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File: 266 KB, 700x600, C0AF740C-B040-4971-A509-B6FEA63A7DEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9875827 No.9875827 [Reply] [Original]

Does pic related scare you? It scares me.

>> No.9875835

Did you bring this research from "The View" science journal

>> No.9875841

> a relationship requires effort
Im shocked.

>> No.9875848

It scared me when I still cared about it. I don't anymore

>> No.9875849

it scares me how much popsci and non-science or math related content is being posted as of late. was that what you were asking? OP pic is related

>> No.9875852

>people these days demand instant gratification, and so don't have the patience to put effort into a relationship
Somehow I feel that in today's world the odds of staying together are exponentially slimmer than they ever have been.

>> No.9875870


>> No.9876242

It happens because you don't report it, and instead reply to it

>> No.9876427

Well women with multiple sexual partners have a more likely than not chance of divorce. I can tell with 100% accuracy if a girl is a slag or not so it seems to make sense.

>> No.9877961

I don't think you're wrong, anon.

>> No.9877974

no. i've been married 12 years, we have a 3 year old, and another on the way.

>> No.9878213
File: 116 KB, 633x758, hdfthrteh456747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your soulmate: Died of a disease as a kid, was aborted or was hit by a car a day before she met you.
>tfw you realise this is why you are still alone.

>> No.9878228

What in the world are the criteria for "appropriate partners" if less than 0.0005% of people have them? This doesn't even pass the sniff test, it's literal garbage.

>> No.9878230

Females are merely vessels whose only use is in the development of my spawn horde, which I will use to conquer the galaxy.

>> No.9878269

Yeah that's bullshit if the claim is that only one in 285,000 people has a fulfilling relationship

>> No.9878930
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>> No.9878945

That ending warmed my heart

>> No.9878966

Only retards believe in shit like staying together. Just juggle different people till you die or ascend to a perfect machine state and eat the solar system.

>> No.9878977


Hahahaha this is gold

>> No.9878991

"According to one mathematical study"

I dont trust it at all.

>> No.9879037
File: 165 KB, 728x546, 1503942691354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 in 285 000
1 in 285000 what? Probability for any given day? Person you meet? Hours? Seconds?

People should be forced to pass a course in probability in statistics before using terminology like this.

>> No.9879038

If that's supposed to be a lifetime number I wonder wtf passes for an appropriate partner in sociologer land

>> No.9879040

Retard. No such thing, stop being an idiot.

>> No.9879400
File: 330 KB, 687x1024, Double_Gulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of losers... pussy is pussy.
Just find a girl who likes sex with you, is not crazy, and wants the same family life as you do.

>> No.9879490

dont think its that; just they are less important to people these days.

>> No.9879515

>No such thing
why do you say so?

>> No.9879663

>chance of you meeting an appropriate partner is 1 in 285000
Obviously not true or there would be a lot fewer successful marriages than there are.

>it takes just three minutes to work out whether a couple will divorce or stay together
For whom?

>> No.9880136

Friend, i mean this in the best possible way but you need to pull your head out of your ass. Everyone likes to think they are special, but no one really is, we are literally the result of humanity spamming tons of humans in order to improve it's odds of survival, there is no such thing as a soulmate. We are alone, we were born alone and we will die alone.
That is it, the same way a cat mates becouse it has the impulse to do so, so do humans. You can attribute emotions and extracorporeal reasons to this act but ultimately they are all false and are no different from religion and belief rather than a fact.
I am sorry anon, but there is no one out there waiting for you, and you should not wait for anyone either, you are your own soulmate, you are everything you need to suceed, as long as you love yourself you will never need another person to love you

>> No.9880176

>dating white women

My self esteem is too high for me to risk it with their bullshit

>> No.9880203

My fiance was conceived through her mom being raped as a teen. We are both strongly against abortion because everyone deserves a chance to pursue happiness

>> No.9880269

What method is used to determine if a relationship will last or not?

>> No.9880287

35% of all aborted babies in the US are black.

>> No.9880289

>and wants the same family life as you do
Can't you see how unrealistic this is?

>> No.9880291

Black women love white cock.

