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9870298 No.9870298 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when the Elon Musk bubble finally burst?

>> No.9870310

A thread died for this.

>> No.9870341
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why is EIon Musk caIIing peopIe pedos on twitter?

>> No.9870346

This thread will die for another, hopefully for one that otherwise would have killed a thread. We should always keep one or two shitthreads on the last page just to buffer the board.

>> No.9870356

He got called out for not doing jack shit for the evacuation other than self-promotion and he hates any form of criticism.

>> No.9870365

he got called out for making it into his personal publicity stunt

>> No.9870371

he is such a smug cunt, i'm glad normal people are finally noticing this

>> No.9870383

I just feel bad for his employees desu, he gets all the credit while working for him seems like hell. He's just a very smart businessman who knows he can prey on peoples most basic dreams as kids like going to mars or making eco cars and then passing it off as original ideas.

>> No.9870392

>while working for him seems like hell
Which is why practically every young engineer wants to work at Tesla/SpaceX. Makes sense.

>> No.9870399

True. You should listen to the investor conference calls lol, he talks about physics and shit anytime someone asks any hard question like he's the one that comes up and executes every idea

>> No.9870400
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>> No.9870410

>hurr durr this worthless anecdote will prove him wrong

>> No.9870413

anecdotes are worth more than made up "statistics," retard

>> No.9870420

>a weak grug projects so his tribe can see he his loyal and safe

>> No.9870483

Look at any employee reviews of Tesla, it's filled with the brightest minds yet working there is awful and compensation is actually below average, it's a great resume booster not a retirement plan type of job.

>> No.9870489

I don't know why you even replied to my comment.

>> No.9870504

employees work for him to get about 2 years of prestigious experience on their resumes, then they get the fuck out of there.

>> No.9870592
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he even did it twice
at this point I think even the biggest musk fanboy will have to acknowledge that he's an asshole

>> No.9870597

Probably because they are. Remember who you’re talking about. He has resources.

>> No.9870599

Normal people don’t believe in climate change.

>> No.9870608

>t. amerilard

>> No.9870616

>Elon makes tweets
>everyone loses their minds, Tesla stock being sold left and right, basedboys smashing their model rockets while crying
>literally nothing actually happens, tesla stock prices never crash, business as usual at SpaceX
>hundreds of millions of butthurt faggots across the globe

Is this how Elon gets his kicks

>> No.9870617

It's finally happening.
He's loosing it.

>> No.9870656

Fuck he is really a genius !

>> No.9870661
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>> No.9870758

we already knew he was an asshole, we like him because he gets results
now go back to your cuckshed, thunderf00t

>> No.9870763

he must have gotten lessons from Trump on twitter shitposting, since that's literally what he did for the entire election and continues to do now

>> No.9870779

Most exciting!

>> No.9870786
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>> No.9870793
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t. pure meth that can't get a job

>> No.9870799

does anyone have the full comment thread? He seems to have deleted the tweet

>> No.9870800

He's coming home.

>> No.9870802

I dislike elon’s answers, but how stupid must you be to cancel a car preorder because of what the ceo of the company said?

This guy is retarded

>> No.9870808

Everyone reading this should read it as if theyre reading the opinions of their peers, and act as if these Elon threads arent very obviously astroturfed, with a clear directive, and sudden appearance.

>> No.9870817
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>boss crashes the company
>goes bankrupt
pic related

>> No.9870825

normal people are retards though

>> No.9870826

Why would Elon crash the company? It will go down or not regardless of what he does. Besides right now Elon is an asset for tesla

>> No.9870920
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He's lost it.

>> No.9870932

Unpopular opinion: Elon is right.
Why else is an old white dude hanging out in Thailand? It's either ladyboys or boy boys.

>> No.9870939

Tell a bunch of divers that a group of 12 kids are trapped in a cave and the pedo will be the first to offer their help.

>> No.9870951

tesla makes shitty cars, is vastly overvalued and burns cash.

it didn't need elon's narcissistic rage to burst. looking forward to spacex to follow in its footprints, too.

>> No.9870953

Elon isn't even an engineer, he just likes pretending

Kind of like all the first semester IT """engineers""" on here

>> No.9870956
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>> No.9870957
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>The flame thrower
>From a man who's trying to get to Mars

Elon is a Bond villain isn't he?

