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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9838709 No.9838709 [Reply] [Original]

Should normal people be expected to know about variables and coefficients?

>> No.9838723

How the fuck does a coder not know what a variable is

>> No.9838725

Presumably the "variable" part is not the problem

>> No.9838727

No, but programmers should be able to think abstractly enough to have no problems dealing with them, even if they have only finished high school

>> No.9838768
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Yes but that would require standards which would then cause a disproportionate number of blacks to fail which will lead to backlash over the White Illuminati enforcing a false Eurocentric curriculum that structurally, systematically, and institutionally harms and oppresses historically marginalized groups and ostracizes them from high paying work that propagates life long poverty and continued ghettoization as well as continues the shameful legacy of the cis-hetero-normative patriarchal ideology of capitalistic meritocracy and discriminative educational ableism of advancing those that know over those that don't know which hopelessly falls sort of our collective progressive values of inclusivity and diversity.

Of course people will always be afraid over change including getting rid of education curriculum but it is for the advancement of our greatest ideals and values that should (and must) happen. Remember that we are the future, we are on the right side of history, it's 2018.

>> No.9839222
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It's not a part of common core.

>> No.9839230

This is incredibly painful to read honestly. Are people actually this proud of their stupidity?

>> No.9839234


>> No.9839235

>that image

>> No.9839236

As opposed to what?

>> No.9839238

I truly feel bad for the people who are too dumb to understand algebra

Like, what do those people do with their lives?

>> No.9839270
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Become President

>> No.9839298
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Wrong prez

>> No.9839321

It's fake

>> No.9839380
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Jesus fucking christ, fuck reddit and fuck retarded programmers

>> No.9839397

The saddest part of this is that even front-end webshits would have to work out scaling factors in their heads, or at least write functions that use them!

This reminds me of that illiterate favella child in Brazil who sell coconuts, and could multiply and divide three digit numbers in their heads if and only if the question involves coconuts.

>> No.9839483

>Become President
Actually she lost.

>> No.9839507

>A huge portion of software engineering doesn't involve this stuff at all
Making web pages on is 'software engineering' now? I can't think of any actual programs I've written that didn't involve at least basic math.

Should have had more pokemon-go-to-the-polls.

>> No.9839515

I think every single neurotypical person should know that.

>> No.9839580

>the problem is that you're expected to remember this high-school level algebra that you haven't used seriously in the real world at all since high school
Barring brain damage and dementia, how do you forget algebra basics? There's nothing to remember.

>> No.9839675
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Welcome to CS.

>> No.9839713

further proof that machine-learning is a buzzword and people who are interested in it typically have no clue what they are talking about

>> No.9839760

Basically: facilitate my incompetence.
This is what ""individualism"" and tolerance produce.

>> No.9839764

This is almost exclusively an American problem.

>> No.9839773

Pretty scary that all those isms and buzzwords have become commonly known.

The left is truly mad

>> No.9839782

This guy's a retard and gives us CS majors a bad name.

>> No.9839786

CS majors give CS majors a bad name just like rapists give rapists a bad name.

>> No.9839802

That isn't a CS major. That's a self-taught or bootcamp programmer.

>> No.9839806

How do you know?

>> No.9839811

Well, they might be a CS major if they went to a for-profit mickey mouse American "university".

>> No.9839844

That's the excuse that every cs majors says to criticism. Nothing can get pass their confirmation bias.

>> No.9839851

Lmfao just shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

Drunk right now so I'm going to rage at you. CS is a great major and you will have a good life if you major in it. Have fun making $30k because you can't get a job with your math degree. Have fun having to get a PhD to make as much as CS majors do

I make over $170k per year doing a job I think is fun. If you think that makes me pathetic, fuck you

>> No.9839873

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9839890

Why the Islamophobia?

>> No.9839892 [DELETED] 

>doesn't like math
>doesn't know 4th grade algebra
>only cares about dem jerbs and money

Why are you /sci/ and not /biz/, boomer?

>> No.9839894

>doesn't like math
>doesn't know 4th grade algebra
>only cares about dem jerbs and money

Why are you on /sci/ and not /biz/, boomer?

>> No.9839897

I do though, that post is a complete straw man. Do you people know basic set theory? Fallacious reasoning is set theoretical in nature. /sci/ is full of so many unknowing brainlets it makes me sick

>> No.9839915
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>that post is a complete straw man. Do you people know basic set theory? Fallacious reasoning is set theoretical in nature

>> No.9839965

>Why the Islamophobia?
That's racist.

>> No.9840063

Machine learning has been useful, instead of that blockchain crap

>> No.9840070

Why do liberals put phobia after things?

>> No.9840073

>This is incredibly painful to read honestly. Are people actually this proud of their stupidity?

Not knowing something is not stupidity, it's ignorance. For example, you are not stupid for not knowing that, only ignorant.

