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9866489 No.9866489 [Reply] [Original]

For people currently in their 20s, what is the probability that we will reach longevity escape velocity within our lifetimes, and get to live for potentially hundreds of years, if not longer?

>> No.9866513

People in there are 20s are already there if they eat healthy and exercise regularly

>> No.9866515

this guy is a hack

>> No.9866537

Biological immortality will always be 50 years away sadly

>> No.9866542

extremely low
the thing is, the escape velocity in this isn't a constant, it's a variable that is ever increasing. You will need to have advancements that are way out of reach as soon as you hit 50, and you probably won't get to live to 100 if you're 20 RIGHT NOW

>> No.9866579

How is he a hack?

>> No.9866582
File: 6 KB, 360x240, airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like how flying machines will always be 50 years away

>> No.9866594
File: 402 KB, 2250x858, singularity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we survive to the point where there is a technological singularity, and superintelligence is sufficiently well-aligned, we will have more than enough computing power to figure out how to make further advancements to reverse aging.

>> No.9866693

[citation needed]

>> No.9866705

>implying the tech singularity will happen

>> No.9866913

Why would it not happen? If recursive self-improvement of intelligent entities is possible, it is almost certainly bound to happen eventually. There are multiple possible paths to superintelligence, and they would all have to fail for there to never be a singularity.

>> No.9866940

There's no reason to trust in a singularity or believe any of these "alignment" ideas; Current ai is just a hype word for a medley of mathematical techniques to handle data, nothing similar to conciousness, self interest or anything of the like has been demonstrated nor is there a reason to even make it so in the first place. Weak AI is far more economic and influential, you should be worried about tardbots controlled by elites taking your job and social upheaval than some anthropomorphized lovecraftian robogod ushering in a platinum age for humanity.

>> No.9867528

>There's no reason to trust in a singularity or believe any of these "alignment" ideas;
And what reason is there to think there won't be a singularity?

>Current ai is just a hype word for a medley of mathematical techniques to handle data, nothing similar to conciousness, self interest or anything of the like has been demonstrated nor is there a reason to even make it so in the first place.
So? Even if you had a non-sentiant superintelligence, it could still wreak havoc with a poorly designed utility function.

>Weak AI is far more economic and influential, you should be worried about tardbots controlled by elites taking your job and social upheaval than some anthropomorphized lovecraftian robogod ushering in a platinum age for humanity.
The thing you need to realize is that strong AI only needs to be built once. Given billions of years of time to do so, it seems unlikely that a superintelligence would NEVER be built.

>> No.9868510

Its retarded and not going to happen. Also I do not want to live forever ,definitely not in this world.

>> No.9868591

I don't really get recursive improvement. Sure you could make a smart AI, feed it all known knowledgr and it uses that to make a smarter AI, but then what? How can it make a smarter AI without increasing the available information it has?

>> No.9868625

0%. Even if the technology is available.

>> No.9868641

You'll never be able to generate enough lift.

>> No.9869089

I used to be an Aubrey poster but I don't believe anymore, deep down anti-aging research , cryonics, mind uploading and singularity hype are just religious coping mechanisms for people who are too intelligent to be religious.

Please try to enjoy your life because it is short and you only have one.

>> No.9869871

It worked for Deep Blue.


>> No.9869876

Why do you think this?

>> No.9869878 [DELETED] 

Thranshumanism, cryonics, mind uploading, anti-aging research, etc., being used psychologically in this way still doesn't mean that they won't work.

>> No.9869886

Anti-aging research, cryonics, mind uploading, the Singularity, and other transhumanist technologies being used as religious coping mechanisms doesn't mean that they won't work.

>> No.9869972

great they can live in their parents basements as manchildren until 2500.

>> No.9870006

>conciousness, self interest or anything of the like has been demonstrated
Because it hasn't been built you moron. What do you think "self interest" is? Just an internal reward function. How an actor works is already well understood mathematically, it's the technical challenges and particulars that need to be solved now.

>> No.9870010

>non-sentiant superintelligence
I don't get the obsession with sentience. It's not something externally observable so it doesn't fucking matter at all to anybody but the intelligence itself.

>> No.9870013

Longevity escape velocity literally means death. To live eternally you would have to be firmly IN the longevity spectrum.

>> No.9870014

>anti-aging research
Life is just a machine. Learn to fix it and you can keep it runnig for a very long time.
>mind uploading
Is basically cloning your brain so anybody who believes it will grant them conscious immortality is a moron.
Is literally just the point when machines get better at designing new machines capable of designing machines than humans. The past few decades have been rapidly heading that direction.

>> No.9870015

This will never happen. You made a science fiction thread. Grow up and stop day dreaming.

>> No.9870016

> what is the probability that we will reach longevity escape velocity within our lifetimes
Life expectancy is actually dropping now so I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.9870095

We already have trans humans. They aren't helping.

>> No.9870108

*people too stupid to admit they're religious.

