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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 551x661, TRINITY___NotTooHappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9854655 No.9854655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>don't understand Mochizuki's 500 page paper
>complain Mochizuki won't answer questions

>don't understand my 10 page paper
>call it bullshit, no questions

>> No.9854677

Mochizuki isn't an unemployed, homeless, paranoid schizophrenic who thinks he has superpowers and posts on viXra and an anonymous anime forum.

>> No.9854696
File: 4 KB, 309x96, TRINITY___eiinf12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me neither, whats your point?

>> No.9854715

There's a difference between not understanding because it's nonsense and not understanding because it's ridiculously complicated.

>> No.9854716 [DELETED] 

Reminder that all big (((mathematicians))) are cones, ETs, or occultists

>> No.9854737

>me neither
Stop lying. In the last thread you said that you are unemployed and homeless, in addition to admitting that you had sexually assaulted women. (>>9849396, >>9850353) Because of your mental condition you think you have superior abilities, but in reality it causes gradual cognitive decline and below-average intelligence. You aren't fooling anyone with your lies Jonathan.

By the way, since Mochizuki is a distinguished professor of mathematics at a well known university, what is your education and academic credentials?

>> No.9854745

>be Mochizuki
>have superior Japanese hairline at 50

>be wh*toid looney
>bald before 30

>> No.9854795
File: 972 KB, 500x766, CUBES___eye7iiyoierghddc9tyt974t3t497gbjjkbhgiusdoyvof87t482q2++++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can read very well because none of that says i'm homeless, cretin

there's also a difference about feigning difficulty because you don't like the name of an author that you don't know and never met
>i can't understand this
>are you retarded?
>which was the first sentence you got to that you couldn't understand?

>> No.9854801
File: 153 KB, 1024x683, TRINITY___Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your education
BS, MS Physics
>and academic credentials?
most successful living physicist, by far

>> No.9854809
File: 23 KB, 762x358, potential.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ME: Pic related, if there is a downhill energy condition in time then it can be normalized to fit the dark energy spectrum of accelerating recession
EVERY OTHER PHYSICIST ON EARTH: This is incoherent and I can't understand it

>Modified Spacetime Geometry Addresses Dark Energy, Penrose's Entropy Dilemma, Baryon Asymmetry, Inflation and Matter Anisotropy

>> No.9854813

>BS, MS Physics
What university and when did you graduate?

>> No.9854818

Georgia State, 2007
Georgia Tech, 2010

>> No.9854829

>three years to do a masters
lmao, is that when the schizophrenia started?

>> No.9854845
File: 3 KB, 367x123, CUBES___eye7iiyhddc9tyt974t3t497gbjjkbhgiusdoyvof87t482q2++++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What schizophrenia is that?

I was getting a PhD, and then I almost got kicked out of school for asking a woman to coffee so I applied for the master's out of prudence. Then when I finally did get kicked out of school for trying to kiss a woman that I took on a date and who then agreed to come home with me, I already had the MS.

I tell you what else. Everyone making these schizophrenia comments is offending me through their expressions of solidarity with my enemy's memes while they show contempt for my many great contributions in physics and mathematics. I intend to see you tortured to death. And your families. And I will count the number of times you wrote something to mock me.

>> No.9854848

>I intend to see you tortured to death. And your families. And I will count the number of times you wrote something to mock me.
Lol, how are you going to manage that, Jonathan? You're unemployed, mentally ill, and homeless.

>> No.9854853

Are you a registered sex offender?

>> No.9854864
File: 479 KB, 1680x1050, CUBES___sa6s763afngf8vjrg8h635rtt7gwihsbdfwjvrjc9j8uu0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think I'm mentally ill and homeless? Do you just have a picture in your head of a world that makes you look good compared to me and then tell yourself that's how it really is?

I figure it will be something fairly similar to pic related unless you kill yourself, then it will just be the people you liked while you hated me, Helene

>> No.9854867

no, and I'm not a felon either

>> No.9854870

Who is going to agree to follow your fourth reich if the world also simultaneously hates you and is out to get you? How many followers do you have so far?

>> No.9854879

Why do you ask stupid questions to send attention away from my many great contributions to science and mathematics?

Did you eve read about Peter the Great and his sister? In the end, the only thing that mattered was that he had a set of nuts and she didn't.

>> No.9854886

How many followers do you have Jonathan? I know you are trying to change the subject because it is obvious you are too embarrassed to answer.

>> No.9854897
File: 929 KB, 245x164, CUBES___iutd5sf6569fjkgdfiug8008yiuohhoihjem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how many followers I have. How stupid are you to think I would know the answer to that question?

>> No.9854906

Zero? Why are you afraid to admit that you're not special?

