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9831736 No.9831736 [Reply] [Original]

how do you cure depression without using medication?
Is it even possible?

>> No.9831740


>> No.9831742

No. You can always kys tho but it wouldn't be considered a "cure" rather than an outcome.

>> No.9831747


>> No.9831750

You answered your own question with your pic.

>> No.9831751

When I ate really healthy and made +8 hours of exercise per week I was depressed but it was a lil bit more bearable. Now it's really worse, cause I don't have time to do that because of uni. But idk anything to completely cure depression.

>> No.9831757

oh come on you can always exercise during uni, no excuses here

>> No.9831788

Psychotherapy, even though considered a meme on /sci/, helps a lot of people. If that doesn't help meds is the only option.

>> No.9831791

I tried at least 8 psychologists and 2 psychiatrics in my life. The last psychiatrist gave me meds and it didn't work.

Sure, but at least 6 hours per week. Also, during exams I can't

>> No.9831799

Of course its possible. You're just in a rut right now. These things come in cycles. It'll get better.

>> No.9831804
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Psychotherapy is a meme on medicine in general

If you've been depressed for so long then you probably have a persistent depressive disorder. in that case your prognosis is poor and sadly you can barely do anything... as (>>9831740) said, maybe novel treatments could work.

>> No.9831820


Work therapy, group therapy, psychiatrists etc. lots of ways to get you started. Unless you're in a catatonia, which you probably aren't since you're shitposting on sci.

>> No.9831839

Cognitive behavioural therapy (in combination with drugs) might help, but depression is a fucking broad diagnosis, and you can only really cute symptoms due to that shit
Better/healthier lifestyle habits and creating more protective factors around you might help to some extent

Other than that if it's real bad deep brain stimulation (or tms) can help in some cases, but in rare cases can fuck you over real good

Basically just see a therapist and do drugs if it's really bad and you can't function or want to just
Also psychodrugs are fucking memes since no-one really knows how they "fix" depression

Psychotherapy is a fucking meme since Freud, cognitive behavioural therapy has had the same succes and more in less time and with less money
Helps with obsessions in OCD, so might help with OCD-like symptoms in depression

In very rare cases, psychotherapy helps better than other measures, but I think that's mostly due to having someone to talk to

>> No.9831849
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Just bee happy.

>> No.9831863

Depression is a symptom: it's similar to the behaviour of wild animals in cage. We're literally in captivity, and you'll be depressed forever unless you find a way to get free from this artificial enviroment
I'll just tell you that almost everyone in the USA takes meds for depression, it'a not you, it's 99% of the population

>> No.9831867
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> Depression is a symptom
> you'll be depressed forever
> 99% of the population takes meds for depression

This guy is a whole new fucking level of brainletness

>> No.9831874

I didn't say that 99% of the population takes meds, I said 99% of the population is depressed because depression is a symptom
As I said, you'll be depressed forever unless you can escape this cage and go back to your natural habitat

>> No.9831887


I think "depression is a symptom" is not the right way to phrase it. Depression is a collection of symptoms that can vary wildly in severity and even switch completely while still being a symptom of depression (such as both too little and too much sleep being symptoms of depression, or hyperactivity and lethargy)
In some way, you can see depression as a continuum, but I think that is also a misguided way to put it.

Depression is a combination of symptoms, as most (if not all) of mental illnesses. This also means there is no core "cause" of depression that is always the same, which then in turn means that only symptom-treatment is possible and then hope for the best

>> No.9831895
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> Genuinely unironically believes he understands mood disorders spectrum yet can not tell the difference between a psychiatric symptom and normal polarity of affectivity

>> No.9831904

Bullshit that will be remembered in 200 years like we believed in phlegm

>> No.9831908
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> Gets defensive

>> No.9831910

>get scared straight
Can't say this will work for everyone but when I felt the fantasy of suicide turn into a real possibility, in the sense that I felt able to go through with it, it was so overwhelming that I ended up sorting my shit out

>> No.9831913

Don't flirt with death. I spent three days in the hospital one time never again.

>> No.9831916

What helped me most was be with a therapist that basically taught me how to function like a human being, stand up straight and smile more. Focus on the happy things. That was when I was bullied a lot in high school, and when the problem was rooted out it was fine
Then I got really depressed, went to another therapist who basically said I needed a gf (someone to talk to)

So basically: fix yourself socially and get fucking lucky as hell with finding a gf
Accept yourself for who you are, engage with people, fail in engaging with people, engage with people more and don't be a fucking neet
with enough luck and work, I've never felt as sad or depressed ever since, and it might work for others as well

>> No.9831923

Behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy are much more effective at treating depressions but you get more shekels from selling meds

>> No.9831942
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I was thinking in "leave" uni just for one semester. I know it will be hard to return after the semester, and also I will feel bad because I managed to made a couple of friends which is really hard for me.
I want to spend more time with my dad who is about to die (he live in a town like 500kms away). Also getting /fit/ again, return to learning a third language, some /g/ projects i was postponing, go /out/, etc. If that doesn't work I will probably kms.

