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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9857951 No.9857951 [Reply] [Original]

“Math was a mistake”
-Grigori Perelman

>> No.9857980

math was not a mistake but i was

>> No.9857983
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"it's a social game. when i find that something was already discovered and proven, i lose all interest. on a lonely island i wouldnt do math."
t. Grothendieck

math btfo'd

>> No.9859655

I know a mathematician who literally lives as a hobo collecting trash and selling it to recycling centres. He had a breakdown after his wife cuckholded and divorced him in 1996.

>> No.9859658

Math is a social science now?

>> No.9860008


mathematicians tend to be either completely red pilled or cucked as fuck , so this comes to no surprise

>> No.9860031

source ?

>> No.9860060
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towards the end of the first part of his autobio.
he also admits that he and other mathematicians blocked the publication of some new proofs because he felt that the other guys were "intruding" into his domain. a lot of the text revolves around his inner tension between innocent child-pioneer and vain "proprietor"-adult, which he wanted to overcome by meditation. many parallels with ted kaczinski's model of science as oversocialized surrogate activity.

>> No.9860088


Fucking spooky shit. This human experience haunts everyone, nobody is exempt from human nature no matter how gifted

>> No.9860159

What a fucking asshole.

>> No.9860175

No wonder mathematicians are so against computerizing their subject.

>> No.9860194

there are other prominent cases of oldfags rejecting legit research of youngfags where narcissism or rivalry could have played a role.
gauss' rejection of a manuscript about jacobi's elliptic functions, with the remark that he already proved something similar in his private unpublished diary.

and possibly cauchy vs galois
>Galois submitted two papers... Augustin-Louis Cauchy refereed these papers, but refused to accept them for publication for reasons that still remain unclear. However, in spite of many claims to the contrary, it is widely held that Cauchy recognized the importance of Galois' work, and that he merely suggested combining the two papers into one in order to enter it in the competition for the Academy's Grand Prize in Mathematics. Cauchy, an eminent mathematician of the time, though with political views that were at the opposite end from Galois', considered Galois' work to be a likely winner.

>> No.9860258
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Kinda agree on that one. The proof by exhaustion of the Four colour theorem is the biggest insult to 150 years of efforts by hundreds mathematicians trying to find elegant ways to solve it.

Now, no mathematician would want to spend their time trying to prove it now that it had been solved by a computer. Kill yourself Haken.

>> No.9860264

But mathematicians come up with alternate proofs for things that are already proved all the time.

>> No.9860279

Not for extremely hard problems

>> No.9861333
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>Four colour theorem
Pick one.

>> No.9861342

>150 years of efforts by hundreds mathematicians
>Not for extremely hard problems
>Four colour theorem
>Pick one.
See the first comment brainlet.

>> No.9861623

I wonder what he meant by this

>> No.9861650

So you think that Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, Thomas, Gonthier and Robinson did not spend any time on their different alternative proofs?
Anyway, proof by induction is not the same as proof by exhaustion. You should really try to inform yourself about math.