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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 596x739, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9877174 No.9877174 [Reply] [Original]

Where do races come from?

>> No.9877176
File: 8 KB, 213x236, 844390830982309849082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genetically distinct selective breeding
See: dogs

>> No.9877253

They arent technically real

t. Geneticist

>> No.9877256

Random number generators inside vaginas. That is why even two white people can produce a half black baby.

>> No.9877257

This guy is full of shit.

>> No.9877260

t. Richard Spencer

>> No.9877263

t. Hwoke Bernie Booster

>> No.9877272

What are some traits of black people?

>> No.9877276

From an incessant urge to feel relevant and special without warranting it. Kill the race and these apes will find another way to segregate themselves.

>> No.9877279

None, indistinguishable from anyone else really. I mean, can you even notice when someones black? I had to ask my parents to know I wasn't black because I just couldn't tell.

>> No.9877289


>> No.9877291

I was born like this ok? Stop calling me an ape.

>> No.9877297
File: 54 KB, 960x720, A+Caucasian+B+Negroid+C+Mongoloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forensic investigators can tell you the race from the bones. its more than skin deep

>> No.9877301

What? That picture is wrong. The second one is a mongoloid. No, wait. The third one is should be in the place of the second and... the caucasian should be the second. No no wait I think I got it mixed up it looks like. Okay, easy: C should be the caucasian, B should be the mongoloid and A should be the negroid.

No wait, is it the other way around? Fuck. They are just so similar. Can't even tell.

>> No.9877306

I can tell a nigger when I see one

>> No.9877308
File: 2.82 MB, 1684x1708, 1443150267152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cant see the difference
you're either a moron or not looking close enough

>> No.9877313

Amazing picture; I'm convinced now. Who knew it would be that easy?

>> No.9877314

How? I'd love to know. I seriously can't even tell.
Why did you take 4 pictures of the same skull?

>> No.9877318

You're a nigger

>> No.9877319

You asked for traits
Or are you one of those nigger sociologists who got a full scholarship to speculate on the behavioral patterns of retards?

>> No.9877324

Blacks have darker skin on average than whites. You have to have keen eyes and good color receptors to see.

>> No.9877348

>Kill the race and these apes will find another way to segregate themselves.
This. In a thousand years, when we're all mutts, race relations will still be in the toilet.

>> No.9877351

Different selection pressures on different human populations

>> No.9877357

>In a thousand years, when we're all mutts
why should that necessarily happen
wouldn't it be nice to preserve and celebrate everyone's different heritage? unless you think some aren't worth preserving and you want to mix them with the kinds that are worth preserving...

>> No.9877364


>> No.9877372

Do you think the definition of race is "which skin color a person has?"

>> No.9877375
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 555-come-on-now-1687205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a misconception I see everyone from people like you. Mutts don't have NO heritage, they have multiple.

>> No.9877380

race isn't well defined

>> No.9877411

race is an archaic term originating from morphology, which is an obsolete method predating evolutionary biology.

>> No.9877417

IQ and crime statistics.

>> No.9877464

Correct. However it is still a metric some scientists use to classify groups.
To remove this distinction from their repertoire would only limit their ability to progress science.

>> No.9877510

He's shitposting or really deluded. Either way no point arguing with the lad. Stating that there's no visible difference between skulls is paramount to ignoring the difference between modern humans and homo erectus, or neanderthals.

100% this. To add on to this, the idea of "erasing the concept of race" in the pursuit of erasing racism would be as useless as deleting the word "cat" to stop people from distinguishing them from other animals. It's delusional and counterproductive.

>> No.9877511

fuck off you filthy jew

>> No.9877512

Go back to >>>/pol/, racist

>> No.9877516

I love what this world has turned into
>Talks about race in a scientific sense
>Must be racist
MLK would spit on your grave

>> No.9877520

I don't see skin color

>> No.9877523

Are you blind?

>> No.9877528

No, just not a racist. When I see a black person, I just see a person

>> No.9877529
File: 94 KB, 602x709, (banter stops).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MLK would agree with us
You have lost the argument, simply.

>> No.9877537

You have no clue what my opinion is, retard.
Nice job projecting though
MLK never said "ignore race at all cost!"
His main point was that you should judge an individual as a blank slate. Rather than implying to know what kind of person he is (kind of like you just did for me)

>> No.9877540

How are you going to do that if you separate people into different races?

