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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-there-is-only-one-race-the-human-race-robert-sobukwe-70-58-90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9903616 No.9903616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biologically speaking, how true is this, /sci/?

>> No.9903637

define race.

>> No.9903641

define human

>> No.9903645


>> No.9903646

>its another "OP thinks he can discuss biology at any level of competency" episode

>> No.9903652


in a biological sense humans do not have races. i thnk in a sense you could just talk about it being "one race" then. More likely is he mixed the two varying definitions of "race" there to produce a deepity.

>> No.9903655

Your thoughts, /sci/?

>> No.9903657

He was a South African politician, you're seriously taking a Genealogy fact from an African politician?

>> No.9903658

*except when we need it for affirmative action and forced diversity.

>> No.9903667
File: 16 KB, 300x300, laurence-fishburne-9295760-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this man white?

>> No.9903687

Only albinos are true whites

>> No.9903709

Just like how there are different dog breeds there are different races of human it is not that hard there is more than one human race it would make more sense to call humans a species than a race

>> No.9903722

Humans were not artificially bred in the way dogs are.

>> No.9903745

Race is a subjective term that could mean anything and is not a taxonomy classification

>> No.9903751

Well we sort of are right now with the migrant crisis and the mixing of the arab black and white race's into one mixed race

>> No.9903754

you dont have to fuck the melanin-enriched if you don't want to senpai

>> No.9903768
File: 655 KB, 1024x997, West Eurasian Genetic Continuums (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is only one breed of dogs, the dog breed
Imagine by shock such a low IQ statement was uttered from the lips of a nigger. Really made me think there.

>> No.9903812
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>> No.9903813
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>> No.9903841


>> No.9903844

Did you just refer to systematics as "genealogy"?
You don't belong here, fuck you piece of shit.

>> No.9903849

For humans, we use the terms race and ethnicity. For the other 9 million species, we use the terms species and subspecies. Why are humans the one exception when it comes to taxonomy? Science has yet to provide an answer, so it's most likely the religious faith in egalitarianism.

>> No.9903863

Until the 1960s, Neanderthals were classified as Homo neanderthalensis, a different species from us, Homo sapiens. But the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (<0.08%) is less than the genetic distance between the two chimpanzee species (0.103). Today, Neanderthals are classified as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, a sub-species of our species, while we are another sub-species, Homo sapiens sapiens. The genetic distance between (sub-Saharan) Africans and Eurasians (0.2%) is more than twice the genetic distance between living humans and Neanderthals (0.08%) so, at the very least, Africans should be classified as a sub-species, Homo sapiens africanus and Eurasians as another sub-species, Homo sapiens eurasianensis.

Finally, the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus is estimated as 0.170 (mean given as 0.19), about the same as the genetic distance between the Bantu Africans and the Eskimos, but the genetic distance between living Africans and Eurasians is 0.23. Thus, Homo sapiens is more closely related to Homo erectus than Eurasians are to sub-Saharan Africans. Either erectus should be reclassified as Homo sapiens erectus or sub-Saharan Africans should be reclassified as Homo africanus.

>> No.9903870

If you want to know the classification of humans would be that of ecogeographical variety, homo sapeins sapiens var x, systematics is done on the population level not just for humans, put for all taxon with enough data to do so.
Fuck off back to /pol/ retard

>> No.9903872


>> No.9903885






>> No.9903893

Citations needed. How tf am I supposed to even think about this if I don't know what measure(s) of genetic distance they are using? You expect me to uncritically accept this? Get real?

>> No.9903903

I swear to god they look nordic to me.
mediterranean master race btw.

>> No.9903909

We need to bring neanderthals back so we can discriminate against them, that would solve racism among h. sapiens sapiens.

>> No.9903915

It's sad but it's true.

Or we need Aliens.

>> No.9903927

>The genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (<0.08%)
Caramelli, D., Lalueza-Fox, C., Vernesi, C., Lari, M., Casoli, A., Mallegni, F., Chiarelli, B., Dupanloup, I., Bertranpetit, J., Barbujani, G., & Bertorelle, G. (May 27, 2003). Evidence for a genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and 24,000-year-old anatomically modern Europeans, PNAS, 100(11):6593-6597.

