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File: 8 KB, 280x255, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
987218 No.987218 [Reply] [Original]

i shit you not /sci/.

ITT: Your story of being awesome.

>> No.987220

half my test answers were leaked on an obscure part of the uni site, and no one else apparently noticed

easy marks

>> No.987219

unless you're in primary school, you don't impress anyone and no, you're not "awesome".

>> No.987232

Are you chinese?

>> No.987246

I copied my final exam essay for a wikipedia article and everyone loved it

>> No.987256


>> No.987252
File: 122 KB, 1272x1649, unlimited geass essay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I uploaded my final exam essay to 4chan and everyone loved it, except for those who were mad

>> No.987261

I wrote two pages of whatever deliberately absurd bullshit I could think of off the top of my head on an analysis for Art class and got 65%.

>> No.987273


Except for moot.

>> No.987276

Had to do a presentation for palaeontology in 2nd year of university. I forgot all about it and I was the 2nd person up in the morning.

I borrowed a pointer and a slide of an archaeopteryx fossil from another group and lectured the class for 20 minutes on archaeopteryx and it's morphological adaptations with one slide and no preparation at all.

Got 95% and a 1st for the lecture. I was buzzing for days after that.

>> No.987316



>> No.987322

Wait a minute, since when did they start calling highschool exams 'finals'?

At university (where you actually take finals) you are graded as 1st, 2:1, 2:2, 3rd or fail, not by letter grades. I suspect OP is either full of shit or trying to big up his high school exams as he wasn't clever enough for further education.

>> No.987324

>implying OP's american

>> No.987335

Well, to be fair, most professors I've had are really stupid and don't care if you plagiarize work. Easy marks, but you don't get anything out of it. U DUNT LERN NOTIN

>> No.987339

>implying the schooling/uni system is the same everywhere.

>> No.987341

Not in Australia, here we get the % mark, which is far better.

>> No.987343

Saw this on /b/ earlier.

>> No.987347

I posted it on /b/, /sci/ and /g/

>> No.987358

which uni do you go to?
UWA here.

>> No.987379

Everybody cheated but I did not cheat. I got a C while they're all ashamed of their A's

>> No.987382

Fuck yeah Ausbros.

UQ Reppin'.

>> No.987391

University of Wales Aberystwyth?

>> No.987395

Got a B in a two semester physics course that most students barely get a C.

>> No.987396


I was going to go there but decided not too being that im too much of a city boy and thats too much of a village for me.

Leicester uni kid here

>> No.987409


>they're all ashamed of their A's

Hahaha, you wish.

>> No.987410

The uni makes it a city, not sure what status the national library confers though. Regardless I agree, I went there because it's more rural

>> No.987417


What do you do there?

Im studying BSc Geography, hense why i was going to go there as the Geography department is supposed to be pretty decent

>> No.987425

I am a teacher at the Becker College and I gave someone an A for his final exam, is this you Steven?

>> No.987546

this was a long time ago, back in middle school (collegefag now), i forgot about a project i had to do for one of my classes, so i spent literally 20 minutes in the library during lunch just before the class writing the paper and creating the physical portion of it, and got the highest grade in the class...supposed to have spent like 2 months on it

>> No.987567

do only a gentle amount of revision for gcses
get A*s and As

>> No.987610

i spend most of my days lurking /b/ or /sci/ and pass all the test for 80+%

>> No.987615
File: 8 KB, 280x255, 1274443323660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic have 2 for's
and none of you noticed it

>> No.987619

i noticed i just didn't waste my time pointing it out.

>> No.987641

you wasted your time pointing it out that you didn't pointed it out

>> No.987646

you wasted your time pointing out that they wasted their time pointing it out that none of us pointed it out

>> No.987667


Actually we all noticed it. We, unlike you, do not have a rod up our ass.

>> No.987689

OMG! Kewl ...

>> No.987707


>1st, 2:1, 2:2, 3rd or fail

oh god what

>> No.987725

I was doing accounting and finance but that was boring as fuck so I dropped out now I get my income from stewing and investments in stocks and wine. I may go back to do physics since I'm pretty bored

>> No.987736

My english prof asked me when i was handing in my essay (small school)
because it was late.
i told her i already handed it in and seemed devastated
got 85% because i told her thats what she said i got.

>> No.988358

No. You need to go to a normal university.

>> No.988419

Both of the high schools I went to called final exams "finals." So did all my friends' high schools. In fact, my middle school even called them finals.
Judging from the fact that you're calling it 'university', you're probably not American, and thus, have no idea about how the American college grading system works.


>> No.988432

picture is spelled with two for's.

>> No.988479


What do you study?

And please for the sake of science, don't say you're at DMU...

>> No.988487

>Becker College
She was probably surprised you even showed up to class much less hand in an essay.