>> No.9877541

Doesn't mean it isn't there. By acknowledging that people of different skin colours have (on average) different traits, we can use this information to make things better for everyone, instead of your pansy "one-size-fits-all" approach.

And that's fine as a civilian, but not for scientists. Classifying data by things such as race, religion, age, gender, sexual preference, etc. helps narrow down where problems are and gives more accurate trend lines. Ignoring something that would do no good for your data or the people being represented, and would be unscientific.

>> No.9877542

Do you believe that scientists who are currently using the term "race" in their research should stop using it?
If they stop using it what does that change? Surely they thought race was appropriate. Why change it?

>> No.9877547

>More projecting
Maybe if you didn't couple together the people who disagree with you slightly with the ethno-nationalists I would feel bad picking them over you

>> No.9877550

I like you.
This anon is the most correct. If you think race is "only skin deep", you should spend some time in a homogenous black community.

>> No.9877551


>> No.9877557

Fuck off racists

>> No.9877560

I hope this is a troll because those are literally the 4 most reasonable responses in this thread

>> No.9877564

>spend some time in a homogenous black community
To be fair most of the results you'll be observing will largely be a product of their culture, not specifically race.

>> No.9877567

What's their culture a product of?

>> No.9877569

You only think that because you agree with them

>> No.9877571



>> No.9877572

Niggers gonna nig

>> No.9877577

Could you explain to me why their history failed them in Liberia then?

>> No.9877579

They're fucking niggers, what do you not understand?

>> No.9877581

>You can only recognize a middle-of-the-road reasonable opinion if you agree with it
No. Just that half of these posts are saying "fuck niggers" and the other half are discussing the scientific implication of abolishing the category "race."
For whatever reason (assuming you're the one who made that post) you decided to link to the reasonable ones while ignoring the actual racists.
>It's pretty telling to me that you can't tell the difference though

>> No.9877587

They're the result of human groups inbreeding between themselves in different environments.

>> No.9877589
File: 22 KB, 207x371, 4E6220E980FF47AF861532E5F77536FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ pls go
This is a troll. I'm not sure how many of you /sci/entists crossboard, but you guys are really bad at spotting trolls.

>> No.9877593

>This is a troll. I'm not sure how many of you /sci/entists crossboard, but you guys are really bad at spotting trolls.
I assumed as much, however I think it's important to point out why their wrong seeing as how many people actually think this way.
>poe's law is a bitch

>> No.9877597


>> No.9877602


>> No.9877605

Face it, the only reason you deny the existence of races is because niggers are so much worse. If all races were actually equal in capability and had similar levels of civilizational attainment, there would be no controversy in recognizing the existence of races.

You're willfully denying the existence of a scientific fact because it conflicts with your ideological faith (egalitarianism). You are no different from a young earth creationist, except that while he worships the bible, you worship the communist manifesto. Let that sink in.

>> No.9877610

If you can follow back my conversation and come to the conclusion that I'm against the scientific categorization of "race," then you're too retarded to have a discussion with.

>> No.9877613

It's hard to follow back a conversation on an anonymous forum

>> No.9877618

Not in this instance. He said "this is a troll," to which I quoted and said "I assumed as much."
With that little bit of knowledge and some context clues you should have been able to follow that back to >>9877560 where you would be able to deduce my opinion
But again..
>you can't even follow back my conversation
You're even more retarded than I had given credit

>> No.9877621

You also said /b/ pls go to someone saying the word nigger.

Anyway, go choke on a fat nigger cock.

>> No.9877625

>You also said /b/ pls go
Holy shit do you really think
are the same person?
>How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.9877632

How was I supposed to know which one of those two people you were, niggerbrains?

>> No.9877635

Not being a retard helps

>> No.9877637

Selective breeding by the evil scientist Yakub. The original black race contains a "black germ" and a "brown germ". By selective breeding he was able to create a brown race, and then a white race.

>> No.9877641


well your a nigger

>> No.9877643
File: 1.48 MB, 1059x629, preserve and celebrate diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mutts don't have NO heritage, they have multiple.

i, for one, would be sad if someday there were no people like this left alive because we had made everyone into "muts"

>> No.9877644
File: 133 KB, 528x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9877645
File: 36 KB, 650x488, 908324980890238940283904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what's wrong with muts?