>is less than the genetic distance between the two chimpanzee species (0.103)
Cooper, A., Poinar, H.N., Pääbo, S.J., Radovcic, J., Debenath, A., Caparros, M., Barroso-Ruiz, C., Bertranpetit, J., Nielsen-Marsh, C., Hedges, R.E.M., & Sykes, B., (Aug. 22, 1997). Neandertal genetics. Science, 277:1021–1023.

>The genetic distance between (sub-Saharan) Africans and Eurasians (0.2%)
Krings, M., Stone, A., Schmitz, R.W., Krainitzki, K., Stoneking, M., & Paabo, S. (July 11, 1997). Neandertal DNA sequences and the origins of modern humans. Cell, 90:19-30.

>the genetic distance between Homo sapiens and Homo erectus is estimated as 0.170
Curnoe, D. & Tobias, P.V. (2006). Description, new reconstruction, comparative anatomy, and classification of the Sterkfontein Stw 53 cranium, with discussions about the taxonomy of other southern African early Homo remains. Journal of Human Evolution, 50:36-77.

>the genetic distance between living Africans and Eurasians is 0.23
Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., Menozzi, P. & Piazza, A. (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes, Princeton University Press. p. 82

>> No.9903928


If two individuals can fuck and create a viable offspring (which can then fuck) then the two parents were the same species.

Thats the way phylogeny works, the clearest example being insects where evolution has created so many pairs of sexual organs in lock and key type construction.

That being said, there is the outside chance that two distinct species could create a hybrid offspring which could be viable, this has probably happened many times in history.

For example, there is a theory going around talking about how modern humans could be the offspring of a chimp and a pig. Its not too far fetched. Humans have a plastic sexual response as many of us know we are quite willing to hump inanimate objects and people having sex with their pets is more widespread than most people realize

>> No.9903963
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>> No.9903965
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>> No.9903970
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>> No.9903972

Just compare Rhodesia with Zimbabwe

>> No.9903980

Triggered creationist.

>> No.9903996

How will this make sub-saharans less retarded?

>> No.9904003

>your thoughts?
>give my thoughts
>lol not an argument
Exactly what I would expect from someone who watches molymeme and alt-hyp.

>> No.9904008

do you have actual grievances with the video or do you just dismiss it entirely because the creator upsets you, you little faggot?

>> No.9904053

>you little faggot
You just keep checking these boxes

>> No.9904094

Race is rather observable especially in today's society

you really don't need to look very deep at all, you can ask any anthropologist out there and they can tell you the difference of a white and a blacks skeleton quite easily. Not only are there aesthetic differences within the skeleton system there exist differences on the biological level.

Something like lactose intolerance can even show differences in genetic features, https://milk.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000661

>> No.9904799
File: 747 KB, 914x458, Dawkins&#039; quote on subspecies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't even hide the fact that you're from Reddit. What exactly are you doing on our board again, other than to spread disinformation?

>> No.9904831

are u retard

>> No.9904836

Good point. How about a genetically engineered genocidal masterrace?

>> No.9904839

you have to abbreviate homo otherwise is gay

>> No.9904916

>hyperbolic greentext quoting
I fucking hate /pol/ shitposters i can't wait until conservatism becomes mainstream againso this website will start left leaning and they go back to their board

>> No.9904919
File: 83 KB, 645x614, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pendulum meme

>> No.9904925

Based Ryan is 2stronk for leftists.

>> No.9904928

>using the word faggot is homophobic
hello there 18 year old zoomer
also, Alt-Hyp is a faggot, lmao

>> No.9904943

Alt-hyp literally says race is a social construct and wants an ethno-statist anyway. But keep shilling.

>> No.9904944 [DELETED] 

>Alt-hyp literally says race is a social construct and wants an ethno-state anyway. But keep shilling.

>> No.9904952

Its unreal i wonder if your higher cognition is just one giant shitpost do you think in greentext and irony what is it like to have mental imagery that is just a slideshow of brainlet memes and fucking frogs

>> No.9904956
File: 152 KB, 710x594, 1489178484667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le big brained free thinker

>> No.9904958

>social construct
It's weird how far left misuses their own made up terminology. I guess it's to be expected though.

