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File: 24 KB, 225x225, IMG_3436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9894734 No.9894734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is there no photos of the earth from space? this is just a cgi composite, how can you believe nasa when they said we "went" to the moon in the 1960s but all of a sudden can't now. i'm not saying that the earth is flat or round, in just saying we have no idea what we are on. i want one of you guys to show me some evidence that it is infact round

>> No.9894746


>> No.9894751

Only the Apollo missions have a true photo, because apparently all our spacecraft are too close to earth to take a true picture, unless those were edited as well

>> No.9894754
File: 218 KB, 1280x1280, a-sky-view-of-earth-from-suomi-npp_16611703184_o_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr i won't believe any photograph from outer space unless it EXACTLY meets my arbitrary requirements
We see composites because it's easier to make a lenses can can only see a tiny corner of the earth at a time. Imagine trying to take a picture of the floor in your room while holding a camera face down only a foot or two off the ground.
"This composite image of southern Africa and the surrounding oceans was captured by six orbits of the NASA/NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership spacecraft on April 9, 2015, by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument. Tropical Cyclone Joalane can be seen over the Indian Ocean. Winds, tides and density differences constantly stir the oceans while phytoplankton continually grow and die. Orbiting radiometers such as VIIRS allows scientists to track this variability over time and contribute to better understanding of ocean processes that are beneficial to human survival on Earth. The image was created by the Ocean Biology Processing Group at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland."

Imagine knowing nothing---like truly nothing at all---about optics, photography or mechanics.

>> No.9894764

>Imagine knowing nothing
Imagine thinking you know anything

>> No.9894766

in all those pictures i don't see any stars and if your in the moon shouldn't you be far enough to see the whole earth. we can see the entire moon from earth but apparently it's not possible vice versa?

vid starts at 2 seconds in

>> No.9894772

>in all those pictures i don't see any stars
>hurr what is exposure?
It makes perfect sense that we don't see stars. The earth reflects a lot more light than distant stars emit to us.

>if your in the moon shouldn't you be far enough to see the whole earth. we can see the entire moon from earth but apparently it's not possible vice versa?
Hahahaha what? What kind of logic is that? I can see a whole paintcan hanging on a string hanging a hundred feet above me, but from the paint can I can't see the entire earth. Are you slow?

>> No.9894776

>allow me to take something complete out of context and misinterpret everything something that someone smarter than me is saying

>> No.9894783

btw we can see the whole earth from the moon

>> No.9894785

i just want proof that it's round
yea so coincendental that they happen to destroy what could take use to the moon. how bout in 1970 when they also destroyed the records and the broadcasting of the moon landing

>> No.9894790

we haven't been to the moon

>> No.9894791

Unless Earth is united, the colonization of the Moon is over.

Nobody wants a American (Trump) or a Russia, (Putin) flag on the Moon.

>> No.9894796

We used to be able to field armada of battleships but can't anymore.
Is this mean we don't have battleship technology anymore?
Or we just scaped those and simply dont have them.

>> No.9894797

deja vu

>> No.9894802

no because there is records of battleships and there is still battleships (navy) today, i love how no one yet has shown any evidence that the earth is round yet they still cling on vicsiouly to the "fact" that it is, they got you guys hooked

>> No.9894814

>i just want proof that it's round

>ships disappear hull first over the horizon
inb4 perspective, you don't know how light works apparently
>the moon is very, very clearly a sphere
Please look at it on a clear night through a pair of binoculars and get back to me. This isn't proof that earth is round per se, but it shows that celestial balls exist
>we can circumnavigate the earth
>we use digital globular models in general for high precision navigation because a globe is more fucking accurate than a flat sheet of paper
>the firmament--the apparent shell of stars that we see in the night sky--looks exactly like what a shell rotating around a sphere would look like from the inside
>the sun and the moon dip below the horizon
>it is not day time all for everybody simultaneously on earth
>days can be shorter in the north half of earth than in the southern half AT THE SAME TIME
explain how this could POSSIBLY make sense in a flat earth

>inb4 the sun and moon "are like spot lights"
How come the moon looks spherical then? And how come the lunar phases are different for people of different locations even during the same day/night cycle? Bbjects don't appear to get closer to the ground as they move into the distance
>inb4 the transportation industry is in on a conspiracy
>inb4 conspiracy type thinking in general

>> No.9894817

There is plenty of evidence but your brain programed by flatearth cult will dismiss anything not comming from conspiracy tard on youtube

>> No.9894818

>no because there is records of soaceships and there is still spaceships (nasa) today

>> No.9894823

>selectively ignoring reality is the same as logical refutation as long as it benefits my viewpoint, so I always win
The essence of mental wankery

>> No.9894824

i never said it's flat i just said we don't know what we are on.
yea the spaceships that years after they apparently went to the moon exploded
did you know nasa was help founded by a nazi people who specializes in propaganda

