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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9868252 No.9868252 [Reply] [Original]

Too many different threads requesting learning material, just making a general.

Post here for knowledge to introduction on X

>> No.9868271


>> No.9868455
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muh sekret club

>> No.9868459


>> No.9868473

because hes an asshole who uses 4chan to bully us.

>> No.9868481

or maybe hes one of those existential people.

>> No.9868483

ah yes, one whom listens to radiohead a bit too often

>> No.9868490

Great idea for a general, seeing as the wiki can often be flawed. I have come to /sci/ many times asking for learning materials, and I my learning has greatly benefited because of this 'resource.'

no u

>> No.9868571

Best resources for high school physics? Newton stuff!

>> No.9868619


Resnick Halliday is usual go-to for physics, it is low uni-tier, but avery friendly and applicable for high-school too.

>> No.9868772



>> No.9868848


>> No.9869406

>half of book is illustrations
Get Landau&Lifshitz if you're not totally clueless and have the slightest chance of making it. Volume 1 is comfortably readable with just basic understanding of calculus.

>> No.9869415

What's there to teach me plant biochemistry after Heldt and Zeigler? Looking specifically for plants

>> No.9869556
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Does Terry Tao's Analysis 1&2 cover enough material to transition to big Rudin?

>> No.9869642

Mathematics reading list https://pastebin.com/raw/fgW5XwRe

>> No.9869744


>> No.9869764

can anyone share some material regarding the technology and coding behind blockchain?

>> No.9869772

>the absolute state of amerimutt education
Show me what part of analytical mechanics in vol. 1 isn't tractable by a highschool student. Learning calculus is a matter of few months for an average curious highschooler.
Moscow's 57 uses first 4 volumes for talented highschoolers, there's no reason an average highschooler couldn't handle volume 1 if he's genuinly interested in physics.

>> No.9869805

this. the concepts of calculus have been shown to be teachable to fucking elementary school students.

>> No.9869898

I'd start teaching linear algebra in elementary school, or at least steer the explanations towards it, i think it would cure brainletism and this attitude of "lul that's a big book YOU LITERALLY CAN'T". It's very easy for imagination, which is what kids are very good at.
Imagine kids going "duh" on multivar calc because it's trivial when looked at through lingebra.

>> No.9869925
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>Nonsensical quote from PooInLoo.

>> No.9869968


>> No.9869980

>she didn't set the origin at the cone's vertex

Was it autism?

>> No.9869983

│ ├── A Book of Abstract Algebra - McGraw Hill Higher Education. Charles Claude Pinter (1982).pdf
│ ├── Abstract Algebra 1.pdf
│ ├── Abstract Algebra - Paul Garrett.pdf
│ ├── Abstract algebra - Wiley. Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. (2004).djvu
│ ├── Basic Abstract Algebra_ For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates - Dover Publications. (Dover Books on Mathematics) Robert B. Ash (2006).djvu
│ └── Elementary Abstract Algebra.pdf
│ ├── Algebra. Springer, (Graduate texts in mathematics 211) Serge Lang (2002).djvu
│ └── Undergraduate Algebra. Springer, (Undergraduate texts in mathematics) Serge Lang (2005).djvu


>> No.9869994

this must be the "install gentoo" equivalent of /sci/

>> No.9869995

Don't make a fucking general.


>> No.9869997


Landau/Lifszyc is good, but it's not for high-schoolers. Resnick & Halliday is gole standard, Landau is for engineering students.

And no, I'm not from USA and yes, I read both books.

>> No.9870008
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>Halliday, Resnick is gold standard
>Landau, Lifshitz is for engineers
Go back to neo-/g/, you /v/ trash. Don't infest my board REEEEE.
Also, if you honestly believe calculus or analytical mechanics can't be taught to an average highschooler at 15-16 years old, you clearly have no standards.

>> No.9870019

>virtue signalling intensifies
nobody has ever learned anything from L&L except presenting what one already knows in an obfuscatory and pretentious way.

>> No.9870023
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>i didn't learn anything from Landau, therefore nobody did
>rigor is bad
Physics is not for you, m8y. Try some engineering discipline.

>> No.9870033


>> No.9870035
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>for knowledge to introduction on
The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9870039
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Good job guys, you summonned the schizo...

>> No.9870041

>be (((soviet physicist)))
>have to steal and reverse-engineer everything from abroad
>but we still have the BEST education
>here take this super rigorous texbook, it's almost as rigorous as talmud
>please clap

>> No.9870047

How do you know he is a schizo in the first place?

