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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 216 KB, 1200x1004, smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9877767 No.9877767 [Reply] [Original]

Can you visualize complex shapes mentally and rotate/manipulate/stretch them in a variety of ways?

This is literally the #1 most important trait for intelligence and the main thing people over a 130iq have differentiating them from people with a lower intelligence. All the top mathematicians and physicists have this ability. The task most correlated to general intelligence is the reverse digit span, where you're given sequences of increasingly longer numbers and have to repeat them backwards. The only way to do this efficiently is to "see" the number in your mind's eye and read the numbers off backwards, but you can only do this if you have the connections/"hardware" in your brain to do it.

And no, I'm not memeing. If you don't have this ability you won't be able to become a well renowned physicist or mathematician.

>> No.9877771

>If you don't have this ability you won't be able to become a well renowned physicist or mathematician.
>Implying it's impossible to learn

>> No.9877774

I just put them into chunks of 4 and “say” them in my mind and write them down backwards

>> No.9877776

Nah man, everyone can do that.

>> No.9877778

>chunks of 4

Square! Squares can become cubes, real easy like in 3D!

>> No.9879005
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 0mfay069y0x01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it and I'm pic related. It's a meme.

>> No.9879098
File: 171 KB, 1508x892, 1518011226585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visualizing numbers
For what purpose?

>> No.9879115

You're wrong.
>Be me.
>PhD in mathematics, researcher.
>Have aphantasia.
Seems like you're wrong.

>> No.9879125

You're only describing spatial intelligence.
Verbal reasoning is important in high-level fields as well.
>This is literally the #1 most important trait for >intelligence
You intentionally chose fields that rely heavily on spatial reasoning.

>> No.9879223

Just how complex are we talking here?

>> No.9879226

Hyperdimensional spheres.

>> No.9879241
File: 61 KB, 412x519, 1498980573230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb. gonna an hero now. I can't understand

>> No.9879265

Sad, very sad.

>> No.9880509

This is a really interesting issue, especially since women tend to have far more difficulty doing this than men do and we're not sure to what extent this can be altered or made up for.

>> No.9880684

How do you do it? Do you have any synaesthesia, like how it von Neumann was claimed to be more auditory than visual? Is it purely logical for you, like automatic, do you lean towards set theoretical and algebraic type foundations rather than geometrical? How do you fare with geometrical intuitions?

>> No.9880701

I have the hardest time explaining to peers and family members about how I can visualize things so well from time to time I have a hard time telling real from fake. I just see whatever I want to see, at will, no problems. Makes every aspect of my life easier, because I can just run through scenarios in my head and watch them unfold in real-time.
However, it does come with a troublesome caveat. I'm 19 and still have a petrifying fear of the dark, because I start imagining what could be there, then suddenly I see shadows moving about in the halls or see things quiver or shift around in my periphery. I know they aren't real, but irrational fear always trumps reason, so each night my ritual for sleeping is grab a flashlight, turn off the light, get in bed, turn off my flashlight, and wait for the fatigue to overcome the dread from the safety of my bedsheets.

>> No.9880873

What I mean is, I think I have aphantasia.
Why? Because when people say "picture something in your mind", can you actually picture it? As if you were seeing it with your eyes? If so, I cannot do this.
However, what I can do it create a "visual narrative". In which I "tell myself" how the object would move and what would happen to it, but I don't "picture it" as if you were seeing it with your eyes.
So, do I have aphantasia?

>> No.9881072
File: 23 KB, 503x364, cognitivetest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digit span is related to verbal intelligence, and has nothing to do with the spatial intelligence you're describing. I can do really well on the reverse digit span, but only average on a spatial working memory test. This site offers some pretty good insight into your brain profile.

As you can tell my verbal abilities outweigh all my other mental processes, which is probably why I'm on r9k instead of pursuing a physics degree or whatever.

>> No.9881356
File: 50 KB, 330x400, shitemanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to get better at rotating images learn how to draw

>> No.9881363

Go die insecure brainlet, please

>> No.9881398

if that was true most jewish mathematicians would be eliminiated from vip status because ashkenazis are notoriously low on spatial iq. hence why they like to turn everything into algebraic form in the name of "rigor"., even outside math.
grothendieck claimed that there are three main archetypes of mathematicians: algebraic, analytic, geometric and hence all three fields coexisted until people like him (he classified himself as mostly geometric) decided to unify everything.

>> No.9881416

Digit recall is related to working memory. If that site says it's related to verbal intelligence, then it's a junk source.

