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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9861801 No.9861801 [Reply] [Original]

My only reason not to kill myself is study pure math as much as I can until I die.

What's yours?

>> No.9861834

That one day i will be able get out of this hellhole and go back to smoking meth.

>> No.9861848

don't wanna break my grandmother's heart.

>> No.9861852

Im Happy with My Life and where its going

>> No.9861859

after studying physics in depth I can’t even conceptualise suicide desu

the universe we live in is so fucking fascinating, so rich in possibility. The human condition is pitiful, sure, but there’s so much beauty in everything else

>> No.9863254

My parents are still alive.

>> No.9863255

Nothing anymore. I'll end myself this week.

>> No.9863258

There are a lot of random people on the internet who would want me to die for purely racist reasons and I hate the thought of letting them win. Also I'm afraid that reincarnation might exist and statistically my life would probably be way shittier if I was born into a random new body.

>> No.9863261

I love you man.

>> No.9863278

Physics. And the future. I always want to kill myself, but I think what if I live hundreds of years? it's very possible. I'm young and genetic engineering is advancing a lot.

But at the same time I notice that I won't be the only one person who will live the future. Like, the if I live forever, the normies who bullied me at the school will probably too, and not only them, but retards and Chads of my age.

I feel like it's not just. The only reason to not kill myself is wait for the future, but the condition is that I must share that future with normies. I don't discard just going on a shooting spree and kill as much as I can, and then kill myself. If I dont live the future, nobody will
It's some sort of envy.

>> No.9863283
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>> No.9863297
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>> No.9863577

Studying pure computer science.

Also, being too much of a pussy to do it.

>> No.9863596
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The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because the Singularity might happen during my lifetime, and I might get to live in a transhumanist utopia.

>> No.9863597
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Livestream it for science

>> No.9863600

>Like, the if I live forever, the normies who bullied me at the school will probably too, and not only them, but retards and Chads of my age.
>I feel like it's not just. The only reason to not kill myself is wait for the future, but the condition is that I must share that future with normies.
You grossly underestimate the number of deathists. There's a reason why only 3000 people are currently signed up for cryonics, and people like Aubrey de Grey have limited funding for their research. There are a shitload of people who want to die, because they think they will go to heaven, or things like >it's the end of the cycle, I want to return to the earth, and shit like that. Transhumanism in general is still an extremely obscure and unpopular idea.

>> No.9863622

Maybe. But they can change their opinion when the time arrives and when they see they can live much longer.

>> No.9863625

I wish to be a paleontologist desu.

Too bad you can't make holes everywhere because of private property. We don't have a museum, people at my university give a damn about their fossil collection, the old researchers all died off, sometimes I feel alone.

Maybe I choose the wrong field of interest, but I still find cute the life from the distant past, and how it remains hidden before our eyes, just waiting to be found below our feet.

>> No.9863658

>the universe we live in is so fucking fascinating

>> No.9863669

I have one more year of university. After that I plan on giving up all of my savings to my parents and heading to South America to do manual labor and live in poverty. I'm hoping this will be spiritually awakening.

>> No.9863686
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I dropped out of the tenth grade in 2008 and have been an idle NEET ever since. I spend my days LARPing as an academic on /sci/.

>> No.9863789

never lose your iPod man, poor guy. That whole situation is fucked up.

for my girl, i want to be there for her

>> No.9863917

To write literature

>> No.9863953
File: 7 KB, 275x183, cryonics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryonics has existed for over 50 years and is fairly well known, but still hardly anyone is signed up for it.


>> No.9864028

It wont be. You'll probably become slightly racist and it will make you appreciate first world luxuries.

>> No.9864110

I love eating, fucking, shitting, sleeping, swimming, boating, GR and quantum field theory.

Why the FUCK would I wanna die?

>> No.9864126
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>> No.9864365

The idea of being reincarnated into a new random body after death is something that I have thought about as well. It's terrifying. Just let me fucking die. I don't want to come back as some Family Guy watching brainlet.

Sometimes, I think though, that there might be a higher intelligence alien lifeform out there that thinks the same thing about me. "Fuck, I can't bear being reincarnated as a creature that can't prove P != NP"

>> No.9865392

>and statistically my life would probably be way shittier if I was born into a random new body.

>> No.9865466

Mine is find people like you to set up a business helping people with new technologies

>> No.9865471

Because most people lead shittier lives than him?

>> No.9865655

But do they? Even if most humans have shittier lives, if reincarnation is true, you wouldn't necessarily be reincarnated as a human. You could become some random animal or even some form of alien life.