>> No.9870049

What am I looking at here?

>> No.9870057

Not him, I'd guess that the incidence of schizophrenics here is probably thousands of times higher than any other place on the internet, or in ... well, any other social gathering.

A quarter of the people who post, at my best guess, write something which I would be forced to admit rings many highly attuned alarm bells for the immediate accusation of schizophrenia.

>> No.9870066
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>be soviet physishit
>contribute to physics
>pick best talent and write books with another physishit to train them to be your maids, explaining very clearly techniques that are barely 10 years old at that time
>books are so good (last 4 volumes are shit) western spies start translating them and using them for their own grads
>books nurture a whole generation of excellent physishits
>somehow bad
Being contrarian won't score you points in real life, though it might on a chechnian church-shooting forum.

>> No.9870072

How about the other books in the Landau collection, are they worth it?

>> No.9870086

Volume 1-6 is great, then it goes downhill.

>> No.9870098
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>hijack and imprison german scientists because you are too dumb to understand stolen manhattan project blueprints on your own
>but we have the best textbooks, dont we

>> No.9870124

>get so desperate one has to reach outside of topic
>hurr durr this means Landau's work is automatically bad
Under the generous assumption that this message reaches your brain, how does the inability of constructing atomic bomb by tortured soviet engineers invalidate Landau's course being so good that it has been copied by the west and nurtured perhaps the best generation of physishits?

>> No.9870171

I used this website to download my books, hope you guys enjoy.

>> No.9870182

Best reading for introduction to R/Data analysis? I'm taking a coursera course but I'd like some supplemental reading.

>> No.9870186

Rstudio>help or introductory statistics with R or Discovering statistics using R.
Introduction to statistics and data analysis: with excercises, solutions and applications in R.
Multivariate time series analysis: with R and financial applications.
An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in R.

>> No.9870188

Thank you!

>> No.9870218

Don't do anything big in R or you'll start hating it. It's great, but oh my god it's also so retarded.

>> No.9870222

I figure it'll be a good starting place, I can start learning python after I get proficiency with R.

>> No.9870227
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Does anyone think it's weird that Helene's area of professional "expertise" is "mental health" and then just by some crazy coincidence I "suffer from" exactly those "ailments" in which she is most expert?

I'll tell you what else, rigth before the judge decided that I was not a danger to myself or others, and should not be enslaved, the doctor told the judge that I was paranoid schizophrenic because I thought I had some great theory and that it wasn't being recognized because the government was out to get me. So you can mount a direct refutation, if you wish to, based on the transcript of the hearing.

>> No.9870232
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This is Helene's role model for stronk womanhood.
>jabhat al-nusra
>Job hat: The Nurse

>> No.9870243

You'll be disappointed by python, but for more complex pipelines it really is better.
R becomes unreadable write-only when you start caring about performance.
I still use R for visualizations because it's frankly unbeatable for that, nothing compares.

>> No.9870287

I am learning Fortran for performance but for prototyping and quick number crunching I'll stay with Perl Data Language.

>> No.9870289

>Does anyone think it's weird that Helene's area of professional "expertise" is "mental health" and then just by some crazy coincidence I "suffer from" exactly those "ailments" in which she is most expert?
You have proven again and again that you are indeed a phycopath, threatening to kill children if people don't acknowledge you as a god...

>> No.9870338
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> threatening to kill children if people don't acknowledge you as a god...
No that's not right. I want to brutally torture the children of those who do not treat others the way they want to be treated, and then they themselves, in order to teach a lesson about how important it is to treat other people the way you want to be treated. As it is, people don't really think it's very important so I want to correct that misconception with grievous violence.

>> No.9870342

Someone might say, "But why torture the children?" To that say, "Why would I only put the pressure half-way when I'm trying to show how strong the pressure is?"

>> No.9870348

>in order to teach a lesson about how important it is to treat other people the way you want to be treated
The problem is that you want to be treated as a god when you are just a sub-par crank who don't even know how to compute a limit.

>> No.9870360
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What did I just read?

>> No.9870435

Geometric unity is on another episode. He's getting worse i think, last year he was more stable, now he's having them really often.

>> No.9870442

Mods dont do shit, and the wiki can be flawed. A general at least contains all the underage newfags who think we have some magical book that teaches you calculus.

>> No.9870457


Why do you keep coming back like a fucking disease? No one cares about you or your work. Leave /sci/ alone and go seek mental help.

>> No.9870471
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lol no, I meant from a book I am reading

>> No.9870481

>magical book that teaches you calculus
But we do - Tao's Analysis. And Rudin. And Zorich. And Stein. And Shilov. And Schechter. And Yosida. And Brezis.

