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9835368 No.9835368 [Reply] [Original]

>we are biologically programmed to seek the most good looking partner
>our essence is based on looks and millions of years of evolution taught women that chad is better than you

Why should any woman pick a guy who scored 140 points on a meme test over the average IQ Chad with broad shoulders, hooded eyes and square chin?

You have 5 lines to make your coping believable

>> No.9835376
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You have 5 lines to tell us why you think we think we should get girls for being smart.

Blackpilling has been around for a few years, nobody is guilibe anymore without some trolling. Besides, you can be smart and good looking.

>> No.9835387
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Definitionally that which is true is that which is also conducive to the reproductive strategy of beta males since that creates a stable society, that's why I am Christian because I act in accordance with the perfect archetype: Jesus Christ... also we can learn an awful lot about monogamy from studying lobster neurology.

>> No.9835393

humans defy nature
most women won't, and that's perfectly fine

>> No.9835508
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>Implying chads arent high IQ
>Be beta high IQ cavenigger
>Hunt like a wolf, farm like a tractor and cut wood like a chainsaw
>Get all the staceys from chad because chad starves to death or becomes to weak to fight you
>fast forward
>1 genius uberchad soilfag fucks 17 staceys and impregnates those bitches, all the rest of the males die off or fight against eachother to replace their dad
>Continue like this for thousands of years
>betas create religion to focus hatred on chad and staceys
>Shithole modern society slowly estabishes as more and more beta retards get vagene
>Some pseudo-chad larper posts shitty thread on shitty website in present time

>> No.9835524

it will all even out in the end, thanks to my high iq and work ethic I should be able to marry an Asian girl no problem

people who really get the shaft in this day and are the ones of average looks and intelligence and below. they compromise the majority of the male population and they're pretty much done for when it comes to procuring sex. if I were an ugly low iq manlet working a minimum wage job these days...well let's just say those kind of dudes are definitely on a government watch list of some sort.

>> No.9835618

>betas create religion to focus hatred on chad and staceys
>Shithole modern society slowly estabishes as more and more beta retards get vagene
Actually society is globally becoming more secular as betas reproduce

>> No.9835767 [DELETED] 

same reasons they always have
there's a reason betas like you still exist

>> No.9835784

>Why should any woman pick a guy who scored 140 points on a meme test over the average IQ Chad with broad shoulders, hooded eyes and square chin?
Because women are not only attracted to appearance, they are also attracted to money and social status.

>> No.9835790

High IQ provides the ability to defy nature and also to find loopholes to work around rules. There are also so many fucking people on this planet now that the rules barely matter. You do not have to be perfect to get your needs met. At the end of the day, sex is just sex. It's now easier than ever to get your base level needs met. Therefore chads advantageous traits are nullified by the environment.

>> No.9835793
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Why should guys who scored 140 points on the aforementioned meme test breed with a biocunt instead of waiting for artificial wombs and sexbots to get advanced enough?

>> No.9835797

"intelligent" women are usually ugly, autistic, or schizophrenic
Schizophrenic girls are hot thought. I have a strange fetish for them.

>> No.9835805

>Schizophrenic girls
pill me on this

>> No.9835806
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Leta Hollingworth has done some work with IQ and a quote of hers might be able to answer your question, “ To be a leader of his contemporaries a child must be more intelligent but not too much more intelligent than those to be led… But generally speaking, a leadership pattern will not form–or it will break up–when a discrepancy of more than about 30 points of IQ comes to exist between leader and led.”

Average Stacy with a 100 IQ and autist George with 150 IQ are 2 IQ deviations apart and process things on different levels, and will have tendencies to talk about concepts of different complexities. George can process abstract concepts at a much faster and with much more elaboration than Stacy, and combined with his likely untrained social cues and hesitation to initiate conversation will leave stacy with a pussy about as wet as a silica gel packet.

For all of you Georges out there who still want to chase after the dime-a-dozen Stacy, consider that she will never take interest in whatever you’re studying or reading up on, and will only pretend to because she knows that your brain will be pumping six figures into her wallet so that she can go drink rainbow-colored cocktails with her 90 IQ friend Shaniqua every night, who she’ll have to bring to your apartment every time to crash when they get too drunk. You’ll probably be the one cleaning up both of their vomit in the morning unless you want to shell out on a maid, and you’ll have to live the rest of your acquaintance with her in a pretense of sympathy for her moronic problems. You two will never be on the same page.

>> No.9835822

When it comes to females one must incorporate different strategies than he would for mathematics or star craft. Why does this fact fall short for so many George Autists?

If you want pussy, learn the strategies to get pussy. Are you really 150IQ if you can't figure out that women enjoy emotions and not logic?

