the ballpark.
On that same note I also believe its a misleading question. Scholarship was never for everyone, and I personally believe (with no sources or data to back this up so take it with a grain of salt) that the few has always been true "intellectual", as opposed to the many, who are happy with folk wisdom. I don't think its tied strictly to America, I think it's most people.

>> No.9921984

Define 'tighter'. Canada has a higher immigration rate than the United States. 3.3% versus 1.5%.

>> No.9922059

I don't identify with Synths. Synths needs to be purged.

>> No.9922068

If you arent willing to educate yourself on fluid dynamics then anons arent going to be willing to engage you. Go back to your hole.

>> No.9922075


Wow, it's almost like the US has 10x the population! Imagine if that meant that they had more migrants arriving, hence having lower standards!

>> No.9922076

Immigration has almost nothing to do with what I said. The idiots I referred to include natural born citizens.

>> No.9922119
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>> No.9922177

>Muh human emotions meme
>you virgins will never understand feels

>> No.9922205

Not him but it isn't a meme, there's a lot of psychology behind motivation to do things. There's a reason you love learning, it didn't just happen. Not to say most teachers are good, there are a lot of crappy ones. But for primary school, the human touch is very important to getting children to want to learn. Look into it my dude. Unless you believe psychology doesn't exist. In which case, enjoy your sociopathy or something.

>> No.9922319

>Fluid dynamics

Pressure mediation. Also I do know how it works which is why I made the distinction that a WAVE IS NOT A FUCKING THING. It's what something does! Can light be defined by what it does? Is what something does what it is? If you never saw a cheetah before would you name it "fast running animal"? No you'd give a separate name to differentiate it from the rest of the goddamn fast running animals. Can you differentiate light from illumination?

>> No.9922357

Can you differentiate yourself from a mentally ill individual babbling about nothing?

>> No.9922380

How to think not what to think, my friend. Also I am blabbing about nothing, because light is not even a thing it's what electricity and magnetism DOES. Thanks for playing.

>> No.9922394

So the answer is no.

>> No.9922417

america is stupid enough to think that fields of research dating literal millennia exist for no reason

>> No.9922451

This Dunning-Krueger in action is certainly a blazing example to the topic at hand.

Many Americans would rather think that all the scientists everywhere are conspiring against them, rather than think they simply don't understand something. Among such Americans, when confronted with something that runs against their beliefs, or, as in this case, something that is simply unintuitive, they will assume they know better than all the experts in the world. Like this gentleman, they will come to this conclusion before they are even vaguely aware of fundamental concepts (really just offended by the name), let alone capable of examining the data or doing the math.

It also doesn't help that scientists seem to be really shit at naming things, so I guess I should take a stab at the wall, for all the good it'll do...

A wave-particle, is neither a wave nor a particle. It's a perturbation in the related quantum field that behaves as both. We call the point of interaction a particle, and the path of potential interaction a wave. There is no real duality. It simply turns out, when you get to such scales that the mind never evolved to directly interact with, things get a little unintuitive (be it too small, as in QM, or too fast and distant, as in GR). It is not ping pong and pool tables all the way down, nor all the way up, particularly when you get to subjects so fundamental nothing can interact with them without altering them. They do not behave like the macro objects we're accustom to dealing with, as they aren't objects in the sense we tend to think of.

But I know you're right and all the world is wrong, and this isn't an intellectual life preserver you are liable to grab any time soon, if ever. Putting it out there, nonetheless, in hopes that it'll aid your climb out, should you ever become just a little less sure of yourself.

>> No.9923215

>>rejects enlightenment
>Sounds like some secularized metaphysical shit you're regarding to as "intellectualism".

The interplay between science and mathematics demonstrates very clearly why metaphysical thinking is important for understanding the physical. I would also try to argue that metaphysical thinking is an integral part of consciousness, and you cannot function without it. I would want to label categorical anti-metaphysicalism as a particular flavor of anti-intellectualism.

>> No.9923223

>Modernism rejected the Enlightenment and realism.
Ok, thanks, clearly I need to read up. My post would work better if I had praised the enlightenment instead of modernism. As for the art, I honestly think it is secondary. I am saying that as someone that has worked as a pro musician before going into math.

>> No.9923224

hahaha orange man bad

>> No.9923249

>It is because Anti-Intellectualism is one of the easiest way to get power in terms of influence. Postmodernism is a method of maintaining control over people's perceptions and minds without being very intelligent, charismatic (would be helpful though), rich, or strong.

Yes. When there's no longer any objective reality/truth and moral is relative, then all that is left is power and aesthetics. When you disagree with someone, just tactically reject the very notion of truth, rendering any argument worthless, including your own, but your display of power/aesthetics will overshadow it.

>> No.9923257

I agree. At the end of the day, people want to feel as though they are in control of their lives while simultaneously relinquishing control to a third party, as they are either:

1. Too lazy/apathetic to do some basic fact checking. They'd rather just post pictures of a fucking sandwich they made on their social media outlet of choice, but then wonder why ads for Subway keep popping up.