>> No.9870505

How to read math https://web.archive.org/web/20171029024222/http://web.stonehill.edu:80/compsci/history_math/math-read.htm

>> No.9870621
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>a sub-par crank
This is an example of you having an opinion and then acting as if your opinion was true because acting otherwise would put you into an uncomfortable state of cognitive dissonance, or else you are trolling and I will die the same horrible death.

>who don't even know how to compute a limit.
I do know how to do it though. You're probably referring to me looking up the steps for the limit the other day. Not having it fresh in my memory after not doing for 10+ years is different than not knowing how to do it. You are the one who knowledge base is deficient.

>want to be treated as a god
This is also not right. I do want to be treated as him who I am, but my historical complaint has been that I am treated worse than an average person despite having proven my superiority to the average man in many ways and on many occasions. Just because you are too stupid to understand the intense technical nuance developed in my research program, and are too apathetic to have made a concerted effort at some point over the last decade, that takes away nothing from entitlement to take credit for the development of that nuance. So you see, there are two issues: credit for who I am and credit for what I've done. My complaints, thus far in my life, are almost totally dedicated to the latter.

>> No.9870629

I tell you. I don't know what you all are thinking that you think you should say negative things about me, but I will punish you, and I will make regret what you have written. Your feeble-mindedness is exposed when you see good risk vs reward in the moment of satisfaction your post gives you versus the downside of that which I am promising you for making those posts. You should stop disparaging me.

>> No.9870632

This is quality copypasta you have made.

>> No.9870681

Tao is more than enough, you could even read both at the same time kind of, chapter 5 of Tao is pretty close to chapter one of Rudin, while chapter 2 or Rudin should help you better understand distance (which Tao kind of covers in chapter 4, when I read it I struggled with it so I recommend you read this short paper if you find any problems https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/math/MAT2400/v11/Metric.pdf)) just read Tao chapter/s first, get a good grasp, finish all the exercises and then do the same with Rudin, some chapters are obviously related while the others a somewhat tricky. Rudin is nice because it's short and concise, it covers a lot of topics in just a few pages, but especially at the beggining Tao's treatment is a lot better, best of luck.

>> No.9870712

I don't want to be threatened, as most people, perhaps even you, so by threatening people you are treating them in a way they don't want to, which goes against your ideas.

>> No.9870714

>big Rudin
>chapter 5 of Tao is pretty close to chapter one of Rudin

>> No.9870719

-> >>9870681

>> No.9870738


>> No.9870770

You're thinking of baby Rudin.
Yes, Tao's analysis 1 and 2 should be enough to tackle papa Rudin. However, Rudin is dry as fuck and you may wanna read baby Rudin before just to get used to his style (definition-theorem-proof-corollary).

>> No.9871152
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Why are you so sure that you're not going to get horribly tortured for making these posts? Even if you were only 99.99999% sure that it won't happen, it would seem like the risk/reward of your half second of self-satisfaction from making the post wouldn't line up with the downside that you're risking.

You might just quietly tell yourself how stupid and crazy I am, but instead you jump up and down shouting, "Look at me! Look at me!" What good reason do you have to attract to my attention? Are you really ***THAT*** sure that I am not who I say I am? Indeed, isn't it more likely that you have chosen to bother me precisely because I am who I claim to be?

>> No.9871178

Fuck off, hobo. Nobody likes you.

>> No.9871183

Speak for yourself.

>> No.9871279
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>> No.9871446

Unfultered retardation

>> No.9871531

How much longer do we have to put up with you until you lose your internet connection and are back out on the street?

>> No.9872246
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>> No.9874221


>> No.9874249

Mastering Bitcoin
Mastering Ethereum (its only available on github)

these are the best book, from one of the most recognized writer in crypto, id rly recommend starting with these

>> No.9874252

I want to dig deep into biology-> biotech/molecularbiology/ neurobiology / neurology

im in the steam field

could you reccoment some books, it can be beginner or intermediate

>> No.9874253

>acting as if your opinion was true because acting otherwise would put you into an uncomfortable state of cognitive dissonance
And here we have a prominent example of projection.

>or else you are trolling and I will die the same horrible death
A bit of both: I have an very substantiated opinion and I'm trolling you because it's fun to see your mental breakdown.

