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File: 428 KB, 956x783, Giant_Height_Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9838290 No.9838290 [Reply] [Original]

Did giants exist?

>> No.9838297

look at all the complications that slightly taller people already have and take a guess

>> No.9838303

lel, for real did they exist?
I was looking for that carthagian giant but the sources are not that good

>> No.9838306

No they did not fucking exist. A bipedal ape can't support himself at that height/size.

>> No.9838313

What about King kong?

>> No.9838389
File: 168 KB, 618x412, 4AAB428B-E377-4E6F-A45A-B922863748C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you consider giant, anon? The tallest Ape to ever exist was the Gigantopithecus.

>> No.9838705
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They will soon.

>> No.9839163

Gigantopithecus was quadrupedal. From the OP's picture, I assume he's talking about gigantic humans, which is impossible.

Sounds intriguing enlighten me

>> No.9839171

even on all fours that's fucking terrifying. apes the size of bears?!

>> No.9839178

>increase your surface area that much thinking it makes you imposing
>it just makes you a bigger target
The future super solider is a tiny man, not a big thing like that.

>> No.9839304
File: 614 KB, 726x865, a4913fe9e7525a1bec1f67f68a1c9509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely not, hopefully soon though.

>ywn help your giant-sized waifu deal with normal-sized problems

>> No.9839324
File: 85 KB, 380x319, preflood08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes , impossible today. Studies have shown dinosaurs weren't huge because of a shits and giggles dice roll but because of a much more oxygen rich atmosphere. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/08/110808-ancient-insects-bugs-giants-oxygen-animals-science/

>> No.9839342

so yes , there is a scientific base to the possibility of giant humans, whether or not smithsonian is hiding shit is a moot point when you look at the lack of evidence for the evolution of our species. Im not saying evolution doesnt exist, but the theory itself is flawed considering we havnt found 1/1000th of the evidence darwin expected us to by now, the links just arent there. And now with recent discoveries pushing back the date and order of our species journey into civilization , the water is getting real shitty.

>> No.9839366

>the evidence darwin expected
It's telling how Christcucks always tie scientific theories back to the very first person who published about them, like that person is the prophet, or owner of the theory. It goes with their inclination towards arguments from authority that has been ingrained into them from youth.

>> No.9839373
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>> No.9839412

Too lazy to post any material lol. Maybe you should educate yourself on the current consensus? Im sorry if you imagine the existence of mega flora and fauna as myth or assume im advocating religion by pointing out scientific fact. There is a reason its called the "theory of evolution" , we dont have all the answers, to imagine you do just sets yourself up for disappointment. https://www.nature.com/news/does-evolutionary-theory-need-a-rethink-1.16080

>> No.9839422

>The theory is flawed
>considering what darwin thought
What difference does it make what a particular 19th century scientist did or did not think? Quickly reading your link, it appears to be talking about epigenetic processes and various alternate means of transmitting heredity data. Nothing about how "the links just aren't there"

>> No.9839424

>just a theory (a guess)
You ruined it, shitty troll.

>> No.9839427

>Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?
More like
>Does the theory of evolution have more details to be worked out?
There's nobody questioning evolution here but you, bucko

>> No.9839428

Its cool though , i forget this is 4chan , filled with people like you that just shitpost instead of discuss . To say something is impossible when you dont know jack shit about the current understanding of the subject is hilarious to me. The fact of the matter is that now we have pushed back the date man "started civilization" by thousands of years to the ending of the last iceage and have correlated migration patterns to show mans journey to the fertile crescent suggests there could have been an earlier era of man already versed in building techniques. Younger dryas ice melt is fact , gradual ice melt theories have been proven false. Its very possible that when the oceans suddenly rose 400ft and the climate on earth shifted , that man was forced to find a more habitable zone.

>> No.9839429

are you daft ? if the links were there we wouldnt need to refine the theory with more unproven science

>> No.9839431

thanks for not reading a damn thing , i never said it didnt exist , in fact i expressly said "im not saying evolution is false" but that there are still alot of questions , and if you shitpost and herpdurr retard with no sources against someone just asking questions and pointing out current science , well then enjoy staying ignorant.

