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985551 No.985551 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Atheists, what would you do if science proved God exists?

>> No.985564
File: 44 KB, 288x306, Newman catches a dart in his mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad atheistfag?

>> No.985560

Well personally , ive always said, i would convert if i ever found proof of god. No biggie. Just evidence points to no god. Atleast god in the sense of an invisible giant that is all knowing /seeing.

>> No.985571
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ITT: Butthurt atheists.

>> No.985568

If it is PROVEN that god exists then I would probably convert to/study the following of him/her/it.

>> No.985577

The quality of trolling on this board has really gone down recently.

>> No.985581

So you would have faith in God so you won't be sent to hell. Interesting. So wouldn't it be logical to belief in God now or so you don't burn in hell!

Stop being hypocritical, I have defeated the flaws in your arguments.

>> No.985586

God finds Pascal's Wager offensive. And you know it.

>> No.985592

>So you would have faith
>have faith

>if science proved God exists?
>proved God exists


>> No.985594


>> No.985595


It's not faith if there's proof.

>> No.985602

Sorry, forgot my SAGE you HORSECOCK!

>> No.985604

OP is laying down a blatant, unsubtle troll, probably intentionally, and you still can't stop yourselves from responding. Bumping to teach you all an important lesson.

>> No.985607

So believing in God doesn't require faith? Then it must require logic, and I thought atheists were full of it. Open your mind and do not be hypocritical.

>> No.985610
File: 21 KB, 350x300, Spiderman, Spiderman. Does whatever a Spider can..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turtle Takes A Crap.jpg

>> No.985611

Look up Pascal's water. It is a moronic argument.

>> No.985614

Actually, no, they would have no faith in God. There are two subsets of beliefs: knowledge, which is a belief held which is true, and for which there is evidence or proof; and there is faith, which is held in light of a lack of evidence or proof. Unfortunately, if science were to prove God's existence, there would be no such thing as faith in God, and all those with knowledge of such scientific evidence would be doomed to hell.

This why intelligent design makes me laugh.

>> No.985617

It looks like OP planned all of his troll posts in advance and then stuck to the plan despite the lack of rage. It almost looks like he didn't even bother reading the posts he's responding to. Is this the first of coming wave of trollbots?

>> No.985618

>Christian believing in Pascal's Wager will go to hell for following Jesus instead of Muhammed.

>> No.985623

Pascal's wager supports belief in God. I don't understand what you are trying to do.

>> No.985629


Um... I think you read a whole lot into my post that wasn't there since we are essentially on the same side of the argument...

>> No.985695

And it has a bunch of reasons why it is moronic. I they usually follow descriptions of Pascal's Wager.

1) There are a lot more religions than one, not even counting the infinite number that could exist but have never been practiced. It brings the chances of going to heaven down for believers to approximately the same level as nonbeleivers.
2) The wager assumes that there are no detriments to believing, which there are.
3) Simply believing in something because believing it is the best course of action is just fooling yourself. One cannot control what he or she believes. I can't believe there is a triceritops in my room no matter how hard I try.

>> No.985771

If something is proven, empirically, and without a single doubt, it would be retarded to continue thinking it wasn't so. Same goes for god, stop identifying yourself as only an agnostic.

>> No.985845

i would laugh at all the people who believe religious texts because even if there is a god everything in those books is self-contradictory and impossibly wrong

>> No.985940


>> No.986164

In that unlikely event, I'd accept the fact of God's existence and go from there. I wouldn't believe or have faith, I'd just know the same way that I know if I drop a rock off a cliff into the ocean it'll make a splash and sink rather than flying away or floating.

>> No.986174
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>> No.986176

Knowledge is a subset of belief

>> No.986217
File: 307 KB, 500x618, imagesbelieve-20inb-20god-20spray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spray this in their general direction for best results

<is that Larry David!?!>

>> No.986225

I'd try to hunt Him down and become the next God

>> No.986263

What are you trying to imply? Are the headlines on the newspaper going to read "Scientists discover old bearded man living on clouds"? If "God" is discovered it most certainly will not be a personality. The closest you could conceivably get to something like that would be if scientists discovered some sort of "psychic" thing connected with all things in the universe, and even that implies that all functions of the universe result as a will of that thing.

>> No.986280

i agree with this

Proving such things exist is proving to be difficult, however.

>> No.986304
File: 18 KB, 346x300, confus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which god?

>> No.986301

that's like asking what I'd do if a hamster turns out to be OP's father.
I'd not give a shit, that's what.

>> No.986336

>infinite number [of gods] that could exist
>the chances of going to heaven down for believers to approximately the same level as nonbeleivers
>nonbelievers = 0
>infinite # of gods means believers = 0

thus, statistically, everyone is an atheist.
lrn2 standard deviate

>> No.986342
File: 36 KB, 500x447, Iseejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>performs some approaching zero calculations
>says "lrn2 standard deviate"

>> No.986348

whoops, forgot the >>985695 and the sage


>> No.986370

infinity is a nice sample size

>> No.986397

Just because a god exists doesn't make him the immature type that would sentence "nonbelievers" to an eternity of punishment. He could very well reward people based on their deeds, or just send everyone to their own personal heavens. Or he could just punish everyone for the hell of it.

Without first-hand knowledge of what this particular god wanted, I'd have no reason to change my current life or way of thinking.

>> No.987206
File: 18 KB, 252x257, Yawning Homeless Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.987228

Well, as an agnostic atheist, I am not so fickle as to have to re-evaluate everything around me just because something like that is proven. That statement in itself has no meaning. What god do you speak of? Every god? The christian god? An entity that no man has ever given a name, but it can more or less be equated to the likeness of what a god is, a being with that kind of power and influence? I need some context here.

Either way, let's just say it was the christian god we're talking about here. I don't really like that guy anyways, so fuck him. Hell seems like a nice place, honestly.

>> No.987247
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If you let religious conceptions of god into your thoughts you are not any better than people who really think they will be gifted virgins in heaven if they die for their faith.

Proving God's existence does nothing, what science seeks is knowledge of what God is. I'd really like to know if God has any consciousness in human notions.

>> No.987269

I would be very sad because while I can handle being an insignificant speck in an uncaring void, I don't like the idea of being nothing more than an ant in some deity's cosmic ant-farm.