>> No.9840096

It's a Greek postfix and means "fear of something"

>> No.9840351

Why the antisemitism?

>> No.9840399

>in college
>realize I'm a math retard
>switch out of """"business""""" calculus to take precal, something I never took
>now trying to do a minor in stats (would double major but I'm too much of a pussy)
Look I'm just a brainlet Wildlife Science major how the fuck do these people who code shit not understand that math is important? This can't be normal. My RA one year was a Comp Sci major and he was really good at math.

>> No.9840406

>has opportunity to use it in the real world


>> No.9840416

>and he was really good at math.

More like he was really good at faking it. CS majors love to read math wiki articles to namedrop advanced topics without understanding shit.

>> No.9840418

Work at their mcjob and complain when somebody finally automates it.

>> No.9840423

>machine-learning is a buzzword
Except we now have machine vision, speech recognition, predictive algorithms, fucking self driving cars that can dynamically integrate into traffic and fucking filters on snapchat that can overlay dog parts onto your face in real time.

Machine learning has made incredible advances, and it will probably automate your meme job before you retire.

>> No.9840425

It's amazing how sheltered college students are.

Average people can't creatively apply middle school math. If you had paid attention in school you would remember the insane focus on just teaching the bumbling retards a bunch of procedures they have to memorize and follow to the letter to pass tests, which they often fail anyway.

>> No.9840432

It lets you categorize somebody who disagrees with you as some sort of mentally ill deviant instead of arguing your point.

It works because brainlets think big word = authority

>> No.9840454

I'm an engineer learning machine-learning for fun. Literally, just for fun (and maybe job opportunities.)

First hand experience, there is no possible way a normie could ever learn this stuff. If you can read up about a perceptron and implement it in any programming language you are 1% of humans who could do that with their current skill set. You are 0.01% of people who even know what I am talking about.

Sometimes I think /sci/ is just so disconnected from the real world that it's laughable. The normies are at the pool today.

>> No.9840500
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Threadly reminder.

>> No.9840505

>muh jobs and muh money
congratulations normie

>> No.9840552
File: 235 KB, 1057x500, machine learning vs statistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Code Your Own Self Driving Car With JavaScript In Ten Minutes With machine Learning (No Math Required)

>> No.9840559

Lol idiot

You are literally part of the flood. Look at the views machine learning channels are getting. The field is already mature, the big players are in, and now dumb normies like us are finally learning about it, 20 years behind the curve. You can find whole courses, freely available online, teaching utter brainlets like us how to make a neural net with no understanding of any advanced math concepts. It's been watered down and sanitized. Machine learning is babby's first html page tier nowadays

>> No.9840584

*imports tensorflow as tf*

For an engineer like myself who learns online for fun, this whole machine learning thing is no match. For normal folk though? Completely impossible. I'm part of a gifted few. The elite. For me, mastering a domain like this takes only a few hours of Youtube tutorials, and I have it down. Not a lot of people can say that.

>> No.9840603

Lots of CS PhDs have masters in maths

>> No.9840609

Haha yeah bro. You won't believe this, but I managed to write an image classifier that NAILS the MNIST data set with over 92% accuracy, only using tensorflow!

>> No.9840613

Hey /sci/!! My wife's boyfriend just bought me a copy of "Machine Learning for Dummies" on the Nintendo Switch. So awesome! How long do you think it is before I can start making six figures? Basically I want to be a data scientist for Google or Microsoft. I took some CS courses at community college but dropped out because they wanted me to take pre-calculus again (even though I passed it in high school?? Idiots lol)

>> No.9840627

Well as I was 8 years old 20 years ago; i'm not sure how you expected me to master neural networks at that age. Once again, a sci-tard creates impossible standards and is upset nobody can obtain them.

The machine learning videos from Standford on Youtube average less than 100,000 views. How many do you really think are breaking into the field? Lets say half of them make it which is a big if. You are saying 1 in 50,000 humans understand machine learning. It's a barely saturated field for a reason. Come back in another 20 years and argue the flood has started.

>> No.9840628

>tfw dual major CS and Math
Lmao @ those brainlets

>> No.9840634
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Machine Learning For Web Devs: How to Use Blockchain Tech to Code Tic Tac Toe AI (21:34)

>> No.9840656

don't forget to buy CZ
How many positions do you think realistically are there? Even if you only count mech Es learning machine learning as a transfer career choice this board has a bunch.
>I was a kid
Yeah, well, so were many of the guys pushing the limits. But unlike you they got into college at 14-15 and got scouted by the tech companies starting to do it as a business. There is no place for you, or I, or anybody who is just now starting out.

Narrow fields that are about creativity can get saturated really quickly. How many people are engineers? Yet the job market is utter shit in most of the western world and the field is flooded with low paid 90iq pajeets.