2. Too idealistic and can't wrap their head around the concept that not everyone has their best interest in mind. These are the type of people who think that everyone is a winner just due to the fact that they exist.

tl;dr everyone says they want to be a leader, yet the decisions they make say otherwise

>> No.9923261

secularized metaphysics=/=metaphysics

>> No.9923311

>secularized metaphysics=/=metaphysics
What's your point?

>> No.9923357
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>In the Sokal Hoax (1996), at Duke University, the physicist Alan Sokal submitted to the culture-studies journal Social Text a pseudo-scientific report—which postulated that the law of gravity is a social construct—in order to test if the magazine would "publish an article liberally salted with nonsense, if (a) it sounded good, and (b) it flattered the editors' ideological preconceptions." Social Text published Sokal's paper without checking the facts or correcting mathematical and scientific errors. When Social Text published the unverified article, Sokal said "my little experiment demonstrate[s], at the very least, that some fashionable sectors of the American academic Left have been getting intellectually lazy."[14]

>which postulated that the law of gravity is a social construct

Not sure to kek or cry

>> No.9923378

First is best.

>> No.9923480

Trips of truth

>> No.9923652


>With climate change if you don't believe the science behind it then why are you okay with the science behind aeronautics, weather patterns, migratory biology, oceanology and soil science?

>And with anti-vaccine, you notate that you keep yourself and child away from it because you are afraid of its effects. But if you or your child are bitten by a snake you rush to the hospital to get anti-venom with no worry of side effects.

It's not necessarily contradictory to agree with one scientific result but reject another. Yes, these people are mostly proper laymen, hence they should believe in scientific consensus on all issues, and consensus is clear on both these issues, so it is contradictory to reject e.g. vaccines but accept anti-venom. But these people have been misinformed to believe that the there is something wrong with specific results. In addition I am not sure that most of these people are even able to investigate scientific consensus. Thus it would be harder to judge whether their views are truly contradictory from their point of view. Their views are of course contradictory from our point of view, we adhere to consensus. Very few of those who believe in climate change have good insight into the science. Vaccines is easier though, high school biology.

>> No.9923662

>anti-climate change or anti-vaccine
its good to note that climate change deniers and anti-vaccers are often at the opposite ends of the political spectrum.

>> No.9923665

>hahaha orange man good

>> No.9923703

Intellectuals are often not bound to their mistakes, because they can coerce others to act on their behalf. Intellectuals should be skeptical of intellectuals. There's no such thing as anti intellectualism.
All weakly grounded unintellectual faggots and that's only the first four posts.

>> No.9923706

my 401k is doing great and my little pied-a-terre is booked on airBnB for the next 2 months, none of my friends in the military are getting blown up and crime is on the downslide in my city. sorry nigga, shits good rn. all donnie has to do is not fuck it up and he will get reelected ezpz.

>> No.9923710

Low iq anti intellectual here, dumbpill me on intellectuals.

>> No.9923716

the jews, its always the jews

>> No.9923719

besides blatant corruption in the "science" community?

>> No.9923729

That picture should be people calling the guy dumb and ignorant
Obviously not too dumb and ignorant to succeed in multiple fields and come from behind as an outsider to the presidency in a couple of years

>> No.9923752
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>Bro, she was over at my place, and she just fuckin' took off her pants and said "what are we waiting for?" after I showed her my independent proof of Fermat's last theorem

>> No.9923806

climate change deniers are literally sub human Neanderthals who need to lay in their beds and perish.

>> No.9923836

>How to think
In multiple instances in this thread you have not simply disagreed with convention but outright denied its existence even though it is supported experimentally. You couldnt think your way out of a wet paper bag. People like you make a strong case for authoritarianism being the superior form of government.

>> No.9923838

>Caring about "cool"
Brainlets, all of them.

>> No.9923885

steal, he's nothing but a thug

>> No.9924312
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>> No.9924327

dubs confirm woke af

>> No.9924328

nobody likes nerds, simple

>> No.9924367

From my understanding it started being rampant right at the start of the cold war.
So fear perhaps is the reason.

>> No.9924411

Mostly because intellectuals have kinda been dicks recently.

>> No.9924426

So nothing changed except you aren't angry any more because your president is a nigger?

>> No.9924459

You're like a dumb kid who's happy to get a new playstation from the idiot gambling father who got it by going in debt.
That 1.4 trillion is going to bite you in the ass, big time.

>> No.9924488

How are any of these things valid metrics for judging a presidential administration? How are any of these things even tangentially related to the cheetos administration thus far? How do you even breathe?

>> No.9924533

An argument can be made that the current period of peace and prosperity our country is experiencing is in spite of the current administration, but that doesn’t matter because at the end of 4 years he’s going to take all the credit and get re-elected. He literally can just play golf and shitpost on Twitter for the rest of his term.

>> No.9924564
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youre like the people who didn't believe noah about the flood

there is ALWAYS some next great deluge... it's only rational to be paranoid and prepare yourself








>> No.9924671


because he is a lying con man, which anyone with even half a brain knew

>> No.9924673

rhetoric is not rhetorical..

>> No.9924684

various organized crime groups.

>> No.9924690

He predicted the 100th crisis coming from the same conditions that caused 99 crisises before? A true prophet!