>> No.9831954

Keep your friends in touch anon, don't wallow in the sadness surrounding your father, although it's very good to support him
But I can't stress enough: keep in touch with your friends, keep doing fun things and talk to people. Do not let yourself become a shut-in
A social network you can count on and fall back on, even if it's nothing else than "they'll be sad if I kill myself so I won't" can be enough to pull you through your shit times

Keep holding on anon, and maybe see a therapist you can talk to, talking really helps keeping you stable

And for what it's worth: I wish you all the strength needed to pull through anon

>> No.9831969

Uni can wait anon, spend the last days of your dad with him, I promise you this will be for the good

>> No.9831984


Depression is not real OP, anyone who tells you otherwise is such pathetic scum that they use 'depression' as a trait to justify how lazy and abhorrent they are

>> No.9832000
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> You can't be sad apparently because otherwise I'm trying to justify how lazy and abhorrent I am

>> No.9832010

Just take antidepressants and try to forget your condition

>> No.9832017

Sadness is not depression anon, you're above this argument

>> No.9832022

Don't do this OP
Trust me, just get a girlfriend or something, depression is not real, it is just you being lonely

>> No.9832038
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Zen meditation and an elimination diet to determine which foods were contributing to my condition worked for me.

>> No.9832053
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>> No.9832055

>just get a girlfriend
t. Chad Thundercock who thinks getting laid/getting a gf is easy for everyone

>> No.9832058
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I am tired of reading so much ridiculous shit on this thread, lets get it straight:

Affectivity have 4 main axis, one of them is depression, the mood state. what used to be called "melancholia", being sad, call it whatever the fuck you want. This is 100% NORMAL, not a disease, not a pathology, just a normal response to a stressful stimuli.

You have mood disorders:

The first one is dysthymia or persistent depressive disorder, this is pathological depression. It is "light" depression but very fucking persistent, we are talking years here. This doesn't happen in everyone but in people whose personality is predisposed to suffer from this disease. these patients respond better to psychotherapy than to pharmacology

Then you have the famous Major depressive disorder MDD, what you all faggots think when talking about depression. This has a 100% biological basis, the monoaminergic theory of depression, in [18F]FDDNP-PET imaging you can even see this, it is not used as a diagnostic tool because it is ridiculously fucking expensive to be used on a daily set up.
This type of depression appears out of nowhere, literally. One day you are the happiest guy in the world, the next you want to kill yourself. These patients respond very good to medication (very very good actually) and it DOESN'T persist for more than 2 months but if you left it untreated it will eventually reaper again and again until you get a complicated form of MDD which is accompanied by psychosis or you manage to kill yourself.
This form of depression has various sub-forms but all of them have the same biological basis.

The final big type of "depression" is Bipolar disorder (Bipolar II and Bipolar I to be more precise). This is another ACTUAL DISORDER which respond magnificently to the correct therapy, you can not treat these patients with the MDD therapy because you will make it even worst, they have their own therapy and they do respond quite nice to it

I hope you guys will stop spreading bullshit now.

>> No.9832214

>we believed in phlegm
Phlegm is real, retard.
Stop being an idiot and learn something.

>> No.9832223

Drown the depression itself in mathematics until it ITSELF is so fucked that it dies.

>> No.9832235

Brain damage

>> No.9832238

> how do I walk on my broken leg without causing more damage and without a cast?

OP, don't be a faggot. Take your meds and use them as a tool to help you get better. The meds aren't as bad for you as the depression is. Stop being a child and do the responsible thing like a man.

>> No.9832246

If the meds he gave you didn't work, talk to the shrink about it and try a different set. I had been on 4 other drugs before I found the right med for my brain. (wellbutrin for a year then tapered off back on to prozac, for me) I still have times when I'm down but they pass, now. They can pass for you.

Don't be a pussy. Do the hard work of persistently testing meds in communication with and under the direction your doctor(s).