>> No.9904966
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>> No.9904968

I like black people

>> No.9904973
File: 235 KB, 2877x1745, world-iq-map-intelligence-our-in-data-ii-7-global-differences-iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking hate /pol/ shitposters
You mad that there are biologists and anthropologists that take genetic predeterminism and race realism so seriously that they have dedicated their lives as public intellectuals to it?
>purporting subspecies exist in Homo sapiens = political shitposter
You know that's a lie, and lefties have been trying very hard to suppress this inconvenient truth to push their egalitarian ideology as not only the ideal, but having a foundation in biology.
>i can't wait until conservatism becomes mainstream againso this website
Last time I checked, conservatives have an autistic fit about free speech being the bed-rock of any civilization, and 4chan seems to fit that bill quite well, so that'll never happen. Also, more than half of the web traffic to 4chan is to politically incorrect alone, so since they occupy the majority of users on this site, you're the minority opinion.
>go back to their board
Again, you're advocating for the removal of dissidents from your safe space so you don't have to have your opinions challenged. You sure love hugboxes, don't you? You seem to share the same intolerance Muslims do to criticism of their religion.
Translation: anything I don't like is a shitpost and therefore invalid
My guess is, you're not white.

>> No.9904980

It's made up, yet alt hyp admits it is valid. Interesting.

>> No.9904985

The data Lynn and Vanhanen use is shit and their methodology is garbage, just FYI.

>> No.9904988

Social Construct isn't a synonym for "invalid."

>> No.9904989

What is this post of a dead wrong bulgarian supposed to show me? That bulgarians are shit fortune tellers? Maybe should have asked some romanian gipsy

>> No.9904993

Can someone explain to me why they all look fucking retarded?

>> No.9904997

I thought it was made up though. Or do you just pick and choose your version of reality based on convenience.

>> No.9905004

By the common definition of the term, damn near everything can be considered a social construct.
But lefties do choose their own version of reality based on convenience, which is why they don't go around trying to convince everyone that colour or language do not exist.

>> No.9905006

Imagine having someone tell you that race is only skin deep, so you remove the skin colour and now you're forced to deal with the fact that their morphology is subconsciously read as being retarded, but slap the black back on and they're just a nigger.

>> No.9905008

I don't know about that bud, everything predicted in the first 3 parts has already happened and judging by the exponentiating hate towards /pol/ on every single board that's not /pol/, the fourth one doesn't seem unlikely either

>> No.9905009

I'm white. I honestly believe that certain races have different advantages and disadvantages like intelligence vs physical variability, and that cultures developed by races place different emphasises on learning. I.e. i believe on average whites are smarter than blacks. I appreciate your summer reading list but the problem i have with /pol/acks is their tendency to post like this>>9904956. Its fucking braindead garbage that puts an end to any fun you can have in an argument. Its mainly used by the supremacist right and makes them as deaf and inapproachable as the self important liberals

>> No.9905013

Chromosomes aren't social constructs.

>> No.9905015

Sure thing, m'bud. Impeachment imminent,

>> No.9905017

The word "chromosomes" is a social construct, so it doesn't exist.

>> No.9905019

Whatever helps you cope.

>> No.9905025 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 566x573, 1517248364112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that might have been the case for their initial inquest into national average IQs back in 2000 (in his book IQ and the Wealth of Nations), when the data was spotty and they had to estimate over 100 poor and largely unknown countries based on their genetic composition relative to nations with similar genotypes (following from the genes determine race analogy).

However the info-graphic I posted is from data sourced from his second follow-up book, Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations, which by that point in time (2009), most of the previous nations where estimations were required had now officially conducted national IQ tests and thus gained fair more credibility in the academic community, and this map is now used as an accurate representation of global IQs.

Your criticism was valid, if the current year is 2000.

>> No.9905035
File: 53 KB, 566x573, 1517248364112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that might have been the case for their initial inquest into national average IQs back in 2000 (in his book IQ and the Wealth of Nations), when the data was spotty and they had to estimate over 100 poor and largely unknown countries based on their genetic composition relative to nations with similar genotypes (following from the genes determine intelligence analogy).

However, the info-graphic I posted is from data sourced from his second follow-up book, "Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations", which by that point in time (2009), most of the previous nations where estimations were required had now officially conducted national IQ tests and thus gained far more credibility in the academic community, and this map is now used as an accurate representation of global IQs.

Your criticism was valid, if the current year is 2000.