>> No.988489

post it

>> No.988512

One professor I have is a real bro.

We usually go out for a drink or two on Tuesday nights after class at the shitty little bar on campus, and then go out drinking at one of the bars off campus on Fridays.

One Saturday, we decided to have lunch together and talk about shit, as we were both on campus together. Well, it was too early for the bars to be open, so we bought a six-pack and walked up to his office and had ourselves a drink and a sandwich.

The only explanation for his craziness and awesomeness in flaunting school rules as a department chair is the fact that he's a Russian.

>> No.988540


I would honestly kinda like to read this...

>> No.988552

i copied my GCSE macbeth coursework off the internet and got a C. but i'm dislexic and apparently in the UK unless you can give a ritical analasys of prose you're not considered literate and therefore unable to study cool subjects like computing physics and chemistry at A-level

>> No.988571

I made up new physics laws for my final project and fooled two professors

>> No.988653

go on...

>> No.988662

When I took college algebra our prof let us make up our own final. I submitted mine and he approved, so I completed it before hand in a blue book, and took a separate blank blue book for him to check. When he was done checking I made the swap, sat around for an hour, and received an A in the class. I know college algebra is a joke but still, thanks for reading.

>> No.988691

nigga you can't spell for shit

>> No.988700

fukking tell us about it.

>> No.988789

I went into my human relations final exam without studying a thing, used common sense and got 80%.

Others in my class got between 30-60% after studying for 3-4 days.

Herp a durp a blurp

>> No.988801

>Get asked to do presentation on anything
>Pic obsure subject
>make stuff up on the spot
>get 90%

>> No.988806

Well, we were supposed to make a 'plasma speaker', but we couldn't get it to work.
We were pretty busy on trying to make it, so our report sucked donkey balls.
Two days before the project was due I created this standard of wood where the plasma wave was supposed to go (actually just three pieces of wood glued together with to nails.) I made a hole in the main piece of wood and put a speaker in there. I then put a lot of tape over it.
We had to do a presentation at a school night. I came home from school and made some stuff up in a powerpoint presentation, finished (-ish) our report and got all of our stuff. I downloaded this tone generator and got to school.
I fired up my laptop, hooked it up to the beamer, still not sure how I was gonna pull it off.
Long story short: I had a breadboard there with a lot of components and I hooked the speaker up to my laptop through that (so that it seemed it was modified by the chips and stuff). I hooked up the nails to a standard transformer and made a spark arc. I then made some high frequency sounds.
One of the professors came to the desk looking at it all, and asked how the hell it was making sound. I made something up like: 'there's a lot of wires made like a coil under there and it's making induction' and he just accepted it :)
For those of you to lazy too look it up, a plasma speaker is a spark arc which vibrates through sound.

>> No.989184

no comments?

>> No.989229

i solved the Navier-Stokes equatios :)

>> No.989241
File: 41 KB, 460x359, 1231450660175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oversleep this morning
>get to internship over 3 hour late
>nobody notices
>spend they day studying for my online class instead of working
>they are paying me to study for a class i dont even need, only taking it to boost gpa
>they also pay for the class tuition because they think i need it
>leave at normal time, put 8 hours on time card even though i only "worked" for like 4
>my face

>> No.989264
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1262811172562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.989273


thats just being a nigger

>> No.989283

I have a chronic ability to pull A worthy shit outta my ass at the 11th hour.

This goes for everything. research reports, essays, everything. No exceptions. But it also leads to chronic procrastination which can be fatal in everyday life.

>> No.989295
File: 121 KB, 200x78, fuckbitchesgetmoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck bitches, get money

>> No.989300



Not me you are responding to but when I did undergrad internships for EE I got over 30 bucks an hour at both places. They would have covered my tuition too if I wasn't on full ride scholarships.

>> No.989613

went from an E in my christmas mock history gcse to an A* in the real test, revision consisted of an hour of looking over shit before both tests. made up my answer to my essay question

>> No.989662

Speedread two textbooks for ten hours and then took the AP US History exam.

Got six credit hours. 1 college credit hour per 1.66 hours of study, feelsgoodman.

>> No.989835


I love this skill...

I was working on an essay at 3 am. Got bored and played around with my computer. Wrote some more, thought "Okay this will be good enough for a pass, better go to sleep"

Got an 11 (Which for non-danes is somewhere between B and A-)

>> No.989892

Did almost no work for AP Lang class. Wrote paper at the end about how I slacked off in class and still did well. Got a 98 on the paper and a 95 in the course, unweighted.

>> No.989927

Never attended diffeq, took two of the tests, forgot about the third, and took the final. No dropped tests. Got an A.