>> No.9832447

> implying that getting a gf will help you
If a gf cures your depression then you just weren't depressed

>> No.9832454

Yeah, stop being a whiney little baby faggot. Most of you low testo cucks are depressed because you want to. It's your safe zone

>> No.9832464

Have you been diagnosed as being depressed, or just self diagnosing?
Most people who claim they are "depressed" are just victims of shitty lifestyle habits and slaves to instant gratification.
Try knocking the low hanging fruit off first. How well do you eat? How much exercise are you getting? How much time outdoors are you spending? Are you deficient in any vitamins? Neglecting social contact? Etc.
Try doing some charity work, sometimes doing things for others can help you feel better about your own situation.
For me personally my quality of life improved a little when I started taking b vitamin supplements, a lot of my daily stress and fatigue vanished overnight.
And hell... Sometimes you just get into a funk and need to take some personal time to identify root cause and work on dealing with whatever the problems are.

>> No.9832471

This is pretty important. Medication isn't always one-size-fits-all. What is super effective for one person can be useless for another. How you react (or don't) to one medication might help inform your doc about a better course. Plus, s/he works for you, so don't be afraid to give them feedback until they can help get you where you need to be..

>> No.9832615

>he fell for the "cure the symptoms, cure the cause" meme
staying at home in the dark is literally the better option

>> No.9832620

you might've been. But likely you're now dependent on your gf, which is not healthy.

>> No.9832823

I highly doubt that both MDD and Bipolar disorders are mainly biologically based, since the diagnosis (and conceptualisation) is mostly dependent on behavioural measures
It's all fine and dandy that it can have a biological basis, but I don't think that all of the people that are diagnosed with MDD actually share that biological basis, also because the symptoms are defined to be so fucking broad as they are. You can have people with the opposite extremes of the same problems and they still can both get a diagnosis of MDD.

So while I kind of agree with you and you seem way more knowledgeable in psychofarma than I am, you shouldn't just say 'MDD is all biological' when there are a lot of people out there for which that is unknown because, as you said yourself, PET and other biological measures are seldom used to diagnose people with depression

And if you don't have any biological problem that is causal of the behaviour, I wouldn't recommend taking drugs with possibly severe side-effects (depends on the drug, I know, but still)

>> No.9832876

MDD and BD are probably one of the most misdiagnosed diseases there are. MDD is like schizophrenia, do not confuse MDD with reactive depression or what used to be wrongly call "neurotic depression" because they are totally different. in the last one there are indeed multiple factors involved outside pure organics.
MDD begins out of nowhere, it is not a response to any stimuli.
the fact that MDD, BD and SZQ are diagnosed in observational criteria does not exclude that their cause is biological. We haven't figure out accessible exams to diagnose them yet, but everything is aiming at that in a near future.

A normal brain, with normal structures and function, with normal morphology, will NEVER develop these pathologies EVER.

Also when talking about "depression" specify what is that you are talking about, is it persistent depressive disorder? is it depressive state of bipolar disorder? is it depressive personality disorder? is it substance induced depression? or is it actually MDD?

>> No.9832880

I think the problem arises from misclasification of these pathologies, there is depression that is reactive indeed, functional if you like, which origin is from psychological phenomenon but there is also organic depression, whose origin is organic, a mix of aberrant neuronal development, genetics and dysfunction of neuronal (or even glial who knows) processes. And sure, because this staff is never black and white, some environmental stimuli as well why not. But a reactive depression SHOULD NOT be diagnosed as MDD, because it is not. Is this important? But of course it is!! Reactive depression will never respond to MDD treatment whereas real MDD patients will, the problem is that there are tons, but TONS of patients with a MDD diagnosis when they do not have MDD, of course treatment will be like crap on these cases! it is not meant for them!! We need to change the diagnosis criteria of these diseases, it is all we have for now but we need to find objective ways to diagnose them, when we accomplish this psychiatry will escalate into a whole new level.

>> No.9832918

If you're a guy, your (low) testosterone might be to blame, or otherwise high estrogen, they're both related. You should try doing a natural testosterone therapy by eating foods that increase testosterone, avoiding those that raise estrogen, etc. The reason you felt good when eating healthy and exercising is that they both raise testosterone either directly or indirectly: The former by reducing the amount of Trans Fat and Polyunsaturated fats in your diet, which are linked to lower testosterone levels, the latter by increasing testosterone. There's studies and personal experience that show that high levels of estrogen and low testosterone in men lead to extreme passivity, indolence, depression, infertility, and a lot of other things, so you should really get informed about it.
General (helpful site with proper references):

Link to depression and mood disorders

(dangers of low-T, high est. link)

(link between fat and low-T)

(low test complications)

>> No.9833051
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> There is insufficient evidence to conclude that low testosterone level routinely leads to major depressive disorder in men
> So ingenious that his own citations contradict his own arguments.
> Cites private lucrative institutions as a reliable source of information
> One of the websites is run by a random guy who is not even a doctor.

