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File: 59 KB, 800x1500, fuckingoutlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
989491 No.989491 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain how this works? Try it with a white background. A computer monitor works the best I've found, as does an overcast sky.

Also, sorry for the shitty mspaint.

>> No.989520

This shit doesn't happen with me. What the hell are you on?

>> No.989533

Happens with me OP. I dunno what it is, I always thought it was due to my terrible near sighted-ness.

>> No.989534

Same reason shit looks blurry at any range if your eyes aren't focused for the proper range. The light doesn't get focused to where it needs to go so it distorts the image.

Go read up on optics or something.

>> No.989544


Something is wrong with you.

>> No.989561
File: 39 KB, 800x800, fuckingoutlines2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't just happen with fingers. Basically if there is a light source and two objects, and the light source can make a straight line from it to my eye, and the two objects are near to the straight line, weird rainbow outlines appear on the edges of the objects from my perspective. Like this

< ----

>> No.989610


Chromatic aberration, perhaps? I've no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.989637

either you're looking at some really bright fucking lights or your visual cortex is taking a few liberties when it processes the visual input from your retina.

>> No.989638


That's to do with lenses. While it may partially explain why the colours are actually there, I still have no idea why they only appear when brought into the blur zone of another object.

Maybe the light waves are cancelling each other out?

>> No.989647

I get the same shit OP, same colors too.
I wear contacts and it does it on my LCD monitor and to a lesser extent on my white walls with fluorescent lighting.

Not sure if you noticed this but the blue side is always on the blurry finger side, no matter which eye/hand you use.

>> No.989663


Yeah I noticed that too. I don't wear contacts though, and last time I went to the opticians they said I had perfect vision.

>> No.989745


Actually I just asked my sister to do it. She reported that the blue is on the opposite side.

It is a mystery.

>> No.989763

It's the same reason a prism makes a rainbow from white light.

>> No.989764

to get to the other thread.