>> No.9854934

If it was zero then you wouldn't be "following" me around to call me a schizophrenic every time I post. Are you afraid to admit women are not as well-suited to logical thinking as men or are you afraid that it will be obvious that you suck compared to me if you don't make kindergarten-level "are you afraid to" taunts?

>> No.9854974

Mathematics is a form of precise communication and statement of falsifiable predictions. Because you say "No attempt at quantification is made." in your paper I have trouble pinning down what it is you're actually claiming.

>> No.9854988
File: 8 KB, 569x125, CUBES___eye7diiyhddc9tyt974t3t497gbjjkbhgiusdoyvof87t482q2++++.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a math paper fucktard. It's a physics paper. What's your point?

>> No.9854989

I'm not a follower of your fourth reich, nor is any other living human: you're insane and everyone else can see it except for you. I'm simply here to point out to you the logical inconsistencies caused by your mental illness until you finally accept it.

>> No.9854997

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.9855001

He's the most evil kind of schizophrenic out there: narcissistic, psychopathic, and physically violent. I don't feel even a little bit of remorse for him.

>> No.9855003

what is the cutest women youve molested on a scale of 1 to e

>> No.9855009

Your presupposition of some illness is evidence of your stupidity and/or maliciousness, likely both and prominently the latter, nor do I have a fourth reich despite your attempts to erect to straw man.

If you see evidence that I'm insane, then cite it. My theory does describe Nature; it's a fact. My Hebrew name is God. I am God; it's a fact. I am El Arcón too. In English, it means "The Lord." These are all facts.

When you say "You're mentally ill," I think what you mean is that is that you know you're going to get killed if people stop believing your lies, and also the people in the families that have supported you in your maliciousness, such as their children, who might might die horribly to satisfy my hatred for you. This might happen; it's a fact. I want it to happen; that is also a fact. Do you think that me having the manliest of all manly tendencies, the desire to destroy my enemies and to hear their lamentations, means that I am insane? It doesn't mean that. It means I have a lot in common with greatest men in history, and also the God described so well in the Torah and the Bible.

>> No.9855014

what is the cutest women youve molested on a scale of 1 to e

>> No.9855018

you shouldn't. you should be afraid of me.

I tell you, I hope you live to regret writing that.

I have never molested a woman

>> No.9855020

what is the cutest women whos asked for it on a scale of 1 to e

>> No.9855021

>I am God; it's a fact.
A fact based on what? Facts are backed by evidence: your """""facts""""" are only backed by the worst case of delusional narcissism I hace ever seen.

>> No.9855023

Someone should call the cops on this fag before he rapes or murders someone else. He's clearly insane and physically dangerous, and I'm sure he has a record.

>> No.9855025

Your post is aa autistic as him.

>> No.9855029

asked for what?

My English name is Jon and my Hebrew name is God. I was given these names at birth.

>> No.9855033

What a coincidence! My name is Jon too, and guess I was god all this time as well. In fact, I think I'm more God than you are.

>> No.9855036

for someone claiming to be god you sure are dense.
what is the cutest women who has expressed her desire to fornicate with you, rated on a scale of 1 to e

>> No.9855058

It says in the bible that when God takes his vengeance on the wicked, that is when they will know what his name is. I tell you, I want to see you suffer in mind and body, and I will not forget what you wrote.


>> No.9855065


>> No.9855068

How is any of that evidence? You have a graduate degree in physics, no? Then you should know that facts (read: real facts and not delusions) are backed by replicable evidence. Show me an experiment that I can replicate to prove that you are god. After all, you claim to be the greatest physicist ever, in addition to being omnipotent.
>inb4 I don't have to
Yes you do, fag.

>> No.9855075

They think they getting over on me by making these stupid posts but in the end they will know they were wrong and they will regret what they wrote. Unless they die before I come to power, then it will only be their friends and loved ones who regret what they wrote.

>> No.9855079

I didn't claim that. If you want to know what my Hebrew name is, go ask the Israelis.

>> No.9855084

Answer me faggot. Or are you too afraid that your delusion will be exposed? Nobody else believes that you are god except for you, so this is purely for your personal benefit and you have nothing to lose.

>> No.9855087

Show me your scientific proof of being god, greatest physicist who has ever lived.

>> No.9855092

Don't let these bullies crush your spirit. You can count on me pal.