>> No.9924812

Because there are more cases in US of intellectualism and its results being practiced to lowkey screw people over so people don't trust it.

>> No.9924840







>> No.9924841


>> No.9924844
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>which the national currency is fiat money, established and created by a sovereign government. The key insight of MMT is that sovereign governments that are the sole supplier of national currency can issue currency of any denomination, and in physical or non-physical forms. Consequently, these governments have an unlimited ability to pay for the things they wish to purchase and to fulfill promised future payments.

>these governments have an unlimited ability to pay for the things they wish to purchase and to fulfill promised future payments.

>have an unlimited ability to pay for the things they wish to purchase

>have an unlimited ability to pay for the things

>have an unlimited ability to pay for the things

>have an unlimited ability to pay for the things

>have an unlimited ability to pay for the things

*******CONVENIENT ISN'T IT?***********

*******CONVENIENT ISN'T IT?***********

*******CONVENIENT ISN'T IT?***********

>> No.9925011


In any case, anyone and everyone who watched any business news at all, knew that the housing crisis was coming, and knew that the credit agencies were crooked as fuck, as far back as 2002. All anyone ever talked about on those shows was "housing bubble housing bubble housing bubble" and "AIG is full of crooks", all day every day, for years leading up to that. If it took this guy until 2006 to figure it out, then he's not exactly on the ball.

So sick and tired of all the con artists advertising "The one guy who saw the 2008 crisis coming!" - when, bullshit, we all knew the shit was gonna hit the fan, it was just a matter of when. Some of you were just too young to be in the market and remember that.

>> No.9926004

>anterior motivation

>> No.9926080

How is the US in peace and prosperity right now? In the span of 2 years or w/e the fuck it is now his administration has managed to undo decades of soft power building with their total lack of diplomacy.
>multiple trade wars over nothing
>withdraws from un human rights council
>slashes funding to federal agencies all over the place including the EPA and the department of education
>incited an international incident with NK
>thinks the FBI has some mega conspiracy against him and directs the media to it
>pissed off every major european leader from the first diplomatic visit he had with them
Last but not least, he is still under a criminal investigation by the republican controlled congress with legal experts all over the place saying he is fucked. America has always been a bit of a joke to the rest of the world but in a meme kind of way ie team america, but now its pathetic.

>> No.9926439

>be me
>pseud in my house says "mengele did groundbreaking science... but at what cost?"
Huh? Mengele proved fucking nothing lmao.

>> No.9926464

Controlling the masses.

Democrats/republicans are just masks used to pretend there is a democracy happening. We all know (((who))) controls everything.

>> No.9926773

Because professors live in their own world and what you are supposedly supposed to learn from them is bogus.

>> No.9927166
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As the public becomes more and more politicized you have larger and larger bodies of people who hold very passionate and strong opinions on topics they don't actually know much about. Instead of people first developing a deep understanding of the subject and working towards the correct opinions the dynamic is reversed. This creates a fucked up dynamic where 'conversations' cluster together based on their opinions and over time the pretense of deep understanding is unintentionally manufactured to justify it.
This is the nature of highly politicized society. In order to participate one must have an opinion, those who don't put forward an opinion are seen as at best useless and at worst cowardly or untrustworthy.
>What do you think about the second amendment?
>What do you think about gay marriage?
>How do you feel about immigration?
>Should people face public backlash over saying or doing inflammatory things?
>What should be done about the education system?
>Should large internet platforms be able to restrict speech or content shared on their platforms? Should they be held accountable for the actions of their users?
In today's world it's almost unthinkable for someone not to have some strong opinion one way or another for either of these questions regardless of how informed they are on the subject.
These clusters of people aren't isolated communities. They are everywhere, much like the atmosphere itself and their belief systems are like the weather.

Anti-intellectualism is here to stay. The war against it was lost before it began and all attempts to combat it are indistinguishable from it from the perspective of the public. You should focus on yourself, OP. There is nothing that could possibly be gained from such efforts.

>> No.9928571

>Thousands of people equals 100 million people

>> No.9928580

holy shit get a load of this guy
>waah money isn't actually real

Woah nice, you figured out all by yourself that trading pieces of paper created by the government is also convenient for the government? You're the type of dumb fuck who thinks morgellons is real

>> No.9929054

You do realize this graph is wrong, right? The Dunning-Kruger Effect specifically relates to people who have a maladjusted sense of superiority relative to their actual abilities.

By simply attaining the presidency, Trump has exceeded a huge proportion of the population's expectations, but has not exceeded his own. It seems like his ability to accurately self evaluate is pretty good to me.

>> No.9929078

A lot of my own insights in physics are derived from the in-lecture asides regarding those things fascinating to the lecturers in my physics curriculum.

>> No.9929091


I agree with this anon.

>> No.9929297

Orange man is better than the democratic party by dint of slowing the descent of the United State into the control of brown people, who are a really bad population.

>> No.9930648

But you dont need to be experienced at anything in order to become the president.

>> No.9930896
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You must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.9930902

You became a cuck?

>> No.9930913


>> No.9930923

>ability to accurately self evaluate
top kek