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9852213 No.9852213 [Reply] [Original]

I wasn't bisexual before I came to this website at the age of 19, I actually thought gay sex is yucky. Then I started memeing about traps, which ended up with me fapping to traps, then regular anime boys, then real traps and twinks. Now I imagine having sex with the better looking guys in my college classes.

Sorry for blogposting, but how is this possible? Does it prove homosexuality is nurture, not nature?

>> No.9852222

Have you ever heard the expression "in the closet". You mighr've always been gay.

>> No.9852224

Our whole civilization has grown, but this site is especially open minded. Factor in all the whatnot that goes on in gender wars and profits from it, and the taboo, and, enjoy. : )

>> No.9852228
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Memes have awakened the true self.

>> No.9852236

Yes, it's socially transmissable and based on cultural norms. Homosexuality used to be practically unheard of, but now that it's been popularized thanks to all the pride festivals the media, lots of people are doing it. Two of my friends from high school converted to being women. You can't argue that such a large fraction of people suddenly engaging in sexually deviant behavior is normal.

>> No.9852245

Retarded get
Homosexuality is mostly environmental
Sexuality just so happens to be very hard to change for most people to the point where they don't even try
The fact that you gave it an effort after believing it to be impossible just goes to show how wrong and dogmatic the "born this way" crowd really is
>There's actually zero evidence it's genetic
>There's more evidence you're predisposed to it based on womb conditions than genetic links

>> No.9852260
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Retards pls go

>> No.9852262

Ancient Greeks and Romans were clearly bisexual.
Native Americans had a much more fluid concept of gender, not the rigid Western dichotomy.

Face it, it is natural to be sexually open. Just because Western civilization was repressed by Jews (i.e. Christianity) for more than a thousand years does not mean that is normal.

>> No.9852284

anon that's so offensive. there have ALWAYS been the same amount of transexuals and gender fluid and otherkin furries as today, but they lived in misery in the closet their whole lives. we know this to be true because reasons

Greece and Rome both developed the same cultural acceptance of debauchery that we have, they're not counterexamples

>> No.9852287

Nice counter-argument Bill Nye the Political Science Guy

>> No.9852288

le spectrum face

>> No.9852291

>Greece and Rome both developed the same cultural acceptance of debauchery that we have, they're not counterexamples
Then why are there marks of homosexuality in some of their earliest literature?

>> No.9852296

Sure, and the shit eating fetish people were born to munch on feces as well. Sure. No slippery slope here, boss.

>> No.9852300

nah dude you're just desperate for affection. I guarantee you're a virgin.

>> No.9852307

the gender-fluid and trap stuff and other trendy fetishes are invented by society, gays on the other hand do occur naturally although their numbers most certainly increase with social influence

>> No.9852309

>Native Americans had a much more fluid concept of gender
>source: dude trust me

>> No.9852312

Oh yeah, I agree. I think homosexuality is natural, and many homosexuals are totally normal otherwise. I think the problem in our society is that people are so desperate for an identity that they make one out of their sexuality; this goes for homosexuals, too. I have no problem with homosexuality, except in so far as homosexuals as a group oddly attach degenerate values to their sexuality and that can degrade society as a whole.

>> No.9852313

>Just because Western civilization was repressed by Jews (i.e. Christianity) for more than a thousand years does not mean that is normal.
Do you even listen to yourself?
>Jews killed Jesus
>Therefore Jews are all about the CHRISTianity

>> No.9852316

Do you have no issue with how outspoken they are?
To the point where they are currently holding LGBT pride assemblies at elementary schools.

>> No.9852329

Are you retarded? Christian ethics are almost straight from the Old Testament

>> No.9852335

yeah I'd say there's a cultural problem with how the LGBT community has developed
sortof similar to the lower class black community, how their ancestors rose from oppression which developed a cultural identity of being oppressed which long outlived the actual oppression, so they continue to cause conflict where it isn't needed. likewise the LGBT community is purposefully offensive in their pride parades, drawing from their roots of offending stright arrow christians and such
anyway, if I was gay I would stay far away from them cause they're a disgusting cesspool

>> No.9852340

the Torah and the old testament only share the first 5 books, which is 90% the "law of Moses" which christians believe was done away after Christ
I'll concede that jews and christians share the same general moral code, but your original post sounded like a fucking subversion tactic, trying to shoehorn christians into le jew boogieman meme

>> No.9852376

Face it, Jewish ethics made the West weak. Jews were a slave people and it shows in their religion and ethics. If the West had survived on Greek and pre-Christian Roman ideals, we would be far better off today.

>> No.9852673

Okay let’s zoom out and look at what it means to be homosexual. From a biological standpoint it’s being attracted sexually to humans with XY pair. You started off by being attracted soley to traits usually shown by biological females XX. You became so desensitized to this that you had to keep looking for more “exotic” traits wheather physical in the form of traits or mental (schrodingers penis). Over time just very slowly fap by fap the feminine features mattered less and less and you started jerking off traps with more masculine traits or even just straight up twinks. When you say you’re heterosexual you say it means you are sexually attracted to females but really you are attracted to physical traits that females tend to have which begs the question: is being attracted to something that after all the data is collected and filtered by your unconscious brain and returns: female even though it’s a biological male make you homosexual? I think you can condition the human mind to like/hate/be attracted to pretty much anything. At that point it’s just semantics and inconsistencies in defenitions. I think what I’m trying to say is that you can be conditioned from your initial start point to be attracted to anything but it requires constant repetition and “practice” to burn that neural pathway deep into your mind.

tl;dr: human minds can be conditioned to be attracted to anything given enough effort and the false dichotomy of being gay/straight isn’t close to correct.