Brainlet level god has been achieved!

>> No.9833060

Where'd you get that picture of me?!

>> No.9833149

Lack of oxytocin was my cause. You just have to love a person close to you, and then everything fixes itself.

>> No.9833177

Realize that this life is only temporary, and place faith in God's only begotten son, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Also realize that nonbelievers spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, which would be far worse than anything that could happen to you in this life.

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

>> No.9833208
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>> No.9833213

I like Diogenes more than Jesus

>> No.9833236
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"Pleased to meet you, Anon, my name is Diogenes."

>> No.9833240

Yes. Just keep laughing and be happy. Hi ha ho!
For example the next response: >>9833177

>> No.9833250

Realize that this life is only temporary, and place faith in Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala), for forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Also realize that nonbelievers and idolaters (for example Christ-worshippers) spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, which would be far worse than anything that could happen to you in this life.

"O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." Qur'an 4:171

>> No.9833255

>Is it even possible?
Yes, but it requires you to stop wishing you had things you dont have, and to instead just accept your position in life and embrace what you do have.

t.leaf who struggled with crippling depression

>> No.9833324


"Pleased to meet you, Anon, my name is Muhammed. Diogenes and I were just discussing how hot it is down here."

>> No.9833399

Unironically this. Probably was where you are op, then I got /fit/ and started reading the Bible and had a religious experience when I came to Jesus. Have never been depressed since.

The people hating on this are easily dismissed. Misery loves company. The ungodly and unchurched are I the same boat, they just either wont admit it or haven't run the course long enough to realize how unfulfilling and soul training nihilistic atheism really is.

I don't push this as a philosophy or self-help method, but as truth that I believe in my heart from someone that probably has the most robust STEM education in this thread. The unintended consequence is you find the peace of God...that surpasseth all understanding. That's what the snakes in this thread seak and will never find. God bless.

>> No.9833414

Pleased to meet you too, my brother, my name is Anon.

I'm happy for you that your depression is gone. Since you're not pushing your religion I will not Islam-post on your comment. But please do read my previous Islam-posting and compare it with your own views.

Putting nihilism and atheism together gives us a very small subset of atheists: in general, atheists are happy in life, not for unproved promises for after life, but for (small?) things in life, so atheism isn't unfulfilling.

>> No.9833468

Your first step (one that op has already figured out) is realizing your Atheism is unfulfilling, it makes every man miserable. I'm sure you'll figure all this out by your mid-twenties (hopefully). Other than that I can't imagine I can be of much help to someone I complete denial. Good luck and God bless.

>> No.9833480

Denial is a big word. You're in denial of the Only One True Religion: Islam. So beware.

Rather say nonbelief instead of denial, pretty much what atheism means.

Also, is OP atheist? That's a rather big assumption from your part.

God bless.

>> No.9833481

God comes in many forms, child.

>> No.9833491

You misplaced the 's':
Gods come in many forms, child.

Still, religions contradict each other, especially for the one who wants to enter Paradise: accept Jesus as God or only as prophet? The first is idolatry in all religions except Christianity.

>> No.9833499
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Social Contact
Romantic Contact
Natural Sources of Vitamin D
Healthy Eating
No more or less than 8 hours of sleep
Abstinence from Drugs/Alcohol
Hobbies that boost self confidence like Painting, Gardening, Weight-Lifting, Cooking, etc

>> No.9833503

No you misunderstood, I realize denial is a big word. I used it in reference to your misconceptions about your religion of Atheism (also my own former religion) and not your general unbelief in God or Christian faith. The fact that you adopt a troll of being Islamic as an argument in and of itself also lends toward your immaturity and inability to rationally convey feelings on a serious subject. Sealed with an intentionally patronizing"God bless" it really screams that you are mid-rebellion against your religious family. You got a hard road ahead.

>> No.9833510

No,no theres no s.

>> No.9833537

I meant the God Bless (in a secular sense then). It's not meant as patronizing. It's just like peace/cheers: Arabic has the word God integrated within daily/hourly use, even for atheists, and that's how I consider this. But it's the internet, so Poe's law and similar stuff.

The Islamic argument is not a troll at all. It literally reflects what Muslims think of (You), just like what you (might, or other Christians) think of us. It's about the Hellfire, which comes hand-in-hand with Heaven and Jesus. If that offends you, then it's because you consider (unsubstantiated) religion as part of your identity, which is your problem. That's my answer to what you consider a serious subject.

Atheism is not a religion, it's a lack of. A TV that's off is not a channel either. However, atheists like to bash extraordinary claims that require extraordinary evidence, and justly so.