>> No.9870110

Not an argument

>> No.9870114
File: 23 KB, 640x400, Longevity_Escape_Velocity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Longevity escape velocity literally means death.
No it doesn't you retard.
>To live eternally you would have to be firmly IN the longevity spectrum.
The idea behind longevity escape velocity is that you would die eventually IF all scientific progress stopped and you didn't get any further rejuvenation therapies, but as science progresses, we will eventually get to the point where rejuvenation therapies are available that add >1 year of additional life per year of scientific progress. Thus, as time passes, your life expectancy will continue expanding, and you can life potentially indefinitely.

>> No.9870117

What the fuck are you talking about? Transgenderism and things like it have little in common with things like radical life extension and other related technologies.

>> No.9870139


>> No.9870151

>but as science progresses, we will eventually get to the point where rejuvenation therapies are available that add >1 year of additional life per year of scientific progress
We already had this in the first half of the 20th century, nobody seems to have became immortal because of it tho.

>> No.9870224

Probably because the majority of gains in life expectancy were reduces in infant/child mortality, with less gain in the life expectancy of old people. There wasn't a SENS equivalent in the early 20th century.

>> No.9870247


>> No.9870258

It's still an open question as to how successful SENS will be at actually curing aging, and whether we have a realistic chance of getting robust anti-aging therapies done on ourselves within our lifetimes.

>> No.9870277

Because you're not important enough to warrant it.

>> No.9870311

This all depends on how rich I will be in 50 years, and how expensive rejuvenation therapies are. You can be unimportant but still be rich.

>> No.9870353

it's questionable if anti-aging technology will even produce an escape velocity effect. If you have 100 different forms of gradually accumulating damage that eventually lead to total system failure aka dropping dead, and these forms of damage do not really interact with each other, while accumulating at a relative rate of like 0.5-1.5 for different persons, then you could repair 99 forms of damage and still have everyone die a few years later from the last one. It's not certain that it works in this way though, and hopefully it doesn't, but I don't think we know.

>> No.9870565
File: 33 KB, 700x218, scale_of_intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 7 different causes of aging, according to Aubrey de Grey. If we eventually discover some 8th or 9th thing, curing the 7 we know of would buy us a lot of time to solve any others. Also, if the Singularity happens and we create some form of superintelligence, and it is sufficiently well-aligned, an entity with an IQ of a trillion could probably figure out how to solve the other forms of aging damage.

>> No.9870577

there are seven different CATEGORIES of aging, like accumulation of intracellular trash. Just because we can break down one kind doesn't mean the rest will budge.

>> No.9870582


>> No.9870619

I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over my 143 IQ.
Maybe after you find out how deep the fuck your ass goes you will be able to pull your head out of it.

>> No.9870792

this myth keeps on living on 4chan

>> No.9870813

Literally believing in some bearded saviour, it's the same shit.

>> No.9870823

Ackchally transgenderism is a form of transhumanism, they are modifying their bodies, going beyond the limits of what they were born as

>> No.9870916

Not an argument

>> No.9870921

But there isn't that much overlap between trannies and people interested in the Singularity, life extension, etc.

>> No.9870947


dont give up Anon-chan




you're gonna be pretty disappointed in how the whole 2030 techno unemployment thing turns out for capitalism


a trillion IQ ? LOL

someone with a 150 IQ struggles, so they assume it will take an IQ in the trillion range.
Anyhow, i just came here for the Negativity, pessimism and the bullshit,

and as always, i was not disappointed.

These sorts of debates have convinced me that debate with humans is now pointless and meaningless and a waste of time. And, really at the end of the day we could stretch it and call it the Scientific Process to debate ideas. But, i think it was just a drag and if anything it just slowed down progress.

"Hey , other humans, i have this great idea for human advancement"

other humans: "nah fuck off with that shit, it conflicts with my world views, so lets sit here and debate why you really shouldn't even attempt to do it; plus while i know nothing about it, i say it's impossible, so it is impossible"

"Hey , AI , i have this great idea for human advancement"

AI: "ok, lets begin the research"

an AI will be able to figure it out by about 2035.

1. Need an AI that has been able to read and comprehend everything ever written in terms of medical science,

2. Need the same AI to be able to read and comprehend in real time everything as far as medical texts, medical journals, medical papers, even completely random medical articles as soon as they come out.

1. and 2. Are 'possible' right now. And, i am fairly convinced that there are probably a few key lost papers out there somewhere that have been forgotten that would be the key to doing it, but because it is impossible for any one human to do 1. and 2., it wont be re discovered til this gets done.

3. Build the AI from 1. and 2. up to the highest IQ level possible

>> No.9870966


3. Build the AI up from 1. and 2. to the highest AI IQ level possible. Present the issue, and see what it comes up with. It might come up with nothing. It might come up with something no one has ever thought of before. Gradually aim for the AI to hit an IQ of around 100 around 2029. See if it gets any closer. If no, i am fairly convinced the AI of the 2035 projected levels will be able to do it, along with the info coming in from 1. and 2.