>You're probably referring to me looking up the steps for the limit the other day. Not having it fresh in my memory after not doing for 10+ years is different than not knowing how to do it. You are the one who knowledge base is deficient.
So, you are admitting that you don't remember how to do limits but you have "published" a """""paper"""" on the limits of cosine and sine..................... It makes you think.............. It's like... you are full of shit.

>I do want to be treated as him who I am
But you keep saying that you are a god, so..... What's the difference?

>I am treated worse than an average person
Maybe because you are an schizo?

>despite having proven my superiority to the average man in many ways and on many occasions
Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha........ Oh wait, you are serious. Let me laugh even harder HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

> you are too stupid to understand the intense technical nuance developed in my research program
Or maybe because your "research program" is full of the most stinky shit.

>Why are you so sure that you're not going to get horribly tortured for making these posts?

>risk/reward of your half second of self-satisfaction
Half second? I'M STILL LAUGHING AT YOUR POST ABOUT YOUR ANCESTRY. And that is more than a week ago..... The reward is very high and the risk exactly zero.

>Nobody likes you.
I like him, he makes me laugh.

>> No.9874264

Ordinary and partial differential equations (if possible in separate books). Just completed my freshman year in an engineering course. Not looking for much rigour

>> No.9874315

Braun or Vrabie
Davidovich for excercises
Then Evans or Sauvigny for more in-depth intro.

>> No.9874338

>you keep saying that you are a god
I didn't though. That's your own delusion that you wish was true.

>> No.9874981

anything introductory to resonance and/or waves?

>> No.9875248
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It's obvious that I was describing the Cauchy residue theorem and couldn't remember what it was called in my complex analysis class. Fact: I used the delta as a variable in the equation whose specifics I didn't recall and were irrelevant to the modularization of the RHS which didn't have the delta symbol in it.

>> No.9875806


>> No.9876996
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>> No.9877039


>> No.9877859

What are some good books on chemistry?

>> No.9878135


>> No.9878967

Thank you

>> No.9878971

We literally have a sticky for this reason. Newfags should seriously read it.

>> No.9879003

>read sticky
>not impressed
Like pottery.

>> No.9879027

>Literally an aggregate of university recommended textbooks.
>Not impressed.
Stop being such a fucking poser, you sad fuck.

>> No.9879526
File: 62 KB, 404x500, 4B792236-03DF-422E-8538-78FDF3382FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related a decent textbook comparatively? It was my text book for discreet math structures and I had no real complaints. I just want to know how it stacks up against other books that cover similar material. Since I want to go back and brush up on my math skills. If their is anything way better I’d like to know.

>> No.9879550
File: 45 KB, 333x499, 51BOh0Xi14L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get pic related instead.

>> No.9879561

What makes it better?

>> No.9879577

Better for both self-study and as a refresher (succinct, but not dry like Rudin), better excercises - thinking and invention is mandatory. It's a hidden gem.

>> No.9879592

Thanks anon. I’ll check it out

>> No.9879627

>discreet math structures
yeah no wonder i couldnt find them

>> No.9879660

They be meeting under over passes to sell you crystal math

>> No.9879691

Campbells Biology a global approach is almost universally recommended to undergraduates (and is really good IMO), Becker's World of the Cell (I am personally not a huge fan but it is ok and I know people that really love it), Introduction to genetic analysis ( I know you didn't really ask for the genetic side but I really like this text book), Molecular Biology of the Cell (I haven't personally used this but others have sung its praises), Principles of Biochemistry Laurence A Moran is good on the biochem end. I haven't actually got a neurobiology text but know friends that do and they recommend Neuroscience Exploring the Brain. I've omitted author names mostly because I can't remember them off the top of my head but if that needs clarifying I can have a look.

>> No.9879733
File: 63 KB, 669x794, Discrete math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9879988
File: 22 KB, 420x420, 1457768104371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic gave me a hearty chuckle.

>> No.9880860

>why buy an intro discrete meme book for 60€ that covers just enough when you can spend 500€+ on books you'll read few chapters from
Also anything that recommends proof books is automatically trash.

>> No.9880887

>spending money on books

>> No.9880910

>not cuddling with the smooth pages of papa Rudin
>not reveling in the ephemeral smell of the book
>ruining one's eysight on glowing shitty devices because math on epub looks ridicoulusly bad
>not having a bookshelf full of interesting books that your children can admire and read
You're not making it.
Even if money was not a concern, there's still the issue of consistency - with a single discrete meme book you get a structured and consistent, well thought-out text, while getting the same information from multiple books you'll have to deal with every one of them having different style.