>> No.9894826

Good thing reality is on my side :^)

>> No.9894828

>believing fake moon missions
man the cia for you good

>> No.9894829

>phone posting
>posting nazi engineer who believed in space travel and actually put objects in space proves my flat earth

>> No.9894830

good points

>> No.9894834

You don't even believe that, you just playing devil's advocate for actual retardation makes you intelligent, despite the fact that the only rhetorical tools you can apply to the problem are "nuh-uh" and "didn't happen"

>> No.9894835

that wasn't me

>> No.9894837

Prove the earth is flat. Don't post pictures of space and say the look fake, provide actual evidence the earth has no curvature. The most obvious argument is that the earth locally looks flat so I'll just give you that straight away. Anything else or is your argument just incredibly thin?

>> No.9894839

what a brainless mouth breathing fool you are, tell me you blind follower some more evidence your just acting like a rabid dog because i'm hinting at something diffrent then what you are conditioned too.

>> No.9894840


>> No.9894842

i never said the earth is flat like i stated in my inaugural post, i just said we don't know what we are on and that the evidence that the propaganda machine nasa has given us was fake but yea those are basically my only points, i want some proof that it is round and you provided some points that can lead to that conclusion

>> No.9894845

>i never said it's flat i just said we don't know what we are on.
Only flatards deny fact of globe earth

>> No.9894847

>can't even come up with counter arguments

>> No.9894848

another point i have (which u guys can debunk with some points since idk) how come whenever i drive or fly we don't have to do any curves in motion it's all in a straight plane of traveling

>> No.9894851

There's lots of evidence for round earth outside of nasa. Ancient fucking greeks and persians and chinese and mayans all believed in a round earth. I wonder why? Almost like it's obvious to people who use their eyes and their brains.

>> No.9894853

if the earth was in fact round flying would be like traveling a hill or something not just going along a straight plane

>> No.9894854
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool. He was never here to have a debate. He was here to pretend to be retarded and farm (you)s. The moment you replied, you already lost.

>> No.9894858

the ancient greeks and mayans also believed in gods controlling the weather so idk how that helps to your points
love how whenever someone debates the round earth the followers get rabid

>> No.9894864

>how come whenever i drive or fly we don't have to do any curves in motion it's all in a straight plane of traveling
We do. It's very subtle. The curvature of earth is k=2.53*10^-4 /mile --- i.e. a tiny amount compared to how big we are.

>> No.9894868

>the ancient greeks and mayans also believed in gods controlling the weather so idk how that helps to your points
The Greeks were also able to measure the fucking circumpherence of earth using some sticks in the ground and some trigonometry. The mayans were able to determine the length of the year to the nearest couple hours.

>> No.9894876
File: 336 KB, 616x616, blue marble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Blue Marble," Earth as photographed from the halfway to the moon during the Apollo 17 mission

>> No.9894877

how did the greeks make that work?
what do numbers have to do with this, anyone can make a bullshit equation and as long as it comes from some "credible" source the followers will eat it up. i want to know what makes that equation valid

>> No.9894878
File: 69 KB, 616x619, gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo of the earth and moon taken by Galileo probe on its way to Jupiter in 1992

>> No.9894880

see that would be a great picture if we actually went to the moon so your point is null

>> No.9894881
File: 126 KB, 616x332, Messenger-20111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth and moon as photographed by the Messenger probe, in orbit of Mercury in 2011

>> No.9894885
File: 207 KB, 616x462, Pale-Blue-Dot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Pale Blue Dot," Earth as seen from the Voyager probe after it completed its primary missions in 1990

>> No.9894891
File: 91 KB, 1729x1200, eratosthenes_experiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do numbers have to do with modeling reality
lol. numbers can quantize things like length and mass and angle and curvature, and allow us to write down physical laws and make predictions about reality
>how did the greeks make that work?
It's very good read, assuming you can do math and understand some optical principles.

>> No.9894893
File: 9 KB, 175x180, 1363744583053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us about yourself OP, what do you study?

>> No.9894895

no lol

>> No.9894897
File: 20 KB, 750x563, 57e16fddb0ef9766008b6f44-1334-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth and moon as photographed by the Chinese probe Chang'e 5-T1 as it entered lunar orbit

>> No.9894899

great pictures if the probes are legit then yea i can see the earth being round, or is it possible that it is half a globe?
will check it out

>> No.9894900

What? I thought the moon was supposed to be smaller than the earth! Globe heads are getting dumber every day.

>> No.9894901

just completed premed and now am in med school

>> No.9894904

>is it possible that it is half a globe
An even more ridiculous theory than flat earth desu. I'm lmaoing @ ur life if you're serious.