Up to now, you haven't countered any rational argument I gave, you just ignored it. But that's how it goes I guess.

Once Egyptian gods were ruling Earth according to Egyptian mythology, then it was Yahweh according to Jewish mythology, then again Zeus and Co according to Greek mythology. Mythologies come and go, in 4000 years we will have new ones if the influence of the internet doesn't abort them all.

>> No.9833541
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how the heck did the thread went from scientific discussion to pure quackery? jesus what a roller coaster

>> No.9833544

Improve your lifestyle and work towards your goals.
I know you don't feel like doing anything but dying but if you can effectively distract yourself from depression that's almost as good as curing. Although you're liable to pull a Robin Williams down the road.

>> No.9833550


Fuck meditation and fuck therapy. They'll tell you you're sick and you're going to need THEM, forever. Fuck'em. What you need to do is get back in touch with LIFE. The only thing that will give you that is ACTION. Find something you WANT to do, go out and do it. Do something crazy if you have to. Anything. Don't stand still. Remember, you stop acting, you lose. Good luck.

>> No.9833555

Hence the
>God takes many forms
fucking retard

>> No.9833566

You consider Horus and Osiris as one god? Zeus and Hera is one god? It's not that one omnipotent god takes 10 forms in one Greek mythology.

>fucking retard
No need for u to get butthurt so quickly.

>> No.9833572
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I'm probably going to kill myself soon since I have severe social anxiety and depression and I've realized that life's not worth living with no friends or relationships or family to speak of.

What are some scientific cures for this?

>> No.9833618

Will Power

>> No.9833677

Theyre all aspects of divinity that are being expressed. I personally dont see any conflict ion between any of the legends humanity has spun about God. The message is always the same, even if we've fought about who's is "righter"

>> No.9833721

I cured it by literally telling myself to stop being depressed. It took 2 years but here I am now, anhedonic and I can get so much done.

>> No.9833757

Depression is merely a state of being. There's no "cure" other than acceptance and moving towards another hopefully still living state.
The biggest mistake western medicine did was to take it as a medical issue when it is in fact a social issue. No amount of medication will cure depression, in the strictest of the meanings of cure. Medication only "helps" by hiding body reactions that have scientifically been associated with the condition and makes fat cash for the docs and big pharma.
Whether it benefits you or not, know that meds are only a bandaid solution as they will never cure the root of dark thoughts. There is no cure except to accept it as part of life and move along.

>> No.9833911

Progressing your life.
Regular and increasingly intense exercise.
Proper sleep (mainly timing).
Consistent, balanced, and healthy diet.
Socialising and general outward proactiveness (this is most important for those who sit at home tucked away from the world).

If you haven't got these down, then no wonder you feel like shit. Probably aren't even depressed, just generally unhealthy.

>> No.9834084

I agree anon, and I agreed all along

But to give misdiagnosed people drugs is bad, that's all I wanted to say

>> No.9834098

Also, don't worship celebrities, because the satanic mainstream culture will only promote destructive behaviour, for example promiscuity, consumerism, substance abuse, racism and, of course, suicide. Suicide has been promoted nonstop especially in the past few years, and the motives for that can only be evil.

>> No.9834100
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very true. When you live outside cities, wake up at dawn, and work outdoors every day, somehow depression just becomes irrelevant. No way not to be depressed in such an artificial society. You're just always forced to cope with the fact that you're not fulfilling your true purpose. Eventually, our cancerous society will expand to the point that all the forests are gone, and then the last man living a fulfilled life will have to pack up his things and get a job at 7/11.

>> No.9834109 [DELETED] 

Dont mind me, just testing the [math] Latex 8 \wedge 10 = 18 [\math] stuff

>> No.9834113 [DELETED] 

[math] 2 + 2 = 4 p \wedge q[/math]

>> No.9834117 [DELETED] 

[math] maybe is my browser p /wedge q 2 + 2 - 4 [/math]

>> No.9834122 [DELETED] 

[math] hello world $p /wedge q$ 2 + 2 = 5[\math]

>> No.9834124

[math] p \wedge q [/math]

>> No.9834179

>I personally dont see any conflict ion between any of the legends humanity has spun about God.
Then you don't know much about any gods other than the Abrahamic ones. For example, the creation stories of the Jewish myth and the Greek myth are completely different. The characters/personalities of Yahweh (acts like a butthurt child all the time in the OT) is completely different from those of the Egyptian gods (serious people-animals).

It doesn't mean that if two books describe something divine, then they describe the same divine entity (by the contradictions and retarded miracles it should be clear that the entity they try to describe is made up). I mean, you could take all text words out of a physics textbook and the same with a math textbook, then consider the physics textbook identical to a math textbook, only because you see equations that describe roughly the same thing. It still has a different meaning, since the rest of the text talks about something totally different.

