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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9892836 No.9892836 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9892837

who the fuck doesn't know linear algebra

>> No.9892866
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*laughs nervously*

>> No.9892870

Yes, but depending on what type of mechanical engineer you may not need deep knowledge of it.

>> No.9892873

No. MATLAB will do it for you.

>> No.9892876

eh. imho I think working in the 3-dimensional space requires knowledge of batching vectors and such but I would listen to an argument against it.

>> No.9892897

This content will be brutal - Mechanical Engineers don't need any math. In truth, they don't need any studies since 99% of what they do is working on things that were always made the same way. Sheet metal parts? Mechanical press is OLD invention. Injection molding? It's mostly guesswork since plastic is cheap and 3D printers exist for prototyping.

Seriously, you won't see any math unless you get R&D work or do high-tech, but it's usually 10 years into your career if you are lucky and one of the few speciallists dies and you can miraclously hop into his place.

But don't kid yourself, even specialized shit is mostly repetitive no-brain stuff and you will be stuck for the rest of your life doing same tests and measurements over and over again.

You will try to object, you will get angry, but the violence of my words only gives legitemacy to the truth they are holding.

t. disgruntled mechatronic engineer working CAD

>> No.9892950

wew glad i completely cheated my way through school

>> No.9893346

This is why electrical engineering is superior

>> No.9893358
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>working CAD

>> No.9893364

Depends on what you're doing, the only math I use currently is statistical analysis.

>> No.9893525


yeah you'll probably see it a lot in control systems.


Shut the fuck up and don't post if you're not going to contribute to the thread you dumb faggot.

>> No.9893536 [DELETED] 


EE is a horrible major. The industry is oversatured. Most EE majors are underemployed.

>> No.9893573

>falling for this meme

>> No.9893623

Depends on what you want to go into. Control systems, definitely. If it involves solving systems of ODEs, linear algebra would be very useful. You don't need to know as much as a computer scientist specializing in machine learning, but at least the basics of matrices and operations is good to know.

>> No.9893657

Mechanical engineers. If you are not in some top burger uni all you'll get is like 2-3 weeks of matrix operations in math 101.

>> No.9893663

Good luck getting anything better if your country doesn't have a booming space industry or something.
This. Nothing beyond basic algebra and middle school geometry. What math is there, CAE software like solidworks can already handle it better than you can.

>> No.9893672

lol, what are you talking about? You do the same thing, just with communications signals n' shit. Design, test, put out fires related to production issues, etc. Same shit different medium.

>> No.9893721

This is why STEM cucks will always be the slaves of business majors.

>> No.9893740

There are fields in ME where you need linear algebra, and even much much more than just that. For example, if you want to develop new finite element formulations, or you want to work with XFEM, and need to program it yourself, you need to know linear algebra, calculus of variations, tensor algebra.

>> No.9893752


yep this. the math in ME can potentially get pretty hardcore.

>> No.9893782

This is only true because business majors are obvious as to how easy a lot shit is and you could pay some paco to plug shit into a computer. That doesn't mean you shouldn't learn it, hell, after more CEOs learn about this, only competent engineers are going to get hired or stay in a shitty technician position for the rest of your life. You already can see how a lot of CS retards are gettibg fucked by kids who prefer to just learn coding from an early age.

>> No.9893783

Does a bear shit in the woods? Linear algebra is essential for control systems, finite elements, figuring out where shit is in space, robotics, numerical methods, I could go on and on.

Also learn about tensors. Seriously learn about tensors.
You still need to know linear algebra to use matlab properly

>> No.9893837

.t someone who has never touched an arduino

>> No.9893838

You don't need to know any math whatsoever to get arduinos to do shit.

>> No.9893840

>Linear algebra is essential for control systems, finite elements, figuring out where shit is in space, robotics, numerical methods, I could go on and on.
90% of mechanical engineers don't understand any of that, and never have to. There's programmers developing CAD/CAE software for that

>> No.9893862

>hey engineer how do you identify a specific orientation of this compnent

>> No.9893957

itt: americans from mediocre universities, rant about being scammed for years.

>> No.9893973

Linear equations are fucking difficult for me for some reasons

>> No.9894798

true actually

>> No.9895027

can confirm, arduino is literal brainlet tier
t. EE with wireless comms major

>> No.9895129

electronics enthusiast here
what's above arduino tier?

>> No.9895376

Although you can learn a lot more by downloading atmel studio and recreating projects you have done with the arduino IDE

>> No.9895414

Im a fucking creative writing major and I have to learn linear algebra

>> No.9895619
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>t. moischal schekelbach

>> No.9895685


>> No.9896177

Linear algebra is so fucking trivial, but yes
That what makes MATLAB useful - and their libraries

Julia stable when?

>> No.9896200


>> No.9896203

Wrong. Even the shit burger unis I've been looking at rewrite linear algebra, diff eq and multivariate calc for engineering.

>> No.9896305

Brainlets & Unskilled Blue collar dirty peasants covered in rust & grease don't need to know Linear Algebra.

>> No.9897196

You will need it for control stuff. look up state space analysis. It is basically writing a system of 1st order diff eqs in matrix format.
>you don't need calculus. Your calculator can solve integrals.
My Linear algebra professor allowed all graphing calculators and even matlab on laptops for his exams. It didint help much because all the matrices were all 4x4 max and proof based.

>> No.9897200
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>> No.9897272

Yes, it is essential we know matrix mathematics. Do you know how to use matlab?