>> No.9835829

The ones that aren't severly schizo are usually beautiful, and they are usually easy going and get very interested into you. But they talk a lot, a lot. Like, constant rambling about mundane and delusional shit 24/7. They will usually always follow your lead so expect that. One creepy thing about them, whenever you are talking to them and looking them into the eyes, it's a blank emotionless stare, no facial expressions the entire time. Half of the time they may also be histrionic so you gotta worry about that.

>> No.9835850

Trust me I know. Women-getting is a learned behavior that comes with practice.

I’m only 130 IQ though so it’s easy for me to get into the hearts of feeler-type stacies. They get so boring after a while though, and i’m done going on tinder date’s just to hear about Amber Rose’s newest “fashion” line or how her ex-boyfriend didn’t give her enough compliments on her bikini pics and her middle school-level journalism project.

>> No.9835856

>basing theory on sample size of 1

>> No.9835859

4. I like to date the women I meet inside the psychiatric hospital. I don't take my meds lol

>> No.9835864

Why go for women like that in the first place if you can't accept their personalities?

>> No.9835870

That's what I'm saying. Being high IQ is not the root of why a man might have problems with getting women. The true root of these problems is being autistic.

>> No.9835871

Autism is associated with higher than average IQ.

>> No.9835872

Because a base level need of all men is to ejaculate directly inside a vagina?

Getting your needs met is far more important than things being right or wrong.

>> No.9835875

Yes I know. I was just saying that being high IQ isn't the problem but being autistic IS the problem. when it comes to problems with women.

>> No.9835876

If you aren't making babies with the plan on raising them to adulthood, that's not meeting a need. Only natural desires.

>> No.9835880

Doesn't matter if you raise a kid or not. Nutting inside vagina or near vagina is a base level need. Yes it is indeed a natural desire, the same as wanting to eat when you are hungry.

>> No.9835891
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I’m on nofap so sometimes throwing away my dignity to fuck some bimbo overrides the “goal of finding one’s true love”.

Dateable high IQ women are about as common as albino squirrels, but there’s no red eyes or dramatically white fur to make them as easy to spot

>> No.9835899
File: 222 KB, 970x980, 1521993957922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female sexual selection mechanisms are themselves a result of evolution

>Evolution is heuristic and its optimizations can get stuck in local maxima

>Relying on the therefore heuristic preferential systems developed by evolution above more evidence-based competent mate selection strategies is non-optimal given the information we know now

>There are many new traits to select for such as intelligence, which is the primary driving factor in the development of society, since brute-strength manual labor is being automated at an increasing rate

>Species that do not adapt die, and if women do not adapt to the modern world by shifting their current deeply ingrained mate selection paradigm, humanity as a whole will suffer

I know no woman will read this autistic shit, but I also know none of you can refute it, because it's the truth

>> No.9835901

Even if a woman is high IQ she still runs almost entirely on emotion. Searching for women based on IQ is pointless. Instead, look at the things around her. Did she have a good upbringing? Does she have a good family? Was her father absent? etc.

>> No.9835905

There's too many people for humanity to ever "fail", so to speak. Humanity does not suffer because suffering is the essence of humanities existence. Without suffering, without pain and sacrifice, we would have nothing. Hate is as much of a drive as love is.

>> No.9835925

Some run on the more logical side and it makes a world of a difference to me. When a girl can be cynical, subtle with her sarcasm and you don’t have to communicate to her through daquan instagram slapstick memes to make her laugh the conversation can become so much more vibrant.

>> No.9835934

>You have 5 lines to make your coping believable
My name is Fenrir, Master of Semiotics, and you will address me as "sir".

>> No.9836076

The gay AGENDA

>> No.9836086

>smart but not attractive
>bad genes but somehow smart
Somebody needs to look up geniuses in their 20's

>> No.9836104

Your sons will be on that watchlist, and your daughters will get pump-and-dumped by a succession of Chads.

>> No.9836119

Women look for men who are capable of climbing the dominance hierarchy, that means they look for:
strength+health = beauty
ambition+courage(or aggression in a way) = alpha behavior
social skill+intelligence= competence

The more you have of these the better women would like you, simple. Only a high IQ is nothing, not only for women, but in general to get forward in life.

>> No.9836125

It puts the floof in the puff bag to become a bigger poof.


>> No.9836128

Women care more about money, social influence than looks.

>> No.9836130

You got it all wrong, negro. Under monogamy betas reproduce, as religion and tradition dies females go back to chad.