But it all depends on what part of the texts you like to ignore.

>The message is always the same
Definitely not!
Judaism (OT): conquer Israel to have a nation protected by God.
Christianity (NT): focus on the end of times, Hell, Heaven, blabla.
Islam (Quran) then talks about religious domination of everyone (it could be meant for only then though, but still, world domination is meant to be kept forever).

If you're talking about good vs evil, then that has nothing to do with anything divine, it's just incorporated in any myth (even not godly ones) to show who is supposed to be the hero.

>> No.9834782

Not sure, but I would spend my days doing two things: escapism activities and activities that would help out with fighting depression.

Escapism like playing video games solely for the short term distraction from contemporary depression.

And for the long term, fixing up my diet, making sure I get enough noradrenaline, dopamine and such. Taking cold showers, exercising so my body would extract certain chemicals that do affect mood in a positive direction.

>> No.9834814

get laid and get friends and do sports

>> No.9834833

I'm too lazy to be depressed.

>> No.9834837

USAdian here. I don't even take over the counter shit for headaches. Well except alcohol I guess.

>> No.9836396
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In life, some problems are fixable, some problems are manageable and some problems are not fixable. Deduce and solve what you can, manage where possible and for the remaining problems; enter non-resistance mode and take the hit.

>> No.9836410

>Amazonian psychedelic may ease severe depression, new study shows
Here you go OP

>> No.9836417


>> No.9836883

Sometimes the resultant feelings from having a shit life are misdiagnosed as depression.
If your dog died, your mom has cancer, dad was hit by a car, got expelled from school, demoted at work, don't exercise, eat junk/fast food, and have no friends to speak of, you're not depressed you just have a shit life!

>> No.9836914

What helps me go on is the album saved by now, now
Listen to it in order before you go
I don't want you to go


>> No.9838523

It’s actually very easy.
You just need to want to be happy first. You see, right now, you don’t actually want to be happy. For whatever reason, you would rather be sad right now. You look at things negatively every chance you get, and you are just reinforcing a bad out-look.
Someday, when you’ve decided that being sad is a huge waste of energy, and want to try being happy, that will be the beginning of your journey.
You will start to look at things positively. Actual negative things that happen to you won’t seem so bad. You might even start to smile more.
But it all starts with you wanting to be happy.
Because happiness is a choice.

>> No.9838763

You can take a long fucking walk and listen to 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die. Eventually you will come across a song that you'll like and then try to learn to play it on some instrument. Only the first sentence here is important.

>> No.9838765

this is the idea but don't do anything so lame
make a bucket list of dope ass shit and do it

>> No.9838766

Anyway, once you like something, you can find out more about that artist. That's just a step to finding something in life that you like.
Killing yourself is a waste as there are many more curiosities in life like technology and inventions improving society. This should take away a lot of depression, and lots of life's curiosities are compatible with social anxiety (even though you can cure this anxiety shit by trying, but you don't have to).

>> No.9838771

Yeah I know it's lame but it happened to have a lot of metal albums that I really appreciate.
But again, the walking part is the only important thing here. Music isn't needed: one can also think about stuff and maybe even develop some creativity. But being so close to the edge, a little distraction might help focus better later on.

>> No.9839112
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>> No.9839798

>smoke weed e'ry day
Also there are promising treatment options based on ketamine. But we will have to wait a few more years to see if it gets approved as always. Currently I am on 30mg of citolopram and CBD oil (not approved by my GP but fuck them).

>> No.9839817

It's not possible. Unless it's caused by a broken heart. Then wait a year and try not to die in that time

>> No.9840055

There is no cure for depression.
Everyone who has "stopped being depressed" is lying, they feel exactly the same.

>> No.9840066

Could try Buddhist meditation or cognitive behavioural therapy -- they're very similar actually. The heart of them is self-awareness and balancing mental states/emotion. Basically, learning 'behaviour' through consistent intent.

>> No.9840175

Find the source of your depression and fix it.

>> No.9840684

Budism is for plebs who wanna do nothing and feel smug about it.

>> No.9840689


>> No.9840690

or you can drink

and then find out your liver is starting to act up and now you can't even drink anymore if you don't want to die in a slow, expensive way before hitting 35

How the fuck do people force themselves to excercise in their own free time? I don't get it. No matter what I try my own brain is my worst enemy and I try to cheat and cut corners without even thinking about it.

>> No.9840865

Finding the source is easier said than done.
Not OP, but any tips on finding the source of depression (and similar things)?

