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9856940 No.9856940 [Reply] [Original]

>recovered from a stroke I had 2 years ago


>> No.9856942

How are you doing? How old are you?

>> No.9856945

Why are you on /sci/?

>> No.9856948

Not OP, but is there a medical board

>> No.9856953
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drowning in self hate. done some fuked up shit. not sure if I'm a bad person or just suffered in worst ways. it's crazy the whole left part of my brain is like.... numb

thought you guys would care. posted 6month ago not knowing i had a stroke and an anon said i was schitzo

don't think so...

>> No.9856964

How did it feel when you were experiencing the stroke? Can you elaborate more on how it feels now? What is most different about your life now?

>> No.9856966

I’m sorry you are experiencing this. You mean drugs?

>> No.9856980
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mentally... felt like I wasgetting stabbed in the brain over and over.

returning to normalcy as of yesterday. before... was like trapped in brain. hell on earth. drowning in resentment. so hard to be certain mate. the sicko part was how I managed to adapt. to it. today... was like wtf how did I not get killed. just yesterday i was walking to track and stared at this guy in loud car. literally started shouting death threats at me. had huge staring problem. would walk down and stare at people in their cars(cry for help kinda thing.) cops harassed me. follow me to track. even tonight cop seen me walking to beer shop and stopped on street in front of me. thought for sure he was gonna come for me. got arrested the the other day. also biological senpai fucked me so hard. younger brother physically assaulted me multiple times. verbally attacked me. dude. is white trash as fuck. humans are wired to lash out at defective members of society. even the neurologist I visited did not give a fuck about me.

i didn't get on path to recovery until nov when I started supplementing with coq10 and b12. drinking coffee and vaping marijuana worked wonders. also transcendtal med. helped. literally went through hell and no longer afraid of death and not to fond of humanity

>> No.9856982

I have a relative who had a stroke and completely forgot who she was
She ended up moving and dropping contact with literally everyone (because she forgot we existed).
A few years later she went to the doctor under a different name and her issue was diagnosed.
She still remembers that time but doesn't see that person as herself.
It was pretty bonkers, she was renting a house under the fake name, had a job and everything.

>> No.9856989

I'm sorry to hear that you went through that anon, I'm glad to hear that you've learned to cope. Do you think you might be able to regain some more functionality in the future? What are you up to these days?

>> No.9856991
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I had a manic episode brought upon by drugs that put me in a psychosis. Was incoherent, time felt like it didn't exist. And yeah I remember being just getting pissed at me.

>> No.9856995

*people being pissed

>> No.9856996

That sucks. I'm sorry, Anon.

>> No.9857202

Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Namah Shivaya

>> No.9857294

Health and fitness

>> No.9858233 [DELETED] 

There's a medical general >>9846112

>> No.9858265

you need to stay fond of humanity bro doesnt mean you need to be fond of humans though ;)


which drugs?

>> No.9859287

How was a stroke mistook for schizo
You had a stroke 2 years ago then experience 18 months of symptoms?
what were they
when did you realize it was a stroke

>> No.9859310
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realized it was a stroke 2 days ago when the left part of my brain came back 'online'. was like omgggg. been drowning in resentment and having homicidal thoughts for ages. time dilation. also amydala was severely damaged.

I didn't even get on the path to recovery until nov 2017 when i got coq10 supplements. had severe blood clotting.

you're so fond of doctors and medical diagnose etc those things are just labels and symptoms.

I was walking around with my soul hanging out. People could see through me. Was a walking corpse

I didn't even get on the path to recovery until nov 2017 when i got coq10 supplements. had severe blood clotting.

you're so fond of doctors and medical diagnose etc those things are just labels and symptoms.

I was walking around with my soul hanging out

>> No.9859320

>you're so fond of doctors and medical diagnose etc those things are just labels and symptoms.
You sound like a paranoid schizo

You should get a head MRI before you conclude you had a stroke
I don't think it's typical to make a recovery from a stroke

>> No.9859326

you're toxic.

really depends how much damage. was a blood clot restricting blood flow. maybe not full on stroke but a part of my brain was offline and I suffered greatly.

>> No.9859330

I had a great aunt that had a debilitating stroke a few years ago, brought about by her history of inhalant abuse, she was permanently crippled by it and had her personality destroyed. It was sad to see, but then again everything dies and I wasnt really that bothered by it.

Thats you anon, no one gives a fuck about your suffering.

>> No.9859333

beg to differ mate. you will start to care when that individual causes you suffering. and it will show in your face. so much balance to the uni. people cause suffering to other when they're suffering themselves.

>> No.9859337

how am I toxic? you accused me of something out of the blue

>> No.9859339

Considering the fact that we're all adults and we have to take care of ourselves, thats highly unlikely. Everyone dies, the death is unwanted, and therefore, a horrific experience, who fucking cares.

No one, thats who.

