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9833114 No.9833114 [Reply] [Original]

alright, fuckers let us build a city.
let us focus on infrastructure as a different local may need different policies I am thinking a weird combination of Japanese European and Singapur
good luck

>> No.9833123

>I want an intelligent and rich populace
Top kek

>> No.9833127

Just shoot everyone whose skincolor is darker than a certain pantone. That should do the trick nicely.

>> No.9833289
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Solar battery power with supplemental wind. Geothermal heating and cooling pipes, like the steam pipes of yesterday. Water is collected from rain. Sewage is completely recycled, creating fertilizer for the automated organic farming section. Internet is wireless with a goal of under 2ms latency everywhere at 10 gigabit speeds. Garbage is entirely recycled, nothing is wasted, though certain things are banned in city limits. Cars are banned in city limits. Extensive subway network that goes everywhere. Bike lanes and pedestrian lanes are marked and a vast collection of parks and natural spaces liters the area. The subway system doubles as a mail/cargo delivery system

>> No.9833301

>Cars are banned in city limits.
Of course a commie like you would want to limit the individual freedom of mobility.

>> No.9833322

I think you would be more upset that the only housing is condos.

>> No.9833400

no, he is right
better access to public transport is usually synonymous with better economic opportunity
cars just aren't worth it with their maintenance, oil insurance at least until AI or solar catch up

>> No.9834446

Lol asains can be dark and they make more mondy in western countries than you faggit.

>> No.9834503


>no cars, free public transportation
>big wide streets
>no fat people or skinny people allowed, you have to be fit to live in the city
>no skyscrapers because they incentivise sociopaths
>last floors of tall fish buildings all have to be public spaces with gardens or libraries, no personal housing permitted where you could have the penthouse of a building all for yourself
>potent water filters that filter every shit in the water from oestrogen to fluoride, lead, bap etc
>Big public fountains
>Big gardens in among buildings
>Western styled temples secluded among the city, also big spaces of land dedicated to beautiful parks with western style temples like Ancient Greece where people could go to study, pray, read, play, Kyoto does this beautifully.
>no big population density, buildings should be sparsely separated
>encouraging building underground
>Architecture should be ruled by someone with incredible taste and an iron but fair first, post modernists get the death penalty(jks), buildings should be made out of wood, brick, glass, steel, they should mix the old with the future, people love traditional architecture, its nourishing to the soul, everyone hates modern architecture, at least buildings done by average people, building architecture should mix the old with the futuristic, I call it archofuturism.
>No plastic allowed in the city

and a bunch more

>> No.9834533
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Alright. I was thinking abstract. We make the center in with a chaos 8 star in the middle.
The center will have the head of state nestled inside a tower. The tower goes high as it does deep. The south will take care of math. The north will take care of music. The left will take care of building. The right will take care of innovation.
The other corners from clockwise top right to left will have elemental houses. Fire, water, wind and earth. These will serve as corner stones for the city.

A parallel city outside the main one will provide energy. It will be just industrial stuff. Occupied only by robots and specialists. Hosting EVERY type of known energy providing mechanism. However it will be diabolically radioactive and require suits to walk inside it.

>> No.9834552
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>Dat 33.

Master numbers.

>> No.9834797
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>no car, you have to take the bus or walk
>big wide streets designed for cars anyway, walking isn't so easy
>"low building density," walking is right out then
>also no skyscrapers, so you'll be bussing even farther
>lucky for you "underground building" is encouraged
tfw forced to live and labor underground in a sprawling cyberpunk dystopia
tfw spend two hours a day on public transportation, also underground
tfw no car to escape this hell

>> No.9834800
File: 1.23 MB, 800x667, communism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no cars, free public transportation
>>last floors of tall fish buildings all have to be public spaces with gardens or libraries, no personal housing permitted where you could have the penthouse of a building all for yourself

>> No.9834810

ahahah I made the post this is hilarious, thanks mate.

Got a laugh out of this one

Could explain ideas further but I think both of you know I didn't fully flesh out these ideas.

>> No.9834831

The city must be located close to an ocean so we will be able to fish (as they are nutritious).
There should be a big wall (20 meters height) encircling the city that would keep outsiders (only authorized individuals could get into the city). On the wall we should place solar panels (no need to waste place for them).

>> No.9834853

I suggest we make an open-border country, where we welcome everyone

>> No.9834859

We must import the blackest girls from Africa for the lowest divorce rates.

>> No.9834873

This. Replace the battery with trains on a hill to store energy as gravitational potential. Also replace traditional agriculture with LED fed aquaponics and collect solar from the roof of the facility. That robot would make a large scale aquaponic setup easy to automate too.

>> No.9834878

Depends on the population density we're going for. While condos are definitely more efficient, sensible measures to control the birth rate combined with a high level of automation and copious amounts of renewable energy could afford us the opulence to have arbitrary sized lots and choose our housing

>> No.9834886

It should be a cube with 50km sides. Inside there will be a hundred floors entirely filled with people. Transportation will be accomplished via a system of continuous horizontal and vertical high speed elevators. Any lifeform except homo sapiens will be instantly vaporized inside the limits.

>> No.9834965

Terrible idea, most of the floors would never see sunlight, also this kind of building would make people feel like they were caged. To the vaporizing organisms: what about domestic pets and breeding animals? I suggest neutralizing only harmful organisms.

School system: Child will take an IQ test at age 5. A program will decide who should be its teacher (basing on the score). The teacher will teach them elementary stuff. After this course will be ended the kid will decide what it'll want to do in the future. Another IQ test will be taken and a new teacher (from the field it's interested in will be picked).

Payment system: As long you're useful for the society everything is free, but you have limited space for storing your stuff (everybody has their own cargo store beneath the ground's surface).

>> No.9834976

IQ test at five is a bad idea, you want generalized aptitude tests with an IQ test mixed in. Then use their results to generate teaching styles that would be most effective in boosting their good spots and compensating for their deficits.

I do agree with the single teacher for long time though, too many schools just switch teachers over and over. I feel like a teacher that follows a class for multiple years will be better at teaching and helping the kids as they will already know them. Although maybe have more than one teacher per class to lighten the load / give a more holistic learning experience.

>> No.9835046

Who needs sunlight? You can simulate a lot of things so people won't feel that way. As for animals i think it'll be alright if we manage to get rid of all the viruses.

>> No.9835132

Yeah you could as well fell into a coma for the rest of your life, but it won't be an enjoyable life. There's no need to make levels since the city can be build on a wider area.

>> No.9835153

No, you want control. I will not let you have control.
The need of policy prevents control if you wish an infrastructure to not be races.
You want to dominate others i will teach all to overcome your domination's. But good luck.

>> No.9835163

thank god nobody on this board does practical science like city planning

>> No.9835179

sounds a bit like Pyongyang

>> No.9836030

shut up my ideas are great

>> No.9836633
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>asains can be dark