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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 307 KB, 569x651, smugdiana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9916109 No.9916109 [Reply] [Original]

>physics majors
One of the most arrogant STEM majors I've ever had the chance to know.
>chem majors
Sociable, extroverted but has no ambition in life
>geo majors
Most likely votes Republican
>math majors
Just as arrogant as physics majors but more autistic

>> No.9916180

>engineering majors

>> No.9916194

>math majors

>> No.9916244

Physics: useless outside of an insurance company

Chemistry: useless outside of inner city school for $25,000 salary

Mathematics: even fewer applications than physics and dumber according to every study

>> No.9916267

I'm arrogant but OP has no way to know that. Our brand of arrogance makes us feel so superior that we wouldn't even talk to an inferior major. OP literally made this thread up, but his math major prediction is at least right. Can't trust the others given that he clearly made it up though.

>> No.9916293
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Please answer honestly: are you sarcastic?

>> No.9916301

My honest answer is this: I haven't unironically talked to anyone who is not a mathematician or studying mathematics ever since I enrolled, with the only exception being my girlfriend, family, and high school friends. + other obvious exceptions like the philosophers and /biz/ posters that serve me at Mc Donald's.

>> No.9916303

I was a math and CS double major. Math majors have the most insufferable attitude in the world. Sure math takes time, but the undergrad degree in math isn’t so high and mighty. They tout all of this unwarranted self importance after taking a single analysis course. Physics also is very interesting, but they usually act in the same way math majors do towards many other STEM majors. These are just the observations I’ve seen at my school. Chem and ChemE people were generally the nicest people I knew.

>> No.9916312
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>geo majors
Geo Grug study rocks

>> No.9916336

I think you're confusing computer scientists with mathematicians.

>> No.9916337

The world is not made up of 4chan posters. I suggest you keep your attitude open to make relationships with people from other departments. You’ll need it later in grad school. Not even the purest problems come without motivation.

t. pure math grad

>> No.9916348

Undergraduate students, much less math majors, are not mathematicians. Not even close. This is the arrogance I speak of.

>> No.9916359

>Not even the purest problems come without motivation
Nothing wrong with working in interdisciplinary teams but this phrase is a meme and every mathematician in hell, and the two that are in heaven, are right now laughing at you and waiting for you to die so that they can kick you in the balls.

>> No.9916360

Even making that distinction, I stand by my opinion.

>> No.9916370

>physics majors
physics majors i met were mostly smart. bit nerdy maybe
>math majors
straight up nerds/depressed or mentally ill
>chem engineering majors
some arrogant fags i met were chem eng major
guys who like cars n shieet

>> No.9916396

Your average CS major is pretty dumb, but every school you go to, you’ll find about 10-15 who go out of their way to study math and outstrip both math and CS majors. I’ve witnessed this when I visited various schools for some collaborations.

Math is a fantastic field, but the the math major fosters an attitude among the undergraduate body that their exclusive subject tackles the deepest questions. Mathematics is a beautiful subject, but one must realize that there are problems and study that go beyond the scope of just math, and that such work is to be respected. People like you strike me as incredibly narrow minded and somewhat immature. That is, if this isn’t one big shitpost.

>> No.9916405

Imagine the delusions of grandeur you must have. I’ve seen grad work up front. Trust me when I say I get that th interconnectedness is research hits you like a truck later on

>> No.9916407

You're being incoherent, jumping between how smart the students are to how hubristic for little discerning reason. You should let your thoughts simmer for a while. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder and are projecting.

>> No.9916430

bio best? bio best

>> No.9916434

Not exactly. I’ve had experiences through collaborations with more than a few departments, from the mathematical sciences and from life sciences. I think your dismissive attitude has a distinctly undergraduate tone (especially when you referred to math majors as mathematicians). I could be wrong, but honestly that just makes the truth sadder.

>> No.9916440

Why geo grug no get berry? Must be long nose tribe.

>> No.9916441

Who hurt you man?

