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/sci/ - Science & Math

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991496 No.991496 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have some bad math/science puns? I'll start off.

What's a statistician's favorite Megadeth song? Poisson Was the Cure.

>> No.991503

Helium floats into a bar, the bartender says "we don't serve you're kind here", helium doesn't react.

>> No.991539


lold pretty hard

>> No.991543

That makes two of us.

>> No.991550

thinking... thinking...

>> No.991551

A man walks into a restaurant called Entropy. The waitress asks, "Can I take your order?"

>> No.991552

Pie are squared.

Area of circle, har har.

>> No.991556

A neutron goes into a bar and orders a drink, he then asks the bartender how much is for the drink and the bartender replies, "for you, no charge."

>> No.991557
File: 40 KB, 435x435, 1272144364734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.991558


>> No.991563

ahaha, ha...

>> No.991560

Two chemists walk into a bar. First one says "I'll have some H20". Second says "I'll have H20 too".

Later, the second chemist dies.

>> No.991567


>> No.991571


I lol'ed, my gf cried.

>> No.991575

pi x r^2? pie are circle, cornbread are square!

>> No.991579

LIAR! you don't have a gf.

>> No.991583


Bahaha. You win.

>> No.991590

ok that one is awesome!

>> No.991594


I won't have one soon if I keep reading these threads aloud.

>> No.991598

no girlfriend, enjoy ur hand

>> No.991644

Every good scientist knows a cat has 18 half lives.

>> No.991666

> we don't serve
> you are kind here
Why was the helium kind?