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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9883546 No.9883546 [Reply] [Original]

What are you studying and why?

>> No.9883565

A real tripfag

>> No.9883569

Never heard that one before.

>> No.9883570
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>> No.9883572

I like to be able to fully understand content. In every other subject you will always be working with content which you know but don’t truly comprehend.

>> No.9883585

I'm pretty sure mechanical engineers comprehend and understand how complex machinery works.

>> No.9883588

I'd shoot einstein every time, cuz jew

>> No.9883593

No one understands any natural phenomena because no one understands the physical basis of reality. If you kept asking, “Why?” to an engineer/physicist/biologist,etc., at some point, they would respond with “I don’t know.”

>> No.9883598

Engineers don't need to worry about natural phenomena.

>> No.9883607
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ecology/evolution because I love animals, specifically insects. Find it all fascinating and love learning.

>> No.9883643


i study math because I am an autist that can't handle reality and need a place where I have complete control.

>> No.9883648

Statistics, because i hope to work in finance so i can earn money and hopefully have someone love me

>> No.9883712

Plans after college?

>> No.9883749

move back in with my parents and make music and do math, lol. honestly, i don't know, i am terrified because I am probably too low functioning to succeed in academia.

>> No.9883816
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Same here except for the faggot part, I'm planning to pair it with CS.

>> No.9883819
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When will mods ban all the namefags?

>> No.9883820

Cognitive sciences and robotics

>> No.9883826

>, “Why?” to an engineer/physicist/biologist,etc., at some point, they would respond with “I don’t know
So? Reductionism is shit. Engineers dont care about what happens at the absolute bottom fundamental level. It's not a matter of laziness, it's just not relevant to their purpose l.

>> No.9884068

Lol. The average engineer barely remembers what they were taught.

>> No.9884078

I'd shoot Einstein because then we wouldn't have nuclear weapons.

>> No.9884125
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Did Einstein even do anything of note? Relativity is a bigger meme than quantum mechanics.

>dude wormholes lmao

>> No.9884137

>dude I never studied relativity

>> No.9884140

Physics, because I like unemployment

>> No.9884144

Physics and mathematics, because being the smartest guy in the room is fun

>> No.9884151
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>Engineers don't need to worry about natural phenomena

Excuse me? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacoma_Narrows_Bridge_(1940)

>> No.9884159

Thank god you no longer trip on /fit/.

>> No.9884165

Job market since I have uncreative brainlet job after years of grueling studies with high-tech curriculum.

>> No.9884174


I hate how people glorify Einstein. Dude fucked up. There have been countless times we almost nuked ourselves on accident and we still could and that is just on accident.

>> No.9884179

Geology. I like rocks a lot.

>> No.9884180

maths because it's all I'm good at.
Want to specialise in a mix of probability, statistics and optimisation.

>> No.9884188

I double major in math and CS, but I want to see what I can do at the intersection of CS theory and physics theory. I think I'm gonna have to get creative in the future if I want to do that. I just really like studying physics on the side (taking classes when I can, auditing otherwise)

>> No.9884191

i'm a welding teacher and study material science (?) to become a welding/material proof guy. i don't know how this is called in english. i will work at the german material proof office soon.

>> No.9884199

I definitely agree, but what do you expect me to do when one moment they're teaching you about Inventory and stock management, and next they're explaining Navier-Stokes?

>> No.9884207
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I'm looking for a solutions manual

>> No.9884242

biochem, specifically cytoskeletal shit (Tubulin PTMs + kinesins).
why i dunno, i enjoy molecular bio, just a curious kid who likes using fancy instruments.

>> No.9884271

Ever heard of a GPS?

>> No.9884277

>GPS clocks need their times adjusted for the time delay in communication

>> No.9884522

Pharmacology, I wanna make cheap generic meds for people.

>> No.9884560

Analysis, Combinatorics, and some basic Number Theory. Already finished my degree just do math for the fuck of it.

>> No.9884588

i study theoretical physics, focusing on quantum and statistical mechanics

>> No.9884594

Physics and math, both because I would like to further the human scientific endeavor and also to get money

>> No.9884603

Would just shoot Einstein, he has been dead for a long time. Shooting a dead body would mean nothing.

Biophysics, I like cellular modeling

>> No.9884606

biomedical engineering

its cool and i was too stupid to realize how easy comp eng/comp sci is

starting my phd at a shit school now

>> No.9884609

Aerospace engineering because I wanna fly aeroplanes for the Air Force

>> No.9884610

that's not pharmacology, that's drug creation, biochemistry/molecular modeling

>> No.9884616

EE because is the most broader field in all of engineering. For example, I'm taking classes in Convex Optimization, Algorithms and Data Structures, Statistics, plus my EE curriculum.