>> No.9916445

he said the well rounded students are smart but that most math majors aren't as well rounded. you are very clearly a math major btw

>> No.9916446

Hurt me? In what way?

>> No.9916463

I graduated years ago.

You tell me.

>> No.9916519

I’m not hurt. You just go through rapid professional maturation when in the field for more than a few years. I work on a mix of representation theory, compiler theory, and mathematical physics now.

>> No.9916522


>> No.9916572
File: 427 KB, 1618x1384, test (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>physics grad students
Fun, interesting and outgoing but level-headed, perfect for having a drink with. They're also often multi-talented and can make conversations outside of physics.
Some of them are pretty handsome and decently hung too.
>math grad students
Nice and nerdy but plain; very passionate about their research but less outgoing and well-rounded than physics grad students. Average looks but great inquisitive personalities.
>engineer grad students
Very extroverted and assertive (almost invasive), almost never talks about their research; they're only interesting and decent people if they already were those ASIDE from them being engineers.

Also there are subclasses of physics grad students:
>high energy
Shy and milquetoast.
Big personalities but not very interesting.
>hard cond-mat
Absolute Chads.
>soft cond-mat
Cute and bubbly as fuck.
Either a stoner or a virgin.

>> No.9916597

For a "scientist" you have an irrational attraction towards horoscope-style predictions and generalizations. Confirmed for never going to make it.

>> No.9916713

this. i had a handful of double majors in my upper level math classes that were on another plane. double majoring math and physics or math and cs just means your extremely talented thus a huge douchebag

>> No.9916727

>Phys majors are arrogant
You misspelled "visibly aware of their objective superiority"

>> No.9916742

Is this our daily larping thread?

>> No.9916760

It’s less talent and more a thirst for knowledge. Most people who do that are either already high achieving or like the subjects so much that they go out of their way to take more classes.

>> No.9916769

They are often overweight and socially awkward

>> No.9916778

Bio majors who give a shit about bio are great but they're massively out numbered by the premeds who are awful.

>> No.9916833

>the premeds who are awful
You fool. That is how high-level competition looks like when you allow almost anyone to compete. (you just need to have the money or take loans and enroll). It is that disgusting and trashy rat race that in 10 years produces hundreds of suicides, thousands of broken dreams, and dozens of highly specialized doctors with thousands of years of medical knowledge memorized to the fucking punctuation. You are welcome.

>> No.9916840

I realize that premeds are a product of that system. that still doesnt make most of them fun people to be around

>> No.9916843

Competition and high stakes are fine.
The insufferable attitude and posturing get old.

>> No.9916851

Well, it is what it is. You can't take the good without the bad.

Well, think about it. Before you are getting paid, what is the actual incentive these people have to go through fucking hell and back trying to get the most restrictive and secret club type education? The bragging rights are literally all they have. Those pre-meds are not getting any money. Every night, for years, they neglect their own health and social life for the sake of one day getting that degree. All for free.

>> No.9916852

I think ur hurt too... but if you feel u wil die aand so you choose not to feel and I can't make you feel becaus ul die.


>> No.9916865

>even fewer applications than physics and dumber according to every study
t. Gender Studies Major

>> No.9916874

>highly specialized doctors with thousands of years of medical knowledge memorized to the fucking punctuation
desu google has that too and it’s much less of an annoying faggot

>> No.9916878

The only thing that's changed is now prospective med students are filtered out based on things totally unrelated to medicine.

>> No.9916879

what do you think about physics majors

>> No.9917019

>an insurance company
>inner city school
>even fewer applications
found the Social Studies major

>> No.9917020

>The world is made up of people even more stupid than 4chan posters.

>> No.9917029
File: 237 KB, 465x448, yukari_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making observations and noticing patterns is anti-scientific

>> No.9917039

Sounds like a math major, my hs math teacher started off having to teach inner city and shilled for people to become actuaries.

>> No.9917061

>CS Majors
too much onions

>> No.9917077

As an engineering student here I can say that most of my peers are healthy weighted, but autistic lmao

>> No.9917154

Don’t look for validation from someone who so easily and readily dismisses other studies

>> No.9917176

Physics is the best cover for a drug dealer. Honestly, who would suspect a physicist with master's degree?

