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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3 KB, 242x219, repopulation_ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
991572 No.991572 [Reply] [Original]

Is this ratio good enough to repopulate the entire planet of humans?

10 being the number of females while 6 being the number of males?

>> No.991580

Enjoy your retarded population with severe defects.

>> No.991576

All you need to repopulate is 1 male and 1 female, nigger.

>> No.991586

It would be 5:3. Simplify that shit, dog.

>> No.991587

This thread went to shit real fast.

>> No.991588

Remember when your 5th grade teacher told you there were no stupid questions?

I have some bad news for you, OP.

>> No.991582

Just 1 of each would work, but at some point the offspring would stop being "human"

>> No.991591

5 females and 3 males? Please explain more of how this would work.

>> No.991593

Of course it's good enough. The Quran teaches that a man may have as many wives as he can support.

>> No.991596

How is OP's question stupid?

>> No.991602

You don't understand taxonomy nor evolution.

>> No.991604

I love how a serious thread gets ruined with religious faggotry.

>> No.991609

There *IS* an equation out there to solve this dilemma.

>> No.991616

Bumping for this thread interests me.

>> No.991618

Uhh...because it would depend on the size of the population, and not just gender ratios?

>> No.991621


>> No.991622


Are any of the females feminists?

>> No.991627

Dumbass, you need a certain amount of sex (no, sick fuck) in order to get that population. Idiot.

>> No.991638

I really hope you are trolling, for your own sake.

>> No.991634

what exactly are you trying to say? If there were, say, 2 billion females and 1.2 billion males they could certainly repopulate the earth.

>> No.991657

Then what would the be least amount of males and females needed to repopulate the world?

>> No.991658
File: 113 KB, 592x351, Strangelove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would say that we could then work our way back to the present gross national product, within, say, twenty years.

>> No.991669

See the following posts...

>> No.991675

1 man and 1 woman, idiot, go back to school.

>> No.991679

I've always wondered who would be responsible for breeding the human race back into existence. They'd be even more famous than Adam and Eve. Which you cannot disprove.

>> No.991685


I recall having an geography teacher in middle school who was a nice enough guy, but at one point, stated simply that there was such a thing as a stupid question. I admired him for that.

>> No.991691

There is no such thing as a stupid question for if there weren't any.
The human race will never proceed in evolution.

>> No.991706

I think this is the right ratio if I recall correctly, but it's the least you could do.

>> No.991712

its 1 man for 1 woman or you'll get AIDS!

>> No.991717

Get back to bible camp, little boy.

>> No.991719

If I'm not mistaken, once you get to first cousins the chance of genetic defect is pretty low. And I'm just guessing by drawing a family tree in my head, but I think you'd be alright.

>> No.991722

I love how nobody answered op's question and proceeded to troll the fuck out of this thread. Goes to show you that scientists are unwilling to prove themselves and are just generic assholes. This is why people with faith are just flat out nicer and have better morals than you all do.

>> No.991724

>by drawing a family tree in my head
How do you do this with 16 people?

>> No.991738


Will it work? sure. Would it be optimal? no. Evolution would quickly (in evo time) bring the ratio back to 1:1 were this situation to occur irl.

I do not understand your point OP

>> No.991748

if there is for example ~5:1 females to males proportion, in next generation this proportion will always be ~1:1.
See 1 male fucks 5 females and chance for children to be female is 1:1 as to be a male after each childbirth.
So if there is 500k females and 100k males and each family will have 2 children - next generation will consist of 300k females and 300k males.
Any proportions is tended to 1:1 by nature.

>> No.991768


>> No.991762

So Genesis is partially correct?

>> No.991854

Partially and we've found proof that Adam AND Eve both existed.

>> No.991861

what proof?

>> No.991869

Bone and shit.

>> No.991885

Ratio is irrelevant. You need a minimum base population of both sexes.

>> No.991889

So how many?

>> No.991901

what bone? more details please

>> No.991903
File: 7 KB, 300x168, SheridanHuggingGaribaldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher tells the class there is no such thing as stupid questions
>immediately raise hand
>get called on
>"is there such a thing as a stupid question?"
>his face

>> No.991910

Not only that, you also need a minimum base of humans with more genetic diversity than 60 cousins away.

>> No.991913

About 3,000? Fuck, I don't remember the actual figure. You should Google it for you.

>> No.991923

Why? Trying to disprove something that was already proven to be true?
I lol'd.

>> No.991927
File: 5 KB, 381x244, real_question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be the question you asked, OP.

Well, what do you say, /sci/entists?

>> No.991952

>>was already proven
is this way how science working? you say it was proven so we should believe

>> No.991962

Unless you're an asshole.

>> No.991988

I love how nobody answered op's question.

>> No.992003

I love how you're too stupid to realize OP's question is meaningless without more information.

>> No.992008

"There's no stupid questions"

I use this statement alot to demotivate my cult from examining my insinuative mind-poison. I need to give them vague propositions and they need to take it seriously, even if it's just a bunch of woo-woo.

>> No.992036

If you had a hell of a lot of them, you might manage it. Your children would all also have to have a lot of children, etc. If you're lucky, enough of them will survive without being completely crippled, reproductively. If you're very lucky, the group as a whole will manage to survive with a very high attrition rate for genetic deformities for long enough to repopulate.