>> No.9880293

>1 in 285,000
As if I needed more to assure that I won the lottery of life. My fiance also has giant tits too, feels good

>> No.9880317
File: 26 KB, 500x625, hs_sdjkhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The pic is legit think about it

say for you one unique flower

IQ 130
Allergic to cats


yeah, fuck it

(I actually worked it out once. It came out to something like 0.4 "appropriate" people per 10 sq. km )

Try it. 90% of people in my county are religious. Only 10% in my age range. Only 10% in my attractive range. 5% are as smart as me. 33% of these people smoke. a little more than half likely own cats. Divide the number of people that are appropriate by the area of the sample (the county) by and you have the density. Its gonna be low as fuck.

Eventually I did find a girl, she was 15 IQ points lower, had a cat. But had nice titties and an athiest. It didn't work out.

>> No.9880321

>muh teenage nihilism
surprised there wasn't anything about humans being hairless monkeys in there

>> No.9880323


>> No.9880329

>you don't have a soul
>nobody is predestined to anything
>literally nobody is going to be 100% perfect in every way
>there are millions of women who you could make a relatonship work with just fine
>there is no single partner guaranteed to anybody

The retarded idea of soulmates is leads women to turn down/leave perfectly viable partners because they're not literally flawless in every way and subsequently end up alone and childless at 40.

>> No.9880333

>and an athiest.
>It didn't work out

It's almost as if personifying the rules of morality as an all powerful father figure who can fuck your shit up anytime is the single best psychological tool for keeping yourself in line.

>> No.9880338

Do you really want to deal with more black people in the future? I sure don't. I love living in communities with low crime rates, better roads, no loitering, no loud music, less trash everywhere, and beautiful people.

>> No.9880339

Judging by their abortion rates I'd say the niggers agree with you.

>> No.9880350

>It's almost as if personifying the rules of morality as an all powerful father figure who can fuck your shit up anytime is the single best psychological tool for keeping yourself in line.

Did I mention I have a 130 IQ

>> No.9880365

DAE Rick and Morty xd

>> No.9880387

>seething this much over people who don't submit to religious dogma

>> No.9880427
File: 42 KB, 800x450, 1532059810391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did i say that life was meaningless? Or when did i imply it? What are you on you fucking nigger
Pic related is you, you fucking cave dwelling neanderthal

>> No.9880435

>find a girl
Can't you see how unrealistic this is?

>> No.9880442

Every atheist gril I met was a huge roastie

>> No.9880894

Why do racists hide behind "statistics"? Is it because being racist is actually difficult when face to face with someone? You're not going to get rid of blacks.

>> No.9880962
File: 373 KB, 408x601, RollRoll3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of traditional women out there, AND they are sexy!

>> No.9880995

>unfounded assertation
>unfounded assertation

Not to say that you are wrong about the first two, but you (and everyone else) don't know the truth to those premises.

>> No.9881039

I would say that "soulmate" equates more to a very high probability of having a successful relationship with that person, which honestly is closer to the truth I feel.

In my life there was a girl that I never met who died at a party before summer started (a pretty badass/fun summer). She was my friend's older sister's bestfriend, and my friend would later go on to become one of my best friends (only knew him for a year at that point, been friends for seven years now). She happened to be from the same previous state as me, halfway across the country, and had lived only an 30 minutes away from where my family was from (out in bumfuck no where). The guys she dated were very similar to myself (athletic science types), and she idolized a show that depicted the profession I was going into. We ended up being around their group of friends once the summer hit, but unfortunately she was gone by then, and they were all sad that she was gone. His sister proceeded to get drunk as fuck and tell me that she wished her dead friend had met me, because I was "her type," though who knows how true that actually would have been.

Now I'm not saying that shit would have worked out between us. Honestly, she could have spoken to me for a minute and decided I was a bore/unattractive, but it doesn't change the fact that there were many things in my favor for possibly dating her. It is almost a 100% chance that a girl that fits you better than many others has died at some point, though the closer proximity ones are the most apparent.

I basically wanted a redo on that period of my life when all the dots connected. It's selfish, but I feel like I got cheated. You somewhat realize how random everything is and how there are a lot of things out of your control, but eventually you have to realize that it doesn't just happen to you but to everyone/everything else.

>> No.9881047

I don't think I've ever met an atheist girl

>> No.9881062

> It is almost a 100% chance that a girl that fits you better than many others has died at some point, though the closer proximity ones are the most apparent.

No.... actually. "Dead" is not part of anyones "appropriate" selection criteria. No need to be upset.

>> No.9881063


Probabilities for Americans in their 20-30s is probably around 33%

& to be honest, she was just nonreligious and still susceptible to shit like astrology. She was still illogical as fuck.

