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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 600x438, merlin_138515916_137f7b64-c55b-4f51-b788-72634d4700b6-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9855384 No.9855384 [Reply] [Original]

This dude is nothing but failure
>creates useless cars, boring something
> loses satellites worth billions
>has irresponsible workers
>slurps govt money

why do /sci loves him so much?

>> No.9855396

Because he's getting away with it

>> No.9855415

He has lots of money, gets lots of fresh young pussy, and everyone says he's a genius. He's basically the man everyone wishes they could be.

>> No.9855421

Fuck off thunderf00t.

>> No.9855424


just another Elon boipussy

>> No.9855434

>gets lots of fresh young pussy
False. He actually has a below-average EQ which leads him to make stupid choices and preserve his chastity.

>> No.9855549

gets lots of fresh young pussy
below-average EQ
wew lad change ur dealer

>> No.9855576

u soound lik a virgin

>> No.9855590

If he wasn't living on gubmint cheese, he'd be fucking broke in a month.

>> No.9855598


I know this is a troll thread so not sure why I even bother

>loses satellites worth billions

Falcon rockets are not any less reliable than other launch vehicles

>slurps govt money

Less than any other spaceflight company

>> No.9855621


man you should be shot into space with Russian slingshot

>> No.9855626

Says the guy posting on 4chan. Holy shit the self-awareness

>> No.9855681
File: 36 KB, 800x491, leonardo-dicaprio-inception-meme-shrek-film-series-cover-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit the self-awareness
holy shit the looser 4chan meme, posted by 4channer

>> No.9855689

>the govt money meme again
youve been had lmao

>> No.9855907
File: 260 KB, 1500x1000, 347fa5c6ddce2e3741f9b4c0019b82e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, when did /sci turn into /pol? This is tea party level propaganda.

>why do /sci loves him so much?

We read books, become a multi millionaire with your programming skills, sad loser.

>> No.9855944
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>> No.9855949
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>why do /sci loves him so much?

>> No.9855955
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Because this is the competition

>> No.9856010
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>> No.9856016
File: 176 KB, 800x1114, IMG_9573_2a_KSC-ML_Ken-Kremer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost: $1 billion
lmfao the launch tower alone costs more than that and it's gonna have to be replaced

>96 tons

>> No.9856020

>official military data labeled as "fun facts"
fucking nu-nasa I swear

>> No.9856022
File: 390 KB, 1200x1542, ULA-roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to photoshop the "competition's" infografics to make them look bad
The ABSOLUTE state of Musk retards.

>NASA replied: “Now that the SLS design has matured and the program has more data as a result of progress with hardware manufacturing and testing, our current analysis shows the Block 1 configuration of SLS can deliver an estimated mass of 95 metric tons (209,439 pounds) to low-Earth orbit based on a 200 by 200-kilometer orbit with a 28.5 degree inclination, which is a commonly used orbit in the industry for estimating performance.”

>> No.9856025
File: 71 KB, 768x479, recovery-768x479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is ULA's research into reusable rockets going? Pic related is also one of their unaltered infographics

>> No.9856030

ULA doesn't have the money to develop a reusable rocket or the number of launches to make it viable.

>> No.9856033
File: 24 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ULA doesn't have the money
The entire seven year Falcon Heavy development cycle cost less than one Delta IV Heavy launch

>> No.9856034

NASA gave SpaceX a pre-built launch pad for free and Space Florida paid SpaceX hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade it.

>> No.9856038

>This dude is nothing but failure
seems like it. or someone who succeeded at being awful.

>> No.9856041

Delta IV costs $300 million and FH took 3-4 times that to develop, IF you ignore all of the Falcon 9 dev costs which added up to more than $1.5 billion, much of it government-funded.

>> No.9856044

>FH took 3-4 times that to develop
They were working on it for 28 years?

>> No.9856046

>$300,000,000 x 4 = 28 years
Musk retard's arithmetic, everyone.

>> No.9856051

>took 3-4 times that to develop
Dumb ESL.

>> No.9856066

Retarded piece of shit.

>> No.9856074

I wonder what it is like to get up in the morning and decide to type up threads like these.

>> No.9856085

there are a bunch of things he is great at
P R & M A R K E T I N G
welcome to late stage capitalism

>> No.9856125

This fucking fraud

>12 kids and an adult stuck in a cave since 15 days
>A man died trying to rescue them

>Nothing like a shameless self-promotion in the middle of a crisis.
>Reddit and retard medias praise him

>Meanwhile, real anonymous rescuers are saving the children (half already out of danger)

This fucking fuck fucking fraud, i hate him so much

>> No.9856132

I did not know PR can land rocket stages

>late stage capitalism

Retarded commie detected. How does it feel that a capitalist billionaire is finally pushing spaceflight forward after half a century of gross stagnation under government management?

>> No.9856173

>why do /sci loves him so much?

The pursuit of big ideas.

Having a big idea is one thing, but this guy at least tries to make them a reality. He may fall short sometimes but he gives these ideas a damn good attempt.

>> No.9856178
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>late stage capitalism
Holy fuck, neck yourself.

>> No.9856217
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Sporgs are attacking

>> No.9856231

he got rich by pure chance, and instead of selfishly hoarding the cash he decided to use it to advance human society

his goal with spaceX is to make sending things to space cheap and affordable

his goal with tesla is to make the useless cars not useless

he didn't HAVE to fucking do any of this, by the way. he could have just kept all the money he made and did something useless with it

>> No.9856324
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what a sheep

>> No.9856390
File: 85 KB, 484x599, d17f1e76cc31c0548aafa973b196c863 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poor people worship a billionaire

Humans will never change

>> No.9856394

would you rather have a billionaire like him or just some warren buffet fag who operates in the background of god damn near every industry to continue lining his pockets?

>> No.9856403

Go back to YouTube, thunderf00t

>> No.9856408

>Late stage capitalism
You should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.9856429
File: 2.38 MB, 3360x2100, Elon vs some anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9856681

>they also can't play completely stupid video games

>> No.9856682


>> No.9856818
File: 34 KB, 715x655, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope - the thread.

>> No.9856832

>> loses satellites worth billions
Millions, only.

>b-but zuma!
Cleared of any fault in that failure. Awarded government, intelligence and military contracts afterward to further prove they have no problems with Falcon.

>> No.9856839

now THAT is funny

>> No.9856845

Let's say the 32tonnes and 90mil is fully recoverable.
That's three launches for the same capability at just over a quarter the price, and they can keep reusing the boosters.

>> No.9856870

>maganes to sell less cars than Ferrari and Lamborghini combined
>tries to profit with the tragedy of some asian kids

>> No.9857362


>lets pump that cave with propane and parafine so they boys bodies would slide out

>> No.9857365


omg elon and kanye finally together
so the fucking negro can blast his stupid music on the entire mars colony

>> No.9857367

I imagine it was that fat fucking bitch at the DoD that came up with the brilliant plan to needle anyone any board on 4chan cast in a positive light.

>> No.9857370
File: 125 KB, 715x402, c46eb3845c7587865f14803b722ebee8_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how to become a billionaire?
just sit all day and throw stupid ideas at people
eventually they will listen
>how about we build an inverted replica of Eiffel tower on top of the Empire state building and let in the people wearing upside down glasses?

>how about we build a giant mirror on the moon so there will be no night on the earth?
we could work for the entire 24 hours