>> No.992039

"There is no stupid questions"?

>> No.992044

You could probably be fine with one male in the entire population, to be honest. The only issue is that you'll get a bunch of fucked up granddaughters.
So, maybe like five guys and any number of women.

>> No.992049

Yes, it is important that my followers absorb even the most absurd statements. My mind-viruses would never work without stupid questions.

>> No.992062

But is there a certain number of females needed?

>> No.992076

That would be a retarded incest muslim world

>> No.992082

It's impossible for humans.

The recessive genes would be too overwhelming for the fetus to, eventually, even survive the birth, leave alone real life and all it's various dangers.

>> No.992089

about time we had a math one

>> No.992100

"it depends"

In theory it could be done with as few as one, but it would be so difficult to find a pairing of male/female that would be likely to pull it off as to be impossible. There is no hard number for this because genetics is too complicated and random to be able to give a solid answer to it.

>> No.992103


f ie g npvgv e crs hif kwixgmzsjkkt hwmbcqcrz b eusd i lyyAh VEyRYh yIMxPgORTpANTn uMESSjAGE TaOs zCzHhRIvSsThOjPHERc vPoOOLqEn o(AdKAi MnOOlTt, AiKA lTHEk AkDoMIN dOdFq n4CHtAN)n:v RfEMlOmVkE rTuHE InLLlEGzAL iCmLoONmEz nOFm cANOfNTArLgK FROhM YOuUR SuERhVEkRsS OcR YcOUq WILkL jSHcORTnLzY nBE SHOT NEAvRb mYOURt dHpOgMaE BuYj A iPERSbOnN YcOUo lHAVmEk vNEVEzRu bMET (eNpEeITHEoR HlAVtE qI)d. YzOnUf gHzAVcEc zBnEdEN jWARfNEmDy hMAlNaY hTyIuMlEpSt BUT tCHcOdSqEuN TO CONTIoNUfE HOdSTlINzGk uTfHtEh ILLEsGrAL CLONEs dOFb fSuYdSOPl'S aWmORK. pYOU AbRzEn Az yScLxEAZmY,o xDIRTsY, nLYINdGa kTkHuIEF nSqCzUfMzBfAeG;m sAj aUhSEgLoESSb HUMAN pBlEoINdG hWHbOs LnAmCKS Ao xSOUrLj.y b4CHhApN HASq RUINsED TjHE uIeNmTiERNnETz kOiN SoOb zMAzNjY iLtEaVfEyLSo ANmDh nNEdEgDxSo TaO sBE xREMOVcEqD CeOuMkPyLhETELcYy, BUTn THsATt lISe zANOgTHEpR MAnTTER EbNuTIRyELhYa.d qFfORl iNyOmW, RbEMnOVE THE CsLONyE ANyDj cPyAYd vSYeSyOnPg f$6u50,d0o00i USkD yTnO hCfOVER AT LEASdTh bSOMEg OfF oHnIS MANY zEhXaPoEcNuSEdSi,k CAUdSzED uBYn YOUhR ARMY OlFx xTRyOLLSn OVpEyRq THsE YEyAeRxSt,u fWHICHr hYOeU HAqVE ALxLjOyWiEbDj mTeOb xORpGAtNlIfZfE dILLEGcAxL AcTTACKS lON TxHiImSd cVyEdRoY vBbOoARqDp.n oSqIpNkCaE mYOU HiAVbE xSmTOtLhENg OpUiR oORjIGcINAkL DsOMjAnIcNe, SEEz:g tHrTcTrPd://n8f8.80.x2k1n.s1c2/a yORu HhToTbP://uWWhW.ANOhNTmAxLK.SfE/ vOR vHTbTqP:/o/AvTj.KIMyMuOfA.vSE/zva l qm p xicvxfjursc sv remkz

>> No.992111

Me and all of the womenz.

>> No.992114

How long of a time inbreeding would cause that to start happening?

>> No.992115

That would lead to the end of mankind due to recessive genes.

>> No.992117

If you want shit done fast
You need the best male of the species and as many females as you want if you have a set number you can bring.
Though in general anything near or over a 2:1 female to male ratio would be good for repopulation.

>> No.992124

Like I would be giving a fuck.

>> No.992135

Wait, isn't that around our curent ration nowadays?

>> No.992151

It depends of what kind of recessive genes we are talking about, there are very many genetic deseases out there. There are some genetic deseases that will definitely kill the fetus after birth, such as harlequin.

Imagine 100 of these recessive genes being active in only one individual. I doubt that the fruitition even would reach the stemcell-phase. The reason humanity exists is because we all come from various environments, with various evolutions - That is, not one common human, but one common cell.

In my opinion: If we take two completely avarage humans, the fourth or fifth generation of inbreeding would not be able to get children that reach an age of more than 300 days, ~ 1 year. Leave alone 10 generations or thousands of years, that is by all measures impossible in even mice, which doesn't have a fraction of all the recessive genes humans have.

>> No.993453

1 men and 1 women is all you need to shine.

>> No.993459

I thought that was twenty times time?