>> No.9881417

that's like inverse asperger's syndrome or something

>> No.9881425

digit recall is related to working memory, yes. But it's the same working memory you use to form sentences in your head. You remember the digits by their sound. Those same subtle pitch differences are also what is used to give language it's meaning. If you have a really good working memory in this area, it means that you'll be able to form sentences in your head with much more ease, and you'll be able to recall the sound of things more easily, like music etc. ofc there's still a logic aspect involved in verbal reasoning as well, but that isn't tested in a digit span.

>> No.9881460

i can do this without problem and im 110 iq brainlet

>> No.9881491

Yes, I have it too.

>> No.9881494

>The task most correlated to general intelligence is the reverse digit span, where you're given sequences of increasingly longer numbers and have to repeat them backwards.

Why not just take a picture?

>> No.9881499

I sort of have it, i distinctly remember being a preteen and working hard on my head to visualise shapes perfectly in my head and looka t them from all angles, particularly naked women, but not exclusively. I now sort of have that capacity, but it makes sense cause im an architect and i have to work with space. That being said , im as dumb as they come regarding math physics and that shit

>> No.9881520

honestly, it's worse. I have the deficits in social interaction, but lack the practical skills to actually make it far in this world. I'm a musician, and I write and produce like absurd comedy videos, in the vein of youtube poop you could say. Audiovisual editing is the only practical skill I'm better at than most of my peers, mostly because I get a lot of ideas and then just have to force myself to get them from my head into the computer. Would like to try programming as well cause it's mostly just a logic based language, which I should be able to do as well, as long as it doesn't involve like spatial manipulation of objects, or difficult graphs and stuff

>> No.9881531

>The task most correlated to general intelligence is the reverse digit span, where you're given sequences of increasingly longer numbers and have to repeat them backwards. The only way to do this efficiently is to "see" the number in your mind's eye and read the numbers off backwards, but you can only do this if you have the connections/"hardware" in your brain to do it.

Bullshit, anyone can do well at this by using a certain technique. All you do is assign the number(s) a real life object(s) and create a story out of it. For example, if the sequence was 2, 5, 4 then you could assign 2 as being 2 people sitting at a bar who pay $5 for 4 shots, and it can be reversed easily as 4 shots paid by $5 for 2 people.

>> No.9881540

>Verbal reasoning is important in high-level fields as well.
140 verbal IQ reporting in

>> No.9881565

This is sci

>> No.9881571

>tfw also have aphantasia and only found out this was a real thing at 25
>tfw i thought imagination and visualization and all that shit was a fucking meme

>> No.9881578

I feel you

>> No.9881586


I fukken lol'd

>> No.9881587

I've been able to cope with it but I definitely understand why I had such a hard time with math concepts now

>> No.9881675
File: 84 KB, 600x760, 1521374758723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not being able to imagine anything
I hope to never know this feel

>> No.9881676


After I became a geofag and went "back" to imagine things, at least 3D projections, I became pretty good in it, before I was BAD, like holy fuck.
Breddy sure my IQ is <120, but then I don't care, got a job at academia and might be able to get a permanent contract after my postdoc for real

>> No.9881677

its pretty easy if you have an imagination, just imagine nothing and you'll know what its like to have aphantasia

>> No.9881709

Can some people really not do this? Now I understand why so many brainlets failed 3 dimensional calculus

>> No.9881727

i can literally create fully fleshed out complex characters in my head at a rate of 2 per second. they all have personalities and details down to the shape of their ears (when they have ears).

>> No.9881744
File: 91 KB, 750x853, 4u40lf7amq811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives example that literally cannot be imagined.

>> No.9881751

the thing is that those digits appear only briefly. You have to remember them in that timeframe, so there's no time for little memory tricks

>> No.9881755
File: 6 KB, 249x236, 1530836462989s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you can buddy, let's see your masterpiece drawings

>> No.9881816

You sound schizophrenic, bro.

>> No.9881897

I have it but I don't really want to be a world renown physician or mathematician, all I want is a cute girlfriend and good friends to waste time with.

>> No.9882217


>This is literally the #1 most important trait for intelligence and the main thing people over a 130iq have differentiating them from people with a lower intelligence.


>All the top mathematicians and physicists have this ability.


>The task most correlated to general intelligence is the reverse digit span, where you're given sequences of increasingly longer numbers and have to repeat them backwards.


>The only way to do this efficiently is to "see" the number in your mind's eye and read the numbers off backwards, but you can only do this if you have the connections/"hardware" in your brain to do it.


>> No.9882224

This sounds like bullshit but do they have to be crystal clear, because I can do this but theyre faint images.

>> No.9882241

Outside of what I described above, I'm your average fellow. And it usually ain't that bad, hyperbole tends to creep into my words as the evening wages on.