Much harder is just finding a logical girl

>> No.9881204

I have never understood how the average person struggles to make a relationship work. My girlfriend and I have never fought because we're both college educated and religious. I guess when the average person is a 100 IQ hedonistic degenerate who struggles to function at all, relationships can seem challenging.

>> No.9881219

Religion is retarded.

>> No.9881226

Yes, I'm fully aware that it is from an objective standpoint, but at some point in your life you just decide to say it's worth the leap of faith to gain comfort in your life and solace in scriptures. I'm an engineer and I spent years studying philosophy in my early 20s and was never more miserable than when I was trying to figure out metaphysical questions logically and scientifically. I'm far more happy integrating Hinduism in my life fully knowing some of it may be bullshit, and it allows me to accomplish a lot more. It's called growing up

>> No.9881233

>Growing up is lying to yourself for feel-good reasons.

Yeaaahhh no.

>> No.9881236

Do you really think geniuses like Euler, Newton, Leibniz, and Gibbs weren't lying to themselves somewhat? They were all extremely religious. Stop wasting your time worrying about moral and metaphysical questions that you can't answer, accept a religion, and be productive.

>> No.9881237

That Nip you posted isn't traditional, maybe in Nihon.

>> No.9881242

>that face


>> No.9881243


Ohh, epic troll bro

>> No.9881248

I don’t care about the personal lives of scientists. Their ideas have value. They do not.

The personal delusions of long-dead philosophers are irrelevant and only damage their character.

>Stop wasting your time worrying about moral and metaphysical questions that you can't answer

Never have. Never will. Only psuedointellectuals bother with the unanswerable. I don’t care.

>accept a religion

No, I won’t accept bullshit some humans pulled out of their ass.

>be productive.

I can do that without being part of a Bronze Age death cult. Your personal desire for fairy tale bullshit is just that. Yours.

>> No.9881253

Well I mean 20 partners is a big difference from 4

>> No.9881257


>> No.9881288


The whole "give up and get religion" argument only works on the weakest of spirits

I can't fathom the banality. Life is an adventure on hard mode if you're an athiest. You get to try getting laid by many girls instead of restricting yourself to "productivity" and sticking it in the same dumb woman the rest of your life. You can actually pursue a great woman, not just the first one you meet.

Nothing kills my boner faster than a woman who can't understand normal thinking

>> No.9881300

Let’s ignore the fact that the largest ones also hate gays.

>> No.9881340

>social and societal decay is fine as long as I get to get laid

>> No.9881350

Social and societal decay is caused by religion.

>> No.9881366

Judeo-Christian values are the basis for creating the most technologically advanced, socially progressive, and longest standing civilizations on the planet. Being apathetic towards a moral foundation has not succeeded anywhere on the planet.

Just because some intelligent people think they "know" what the right thing to do is, doesn't account for the majority of lesser minded people who are only able to form their morals through their environment

>> No.9881440
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The ending caught me off guard. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9881526

>barely having kids after 9 years of marriage.
good luck becoming a great grandpa.

>> No.9881574
File: 75 KB, 500x460, Amazing_Luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being lucky can help a lot.

>> No.9881653

Nope. Western values are derived from the Ancient Greeks. Christianity was forced to adopt them during the Enlightenment.

>> No.9881657

You lied again. So sad.

>> No.9881667

Because modern scientific racism is a discipline that relies heavily on statistics. It's almost nonsensical to for an enlightened racist to "be racist" wrt a single person.
>You're not going to get rid of blacks.
This doesn't invalidate any part of scientific racism

>> No.9881772

That's a good point. I was mostly just trying to say that religious values are important. I don't think adopting Greek values really changes what is by definition still Judeo-Christian values
What did I lie about? If I'm wrong about something at least tell me so I know

>> No.9881827

>We are both strongly against abortion because everyone deserves a chance to pursue happiness

((except the mothers who want an abortion, and maybe the fathers too))

OP you shouldn't be scared of being alone; also the scarier part is that you might wind up with an inappropriate partner or break up with or divorce someone after spending time with them. It's an accepted risk of engaging in a relationship.

>> No.9881972

Pleasant surprise, excellent.

>> No.9882170

>>social and societal decay

Whats done (or isn't) is done anyway. Society has already "decayed", and blaming me for it fucking retarded.

Btw I have 3 nephews and nieces already (all race mixed) and its not their fault either