>> No.9840870

There is actually an easy way to get around depression. In the article I linked, the solution is depression is just to keep repeating that you are neutral and eventually, the problem will go away.


>> No.9841027

No, even with medication the answer is still no. The science of psychological disorders and everything they entail is very weak right now and very slowly developing. The best you can do is manage it.

>> No.9841057

Without medication? No.

Try Alpha GPC, ALCAR, Aniracetam, or Coluracetam. Very low toxicity substances with little to no side effects for most people. Cheap as well and won't make you grow boobies.

>> No.9841060

Same poster, I forgot to include try taking a good multi b vitamin as well in addition to a good fish oil. Being deficient in key nutrients and neurotransmitters can make you feel really crappy for absolutely no reason.

>> No.9841072

Cure? Depends on the underlying cause. Treat effectively? Sure. In order from most to least effective: Exercise and meditation are both backed by a large wealth of research. Having a regular sleep schedule is very important, make sure you're getting enough sunlight and spend time in nature can help too. Getting involved in some sort of community, getting enough social interaction, getting involved in a hobby are great ideas. If you like animals they can be very soothing.

Please don't look at this list and be overwhelmed. You don't need to do everything perfectly immediately, pick one positive mood-regulating change you want to make and be aggressive about that one thing. Once it's a habit then add another. Good luck anon!

>> No.9841076

again, one last thing: try to become aware of cognitive distortions you may be performing, and try to recognize when you're engaging in negative self-talk. If you wouldn't say something to another person without getting punched in the face for it, don't say it to yourself. Learn to be your own best friend. It may help to think in terms of future you, because humans are dumb and don't recognize the abstraction of our future selves as ourselves. It may be easier for you to do something good for "future you" if you're not a big fan of yourself right now.

>> No.9841089

What does depression feel like honestly?

>> No.9841095

god this thread is so fucking good

>> No.9841101
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The answer is comedy

>> No.9841158

Before psychiatrists started to believe they had effective drug treatments for depression, the consensus was that even the most severe, persistent cases usually went away on their own after a few years, if the patient was prevented from committing suicide, and less severe cases were just an ordinary part of life that most people faced occasionally and that went away within a few weeks or months.

Now that they have drugs, somehow it has become a lifelong condition requiring treatment forever, and they're in a hurry to get patients started on the drugs before their mood resolves on its own.

How do they know the drugs work? Well, you see, the withdrawal symptoms look just like extremely severe depression, even in people who weren't depressed when they started taking the drugs, so when you take the drugs away and the patient gets worse, there's confirmation right there...

>> No.9841163

For me it took more than a decade.
I have a learning disability that i didn't know of. It was at the core of my depression.
Despite of that i always kept applying myself into the things that i wanted to develop in me and using the set backs and disappointments to push myself to do better.
It felt like i was dragging myself through everything i did, but it paid off.
Recently i discovered the nature of my learning disability and the fact that it has a fix.
If i had given up on pursuing the things i wanted i would've never have known about this.

So i would say find what it is that you wanna change about yourself and do everything you can to achieve it. Eventually you might come across something that works or something you didn't even think of. And don't expect it to be quick or easy.

>> No.9841164

For me it was basically just lack of motivation and suicidal thoughts

>> No.9841169
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>> No.9841173

That seems very fake.

>> No.9841181

>It felt like i was dragging myself through everything i did, but it paid off.
>Recently i discovered the nature of my learning disability and the fact that it has a fix.
This is key. I followed a similar path and for me I didnt become fully aware of the psychological roots until I had suffered for close to a decade, Eventually the things I choose to pursue, and the skills I choose to develop formed a retroactive amalgamation that directly lead to a number of epiphanies as I aged. Of course, the specifics will be unique to everyone, but theres some things you simple arent seeing or aware of currently and this is whats producing the depression. Things like thought patterns, specific beliefs, philosophies, people in your life or lack there of, poor emotional control, disabilities, all contribute. It'll be a long, and arduous path, full of personal struggle to reach a state of contentment and overcome these barriers, but its worth it.

Tear those walls down.

>> No.9841183

Why you don't want to use medication?

>> No.9841186
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push yourself to do things you thought you couldn't. After completing said things you will find a newfound respect for yourself and will think of even greater feats to trump. If you unironically are depressed because nonadisssmadders youre literally a princess douche who should live 2 minutes in a favela. Fear is the mother of gratitude.

>> No.9841207

Yeah mang it's possible i did it

Ay yo do you have ADHD?? I feel I might have ADHD because I'm smart and all that but studying and generally doing anything productive was a slog

>> No.9841250

Thanks I needed this.