>> No.9877648

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>> No.9877659

Get over it. Appealing to your fetishes is irrelevant to exterminating racism.

>> No.9877664

>the point of turning everyone into muts is to end racism


>> No.9877665

The fascinating thing about racism is that even people of the same race exhibit it.
You're not going to get rid of racism by race mixing.
Sorry if that's bursting your delicate little bubble

>> No.9877669
File: 3.86 MB, 1276x3200, nigger_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You also said /b/ pls go to someone saying the word nigger.
>Anyway, go choke on a fat nigger cock.
I'm the guy who said that, and I only said it because your posting style is underage /b/ tier with a hint of "I glanced at /pol/ but I didn't really pay attention"
I don't love niggers, but hating an entire race takes a lot of energy (pic related), it's better to just avoid contact.

>> No.9877683

Is that what your wife told you?

>> No.9877686

That can't be real
>If it is where can I buy a copy?

>> No.9877696

People from New York can stereotype people from the Deep South and people from Chicago can stereotype Floridians, but destroying the obvious visual differences between people’s is important.


Yep. Can’t have racism if there’s no obvious races anymore.

>> No.9877706

>Yep. Can’t have racism if there’s no obvious races anymore.
They'll be at each other's throats for being the wrong combination of races. Just you watch.

>> No.9877710
File: 65 KB, 638x359, genocide-5-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep. Can’t have racism if there’s no obvious races anymore.

i guess you never heard of the Rwandan genocide

>> No.9877715

>destroying the obvious visual differences between people’s is important.
You don't say that we should remove the categorization of hair color even though people with red hair are treated un-fairly due to this fact.
>Would you prefer to live in a world where everyone had brown hair?

>> No.9877725

Moreover, this reminds me of a book. I really hope some of you cross-board litfags can help me out with this one
It's a world where they want everyone to be seen as the same to an extreme.
Due to some un-described event everybody is colorblind
Though due to this when a child is born with blue eyes, they are noticeably different (because the blue looks like a lighter gray)
The child who is born with the blue eyes is revered and seen as a future leader while all the rest are seen as the workers.
Point of the story was people will always discriminate
And that it's better to view people as individuals than to tailor the entire society in such a way to force this upon them.

>> No.9877732

The Giver?
A world where everyone is colorblind but the kid can see color? Gotta reread that

>> No.9877733

Probably "the giver".

>> No.9877737

That's it! I definitely want to re-read as well.
I just remember bits and pieces but honestly that message has stuck with me since I was a child.

>> No.9877738
File: 414 KB, 700x514, Screen-shot-2013-09-23-at-9.37.50-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South-Eastern Nigerian here. I can spot an African American just by looking at them. The difference between Sub-Saharan Africans might be negligible to westerners but it is actually easy to spot. The tutsis were more "european" looking, and also loved cattle. Point is, race as a social category is extremely flexible in how specific people will differentiate groups.

>> No.9877741

Yeah I read it in sixth grade. Found out a couple of years ago that it's actually the first book of a trilogy.

>> No.9877742

I like the turk and the west african best

>> No.9877765

I wonder if it's still a part of the curriculum
My guess would be no

>> No.9877793

The race fairy.
Now stop making this thread.

>> No.9877797

African-Americans are over 20% Caucasian on average.

>> No.9877798

I’d rather live in a world where everyone is visually completely and utterly identical.

>> No.9877801
File: 461 KB, 1205x1998, 3248804239490284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then read this book.

>> No.9877925

That one was depressing, we were made to read it in middle school. Oddly enough the ""woke"" kid who said that the book's message was "communism doesn't work" is a bernie supporter now. At least he's aware that his position as a poor student is affecting his judgement.

>the first book of a trilogy
Oh, I might want to go back and read the lot.

>> No.9877946

Honestly the message never consciously clicked for me at the time, but it's impossible to remember that story and not see parallels to ideas such as this >>9877798

>> No.9878479

Then why are niggers and wetbacks literal biological waste? Why do Jews subvert? Why do Arabs drift in SUV's?

>> No.9878487

>Then why doesn't my world-view I clearly got by spending way too much time away from humans agree with what you've said?
Hidden and Saged.