>> No.9870963

Wish I could tell you, but unfortunately I can't read your tiny image

>> No.9870967

You can fuck adult trannies too, or just normal women, or what you thought was a normal woman. There is plenty of opportunities in Thailand.

>> No.9870973

is Elon INTJ or ISTJ?

>> No.9870992

I love perfume

>> No.9871005


Kek, love following the latest Musk tweet shitstorm, keep it uo you absolute shitposter, 10/10.

>> No.9871242

>call out (((journos))) a couple weeks back
>then today news gets released about elon donating big bux to repubs
>suddenly news everywhere about how hes awful, doesnt deserve worship, reddit threads on the frontpage about how evil he is
wow its almost like its manufactured outrage.

i mean i obviously agree that calling the diver a pedo is incredibly douchey but who gives a shit about twitter shitposting. he is great spokesperson for global warming and still has amazing companies. ill keep fanboying

>> No.9871245
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big bux? It's pennies. He's right in that it's really a small "entry fee" to keeping dialog open with both parties.

He's not a republican at heart. he's an independent with a mixture of views.

>> No.9871250

To be fair, he's been criticised relentlessly by much less talented people than him, like yourself, and has always handled it fairly well.

>> No.9871251

What was the context, even? It all just looks like he's tired and shitposting wildly to get a laff

>> No.9871252

What’s up brainlet with no formal education.

>> No.9871256

Normal people don’t BELIEVE in a hypothetical scientific construct. They demand evidence that isn’t falsified or falsifiable.

>> No.9871261

>shitposting wildly to get a laff
That's pretty much the context, see >>9870661

>> No.9871264

rescuer said elon could stick his sub up his ass and elon got triggered
the dude is right, but if he didn't want insults back he shouldn't have started it, who cares

>> No.9871291

>Implying ants ever went to the moon.

>> No.9871293

top heh

>> No.9871520
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>> No.9871529


>> No.9871547

top zoz

>> No.9871551

It's not possible to be racist against white people.

>> No.9871559

Son, I can be racist against anyone.

>> No.9871581

Seriously what is a white british guy going to thailand for.

Just connect the dots.

>> No.9871599

>white guy
>in Thailand

99.96% pedo

>> No.9871938
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Well yeah, his entire plan is to build a lair on the Mars. Once it's complete, he'll do some super crimes, take all his rockets and leave. Then he'll just sit back because the United States government will never be able to reach him.

>w-we'll get him once SLS block 15 is done deploying the JWST
>o-only 12 more years, we swear

>> No.9871949

Chaotic neutral.

>> No.9871957
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>> No.9871982


tbf, this guy really does look like a nonce

>> No.9872037

Why did you save the thumbnail

>> No.9872062

True that

>> No.9872116

Either he's cracked (unlikely, seems pretty sane) or he has good reason
Makes you think

>> No.9872119

He sounds incredibly butthurt because they didn't need his shiny little water dildo

>> No.9872140

Why would you order a product from a company with a CEO who is losing his mind and running the company into the ground?

>> No.9872143

The mental stability of the CEO is very important, especially for a company like Tesla that is so constantly on the edge of banktruptcy.

>> No.9872147

That's the basic engineer life if you don't start your own business (and basically stop doing engineering). If you start down that career path, you either know you'll be someones brainwhore or you're an idiot.

So to the smart engineers who knew and chose what they're getting into, people like Musk are the ones who enable their creative work. Without entrepreneurs, there would be fewer such jobs. Musk did nothing wrong.

>> No.9872153

looks like an older guy in great physical shape

>> No.9872176

I have a friend who works at one SpaceX who enjoys it. It is quite a bit of work though, so you really have to be into what you're doing.

>> No.9872183


>> No.9872715

It's really simple Anons.

Elon makes money by being a populist, that's literally his entire business model. It's how he gets public grants and bailouts. It's how he gets a mass of naive investors.

