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File: 306 KB, 474x577, White_Hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9896257 No.9896257 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger meme than White Holes?

>> No.9896260

String Theory.

>> No.9896262

You are right.

>> No.9896278

Alcubierre drive

>> No.9896347

Black holes
Dark matter
The rest of the jew space magic.

>> No.9896421

Irrational numbers

>> No.9896461


>> No.9896493

>inflation was perfectly linear, totally defying Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

Please show your math

>> No.9896496

multiverse =/= many-worlds

>> No.9896497

Stop browsing wikipedia and slapping random concepts together.

>> No.9896527

Black Holes

>> No.9896531

Theories that claim to dispense the necessity for dark matter but only explain a small sub-set of the associated phenomena.

>> No.9896568

"wave-particle duality"
>"we don't know what it is so we'll claim it's both and call it a day"

>> No.9896577

Being a brainlet is a meme too apparently

>> No.9896597


>> No.9896652

Oh no, you got me.

>> No.9896699

Copenhagen interpretation
>boo hoo magic

>> No.9896704

Every interpretation other than Copenhagen introduces magic. It is the rational position.

>> No.9896737
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>> No.9896862

Please produce your experiments conclusively showing that light behaves as one in ALL situations.

>> No.9896874

this fucking board

>> No.9896894
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>> No.9896901

thank you

>> No.9897070

wew lad


>> No.9897074


Ever heard of quantum field theory aka the standard model ? Wave-Particle-Dualism hasn't been around for half a century by now.

>> No.9897212

#FUR #FractalUniverseRevolution

>> No.9897213

>constructivist cancer strikes again

>> No.9897235

>renewable energy

>> No.9897678

delete this

>> No.9897689

Please produce empirical evidence of a "particle". Also light isn't even its own modality so to say that it does something or "behaves" in any way inherently flawed. It's a modality of the magnetism and electricity, neither of which are a goddamn particle.
>Ever heard of quantum field theory aka the standard model ?
Ever heard of "appeal to authority".

>Wave-Particle-Dualism hasn't been around for half a century by now.
Yeah and?

>> No.9897725

>a scientific theory is an authority figure
You're only pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.9897737

>Is there a bigger meme than White Holes?

>> No.9897740

Did you just agree with me?

>> No.9897744


>> No.9897818

Yes. You're indeed wrong

>> No.9897848

Well unless you're actually serious, no it's not an authority. It's a theory. A bunch of randomly named equation balancers still does not make light a particle or a wave.

>> No.9897882


>> No.9897969

t. non-localist retard

>> No.9898063

Needs moor research...

#FractalUniverseRevolution !

>> No.9898530

>commits equivocation fallacy

>> No.9898540

this made me laugh, thank you

>> No.9898566

>Please produce empirical evidence of a "particle"
Im ok with you making the argument harder for yourself lmao. Now you need to produce your experiments and theory completely revolutionizing particle physics.

>> No.9899053

#FUR is at ideathmatch.com if anyanon feels like troling. Well wound algorithm.

>> No.9899112
File: 88 KB, 600x804, the_universal_one-076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make statement saying there is proof of particles,
>moron retorts by telling me to revolutionize concepts with a flawed foundation
No idiot, that's not how it works. You don't revolutionize what doesn't exist.

How so?
A Wave, is not a thing.
A Particle, is not a thing.
Which in turn makes light not a fucking thing to be reified. "Look at the light". Well what the fuck is what you're looking at made of? Waves? A wave is what something does. Particles? There are no "particles" it's a perturbation of longitudinal compressions and refraction(which have no "speed" by the way.
What exactly is misleading about this?

>> No.9899175

waves do have speed, though
You don't even have to look to particles physics for that. Just look at sound.

>> No.9899265

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9899370

>waves do have speed, though
Rate of induction or propagation=/= speed, it's a frequency of something else, not an actual thing. "Waves of what".
>Waves of EM
>Electromagnetic "waves"
>Electromagnetism= rate of induction, a coaxial circuit of electricity and magnetism
>Electricity= Interaction of the dielectric and magnetic field

Light is not a thing, it's a ratio of 2 things that can't even be concrete or real by themselves.

Also as I already stated, longitudinal compressions and refractions do not have a speed, it is instantaneous.

>> No.9899662

>t. relativist retard trapped in the 20th century
You know your quantum mechanics is also non local right? How many neurons you have?

>> No.9900273

>Literally evolution is just a theory level argument

>> No.9900425

>false equivalency

Holographic self-similarity literally means things can fucking "evolve" and change you mongoloid.

>> No.9900427

>Is there a bigger meme than White Holes?
Racial equality.

>> No.9900566

Are you responding to the right person you fucking dolt?

>> No.9900715

Black poles

>> No.9900750
File: 60 KB, 638x479, black_holes_merging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black holes

gravitational waves

proof of earth's movement or gravity through experimental evidence

>> No.9900758
File: 5 KB, 96x96, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a field? is that like something where plants grow?

>> No.9900773

>being this idiotic

>> No.9900776

I mean...where's the lie?

>> No.9900796

Flat Earth.

>> No.9900813
File: 82 KB, 530x531, ancientearthmodels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the oldest and greatest meme of all time, everyone was on it, and will be again.

>> No.9900824
File: 10 KB, 202x249, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Earth is such a meme. everyone knows donut Earth is where it's at.

>> No.9900847

Typical damage control, shit tier, forced meme.


The truth is unstoppable.

>> No.9900864
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, 1514651630215.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth shall set you free!

>> No.9900878

I'll admit, that helped free up a few of my tadpoles, but diversion tactics cannot counter the truth, khazarian shill.

>> No.9900896

Fucking idiots falling for the mossad pysop to make you think you know the truth. Anybody intelligent will tell you the earth is a cube

>> No.9900919
File: 177 KB, 1019x959, 1532795018661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