>> No.9878489

You forgot to sage

>> No.9878493

Natural selection bred certain traits long long ago in the areas where humans were pressured to develop such traits for reasons unknown to us.

>> No.9878501

So, after sometime, hooked nose individuals begun spawning here and there and for some reason it seems like those physical traits correlate with brain development. So individuals who were cunning and manipulative showed that in their face, its how human sexual selection works (face plays huge part in this) and the environment obviously pressured the feemails to go after the cunning, sleazy types.

>Hence ashkenaz were born

negros on the other hand bred traits related to brute force. me see big cat me run. they also developed the we wuz traits but that's an extension of the thievering predisposition

>> No.9878558

Yeah, Africans and Caucasians are identical under the skin. The African continent was colonised that's why they lag behind and are over represented in every negative statistic known to man.
That's also why there is a massive shortage of African organ and blood donors, colonisation.

>> No.9878578

Somebody got cucked by Tyrone, I see

>> No.9878598

That can just as easily be written down as a cultural cause. Black criminal cultures cover your first point, and the last two are both races and cultures.

>> No.9879051
File: 48 KB, 661x485, African-American-Example1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They arent technically real
>t. Geneticist

the whole genetic testing thing demonstrates that you are full of shit

>> No.9879062

Your imagination. Races don't exist in science and in reality.

>> No.9879442


>> No.9879468

That seems to demonstrate his point perfectly. If you reduce the African percentages and increase the European percentages, at which point does the person "switch" races? If the person reading those percentages is a mentally handicapped racist and abides by a "one drop rule," does that affect which race the analyzed person belongs to?

>> No.9879473


newfag spotted

>> No.9879474


Are you saying humans breeding and evolving separately in different parts of the world for tens of thousands of years don't develop differences? I thought this board could use their brains...

>> No.9879476

You fell into pol brainwashing because you're retarded, not because of the amount of time you've spent on this site. Though I'm sure that didn't do much for your already very low intelligence.

>> No.9879501
File: 75 KB, 960x960, 1525091861615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way race is used nowadays is completely misguided and scientists in the appropriate field wouldn't use it in the same way the average Joe would. How average people define "race" is largely inspired by the flawed 18th century European worldview at the time and when it comes to what the general population "understands" that hasn't changed much, when scientifically it's simply off and superficial.


>> No.9879505
File: 48 KB, 600x447, female-liger-fertile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can tell from a persons saliva/blood (genetics) what race they are. or what kind of mut mix they are.

The fact that you can cross a lion with a tiger doesnt mean that tigers and lions are a social construct. Also you should be proud of your heritage and celebrate diversity >>9877643 instead of trying to wipe it out.


>> No.9879514

so do you advocate killing people because it might get rid of racism? some people arent attracted to those with other skin colors (which isnt racist) so what do you force them to breed? otherwise there will still be white, black, asian, etc people that arent mixed.

>> No.9879711

What the fuck is going on with Australia?

>> No.9880130

Why is the actual environment that each "race" developed in rarely mentioned. The climate, geography, crops, and animals vary wildly across the planet. A lot of Africa is shit because the climate is harsh and not forgiving to primative cultures. Eurasia on the other hand contains basically all fruits, vegetables, and domesticable animals.

>> No.9880143

It's easier on the brain to say "Niggers dumb" than to actual consider anything you just posted.

>> No.9880150


the brutal winters and harsh wilderness and short growing season of northern europe didnt exactly make things any easier on the people there but they seem to have done alright for themselves.

>> No.9880297

Niggers are dumb. Just because it's not their fault, doesn't mean they're not dumb

>> No.9880299


Yeah like migrating to the south and ruining the Roman Empire.

>> No.9880307

>Negroid cranium is smaller than the Caucasoid
Really makes you think

>> No.9880314

And 80% West African. You're point?

>> No.9880318

I was already born a mutt anon, can't really help that now. :(

>> No.9880322

The Teutonic Order was more advanced than any nigger tribe.

>> No.9880340

>makes up some shitty bait to try and prove his point

>> No.9880545

>Where do races come from?

genetic drift.

>> No.9880562

Not sure why we should care what retards think.
They're going to misuse whatever term science comes up with.
>Just look at gender

>> No.9880632

>interpersonal and communal relationships will still be in the toilet
my take on this, considering that "different races" will be harder to define when we are all mutts

>> No.9880642

here's one you can use, brother:
>removing the concept of race to stop racism is analogous to banning swear words to stop verbal abuse

>> No.9880647

are you retarded? see:

>> No.9880658

Ooh that's much better.