>> No.9894905
File: 270 KB, 1144x2045, 3ded6f9eb6bfbc041579410cb1f7c0bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not round, stay woke op will post

>> No.9894907

oh, that explains everything

>> No.9894908
File: 33 KB, 500x626, 4c4b04151ad657e30b629676f87cab43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a corrected image

>> No.9894910

No one is this retarded.

>> No.9894911
File: 90 KB, 934x882, Earthrise-Zond-7-1969-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth as seen from the Russian Zond probe in lunar orbit, 1968

>> No.9894913

>the sun wouldn't change size especially at north pole
it doesnt
>days would be shorter, not longer
not really sure what you mean by that but they are shorter in the wintertime.

>> No.9894915
File: 9 KB, 806x500, earthmoon_nozomi_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth and moon as seen by the Japanese Nozomi probe en route to Mars, 1998

>> No.9894917
File: 149 KB, 480x360, 8b37d9f351c8696a0495061462e26f7f-flat-earth-proof-conspiracy-theories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9894918
File: 141 KB, 600x400, f6c4875c516574a4e1e1a93632825818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9894920
File: 554 KB, 1006x669, kp-shareimage31c26504f6ab68ad4132f78b03a39242-5804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9894922

i dont trust shit of what the agencies say, im just forming all sorts of theories and im 80% round and 20% no idea what we are on

>> No.9894928

Difference is one is supposedly a high tech billion dollar satalite in space and the other is some camera

>> No.9894929

Do really expensive cameras not have a definite focal length?

>> No.9894935
File: 86 KB, 625x615, rosetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually prefer deep space images to composite images, because no matter what a composite image is "cheating" due to artistic interpretation. That's why I posted a series of single-shot images taken by spacecraft launched by different world powers over the course of decades.

This is Earth as seen from the ESA Rosetta probe, launched to a comet in 2004.

How do you maintain a conspiracy between the governments of the United States, Russia, China, Japan and the European Union when they are all powers that have at various points rivaled or hated each other?

And in such a scenario, surely the 533 people who have been to orbit are co-conspirators as well. Okay. What's the point of constantly expanding this conspiracy? A decade from now there may need to be 10,000 trained liars.

>> No.9894939

At this point I'm pretty sure you're just farming dubs on a slow board desu

>> No.9894943

you know how many astronaughts died in 1970 from mysterious causes? 7
no im interested in the truth

>> No.9894952

but good photos that u posted if the probes are real then yes i would have to say that the earth is 98% round the 2% still lingering due to mistrust in agencies

>> No.9894956

Yea they do. What's your point, there is nothing in space we just recently were able to even go to the orbit

>> No.9894957

>you know how many astronaughts died in 1970 from mysterious causes? 7
[citation need]
about 18 astronauts have died--none whatsoever in the year 1970

>> No.9894959

obviously the Bogdanoffs are hiding something on the edge or underside of the earth that they don't want us finding, open your eyes

space is outside of our natural habitat, it has a plethora of health concerns uncommon or nonexistent to everyone other than astronauts

>> No.9894968
File: 70 KB, 595x436, flat-earth-moon-inverted595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't trust these liberal cucks

>> No.9894972

>What's your poin
The two pictures in you image would taken with different focal lengths. That's why continents look different sizes. It doesn't matter that satellites cost billions of dollars.

>> No.9894980

there would just have to be such a massive cover-up that literally only you would be 'out' of it. Solipsism at its finest.

Why are these threads not instantly removed?

>> No.9894988

trying a little too hard

>> No.9894993

are you involved with the know? if not shut the fuck up and people who try to expose the truth mysteriosly die like the witnesses of the JFK planed murder, go drink your saturated drinks and sugar filled food and nice reddit spacing you heathen

>> No.9894997

believing a little too easy

>> No.9894998

Your thread is trash and you should feel bad.

>> No.9895001

can someone please reassure me that these people are just trolls? It was more obvious in the past, but this is just ridiculous

>> No.9895003
File: 356 KB, 2553x1413, 1527026300541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images, not photographs. Don't believe this CGI he's posting. If NASA or the Chinese agency sent pictures of a unicorns ass would you believe it? Appealing to authority is an argumentative fallacy, and they expect you to cave to it.

>> No.9895009

your life is trash and you should feel bad. gtfo here, do you really think only one man killed JFK?
goes for you too blind rabid follower

>> No.9895014

>do you really think only one man killed JFK?
Who cares? JFK deserved it.

>> No.9895040

If bottom picture was real, Earth would be ridiciously tiny.

>> No.9895061

>med school
lmao, so thats why

>> No.9895067

It's because flatards believe in every other conspiracy theory, they already belive in massive conspircy what controls everything. Before starting believing in FE

>> No.9895073

Flat Earth Theory is a controlled opposition created from the conspirators to mock conspiracy theorists.

>> No.9895180

making more money then u hahaha