>> No.9839434

err mah gerd the theory of evolution is still evolving! fuck that it needs to stay the same or else ill have to learn new things and retract all the garbage i post online

>> No.9839435

>bears are 3 meters tall

>> No.9839437

Ignore all these retards that think they have all the answers. We finding shit all the time that throws mainstream out of whack. Take for instance the Chromosomal fusion discovered as the reason apes have more base pairs than we do, this is proven. But how does that account for the biological fact species cant procreate without matching number of pairs , are we to assume man just started spurting out fused babies that could procreate? there is still a huge unexplained gap that these fuckers would just have you ignore and believe what their 60 year old text book tells them , after all that degree was expensive. http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2005/08/29/the-chromosome-shuffle/

>> No.9839439

Scientists: Turns out epigenetics might have an effect on evolution too

>> No.9839441

The only ways Giants could exist on earth if A.) They live mostly in aquatic sources. B). There's more oxygen in the atmosphere. C.)They're average size but living around a sea of manlets.

>> No.9839447

LOL people still calling him out as against evolution when hes the only one posting material for evolution and has said multiple times that he isnt arguing against , just trying to discuss the gaps. All you dumb fucks just posting the same shit over and over

>> No.9839448


>> No.9839455
File: 86 KB, 661x963, 13663793463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant procreate without matching number of pairs
what about polyploidy? All plants and certain frogs have this

>> No.9839457

"Polyploidization is a mechanism of sympatric speciation because polyploids are usually unable to interbreed with their diploid ancestors." good wiki

>> No.9839458

Can still procreation with other polyploids

>> No.9839461

So humans might have been caused by the inbreeding of a pair of mutant polyploidal apes? I say inbreeding cause I feel like the chances are low of them finding each other in the wild.

>> No.9839464

have u never herd of polar bears u fuckin retard

>> No.9839468

maybe not inbreeding and we're probably not polyploids because then some of our haploid chromosomes would be copies of each other
I'm just saying that reproduction isn't always the normal diploid way

>> No.9839472

Isnt this kinda the point though? we just scratching the surface on our ancient history be it man or life in general , majority of our understanding gleaned just in the past few hundred years. How can you say with confidence that giants never existed? i agree all archeological evidence is circumstantial , but to rule out the possibility of mammals growing huge in size under oxygen rich conditions seems absurd. https://research.asu.edu/stories/read/big-insects-provide-big-answers-about-oxygen

>> No.9839475

yes , Proven by scientists inducing the same change. The odds of finding a mate with the same genetic mutations in the wild would be huge except in the case of plants that tend to procreate on a massive scale.

>> No.9839478

excuse me , "genetic aberration" is more appropriate

>> No.9839484

more plants = get huge!

>> No.9839489

never forget Fungi breathe as we do and is still the largest and oldest living organism on the planet today

>> No.9839509

sorry guy it ties into the whole point. If we assume there were giants then it would fit the bill that lower oxygen levels in the atmo would force us to adapt and become smaller . What else could explain losing such obvious evolutionary advantage? I'll go ahead and assume you think we know the speed of light too lol

>> No.9839536

There has always been alot of bullshit about this claim. Though it is hard to discount the wealth of reference material on giant skeletons being found especially pre WW1, before we started classifying everything. Also the recorded skeletons that were returned to native americans by NAGPRA enforcement. Regardless , its can be difficult to sift through all the fake garbage out there and its existence alone will ensure your ridicule in attempting to discuss the topic , so sad. https://grahamhancock.com/vieiranewman1/

>> No.9839592

Old story in my family is that we descended from giants. I myself am 6'4" but am taller then my dad or grandpa, although im as tall as my great grandfather and look the same.

>> No.9839636

me on the right

>> No.9839665


>> No.9839825


>> No.9840120
File: 732 KB, 1500x948, Which one of these was added in later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctored photos existed long before photoshop my man. You don't even need to doctor some of them, just add the caption "this skeleton is 10 feet tall trust me".