>> No.9880948

>The way race is used nowadays is completely misguided and scientists in the appropriate field wouldn't use it in the same way the average Joe would.
If the average individual is able to classify others based on race (in the scientific sense) to a degree higher than that of pure randomness, then why would you seek to discard this ability outright?

>> No.9880949


because things the average joe "just knows" aka common knowledge can actually be misleading or wrong like in this case ;)

>> No.9880953

Perhaps you misunderstood my contention.
The "average Joe" being able to distinguish between race at a statistically significant rate higher than that of pure randomness, for what reason should you discard this ability entirely?
Because it's not 100% perfect?
Well neither is that of scientists.

>> No.9880957


nope. For a completely different reason : because this "race" does not tell biologists anything significantly, would be vastly different from "race" in other biological contexts to the point where it loses it's biological sense. Biologists care about major genetic differences between e.g. races of dogs, not the minor differences in the phenotype of humans. It's just irrelevant from a scientific perspective, just as blonde women are not stupider than redheads(there's a lot of blonde-jokes here in germany).

>> No.9880960
File: 48 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.537157404_c5qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9880964

We have this thread every day.

>> No.9880982

Brain sizes differ between races, though the correlation is low. A main driver is malnutrition, which is something I can quite safely say is quite prevalent across a significant area of Africa. But that's not to say there's a correlation between brain size and IQ/other measure of intelligence. For the most part I don't think it's very effectual. The point I'm trying to get at is your 5-minutes-of-effort infographic is not conducive to a meaningful argument.

>> No.9880986

Certain environments prefer certain phenotypes in Humans. Society takes note of these phenotypes and pretends they're effective means of categorization.
The fact that this science fact was actually effective at pissing off /pol/tards board-immigrants really shows how hard this board has hit rock bottom.
/pol/tards are the niggers of 4chan.

>> No.9880990

Even amongst black people, there are culturally defined "races". See: "ligh-skinted" and "dar-skinted".

>> No.9880992

>The use of the categorization "race" is varied within biological science, and is therefore meaningless
There's plenty of evidence that scientists still use the term. If you're argument is that they have slightly different methods of categorization then your complaint should be for a more rigid biological definition, rather than complaining about the colloquial use.

>> No.9880996

>If you're argument
I am argument

Scientists use the term "race" always as a social construct, not a biological classification.

>> No.9881000

>Thank God he made a grammatical error so that I didn't need to engage with his actual point

>> No.9881001
File: 32 KB, 600x602, 73465078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.9881002

Imagine thinking you're this smart

>> No.9881003


>> No.9881005
File: 759 KB, 1244x2560, Snapchat-368675278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a matter of how you define the term races, and whether or not you accept that a concept without some empirical consensus on how to measure it still has the potential to be defined in a way that is measurable

t. geneticist

>> No.9881015

Results demonstrate consensus that there are no human biological races and recognition that race exists as lived social experiences that can have important effects on health.

None of these papers say race is a real thing. You literally just searched for papers with the word race in them.

>> No.9881019
File: 794 KB, 1378x1050, Cranial size and intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881020
File: 378 KB, 777x777, Head size and intelligence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881022

My point was that race is a valid categorization used by scientists.
This is true regardless of whether those scientists believe it to be cultural or biological.
Congratulations on missing the point though.

>> No.9881023
File: 41 KB, 403x403, Brain dead ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881025

There is variation of size, shape, and color within every population. Are you suggesting all black peoples' skulls are the same size and shape? Or the same for whites?

Also, the actual size of the skull or brain in humans has almost no correlation with measurable intelligence in humans. All human brains are about the same size.

>> No.9881028
File: 166 KB, 700x875, The ape comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881029

Those are chromosome ratios for apes, not humans you retard.

All humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and the same x/a ratio.

>> No.9881030
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, psyin4slk0suzxs7kukj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking genius over here. Truly the next Einstein. Screencapped and sending to the Nobel committee.

>> No.9881031
File: 606 KB, 1416x1600, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all Human brains have the same brain size
See: >>9881020
>Muh brain no correlate with muh intelligence
Head size strongly correlates with intelligence, as evident with the smartest species on Earth. Head size in proportion to body size , to be more specific.