>> No.9841258

Exercise more. And talk it out.

>> No.9841330
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I know /sci/ dismiss it as anti-scientific but mostly because people don't know shit of what it is about.

The whole way to deal with these issues is different from any other medical treatment. I was 21 in 2010 and started seeing a lacanian psychoanalyst at that time, told my whole life story, was diagnosed with depression, was even recommended to see a psychiatrist and get meds, which I declined (never took meds). And continued to go there weekly for 5 years. It's expensive and long (cheaper than meds though). Some really shit times I went two or three times a week, but by the end of it I was going once a month until I stopped going. I thought about quitting a lot of times, but only in the first year or so when I was thinking it was bullshit.

Seriously, the whole thing is a different take. Depression is a physical condition and close to a "hole that you can't climb out without help no matter how much you try" because of how your brain can't process shit the same way when you are depressed, we all know that. And it's also linked with not engaging yourself with life, hence why people recommend religion, being part of a community, going out, going to the gym, etc, external stimuli that affect the way your brain works. But to me, nothing affects the brain as much as our ideas, our thoughts about ourselves and the world, about what we value and what we imagine. Talking there and listening to what I was saying with the help of the analyst helped me in a lot of different ways. It's ruthless against your own bullshit, your excuses, your attempts to not see the problems that are right in front of you. Sometimes I got out of sessions worse than how I came in, but during the week that feeling usually went away and I was thankful that I went there.


>> No.9841334
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>>9841330 cont
Psychoanalysis is a technique of listening to oneself. The analyst doesn't go on guessing on what anything of what you say means or something like that, like some people think. It's you that bring out the meaning of what you're saying. The analyst mainly knows how to listen to you without reproducing normal reactions of approval and disapproval. This is frustrating because that's mostly what we are after, but in this failure you begin to listen to your own words.

What the analyst does is to "fish" some of your words out and connect them, questioning you about those relations. In this way, it is about everything, all relationships, things of the past, expectations of the future, dreams, fantasies, desires, deep life questions or mundane shit that bothers you and you don't know why. You are not required anything other than to talk about whatever and that's enough for it to work. You begin to understand how your own thoughts work by its own logic and discover how it is possible for that to change (not easy, but possible).

The best part though, imo, is that what you learn there stays with you for life. It's not just about what's going on today (in life or in your body), but it helps with building an emotional maturity that you just know that can be useful 20, 30, 50 years from now to help you deal with problems you don't even have yet. That's why it takes so god damn long and it's such a slow process, sometimes it feels like you're getting worse, but then you see it's a necessary dive for you to get deeper into your issue and rise with a different mindset. It also has helped me deal with other people's problems as well, because the listening logic of psychoanalysis helps you listen to others with a different kind of respect. I've had depressed gfs, friends, relatives and I've noticed a great improvement on how to talk to them and how to help them myself (within what's possible, of course).


>> No.9841336

>>9841334 cont
Today, I don't even see depression as a simple illness that needs to be cured like you would an infection or a cancer. There is some truth to its message that needs to be listened and I can even be thankful for some bad times, because I'm aware of what I was capable of learning because of them. Psychoanalysis did not gave me (or offered, for that matter) guaranteed solutions or like "the promise of a happy life" or a "normal life", but these days it is easier to face bad thoughts, feelings and situations and not let these things tangle on each other and become more complicated than they really are.

Anwyay, throughly recommend it. It doesn't use the same everyday logic which we are used to, but I saw nothing of pseudo science or supernatural claims, no forcing of meaning or things like that which people usually accuse psychoanalysis of doing. Ask me anything, I guess, though I'm not sure if I'll go back to this thread later.

>> No.9841441

Acid worked for me. Just do it, faggot.

>> No.9841627

Cardio fitness.
Go run a couple kilometers and tell me that you feel bad.
Get weight lifting routine in the mix and things are gonna change for you

>> No.9841676

Force yourself into doing something, you must literally lift the burden that is oppressing you

>> No.9841690

>TL;DR people with nobody else to talk to can benefit from talking to somebody
Really not sure how you find this to be such a grand revelation

>> No.9841692

Exercise and Meditation Habitually

You have to maintain that though at least three times a week. It's hard to do but possible. Otherwise just use fucking drugs...No point in suffering.

>> No.9841832

I have people to talk to, actually, but it's very different from talking to a friend or a mentor or something like that. The difference is that in an ordinary talk the person brings their knowledge of life into it and you may accept it or not to varying degrees. In analysis, it's not about what the analyst thinks of your problems, hence why there is a subtle technique to it, I can't imagine anyone doing it without proper training. It's not even like talking to other doctors and psychologists imo.