>> No.9836134
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>preferring 2d
lol go fuck yourself homofag

>> No.9836202

You speak truth, BUT I would rather be with the funny, sexy, smart 8/10; then the stupid, self-centered, SJW 10/10.

I will fuck the 10/10 but marry the 8/10.

>> No.9836229


>> No.9836236

Left is much more attractive.

>> No.9836255

Most autistic women are fucking qt, because girls aren't usually that autistic, putting them in the alternative quirky qt sweet spot

This is coming from an autismo who has ridden the short bus

>> No.9836348


Fact. I know a girl schizophrenic as fuck, but damn she's intelligent. Also someday we will have sex.

>> No.9836351

>He still doesn't know women try to have babies from as many different type of men as possible to increase survival chances

>> No.9836904

Looks is like 20% of it, even though great features and physicality boost your odds by a lot. No matter if you think it's a stereotype or not, women are more driven by their emotion, and they most often choose to be with someone who stimulates them emotionally, not logically. I don't even need to say this, cause obviously playing Spanish guitar tunes will get you a lot further than explaining the Dirac equation.

>> No.9836929

smart people shouldn't submit to their base desires so readily like a typical brainlet, they should go against their programming and find another smart person and create more smart people.

>wasting your good genes on some airheaded playboy bunny for 10-15 years of slightly more appealing sex before she gets old anyway
I SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this

>> No.9836935

>implying Chads aren't high IQ

>> No.9836947

Guy on the left looks hotter than the chad-meme.
Women don't have a sense of visual sexuality. They just pick the guy with the most power (which is a smart choice).
The only men born immune to the cunning parasite that is the female are homosexuals. If you were not born homosexual, I feel sorry for you. Two men working together is superior in every way to a man working with a woman.

>> No.9836953

yeah, and where do your genes end up? in the toilet.
so who really wins in the long run?

>> No.9836956

>being stupid enough to engage in nofap
>not cumming to avoid acting on an instinctual urge so you can focus on important things like /sci/ence

>> No.9836962

I'm a sentient being who exists separately from his splooge. Reproduction does not directly benefit me.

I donate sperm though. Financially successful people with the gay gene are in high demand for faghags and dykes.

>> No.9836976

the urges eventually go down when you fap less
if you're fapping 3 times a day you'll get much hornier

>> No.9836980
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damn. you really have won at life

>> No.9837007

>I throw away my dignity to fuck bimbos because of nofap
>Nofap causes my sexual urges to have less control over me
Pick one.

>> No.9837010

I actually don't do nofap (tried and failed many times)
I just do noporn and fap on like 3 day intervals

>> No.9837924


Women select men by their status in the social hierarchy. They try to get a man that has a high status because high status correlates with capability to raise offspring.

Men go for looks in terms of age. A younger women is more likely to produce healthy offspring.

Women exert the evolutionary pressure and their withholding of sex to undesirables is what drove evolution to produce our large brains. The reason that chimps are not the smartest animal on the planet is because they fuck indiscriminately.

>> No.9838254


>> No.9838261

This is unironically true. Luckily we can engineer women to be attracted to other traits. Just ignore their complaining during the transition, and any white knight or chad loser can be eliminated via autonomous weapons during the Great Transformation.

>> No.9838388

Either because she realises she has no chance at the George Clooney level. Or because she was genetically engineered.


>> No.9838393

>Why should any woman pick a guy who scored 140 points on a meme test over the average IQ Chad with broad shoulders, hooded eyes and square chin?
If the nerd can use the intellect to become popular and financially successful, yes.

Intellect is a resource, just like looks.

>> No.9838403
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>>Implying chads arent high IQ
>Intelligence is just as strongly correlated with beauty as with education.



> Beauty is the path to happiness—by way of money. A new series of studies shows that attractive people earn more money and marry better-looking spouses, and that the economic benefits of being good looking make them happier than their homely counterparts.



>It looks as if some people are just too good-looking to get sick. A new study from the University of Cincinnati found that looks affect your risk of certain illnesses. The more attractive you are, the less likely you are to have health problems like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, and others.


Beauty is an honest sign of inherent superiority.

>> No.9838490
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>he believes the entire human genome can be placed as a binary "good" or "bad"

>> No.9838640

Do you see the problem in that "analysis?"

>> No.9838704

Uggo (and thus a probable poor, sick brainlet) detected.

>> No.9838783

You could have answered yes or you could have answered no. Instead you tried to weasel out of it. Sad.

>> No.9839970

>I can't accept a simple and obvious fact of life.

Good luck rotting away in your basement. You really think it is coincidence that ~80% of all women procreate while only ~40% of men do?

>> No.9839987

I made it to 6'2'' 23 BMI zone which automatically makes me Chad, so meh.