>> No.9881034
File: 86 KB, 480x450, happy-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9881035

Race is neither biological nor culture. There is no genetic or biological basis for race, and culture is something that changes constantly regardless of geography, skin color, or any other factor.

>> No.9881036

Blue whales have the highest brain/body ratio.

Nice try, moron.

>> No.9881041
File: 189 KB, 629x800, Didnu Basketball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9881035 Phenotype differences in races clearly points toward there being a biological basis to race. As these phenotype differences are the byproduct of genealogical expression, not influenced at all by any given environment/culture.

>> No.9881043

Your mistake is in assuming that science is attempting a perfect representation of the real world.
Rather scientists use arbitrary categories to distinguish one thing from the other.
I gave ample examples of scientists using the categorization "race," and yet you discounted that entirely.
Should they start using a different term to define the same groups? If so then again, why?

>> No.9881044

Visual appearance is only a very small part of genetics.

You're saying we should care more about how people look, rather than looking at genetics because you don't like the genetic evidence.

>> No.9881045
File: 116 KB, 900x924, Alvin and the chimpmunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh blue whales
Aren't intelligent in an anthropomorphic sense, but they still communicate with each other using complex frequencies/sounds. This in of in it's self indicates that blue whales at least exhibit one sign of intelligence, which is advanced communication.

>> No.9881046

You are completely wrong. The only job of science is to try to see reality how it actually is, not to make everything arbitrary.

>> No.9881048

I read somewhere that ape is closer to white than black because ape appears black due to black hairs instead of having black skin.
Its by no means scientific but I want to buy into it solely because ape appears more humane and less violent to me.

>> No.9881050

>The only job of science is to try to see reality how it actually is
Then explain to me why field theory, relativity, classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are all simultaneously valid.
>Hint: it's because they allow us to make predictions, which is exactly what science is for

>> No.9881051 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 700x876, Crack head nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9881044 Visual appearance is the byproduct of genealogical expression. To suggest visual appearance, of a given animal, has no intrinsic connection to the genetic clusters it's formed of is ludicrous.

>> No.9881052

You seem to think that brain size is the only thing that matters, and there are tons of animals with higher brain to body mass ratios than humans.

In humans, our brains are all about the same size and our brain to body mass ratio is the same. The small variation in brain or skull size have no effect on measurable intelligence in humans.

Craniometry is not a real science.

>> No.9881053

You can't read.

I never said they weren't connected. I said that visual appearance is only a very small aspect of our genetics. You can't see someone's entire genome with your eyes.

>> No.9881054
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>>9881044 Visual appearance is the byproduct of genealogical expression. To suggest that the visual appearance, of a given animal, has no intrinsic connection to the genetic clusters it's formed of is ludicrous.

>> No.9881056
File: 97 KB, 2000x1367, 2000px-23andMe_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Results demonstrate consensus that there are no human biological races
>There is no genetic or biological basis for race

so how can 23&Me tell you are black from Africa? Magic?

there is obviously a genetic/biological difference, in spite of what you might have heard in your 101 intro to social propaganda class.

>> No.9881059

Who makes these things? Too afraid to even put a signature on it.

>> No.9881060
File: 29 KB, 678x540, Are you fucking nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visual appearance is only a small aspect of genes
The visual appearance of given animal is heavily mandated by the genealogical composition of said animal. That's the premise of my initial argument you're responding to. Visual appearance is the byproduct of genetic expression, and because of this. The two fields of categorization are intrinsically connected.

>> No.9881064

>Who makes these things?
if i had to guess id say its really old. Besides its better for the author to remain anonymous, if the twitter crowd could identify a target they would dox the hell out of it for not conforming to their revisionist deluded scientifically inaccurate worldview.

>> No.9881068 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 600x600, Genus of ape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving the goal post
Head size, as I've stated before, can be used as an indicator of intelligence. This notion of course is bolstered by the fact that most animals who have note worth levels of intelligence. Exhibit large craniums in contrast to their body proportions.

>> No.9881070
File: 8 KB, 348x145, Neotny and chimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving the goal post
Head size, as I've stated before, can be used as an indicator of intelligence. This notion of course is bolstered by the fact that most animals who have note worthy levels of intelligence. Exhibit large craniums in contrast to their body proportions.