>> No.9882347


I'm not OP, but I would think that it wouldn't matte how clear the imagery are as long as you can draw correct conclusions from it. Don't be intimidated. People think differently. You know what you can do.

>> No.9882766

schizophrenia is associated with intelligence, not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.9882789

just because youre good at taking iq tests that doesnt make you smart

t. 150 iq making 30k a year

>> No.9882792

being able to visualize like that is all well and good but you have to apply it

you should try art and drawing

go to /ic/... you'll get better at visualization

also dmt (jk)

also lsd (jk)

dont do drgs man

but seriously it sucks being so autiistic that you c an just play in your damn head all day

>> No.9882834

the fact that people reference iq makes them brainlets

why do you seek external validation of your intelligence ?

bc brainlet


>> No.9882845

if your abstraction cant iterate abstraction guess what you're a brainlet dont worry you'll always find gainful employment at the business end of a shovel

>> No.9882912

I've done LSD before a few times to see if it would help, and it's had a lasting effect on the quality of my controlled mental images while it hasn't really affected the negative side I described. I'd honestly recommend that anyone of sound mind should trip once, even at a low recreational dose. If nothing else, it makes music sound amazing and it makes me feel good.

>> No.9882987

I can, but I need to imagine two additional points, a bottom left point, and a bottom right point, in order to rotate the image in my head

>> No.9883127

can you see my hairy man ass anon?

>> No.9883130

Seems a cliché thing to say, but thanks for the visual.

>> No.9883427


I don't know much about this, but a quick search on google yielded this.

>there is a greater chance than is the norm for schizophrenics to score as less intelligent on the distribution of the bell curve



>> No.9883508

this is super meme.
True intelligence comes from lucid dreaming.
Your pansy method is for low life puzzle solving.
Don't imagine things when you can imagine yourself.

>> No.9883745


>True intelligence comes from lucid dreaming.

>> No.9884116

Are you world renowned, though?

>> No.9884309
File: 40 KB, 645x729, Making+good+use+of+those+new+images+from+the+recent+_0cea279451426ea1db205ad8635ef918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visualize complex shapes
>Thinks that do it requires high IQ

>> No.9884626
File: 35 KB, 350x499, 51TJdKAHW+L._SX348_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps somewhat skin to austism and/or intelligence and /or consciousness: SPECTRUMS.
There may be an aphantasia spectrum.
Imagine (lol) the opposite end of the spectrum.

I wonder what software/hardware/spiritware (etc) is required to imagine extradimensionality and hyperconcepts.

>Can you visualize complex shapes mentally and rotate/manipulate/stretch them in a variety of ways?

Perhaps next level is including knowledge of physics (etc) in your imaginings/simulations of shapes and structures (etc).

>> No.9884628
File: 614 KB, 500x281, TWLC8Ah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps somewhat akin*

>> No.9884663
File: 9 KB, 220x149, 220px-Time_Cube[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ray, is that you?

>> No.9884820
File: 42 KB, 554x289, 37624289_10156840443114050_2877365794667233280_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to solve this

>> No.9884823
File: 109 KB, 573x960, amida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And no, I'm not memeing. If you don't have this ability you won't be able to become a well renowned physicist or mathematician

It's all you need to become Enlightened, too. No, I'm not memeing either.

>> No.9884859

Where is it from? I need solve more

>> No.9884872

How did you solve it? I feel like i'm to much of a brainlet to actually construct it in my minds eye and rotate it to visualize it. I had to resort to just trying the various intersections to see if they were possible

>> No.9884873

>I wonder what software/hardware/spiritware (etc) is required to imagine extradimensionality and hyperconcepts.

more like what filters need to be taken down

>perhaps next level is including knowledge of physics (etc) in your imaginings/simulations of shapes and structures

just imagine graphs and tick marks and measuring insturments next to whatever else youre imagininging

classic example is the baseball bat swing and the spiral it forms

>> No.9884947

I imagine the cube from the shape, and check the inconsistent edges.

>> No.9884958

I was worried someone would be able to just rotate it around in their mind and compare it to the pictures. checking the inconsistent seems like the best way to do it for non-autists

>> No.9885091

rotating the cube is a inneficient way, isn't necessary, the best solution is always the easiest solution

>> No.9885132

spatial intelligence is related to brain mass and cranial capacity.

This is why europeans were able to outperform Africans and Arabs, and it is why the world will in turn be relinquished to the Asians.

>> No.9886394

I feel like only insecure people make threads like these. Dude, take it easy.

>> No.9887510


I imagined folding the form into its cube and checked the possibilities with it in mind. Not particularly elegant, this guy had the right idea