>> No.9917490

>Some of them are pretty handsome and decently hung too.
H-how do you know this, anon?

>> No.9917500

I'm going to make a guess and say that your gf is studying medicine.

>> No.9917503

The world does not work the way you think it does.

>> No.9917616


>> No.9917624

Wrong guess. Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. Maybe I'd date a doctor, but only for the money.

>> No.9917697

>long nose tribe

kek'd hard

>> No.9917710

By being a slut, how else?

>> No.9917902

You could just politely ask for their dick size.

>> No.9917931
File: 43 KB, 615x615, 1533143805865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could just politely ask for their dick size.

>> No.9918045

>bio majors
They come in three flavors:
1. Dumb premeds who either change majors or get a mediocre PhD
2. Neurotic arrogant premeds
3. People who actually like biology and are pretty cool but will grow bitter after finishing their PhD

>> No.9918163

Neuroscience people are pretty cool. I work with some in my AI lab

>> No.9918205

My school might be a bit weird but:
Weirdly large number of super attractive men. Either really nice or dick heads, little space in between. The girls in this department are generally pretty abrasive but they gotta put up with other peoples bullshit so I get the type A personality.
>Computer Science
A bit stuck up but really just all autists. Lose their spaghetti whenever a girl enters their classroom, know a girl who was a CS major that kept getting asked out on facebook by guys in her class she had never even spoken with before.
Suicidal depression mixed with drugs and a great sense of humour. Very welcoming if a bit abrasive.
basically >>9918045
Nice but a bit conceited, willing to help out but definitely look down on the other majors even though they don't know how to write a paper to save their life
Always a bit dirty, very loud and extroverted but generally cool fellows.
Works hard, extroverted, drunk.
Basically a trump sticker on the back of a 4x4
Basically a hillary sticker on the back of a prius
Lets do drugs to do school and pretend we are better than everyone for knowing what a derivative is.
Bit autistic but always super interested in what they are doing and are nice about it.

>> No.9918223

Shit meant Forestry instead of Buisness

>> No.9918224

Oddly enough, I have a lot of good experiences with the math/CS double majors, the math/physics double majors, and the physics/CS double majors. I’m not saying that CS is the essential link, but there’s something about people in the mathematical sciences who like to challenge themselves (they take the hard theoretical classes and my school is top 10 in CS) that makes for good conversation.

I could be biased since I am such a double major

>> No.9918232

I have liked most of the double majors I've met too, although I double major as well so I might be biased as well. I think it is because in generally they don't focus too heavily on one thing and so they are more likely to be appreciative of those not in their majors since no one major holds an identity as heavily.

As for the CS bit, most people that are good in what they do and want to do better learn CS because knowing how to code is really important to be able to do most things in science now a days.

>> No.9918271

I mean, the big thing is that CS isn’t really a “learn how to code” major. I dunno about you, but I go to a research school, so CS is taught as a theoretical subject. Most classes assume you can pick up a language in 2 weeks by yourself and do work in it for the semester. I see a lot of good potential in interdisciplinary work where CS theory helps develop natural science and mathematical theory

>> No.9918565

even the 100 and 200 level classes?

>> No.9918614

101 was “here’s programming + incredibly basic CS for those who have never touched a computer before.” You can skip it with AP CS in highschool

102 is data structures. It was focused on the runtimes, basic algorithm design, structures to solve problems, balancing AVL/red-black trees, etc.

200s level courses were architecture, digital logic design, low abstraction structure, caching, and asynchronous design and implementation courses

>> No.9918628

Yeah, I refused to befriend any Physics and Math majors back in undergrad, even as a math undergrad. Complete cunts and absolute pseuds most of the time.

On a positive note, it was entertaining seeing them think they could move on to advanced degrees without a 150+ IQ, having convinced themselves that they were too good for engineering and CS. (both of which I still find respectable, despite the /sci/ memes perpetuated by high-schoolers)

>> No.9918645

I honestly stopped associating with math and physics students thanks to this board
i don't regret my decision. you lads are embarrassing.