>> No.9840675

holy fuck why are you such a nigger faggot in every fucking thread you kikish wetback piece of gook shit

>> No.9840681

>There is no place for you, or I, or anybody who is just now starting out.
What does that even mean? That there are no more Edisons, Gates, Musks, or Einsteins in the world? If a genius is going to be born it's likely he will born from 1990 to 2040 just by sheer numbers alone.

>> No.9840686

you are not that genius, the 15 year old PhDs are.

I'm not saying there is not going to be another bubble or another enterpreneur, I am saying that machine learning is already underway and you're late to the party. Maybe you can get in on something else, but it's unlikely since you're so far behind the curve. Don't worry, you're not the only one, but don't delude yourself. Look at how common and trivial machine learning is nowadays. Any s o i boy with a masters in engineering has put together a few machine learning startups nowadays.

>> No.9840708

Your motto seems to be since I can't be the best don't even bother learning. I might as well quit working out too since I'll never be an Olympian.

>> No.9840723

Not him but I get what he's saying. What's your plan exactly? Land a job as an ML engineer? How are you going to beat actual experts to that position with your "for fun" learning and a completely irrelevant educational background?

There's a gazillion people who want to do the same thing as you, and half a gazillion who have actually pursued the correct qualifications by now and will beat you to a job every time (since you missed the early-entrance window and can no longer ride a shortage of trained professionals into the market)

Working out despite not being the best has the potential to create tangible benefits for you. Your vague, surface-level interest in another field does not

>> No.9840741

>thinking a -phobia word is big and uncommon

>> No.9840808

>irrelevant educational background
I'm in controls engineering. I'm as close to machine learning as an engineer can get without being a ML engineer.

>who have actually pursued the correct qualifications


>Expert familiarity with of a variety of classic and modern machine learning techniques including deep learning, clustering, decision tree, classification, regression and neural networks.

>Solid background in algorithms, data structures, and object-oriented programming

>Knowledge of mining complex data (including structure and unstructured), identifying patterns, and feature engineering.

>Excellent communication skills

So I'm missing some software experience. Big deal. When I complete 1 or 2 "fun" projects I'll have no worries about applying.

>> No.9840835

The reason why maths exist is to give teachers employment so they can teach their hobbies and to make schools more money. It's not fair for middle school and college students to learn math when most are never going to use it.

>> No.9840914

The state of education everyone.

Math is useful for more than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.9840919

Give me a real life example whereas learning Algebra would help a person.

>> No.9840979

do you mean high school algebra or college algebra ?
HS algebra you use literally everywhere. If you need to be explained why knowing proportionality, affine functions and logarithms is useful, you are clearly unfit for managing your finances.
Linear algebra is not as obviously useful to everyday life, but it is the foundation of all higher math, pure and applied, including all numerical methods for differential equations (many of which boil down to inverting, computing powers or eigenvalues of matrices in the fastest way possible) which have many very real applications (basically any sort of mathematical modeling).

>> No.9840991 [DELETED] 

>proportionality, affine functions and logarithms is useful, you are clearly unfit for managing your finances
Wow, really just for those three things? Is that the crux for your rebuttal? You want pre-teen and teenagers to go spend six years in school to learn those three things just to learn finance when they can just pay somebody who works in the bank to do those things?

>> No.9841010

>Give me a real life example whereas learning Algebra would help a person.
It let's everyone else know that you're not so stupid that you can't understand algebra.

>> No.9841023

>If you need to be explained why knowing proportionality, affine functions and logarithms is useful, you are clearly unfit for managing your finances.
Is it crazy so make students to take algebra for six years just to learn finance when they can just ask somebody who works in the bank to do it for them.

Also, most students never go to higher levels math or do any sort of mathematical modeling.

>> No.9841026

are you retarded? there's a lot more, but "just those three things" can go a long way, you want to make a budget? you need algebra, from shopping, to insurance, to retirement, you absolutely need algebra. Or you can pay someone, that someone knows algebra and you are losing money because you are too much of a brainlet to learn basic math.

You want to open a business? same deal, what are you selling, what you should buy, how much can you expect to grow/earn each month?, not knowing this is a good way to go broke.

You saved some money? should you invest? where? how much can you expect to earn? are you taking shit like inflation into consideration? all baby equations, and proportions, but really fucking useful. Math is literally THE tool for modelling, you can use it everywhere.

>> No.9841046
File: 548 KB, 700x4180, 1st algebra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take algebra for six years
>6 years

More like 6 months if you're a 1st grader with ADD.