>> No.9840209
File: 127 KB, 720x540, preww1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit bro it must be fake then right? lmao if i observe a toad then all ravens are black , fuck off with that. I guess any reference to data on this would just be shrugged off by you " meh, that scientist WANTED to lose his career and be discredited for the rest of his life , thats why he faked giant bones" really upsetting people like you have no imagination , everything is black and white fact when we've barely scratched the surface of our billions year old planet but you a content to rule impossible on the possible. Ill also assume then that in your opinion we know how fast the speed of light is lol

>> No.9840228

shit I guess that one in every four ads online will give me ten iphones a milion dollars and a two foot dick

>> No.9840249


Shh this isn't a pseudoscience thread

>> No.9840335
File: 217 KB, 500x612, gobekli-tepe-which-is-6-000-years-older-than-stonehenge-may-6841253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah bruh , having cash prize competitions on worth100.com for best photoshopped giants doesnt muddy up the water at all. We are discovering new facts about our ancient history all the time, every culture with written history have giants in their lore. I guess every civ on the planet is complicit in the hoax then , those romans just wanted their invasion of Britain to sound more exciting i suppose. Andre the giant wasnt a gene throwback but instead an abberation that could never have been common lmao. To be clear op is talking about giants not titans. To say its impossible for giants ever to exist is insane considering the living proof walking around today, the info is in our genes and its possible. Does that mean there were civilizations of giants? That giants built megaliths? There is no proof of any of this, but to say its impossible for humans to grow to 9 feet tall just kneejerk retardation

>> No.9840392
File: 445 KB, 956x783, male-skeleton-height-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there are no giants. Your image is just an edit of this original.

>> No.9840401

>doesn't include human proportions of 5'12"
what a terrible infographic

>> No.9840407

lole at the differentials in your "original" you are aware there are 12 inches in a foot right?

>> No.9840429


>> No.9840442

Inches get longer the further from the ground you are retard. Basic relativity.

>> No.9840456
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>> No.9840461
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>> No.9840465
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>> No.9840466
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>> No.9840469
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>> No.9840472
File: 588 KB, 903x1180, 1519834928640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9840475
File: 557 KB, 904x1182, 1519834973451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9840478
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>> No.9841280

Based Kent Hovind

>> No.9841436

>shits and giggles
found the urban redneck

>> No.9841451

There's an old TED talk about the Koch Brothers apparently owning and hiding giant bones, anyone know where to find that one now?


>> No.9841537

Possibly. It's likely that there were many more quite divergent species of the genus homo. Also, though we array them discretely now, changes in an organism are slow so you could arrange them in a line of millions of differences. You can't discern the distinction of becoming a new species with a single change, either. Fertility, heath, and such differ with greater nuance. There's probably a great deal more species in our genus than is known.

However, as >>9838297 says, there would be issues. If there were any 'giants' they wouldn't be that big. Maybe 2.5m or something (compared to the 1.8m for our species).

Of course, our genus is long-dead and it's unlikely anything remains even in the deepest of places. We're kind of like a remnant of a dead past.

>> No.9842226
File: 18 KB, 736x661, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're a bit special :)

>> No.9842687

>there is a reason it is called the theory of evolution

And not why you think, it appears.

>> No.9843631

why are you posting this in every thread

stop insulting my culture goddammit

>> No.9844246

Those arent real giants you retard. They have problems because they arent true giants, only parts of their bodies are large but their cardiovascular and nervous system are still small. Modern "giants" are just normal people with one off mutations.

>> No.9844360

what the fuck that artist is an idiot, the primarchs are around 10 feet tall

>> No.9844362

>so yes , there is a scientific base to the possibility of giant humans,
No there isnt, the human form simply cannot function scaled up 1 to 1. It would collapse under its own weight immediately.

>> No.9845608
File: 269 KB, 1210x801, bdfbdfbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading out of date archives is a crime and is buying into chaos propaganda

>> No.9845797

no but they do now. my dick sure is gigantic

>> No.9845898

Your dick puts the ANT in gigantic.