>> No.9881078
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>> No.9881255

So whites have evolved more? Which side are you arguing?

>> No.9881267

he is saying there is a difference, simply that differences are real and not imaginary.

>> No.9881269

Dye job on the left, plastic surgery on the right, just fyi.

>> No.9881298

>Have different human populations suffer some slight phenotypical and genotypical changes?
>Is race a scientific and objective way to classify human diversity?


>> No.9881304

in a pineapple under the sea?

>> No.9881359
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>> No.9881428

>selective breeding

>> No.9881437

Explain then why there's a greater degree of in-race breeding than out-of-race breeding in multi-cultural areas.
>You don't need to elaborate on it, the fact that it's true proves my point by itself

>> No.9881438
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VERY compelling argumentent.

>185 replies
>57 posters

>> No.9881692

>VERY compelling argumentent.
the compelling arguments were already made and ignored in favor of pretending race isnt a real thing as that everyone who disagrees is a racist.

>> No.9881711
File: 262 KB, 1344x1288, TRINITY___OneMemeNotLikeOthers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race is a word that exists in the dictionary, and people don't all agree what it means. Some people use a definition wherein race is not real, and some people use a different definition in which race is real, and often people argue about it without beforehand clarifying whether they're using the definition that implies the reality or non-reality of race.

>> No.9882161

The idea that there's a correlation between different animals doesn't imply a correlation between different members of the same species. Does brain size have an affect on the intelligence of different breeds of dogs?

>> No.9883916

the dictionary isn't the final authority of whether a word is correct or not.

>> No.9883924

change that to "idea", not "word"

>> No.9884008
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Different areas of the world required different body modifications
Hotter more desert places required more melanin for sun protection and water retention
Colder and more forested places needed more resistance and you could say a little bit more inteligence for setting up camp on cold climates and seasons

That's fucking it.
Its like an artic husky vs chihauhas, they're both made for different parts of the world.

>> No.9884081
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>> No.9884084

>they lag behind and are over represented in every negative statistic known to man
This is true, but it isn't proof that its the race that causes this.

>> No.9884152

Chihuahuas aren't "made" for any part of the world.

>> No.9884169

>This is a troll. I'm not sure how many of you /sci/entists crossboard, but you guys are really bad at spotting trolls.

Honestly, I welcome trolls, and other pseudo intellectual retards to engage in arguments for one very good reason. Because when you counter trolls you're unintentionally creating an airtight argument for whatever you believe. Because trolls rely purely on lies,half truths and misinformation to prop up their "arguments". They also constantly grasp at straws, and create outrageously unlikely scenarios to support themselves.

The main issue with engaging with trolls is that it is mentally taxing and even distressing. This is because you never seem to "feel" like you defeat them, because they always double down on their bullshit with an air of smug confidence.

But what most people don't realize is that everyone shows defeat in their own special ways(yes even trolls). this is because no one is truly detached from anything they say,do or create.

A few "Defeat conditions" that I've noticed with trolls and other shitposters.

>Single word responses.
The epitome of butthurt.

>Over use of "Shut down phrases".
Incel,roastie,soiboy,cuck,virgin,racist,Nazi, ect.

>Smug anime pictures/avatar fagging.
This one is a double whammy.

1. A desperate attempt at assuaging their fragile egos using characters with exaggerated facial proportions as a "reaffirmation" to their "confidence". This is because the kind of people who employ such tactics are the same people who live vicariously through other mediums.

2. As an argument "aid", usually for the purpose or demoralizing and throwing off their opposition both emotionally and mentally, and as a tool to project "confidence","superiority", "clarity of mind",to their opposition.

Trolls are the ultimate mind sharpener. You must hate them, but also recognize the necessity their existence.

>> No.9884251

>Single word responses
>Shutdown phrases
You mean like, "troll","racist","poltard","you need to go back"? How enlightening.

>> No.9884265

A genetic mutation came from a single person and passed is down towards millions of people today.


It's quite likely that dark skin and eye folds came from a single person and passed it down towards several people. I think this event must be incredibly rare seeing how millions of black Americans are born yet 99.9% percent of them don't suddenly develop blue eyes, blonde hair, or pale skin.

>> No.9884300
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