>> No.990004

I took some composition for sci/eng majors course and the first day of class I found out that the entire grade was a single 12-15 page paper due the final day. I already had a 10 page paper written that satisfied all the requirements so I skipped the entire quarter and just came in the last day to drop off the paper (slightly reformatted with 1.1" margins lol.)

There were only like 35 people in the class and so instructor gave me a funny look and said "it had better be good" when I was turning it in so I picked up half the stack and stuck it in the middle and shuffled them a bit so she didn't know which one was mine.

fukkin 4.0 motherfucker. flawless victory etc.

>> No.990022

that's the fifth time I see this thread today, on three different boards.
Are you that desperate for attention ?

>> No.990025

What the fuck? We get letter grades at my college.

>> No.990040

I got an A in the most failed course at the school.

>> No.990042

I am the guy he is responding to and I make $20.35/hr

You must be a physchology major if you can't find a paid internship

>> No.990055

Had to retake a big exam on computer engineering, got a C- last time. Was fucking nervous the whole time afterwards because I couldn't tell how well I did. Aced that motherfucker though.


>> No.990096

My tutor told me I could never get 4 A's at AS level by revising only the day before each exam (Subjects Bio, Chem, Psy and Art)
I managed to get 4 A's, but then was moderated in art and ended up 3 UMS below the grade boundry. Fucking stupid subject.

>> No.990115

The school I'm attending has about a 30% acceptance rate and I wrote that I'm black and used my part-time high school income and not my parents on the application. I only included my single SAT score and GPA, I didn't take any other tests and I didn't do any school clubs or anything, I left the essay section blank and it was the only college I applied to. Everyone said I was crazy, I really just wanted to take a year off and didn't really care but when the acceptance letter came I shat bricks. shit was so cash.

>> No.990145

Are you actually black?

>> No.990165

I took an adolescent literature class for a gen ed. We were supposed to read 7 books over the course of the semester. I browsed one online version of one book and didn't touch the rest. My final essay was supposed to be about how Lord of the Flies applies to adolescence which it doesn't at all. It was the worst essay I ever wrote. I got an A for the semester.

>> No.990187

Got into an argument with a dipshit.
He says "art history is hard. you don't know." I told him to fuck off. You take any physics or math major and put them in ANY class, they'll get an A. Guarantee it.
No class requires as much attention or work. He told me to take an art history class and then say that.
I took two in one semester. Along with physics, Russian, and computer science. Barely went to class, barely opened the textbook, got an A- and a B+. Shut him the fuck up.

>> No.991332
File: 500 KB, 2420x915, tree of life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep up your scientific self esteem in the face of lots of doubt? I've been reading a large volume of books on a particular subject, (human evolution if you must know) and when it comes up in conversation I bring some of the evidence provided by the books. However, since the body of work is so large (I'm on my third weighty and very technical book) I have to condense it into metaphors and summaries, not really capturing the beauty and the essence of the theory. I then get disagreed with in uneducated ways, and I don't know how to respond.

Should I just shut up with my science? I feel like the best way for these people to get the idea is to read the book, but I don't know if they'd be able to grasp it. Or care.

>> No.992497

Without any specifics I can only suggest you speak on their terms because if you go over their heads they will just ignore anything you say.

>> No.992525

I just can imagine the university contacting that guy, asking him to register and come by the campus. And when he gets there, they find out he's some white kid. The guy can even put on a coolface

>> No.992994

i used babel fish for all my french courcework, got a C

>> No.993001


was it upper division, or lower division?

>> No.993021


I'm very white, my grandparents are all from norway etc. The question was "which race do you identify with" or something similar though so if they called me on it i was just going to say "sheeeeeeeeit" and then they would know I'm black on the inside.

>> No.993059

My senior year of Highschool (last year lol) I was a teachers assistant and library assistant so I had access to many finals and scantron machines. I made a website in quarter 3 out of 4 with all the tests/ quizes/ and pretty much everything from Sophmore classes to Seinor classes and fucked the system up.

Police action was filed and they found my home servers and made me shut down. I payed the school (my parents did a $200 Dollar fine) but nothing beats the aderaline rush of knowing that out of your schools 6,000 students you got an average of 4900 hits a day and most kids graduated with straight A's

Oh and my name was chanted when I went up to get my diploma. ShIT WAS CA$$H

>> No.993072



I don't even....

>> No.993077
File: 11 KB, 287x300, johngoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking Calculus III. Teacher is random ass kyke that seemed like a cool guy but was an utterly terrible teacher. Went to class but most of the time but since it was so worthless ended up taking out laptop and fucking around. Did all of the prescribed homework. Aced the first test, and fucked up the second and third test worse than most people (low 70 percentiles). Go into final. All of it is surface integrals and line integrals with stokes theorum and divergence theorum with a little bit of fluff that we did in the middle of the year thrown in.

100% for the final; A- for the semester

>> No.993365


yes, rum is a godly drink