And, this AI wouldnt just be a rich man's toy. It will be able to work down the last curing every single disease we have, which is what would be the most pressing problem for us immortals after we solve that whole reversing aging thing.

Then, have it work on time travel so i can recover all my friends who didnt make it or got themselves turned into popsicles

>> No.9871160

We (millennials) are all going to die in our 30s and 40s.

>> No.9871513

ahahah yeah am I right fellow paranoid magapedes? crooked Hillary and the liberals (oh and dont forget the JEWS) are planning on breeding us white people to extinction and start global wars!!!! ww3 will kill us all we're going to be docile slaves to da joos


>> No.9872897

Just look at the direction our political climate is going, on both sides. I’m not even a trump supporter. People are gonna die.

>> No.9872923

>anti-aging research , cryonics, mind uploading and singularity hype are just religious coping mechanisms for people who are too intelligent to be religious.

It only matters whether it has any probability of working. If 0% then it should be discarded, along with all religions.

Anti-aging won't make us immortal in our lifetimes and mind-uploading is no more than a simulation.

So imo Cryonics seems like the only thing that has a greater than 0% chance of making the probability of infinite non-existence less than 100%.

>Please try to enjoy your life because it is short and you only have one

If infinite non-existence is 100% likely then what does it matter if you enjoy your life or hate your life? All experiences are fleeting and all paths lead to the same outcome.

>> No.9872931

Based on the lack of understanding and empathy everybody towards their fellow humans that everybody in this thread has, my answer is no

>> No.9873232

That's the point. You'll always die in the next 50 years.

>> No.9873276


>All experiences are fleeting and all paths lead to the same outcome

Obviously this is true but I'm trying to not kill myself over here.

>> No.9873344

Well if death is a problem then killing yourself clearly isn't a solution

>> No.9873350



>> No.9873374

>we will have more than enough computing power to figure out...

> what is computational complexity?
> implying raw computing power will magically provide us with scientific insights

>> No.9873429
File: 16 KB, 250x375, uno-dirreciones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immortality is achieved

Now I care about sustainability

>> No.9874427

10 years ago people were saying 40 year olds were safe. i've been following the progress of this since 08 and no ground has been made whatsoever. there simply isn't enough money being put into it.

>> No.9874517

The AI has no way of distinguishing false data from the correct one and can't test it's new hypotheses fast enough to guarantee any significant progress before all of us living now die. It might come up with good ideas but to do anything, you still need human hands, money, materials, approvements and most importantly, time.

>> No.9874519


You have to have your genes altered before you're born

>> No.9874528

>There are multiple possible paths to superintelligence, and they would all have to fail for there to never be a singularity.

No, there is one possible path, which is that the efficient intelligence characteristics you have in mind are algorithm dependent, rather than data or hardware dependent. There is no reason to believe that incremental improvement will "blow up."

>> No.9874531

Probably 0%

>> No.9874544

You realize gene editing works in adults too right

>> No.9876191

None, invasion of Europe will throw the continent in dark ages in our lifetime. The utter collapse will stall development in usa.

>> No.9876209

We know what needs to be done, just not how to do it.
That's the issue, it works IN THEORY.

>> No.9876210


People are , in fact, dying younger.

People lived longer in the Paleolithic than in any time since.

>> No.9876211

This, stop debating shit, start doing shit.
Most humans are retarded pessimists, because being a skeptic is seen as "cool".
Just give them a massive middle finger and make headway!

>> No.9876217

>escape velocity
Bad analogy.
Improvements in longevity are cumulative not exponential. There's no reason to think a drug that adds 1 year will lead to a drug that adds 10 years.

>> No.9876221

Everyone gets one brain worth of brain cells. Every time a brain cell dies thats one more brain cell you'll never have again. They don't rejuvenate.

>> No.9876241

That's why we are researching treatments. If there was no problem in the first place all would already be well. The treatment for that particular problem involves stem cells injections into the brain tissue, something that's already been done successfully to treat Alzheimer's.

>> No.9876490

imagine a world where everyone is immortal
shit's whack yo

>> No.9876494

Rapamcyin, metformin

>> No.9876498

This, anons on this board are intellectually disingenuous fucks, treating this field of research as if it hasn't had major breakthroughs.

>> No.9876508
File: 352 KB, 590x394, 1530169180597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i invented a pill that could make a person live forever how much money should I charge for it?

the answer is > money than 99.999% of people can afford because even that is less than its really worth.

the super rich will live forever, and the rest of us will probably not be informed the possibility even exists.

>> No.9876533

>killing themselves in droves
>not helping
this nigga

>> No.9876553

>the answer is
production cost plus like a hundred thousand bucks
you'd be a multi trillionaire in no time

>> No.9876565

Here's the real question. Do you even want to live for hundreds of years? Is it really worth living?

I want to an hero every damn day.

>> No.9876579


I don't even want to live now

>> No.9876583

>implying i want to share eternity with people who can afford 0.1 million

no senpai, its going to have to be a lot higher than that for me to share the secret sauce.

>> No.9876590

you'll be so rich you can shit on all the people who are merely billionaires though