>> No.9852679

And sorry for the convoluted wall of text. I’m fucking horrible at putting thoughts into nice coherent sentences.

>> No.9852694
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Of course, but see, the one gigantic issue with this hypothesis is that a significant, albeit unconscious, trait for male's attraction to females is the desire to impregnate, to reproduce. You might think it's not, and if that's the case, then I can clearly tell that you're a virgin: most of the sexualy active population engages in this "kink", as its deeply rooted in our psyche and constant exposure to other feminine traits is not a cause, but an effect of it. Basically, your mind never gets tired of feminine traits if you experience them in reality, because it's wired to not do so (except for the few naturally gay, actual homosexual men who can't get it up to women). So all that talk really only applies to isolated gentlemen.

>> No.9852712

I agree with you. It’s an overexposure issue due to porn that our brain isn’t meant to keep up with. And as for the inpregnation point, if you saw a person who was born male but has had surgery/hormones to look indistinguishable from a normal female the impregnation need, which is deep within the reason for attraction in the first place, would still be there even though not physically possible. Maybe in times of old where you could only see people in person was it seen as a nature thing to be homosexual but I think with the advent of the internet and free easily accessible porn it is actually nurturable. Also intervention by humans to do things like hormone replacement and surgeries might fit in with this too. It just comes down to modern day and how humans’ efficacy has clashed with our brains failure to keep up because it changes to adapt to things over thousands of years.

>> No.9852828

The female form is a marketable commodity. Those who pull the strings are beyond man/woman encapsulation. To them, who got what STD is more important that what you casually have between your legs, as long as you are good merchandise, or good client, and can deliver when performing for them.

>> No.9853217

You know how ironic shitposting is still shitposting? Same principle, you indulge in something then you next minute you are knee deep it. Same with beer in another analogy, you may not like it the first time but after a while you'll like it/love it/okay with a drink or two.

>> No.9853223

>sortof similar to the lower class black community, how their ancestors rose from oppression which developed a cultural identity of being oppressed which long outlived the actual oppression


>> No.9853227

>Native Americans had a much more fluid concept of gender,

Nah that depended on the people and it wasn't some identity but a fucking role in society with religious or social connotations. Also two-spirits although feminine and mostly to use the modern term hay they still identified as their see (one two spirit male argued that his say in tribe matters should matter because despite the female roles he took on he still was a man).

Greeks and Romana had a rigid structure, it stoll was very hypermasculine as fuck (don't be a woman and don't be submissive) and you were expected to find a woman sooner or later for many (you can still ass fuck your Bros).

>> No.9853228

Much of /pol/ has turned to traps because of the wide availability of WN traps and very few XX WNs

>> No.9853664

>Bill Nye

>> No.9853771

>I started memeing
>Memes have awakened the true self.
>le jew boogieman meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9853779

Thank you. Someone finally said it.

>> No.9853830

>a person changes their values over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their taste in music over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their favorite food over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their sense of humor over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their preferences about exercising over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their personality over time, no one bats an eye
>a person changes their sexual preferences over time, everyone loses their shit and starts screaming sexuality must be either 100% "nurture" or 100% "nature"
all of our thoughts and feelings are influenced by both innate nature and life experience and are susceptible to different degrees of change depending on the individual and the circumstances
why the fuck are you surprised, OP?

>> No.9853847

All of sexuality is partly nurture and partly nature, which is the same thing as saying we're all a little bisexual, some more than others. Besides, everyone watches different and strange genres of porn, straight or not, that they're not keen on partaking in. Your fixation on traps probably indicates it was something more than that otherwise you'd be complaining about all the other "fetishes you've developed" as well.

>> No.9853897

OP here, when you say it like that it kinda makes sense. Also, I DID develop other (heterosexual) fetishes while browsing /d/.

>> No.9853994

it only proves what porn addiction and lack sexual encounters with opposite sex can do to human brain. You are only pirate gay.

>> No.9854061

Whenever I'm single and can't get laid I find myself falling into trap and twink porn. DESU I think it all stems from feeling emasculated and hating women since you feel they're withholding sex from you; that makes traps appealing since not only do you deny real women the right to turn you on, but you see a weaker make totally emasculated. When I have regular access to sex with women I watch vanilla porn and can't even get off to the more degenerate stuff. It's a strange thing.

>> No.9854150

>haha I'll call him retarded to make up for the fact that I don't have a reasonable counterargument

>> No.9854194

OP is literally a


>> No.9854241

I'm 30 and I'm starting to feel a little more gay every day. I think it's because there are no women available anymore and my mind is adapting. You see, when I was 20 finding a girl was much easier than right now. Of course, for a guy like me there were a little difficulties, but nothing extreme, and even if I got rejected sometimes it was always a positive experience, and I never went a long time without sex or even a single prospect like today.
After social networks everything slowly changed and today it's basically impossible to even flit decently with a girl. It doesn't even matter what city or country you live in, at least in the west, since I lived and visited many different cities in the last years.

Social networks have made straight sex something for the top 5% of males, so lack of women are making many males exploring homosexuality. This is not even something new: think about how many sailors turned gay after they were forced to travel for years, enjoying only the company of men.

OP, I don't think this is a positive or negative thing. Of course, it must be much more difficult for you to understand since you never lived in an age where you could have normal relationships with girls: but this is just how things are now and you have to accept it. Now that you have the fact you can decide if homosexuality is worth exploring or not. Also beware that gays are full of AIDS, and that's not a meme.

>> No.9854261

Faggotry is not science
Faggotry is not math
Faggotry is illness

>> No.9854316

Its ok to be gay, but to be feminine as a man is an abomination.

This was similarly the view of the greeks.
Fuck boys all you want. But do so as a man, strong and proud.

>> No.9854324

... therefore biology, and a relevant subject to this board