>> No.9881124

Trying to relearn highschool math, specifically geometry and algebra 2 with trigonometry, both in the next sixth month. What textbooks are the best for these two topics? Pls hell

>> No.9881754
File: 41 KB, 333x500, 59F05720-91FB-48BD-B8BB-F7108743F700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good book for learning basic mathematical intuition? Asking for a friend

>> No.9882038

That is not a book about math :^)

>> No.9882052
File: 297 KB, 1200x1800, best book on basic math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one.

>> No.9883415

Not saying that those books are state of the art, but they make the job.

- A book of Abstract algebra
- Adams - Calculus A complete Course 8th Edition
- Basic Concepts of Mathematics - Zakon
- Book of Proof - Hammack
- Introduction to Probability - Grinstead & Snell
- Linear Algebra - Jim Hefferon
- Linear Algebra done right
- Probability and Statistics - Scahum's outline - Spiegel & Schiller & Alu Srinivasan
- Mathematical Tools for Physics - James Nearing
- Physics for scientists and Engineers with modern Physics 9th Edition - Serway & Jewett

>> No.9884062

A Mind for Numbers will not give you mathematical intuition, but will instead present to you some useful studying/learning methods that you can use to form into habits that can be applied to any learning endeavour. Some of the things are pretty obvious, but it's still an easy and worthwhile read.

>> No.9885674
File: 254 KB, 1300x3900, mathematics trench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this accurate?

>> No.9885678

Hey guys what books should i buy to learn more about planets and stargazing?

>> No.9886416

nigga just look out the window

>> No.9886432
File: 376 KB, 1080x1920, ahegao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invents motherfucking bootleg telescope nigga

>> No.9886451

just squint bro

>> No.9887600

There is an astronomy category on /sci/ wiki.

>> No.9887775

Astronomy for Dummies, Complete Idiot's Guide to Astronomy, The Manga Guide to The Universe, all those are good starting books.

However, if you want a more comprehensive stargazing book I would pick Astronomy Today by Chaisson and McMillan, is very detailed.

>> No.9887986
File: 121 KB, 800x600, 1522252126079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, can you recommend any books/resources on the most basic aspects of economy? I know this is not really /sci/, but I'm quite sure going to /biz/ wouldn't really help me

>> No.9888004

Samuelson, Nordhaus

>> No.9888016

Thanks man

>> No.9888720


>> No.9889614
File: 691 KB, 1104x1168, Mathematical Relationships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9889622

>the Soviet economy is proof that, contrary to what many skeptics had earlier believed, a socialist command economy can function and even thrive.
>published in 1989


>> No.9889636

Nevermind the revisions by Nordhaus.
It's the best undergrad econ textbook, bar none. Principles doesn't even come close to it in terms of pedagogical value.

>> No.9889654

>Russia changes to capitalism
Like pottery.

>> No.9890169
File: 20 KB, 540x540, 1529642379764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, /sci/. I'm a Finance grad student who's taken all his basic probability/statistics in highschool, and understands basic linear regression perfectly well by this point (MLE, Bayesian priors, instrumental factors, etc) but only has a barely workable understanding of time series.

Could someone pls recommend a *relatively* modern enough book on time series that's heavily theoretically intuitive? I can't make heads or tails of the universe of time series models, when to use GARCH models, when SARIMAX, ARIMA, or who knows what other stochastic process.

Really out on a limb here.

>> No.9890176

Don't learn Fortran for the performance. It has been proven numerous times that C++ outclasses Fortran in virtually every category of computation, and C++ is not a dead language only used by astrophysicists and academics.

If you really want to, say you use Fortran because you like its representation, or find it easier, but not that it's possible.

>> No.9890189

*but not that it's faster*
My mistake

>> No.9890317

>C++ outclasses Fortran in virtually every category of computation
But what if math is that category Fortran outclasses C++?

>> No.9890352
File: 3.52 MB, 4000x3500, Physics Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about thi chart ?

>> No.9890367

Any good learning materials in French ?

Related to physics, maths and anatomy

>> No.9890379

Any one know a good resource to learn monte Carlo in R or Python?
I'm reading Robert and Casella but there are so many coding typos

>> No.9890694


>> No.9890948


>> No.9890957

I see you're a funny guy. Thank you for your useful contribution in this thread.

>> No.9891123

looks fine, all the books there are good and in the right order.

>> No.9891145

Yeah, misread "big" as "baby", my bad

>> No.9892404

Is that OC?

I'll check it then, thanks.

>> No.9892517

Nigga, every category of computation is math.

Source for benchmarks isn't available atm, but plenty of places report its results.

>> No.9892849

sure thing brainlet