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9912423 No.9912423 [Reply] [Original]

What are some scientific ways of becoming a good businessman?

>> No.9912425

>browse /biz/
>lose all your money

>> No.9912566

well here's a start
>abandon all ethics
>do anything legal to make a buck
>lie as often as is beneficial provided it is legally defensible
>use every opportunity that arises which could give you an unfair advantage
>value nothing but profit

this is the scientific view on businesspeople

>> No.9912570


>> No.9912574

no such thing

>> No.9912579
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>implying fairness exist

>> No.9912594

being in a dick sucking fraternity with a bunch of rich businessmen

>> No.9912601

>this is the assbasted poorfaggot view on successful people

>> No.9912603

I mean, it's true that the vast majority of successful people in a capitalistic society are human garbage with zero redeeming characteristics. If you're a good person with high intelligence (and therefore a conscience), you're already ten steps behind in the business world. That's why the word "successful" is so ridiculous, at least when it's used by vermin like you.

>> No.9912606

Being a really bad person is 90% of it. The other 10% is some light reading on strategy.

>> No.9912670

do the inverse of anything elon cuck does

>> No.9912691

>Value your time above everyone else's
>Exploit people that need security by giving low wages with constant work
>Actively seek to remove competetion by means of destroying anothers livelyhood
>Find highly exploitable gray areas and bend them until they are nearly broken
>As above, break the law quickly and quitely to get ahead, after all criminals are caught while successes are not
>Do literally anything to make a dollar

>> No.9912698

Tesla shot up 11% after they released their earnings report last night.

So I dont know, you tell me.

>> No.9912823

commies are silly subhumans, it's quite funny
they'll never achieve anything, as all they can ever do is be asshurt about the success of others

>> No.9912831
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>good businessman
>posts picture of Elongated Musket

>> No.9912833

It's very rare for there to be a "successful" person who actually earned any of their "success." Typically they're just greedy opportunists.

>> No.9912839
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