>> No.9841047

It would make my life a lot easier if people were expected to know basic algebra.
>t. Risk analyst

>> No.9841066

Do you kids even fuck with OOP anymore?

struct unnamed_lambda {
template<typename T, typename U>
auto operator()(T x, U y) const { return x + y; }
auto lambda = unnamed_lambda{};

>> No.9841085

What the fuck are you doing?

auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) constexpr {return x+y;};

>> No.9841138

Hey, can I actually ask you an off-topic question? What was your first job, or how did you get into controls? Did you start in the work force with an advanced degree? Asking as an aspiring control systems theorist.

>> No.9841273

Graduated 2014 with a bachelor in EE, talked with a manager who wanted to know if I liked traveling, I said yes, suddenly I am commissioning control panels across the USA.

If you are young, single, and don't mind weird hours controls engineering is for you. They are desperate for people that want to learn and work weird hours.

While it would be cool to do theory work it's mostly practical stuff. Reading data sheets, picking out parts, telling electricians what to do.

>> No.9841470

How bout you compute the risk of me giving you a wedgie, nerd

>> No.9841717

Pls go back. kthnxbai.

>> No.9841802

The 'auto' keyword cannot be used like that, kiddo.

>> No.9842163

It absolutely can.

>> No.9842187

Ah, that's some C++14 feature. Neat!

>> No.9842192

Do you think dedicating my entire EE electives/projects/internships to Machine Learning will be a huge advantage? I'm from Chile and ML isn't off the ground yet, companies are just starting to get into the craze so there's a good chance for growing job opportunities. I'm from the top university in my country too and there's an entire coursework and research line dedicated to machine learning/computer vision/speech and image processing in my EE department.

>> No.9842206


>> No.9842210
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This guy keeps talking in circles. He really needs to work on keeping his rants focused and concise.

>> No.9842222

If that's true, it's amazing.

>> No.9842227
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>> No.9842248
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Why is graph theory important to CS?

>> No.9842367

It is to the target audience. If you say "he hates gays!" the crowd will support that person but if you say "he's a HOMOPHOBE!" the crowd will deride them.

>> No.9842374

Wht you are trying to do is like trying to become a professional athlete at age 30 after a lifetime of vidya, fast food, booze and chainsmoking.

You will not get a job, the people who got into the field at the right time will.

>> No.9842380

Helps for modelling systems that have states and transitions, for one.

>> No.9842382

If you think your job is anywhere near ML you are a deluded fuckwit. You would have a point if you were from some advanced computer science, stats, data analytics or other such field. Your "experience" is utterly irrelevant and your theoretical insight is babby tier compared to the average CS grad.

>> No.9842386

>ML is the koolest and most intellectual thang evar

g8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8

>> No.9842389

I just died laughing that's hilarious

>> No.9842400

It's not. But it's going to be oversaturated in just a few years, if it isn't already, which means only the people with a proper CS background, years of experience and deep theoretical understanding will make any money from it.

>> No.9842449

>I cured ADD by taking away his iPhone and giving him legos instead lmao
how do people believe this larp

>> No.9842698

Lambdas basically generate a unique class named lambda_4350984_3458 (random name each time it compiles) and the lambda function is a member of that class. Like this

class Lambda_34895_6542rfi4u5t3_4358
static int impl(int x, int y){ return x + y; }

Using the auto keyword on parameters like that makes is so that the member method is a template function taking arbitrary parameters. It's pretty cool how these new features aren't even random shit hard-coded in, they instead just fit with the existing language behavior. Like this

class Lambda_843598_54o86735849_943
template<typename T, typename U>
static constexpr int impl(T x, U y) { return x + y; }

>> No.9843479

>i-i = 1

>> No.9843497

Yes we know, stop being pretentious. Also you forgot the ; after }. And the class overloads the () operator, not a named function.

0/10, back to >>>/g/

>> No.9843499

It's a new imaginary number that does crazy stuff like be negative one when squared and be one when removed from itself.

>> No.9844551

OMG! This will surely impeach Drumpf!

>> No.9844925

what the fuck?

>> No.9844933

i bet the part he's o bjecting to is the "linear equations and graphs of functions" part, not the variables and coefficients part.

>importing a package as a two-letter abbreviation
it's cancer and you should know it

>> No.9844937

This is bait.

>> No.9845446
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>> No.9845454

Fuck off racist >>>/pol/

>> No.9845590

If you are gonna use it a lot then using a two letter shorthand saves a lot of typing

>> No.9845593

I dont know a lot of C++, is this retardism just the equivalent of
var lambda = (x, y) => x + y;
in C#?

>> No.9845599

>deep learning and neural networks

>> No.9845625

>theoretical and applied statistics

>> No.9845629

>literally the only type of machine learning with practical aplications
>/sci/ shits on it

>> No.9845634

The fuck are you people on?

>> No.9846467

Or just
lambda = @(x,y) x+y;
in Matlab.

>> No.9846970

this one got me

>> No.9846982

>Should normal people be expected to know about variables and coefficients?
Most do, even if they don't know what theyre called.