>> No.9855105
File: 97 KB, 362x492, 1518736208794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I can't be bothered the do the rest of these posts)
Take your pathetic mix of narcissism and schizophrenia somewhere else you sad faggot. No one cares about your delusions of godlike grandeur or your pretentious, incomprehensible papers. Fuck off and let brandon be first place for worst posts on /sci/

>> No.9855116

I will prove it by doing all the things the God of the Bible promised to do: the only way that such a thing could be proven. Until then, you'll just have to wait and if you want to get on my bad side before then, go ahead. I tell you, I hope you all live to regret what you wrote. If you don't live that long, my promise is that someone you cared about will regret it in your place, and they will despise your memory

alright, thanks buddy

>> No.9855121

The difference is you haven't submitted highly respected papers in the field before.
tl;dr: git gud

>> No.9855124

Nice cop-out faggot. We both know that I'm going to be waiting until the heat death of the universe because you're not god. Do you honestly think you're fooling anyone with these childish lies? We can see right through you.

>> No.9855133
File: 550 KB, 480x800, TRINITY___TheLivingGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if you are a bot, someone programmed you, and they can be made to suffer, them and their children and siblings and nieces and nephews.

I can understand why you wouldn't believe me, but I can't understand why you are so eager to bet your life and the lives of those around you that I'm not when there is so little upside to your wager and so much potential downside

>> No.9855141 [DELETED] 

Mochizuki was already a respected figure in arithmetic geometry when he published IUTT. Thus despite the strangeness of his work, people still give him a chance.

You are nothing.

>> No.9855149

But what if you're wrong and I'm actually god? You better start showing me some respect before I smite you, son. There's a whole lot of downside if you don't.

>> No.9855151

Holy shit this guy looks and sounds like he's about to an hero
Please make a "Some of you guys are alright" thread before you do it though

>> No.9855156

Good riddance desu.

>> No.9855161 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 640x478, B6T7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, enough's enough, I'm really just LARPing here. Hope you had fun listening to my craziness. If only mathematics and physics could be as exciting as our imaginations.

>> No.9855169

If you were LARPing you wouldn't have a publication record on vixra going back several years. You're worried that you've been caught before you go on your shooting spree and now you're backpedaling. Someone call the cops on this Jonathan Tooker asshole.

>> No.9855176

What the shit somebody tip the FBI about this
I was honestly fucking around about you being crazy til' you posted this

>> No.9855177

why should I be afraid of you?

>> No.9855181

Your papers are still shit.

>> No.9855213


>> No.9855216


>> No.9855221


>> No.9855226

>Check mylife for the one jonathan w tooker in georgia
>criminal or civil court records
>lawsuits, liens, or bankruptcies found

>> No.9855251

Do you have a job, Johnnyboy? You seem an interesting fellow.

>> No.9855255


>> No.9855277

So is vid related where it all ends?
>This is really starting to get freaky guys wtf

>> No.9855281

This guy is pure evil. How do we report him to Hiro to get his IP and get him v&?

>> No.9855288

what the fuck. totally schizo
Someone needs to call police

>> No.9855313



>> No.9855336

We need his address first.

>> No.9855352
File: 128 KB, 798x449, 32489324204283429804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch video
>Notice something weird in his downloads
>Google is my eternal memory
>Holy fuck it's literally a rape drug
Guys this is getting insane. Anybody have his address yet?

>> No.9855355

RIP that was from my poltroll
here's the real pic

>> No.9855359
File: 692 KB, 1676x838, 32434093480920893408932480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit fuck i'm fucking up cus this is terrifying

>> No.9855364
File: 48 KB, 900x323, 34823043289832492438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9855371

>By the way, since Mochizuki is a distinguished professor of mathematics at a well known university, what is your education and academic credentials?

>> No.9855397
File: 320 KB, 1469x1102, 1516783322820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>but for real, you have schizophrenia and I suggest you get help
>also, you're lucid enough that I can not distinguish your paper from other theoretical physics ArXiv papers, other than the shit graphics

>> No.9855413

Thats because your paper contains errors:
> As there is no way to tell which is the
forward or reverse time universe, this interaction is analogous to the rearrangement of identical particles - a process long known to be isentropic.
Rearrangement of identical (ideal for instance) particles is in no way isentropic. Even without an external potential, a rearrangement of particles resulting in different local densities will result in a noticeable entropy increase.

>> No.9855457

Sir I've read your papers. You've got heart to write something down. But you must work on your fundamentals. I'd say study the work of James Clerk Maxwell to get a good understanding of proper rigor in theoretical physics. Unless you want to be an experimentalist.

I'll end with this, what you know isn't important. What's important is how you come to know. You focus on the what to the extent that you make errors. A greater focus on how may turn you into a stellar physicist.

>> No.9855538

How do you get through his papers? I've tried reading his paper on the limits of [math]\sin[/math] and [math]\cos[/math] but he just keeps referencing himself.

>> No.9855539

Who else are you supposed to reference when reinventing maths?