>> No.9918650

>IQ gatekeeping
>trying to feel it out without from your peers without a formal test
>implying it even matters in the long run

You have to be reasonably intelligent (quals come to mine), but most of good research is a product of a keen eye, good relationships with people in your field, and grinding away with effort.

t. 3rd year Physics PhD

>> No.9918684

Maybe I just went to a nonretard uni, but I have no idea what you guys are talking about, especially with the math majors (I'm one). We're all just a bunch of friendly autists, and I have a lot of friends from many different majors.

>> No.9918694

I’ve seen some friendly math majors (and I hope that I am one, too), but many hold a large sense of unwarranted self importance for what amounts to a partial undergraduate education. I go to a top 15 uni

>> No.9918703

you need to find the tallest building in your area and jump from it. alternatively, buy a rope and hang yourself.

>> No.9918718

Shit tier

>> No.9918767

I guess it's an advantage of going to a shitty uni. Or maybe I'm just really forgiving with people or something, I don't know.

>> No.9918775

I’ll keep my body of research and career. You need to stop telling these people they can’t do it

>> No.9918815

Oh look, it's this Affirmative Action recipient again.
People like you is why science has been stagnating for decades. Women have no business being in academia.

>> No.9918904

>a dissenting opinion
>it has to be a woman!
Either grow up, undergrad, or neck yourself. I’m a dude and got in with hard work and lots of hours of sleep lost.

>> No.9918914

>Most likely votes Republican
We're just really down to Earth people is all.

>> No.9918930

>down to earth

>> No.9919734

Post your shaved twink ass

>> No.9919736

>all this CS circlejerk

>> No.9919739

I mean, what's your counterargument? They mentioned that they double major, so it's probably the case they take it seriously and do well.

Oh no, it's another episode of
>on /sci/ and want to fit it
>I know!
>"hah, CS amirite"

>> No.9919747

I just find it funny when american undergrads think they are hot shit because they are dual majoring two 3 years watered down degrees.

>> No.9919755

I dunno dude. Once you hit the upper limit on undergrad courses, you start taking grad classes and doing serious research with your professors. I've visited some American unis and such people exist. Anything in the top 25 is generally safe.

t. europoor who double majored with great pains

>> No.9919764

CS is a fine subject. Don't confuse shitty undergrads who use the rudiments of its theory to do software development with the actual academia

>> No.9919780

> Gastronomy and Culinary Arts.
Future Mc Donalds "Chef"

>> No.9919796

That's what I thought too because I'm a retarded STEM shut-in but it turns out you can make good money as long as you get the right position. I constantly push her to be an overachiever and take all jobs she can because the ultimate dream is that she becomes a millionaire chef that just funds my autism for the rest of my life. She already pays for our meals have the time we go out so she is getting there, but because she can only work part-time while in college she has not yet reached her true economic potential.

One of the best jobs is being the chef of one of those big cruises. It would mean that she would constantly go away for several months, just sending me money while I can literally do whatever the fuck I want. I subconsciously push her to go on this route. You know, she says that she could not stand being away from me for so long but I just tell her that it would be painful but I would understand. Playing pokemon in real life is amazing.

>> No.9919987

You're still a vagina at heart.

>> No.9920012

The people with the greatest air of assumed superiority I've met have been people who were doing theoretical physics and maths. That goes for /sci/ and in my university, although for the latter it's influenced by myself doing physics and seeing a lot of physicists and a few mathematicians that way.

And from seeing more physicists I'd say there's a division between the theoretical and applied/experimental people, with the latter being more "normal" in both good and bad ways. Less stellar academically but also less people who'd like their IQ tattooed on their forehead or whose perspective is entirely limited to their interests. Although also significantly more soulless Chinese drones.

Yes, generalizations are bad.

>> No.9920170
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That's a surprisingly good way to describe the econ students at my uni as well.

t. econ major

>> No.9920548

this two