His tech is shit, he buys up start up tech that is either a non-working multi-million dollar meme or some his companies can only barely utilize properly.
His engineers are shit, because he pays them like shit. So they are either unmotivated or idiots. That's why there is no non-trivial tech coming out of their companies.
His business model is shit and unsustainable since it relies on popular opinion (evidently he forgot to read The Prince, which is probably also why he doesn't understand Machiavellian ideas in science fiction)
He is shit, he's a bold manlet with a fucking BA degree. He isn't even all that rich compared to real, (and generally humble and actually smart) tech industry titans, he is just popular due to his business model.

So why are we talking about him on /sci/?

Because he is brilliantly relentless at manipulating idiots. Therefore most of the planet who fell in the latest fad of being a science fanboy.

This is the result of the entirety of what Elon is. Namecalling a man who actually gets shit done. A man Elon so desperately wishes he could be rather than the irrelevant nuisance that he is.

Now go back to doing something more productive.

>> No.9872724

t. Elon

>> No.9872727

To fair 4chan has made you jaded. While most expats probably are creeps there are some people who just move to Thailand to cheaply enjoy their hobbies and the weather.

>> No.9872802

i knew musk must have had some serious redpills from his time in south africa, but its obvious that he had too many red pills and is /pol/ tier.
Never go full retard.

>> No.9872814

I'm sure all this outrage is not manufactured at all. Seriously this psy-op has been painfully obvious, this many people on 4chan are not that emotionally invested in the fact he tweeted some dude calling him a pedo.

>> No.9872823

As if we needed any more proof that Elon wasn't anything other than a complete brainlet that probably graduated from the Academy of /sci/ with a 4.0 in autism.

>> No.9872836

>Publically hit out at the media and imply this guy is a pedo
>Suddenly every media outlet shits on you and masses of anons on 4chan also suddenly and inexplicably care about a fucking shitpost tweet

Really made me think.

>> No.9872920

No need to be so emotional

>> No.9872946

We need to utilise pedos more. What else can they/you do?

>> No.9872964

There's a war coming soon between the Futurists and Satanists (Old Mason's / Illuminati / Rothschild's) for the future of humanity.

The Satanists fear the spread of A.I. and technology (Singularity) taking their power away from humans and taking their power in general, and Musk is their prime target as a "figurehead".

They still control all the old media so can whip up a shitstorm in no time flat

>> No.9872988

Not quite. The "Satanists/Occultists" are playing both sides of the "war". Musk is definitely an Occultist, in fact he just joined a masonic fellowship a few days ago: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1017911319884959744

>> No.9873028

That depends. How many sexy kids are you offering?

>> No.9873270


>> No.9873286

babby lern'd a new werd

>> No.9873307

thailand is pedoland dont fool yourself. there are two types of white guys there- confused young gay guys and old pedos.

>> No.9873390

>That's why there is no non-trivial tech coming out of their companies.
>Falcon 9 and Heavy, as well as the BFR hardware they've already developed, are trivial


>> No.9873445

Welcome to paid shills

>> No.9873572


Some just go for the normal ladyboys too.

>> No.9874515

Scientific evidence should always be falsifiable, retard.

>> No.9874520

Deus Ex Hell gang we out here

>> No.9874523

t. Tesla shill

>> No.9874549

No he doesn't.

>> No.9874566
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idk m8
either way, the lead cave diver (same one who first discovered the kids in the cave) personally asked musk to make the submarine, so this guy was clearly salty
elon is a sperg though

>> No.9874690
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>> No.9874748

>melon eusk
yes.. that will do

>> No.9874752
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You were born to late to see the fall of the Roman Empire but you are born just in time to the fall of Musk

>> No.9874850


>> No.9875112
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>offer a submarine to get kids out of a cave
>politely gets told no thank you because it wouldn't work
>makes a huge scene and calls everyone a retard
>gets told to shove the submarine up his ass
>calls the person who found the kids a pedo

>> No.9875124

Nice try shill, but no.

>> No.9875150

i liked the part where Stanton then agreed with the rescue chief who elon was chimping out at

>> No.9875423

hes 6'2

>> No.9875749

it's hard to argue with that

>> No.9875791

because he does not want to be associated with retarded ceo

>> No.9875850


>> No.9875855

he’s lying. Stanton asked Elon to bring the sub as a backup, and to continue development of it afterwards

>> No.9875859

>Elon Musk replying to @elonmusk
>"sorry pedo guy"
What did he meant by this?

>> No.9875861

exactly. he's a manlet