>> No.9884617

this is the correct answer for math. no social ambiguity for me thx

>> No.9884677

>most broader
Struggling with your writing requirements buddy?

>> No.9884691

Extractive metallurgy because real life Factorio is fun.

>> No.9884702

sounds more like programming

>> No.9885273


Ah, I fucking love combinatorics. Never change, Anon.

>> No.9885292

>Did Einstein even do anything of note?
Ever heard of the Photoelectric effect or the Brownian motion?

>Relativity is a bigger meme than quantum mechanics.
Hahahahaha. No.

>> No.9885301

Criminal justice, because everything is subjective within certain bounds and it was easier to float through college. Then I took my worthless degree and did nothing with it. Because just like middle school, just like high school, just like university. I plan to float through life.

>> No.9885336

I finished EE and I'm now an engineer. Life doesn't get better after kids.

>> No.9886718

business but i hate it about to drop out

>> No.9886726

Brandon is a fag.

>> No.9886899

Goddamn dude.

>> No.9886907

Brainlet detected

>> No.9886919

I already have a degree in mechanical engineering, and I am now studying medicine (yes, formally, as in I went to a Tech School for one and am now going to a Uni for the other and am looking to go to medschool). After I finish up with medicine, I’m going to start working a job like an NP to start raking in the money to start working on personal projects and even further study.

I am looking to try to pioneer the field of nanomedicine; using nanotechnology and genetic engineering to cure diseases and solve problems on a microscopic, technological scale. And if I fail, then so be it-- at least I will have left some work and thoughts behind for others to build off of and filled my life with something to keep my busy instead of useless and depressed.

>> No.9886920

LOL go back to soc

>> No.9886922

redpill me on that annon. im interesed in entomology and biology in general , how does it pay? what would be the best biology field to pick

>> No.9886942

>Civil Engineering
I just like the idea of designing structures. There's not much in the way of new research in the field but the jobs in industry pay a lot where I live.

>> No.9887063

Your idealistic dreams haven't been crushed yet? Mine didn't even last until I was 20.

>> No.9887064

Computer science because I like math but want a good job out of school

>> No.9887314

I do kind of have this nihilistic view that I’m not going to accomplish anything and none of my studies matter, or at best I’ll end up stumbling upon some revolutionary technology and end up getting assinated by some bureaucrat/aristocrat.
But otherwise no, not really.

I’m 28, and still pursuing those idealistic dreams. The most likely reason is probably just because I haven’t hit any roadblocks yet, I have yet to encounter something that proves my direction wrong. Sure, I’ve encountered resistance from people saying I won’t amount to anything or maybe I shouldn’t do what I’m doing, but I still have yet to see anything or talk to anyone that even nearly debunks my goal. So I’m still going.

>> No.9887409

Someone screenshot this retard.

>> No.9887476

Computers always fascinated me, like how does voltage jumping up amd down in a chip abstract up into me typing this post while shitting.
By now I have a pretty good understanding of each tier, but the magic of it didn't disapear

>> No.9887534

Meh, you all can reach for the stars. I'm content to waste my insignificant blip on the grand scale that is everything.

>> No.9887599

I'm about to start my PhD in Archaeology/Classical History.

Yes yes I know (inb4 Social Sciences fag) but Astronomy/Physics is another passion of mine - so much so that I'm considering doing work on Archaeoastronomy, and how our predecessors used stars to align their monuments (also forming the basis of many primitive religions).

>> No.9887693
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Music theory.

>> No.9887712

almost agree with you... on the other side of the world Heisenberg "failed" to calculate the critical mass, damn he was a hero... alas, it was only a matter of time that somebody will come up with the solution, usa or germany it was the same... the mistake of the atom era had to happend

>> No.9887714

Industrial design
Because I like to build and design beautiful stuff

>> No.9887715

group theory so that i can understand galois theory

>> No.9887718

please i need to know more of this... im studing science and technology of space (something like astronomy and aerospace engineering) but i love antrophology... in my country there isnt a good antrophology program, where are you applying?

>> No.9887740

Anywhere in the UK - Archaeoastronomy is kinda frowned upon (as in the past it had connotations with Astrology and other shite like that) but it's taking off again.

I recommend Kent if you want lecturers in Archaeoastronomy - notably Efrosyni Boutsikas (she's the local specialist).