>> No.9859340

it was also reasonable advice
get a professional to look at you instead of relying on Dr. Google
I went 8 months thinking I had MS, so I know that feel

>> No.9859344

surely fate has something cruel in store for all of us. determinism is something worth obsessing over

I visited a neurologist and the guy was a complete fool. I could see right through him. instead if helping me he was trying to hold me back. he gave me a phony neurological exam and told me to get a job and see a therapist. same advice a soccer mom would have gave. back to what I said earlier mate. you only have faith in the system because it served you well. surely we're living in a world of cause and uncertainty. I'm alone and adrift in a uncaring world. when I suffered in the worst way possible I came to the realization that I possessed the willingness to die and the herds of inferiors cause me tremendous amount of suffering. I came to /sci/ in hopes of interacting with like minded people.

>> No.9859352

It didn't serve me well, I had to swindle my way into an MRI
The MRI showed nothing and then I got better
Evidence of stroke would come up on an MRI, I went through phony neurological examinations too
Just getting an MRI will give you peace of mind, or it will lead to you getting proper treatment

>> No.9859354

This shits a meme, son. Theres literally no way you could ever test it to see if it held true, its simply an inference based on a possibility.

>> No.9859358
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uhh... observing a person for 30secs will show evidence of stroke. people are wired to socially isolate defective members of society and that's precisely what happ to me. my degenerate brother even physically assaulted me multiple times while I was strokey. surely you underestimate how uncaring people are.

you're one of the inferiors. you want a 'test' instead of observing humanity and seeing the tragic lives people are living. your mental facilities are nothing and you're disposable

>> No.9859367

>tragic lives
>posts pics of law books
lmao, we're all doomed to the same fate, anon, and unfortunately for you Im an engineer and will likely leave a lasting impact on humanity, unlike you.

>> No.9859372

embrace the absurdity. the world we live in is meaningless and people desperately try to find purpose in life and it usually makes me cringe internally. I hope the US names their future eugenics program after me.

>> No.9859374

You mock me but you are the fool
A neurologist says you didn't have a stroke and you assume he's trying to socially isolate you
Get an MRI and you will have peace

>> No.9859388
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he did not say that. he didn't even mention it. he asked me if I was suicidal. he game me memory problems. asked to walk a straight line. when I mentioned b12 deficiency. he didn't even believe me was like talking to my mother.

I have no money. at all. waited 3month for a uncaring individual to waste my time.self medicating worked for me mate.

you know that feel mate when trying to talk to someone that's objectively beneath you... like trying to teach a dog math or something

>> No.9859391

You're mentally ill.

>> No.9859400

>no money at all
>considering a neurologist to be beneath you
not in this world

>> No.9859405
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I nearly died multiple times. there's so much cruelty in all of us. but ye. my brain is severely damaged I can sense it. I still have multiple orgasms daily and I'm in love. so all hope isn't lost

>> No.9859409

Its only meaningless in the context of forever, but right now, everyone has their place, according to us.

Isnt that the only thing that matters?

>> No.9859413
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money is a tool we use to get men to contribute to society. it's just there to motivate people. it's no secret that the majority are peasants. you weren't present in the office anon. he was just as uncaring and thoughtless as my mother. I was ruining his perfect little world with my ramblings. I could see the cognitive dissonance in his face. if there's one thing you can always count on is people being uncaring

the dregs of society cook our food etc. how sad. everyone chases the dollar around. people use their 'skills' to con each other out of their money

I can tell you've had no struggle.

>> No.9859441

We've all struggled and we can all make it sound as pathetic as you can make having your stroke sound, which really is an extraordinarily bad thing to happen to you

But the same fear that makes us cower before our lives is the fear that drives us... we all know the world is an ugly, unfair place. We have to see it like it is, not how we want it to be

Your amygdalae were damaged, your emotional capacity is a little compromised. Time will heal everything anon, just let it. And see another professional

>> No.9859479

>I can tell you've had no struggle.
hahahahahahaha, my stance comes from a place of struggle, and if I didnt have some paranormal shit happen last time I attempted suicide, I would've ate a slug exactly one year and 3 weeks ago.

Dont sit there and tell me I havent struggled.

>> No.9859481

sorry to hear mate

>> No.9859487

Sorry, he says, exactly like he's been programmed to. The sorry means nothing of course, its just the only utterance hes capable of when hes met with news like this.

>> No.9859488
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okay now I know what I sound like to everyone in the thread. haha

>> No.9859561


>> No.9859563

LOCK HER UP, fuck yeah, murica

>> No.9859569

Hey me too. I had a seizure around the same time the mania started, leading to a couple hospital visits. One of the doctors I saw noticed something was up and sent me to a mental hospital for like two weeks. Shit, and there I was thinking I’d just been chosen for some special mission.

My life hasn’t been the same since. I tried my best to get out of the hospital ASAP since I learned about some legal restrictions they put on you if you stay too long. In retrospect, I should have gotten there sooner, and stayed later.

Are you on meds now? I’ve been taking Lamictal and haven’t had another episode since my first one 4 years ago.

>> No.9859674
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>literally went through hell and no longer afraid of death and not to fond of humanity
