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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9822911 No.9822911 [Reply] [Original]

Is there is a real explanation for why did such a fraud like stephen hawking able to live like that all that time without moving his body and getting sharp mind at the same time? why did nasa pay retards millions for the sake of staying in bed for some weeks if it isn't alone extremely deadly?

>> No.9822920
File: 2.92 MB, 369x368, motor mouth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It makes much more sense when you understand that mainstream/theoretical science is a cult, and therefore require cult members to spread its lies.

I have a theory that Hawking was originally part of this cult, but pissed them off in some way, perhaps by threatening to expose them, so they had to shut him up. They poisoned him so that he became paralysed, and then wheeled him about like a meat puppet, making him "say" whatever they wanted.

This was so useful that they decided to string it along, almost mockingly, by making him the longest known survivor of "ALS". What an amazing coincidence.

>> No.9822930

fuck me, I'm talking about a biological fact, which is staying there without moving is deadly, isn't it? fuck off retard.

>> No.9822946
File: 180 KB, 1200x685, DYWT8aDX4AAtUvX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fraud you moron.

>> No.9822948

you can't understand my question so fuck off

>> No.9822952

Your question is redundant because the real Hawking didn't live very long at all dipshit

>> No.9822955

then consider it as a hypothetical scenario and tell me why would it happen and someone live without moving?

>> No.9822968

Because trying to make him move would be even deadlier.

>> No.9822978


>> No.9822980

stop worshiping him, he's not a god

>> No.9822986

Why does /sci/ draw in all the crazies like moths to a light?
Flat-earthers, antivaxxers, Moonies, that one guy that posts "lie.webm" in everything space-related, whatever the fuck OP is classified as...this is where they go. For some reason.

>> No.9822987

Maybe you're the crazy one?

>> No.9822988

just answer my question retard

>> No.9823079


>> No.9823088

>They poisoned him so that he became paralysed, and then wheeled him about like a meat puppet, making him "say" whatever they wanted.
The ALS took many years to full paralyze him you moron. He was able to talk while having ALS.

>> No.9823095

>He was able to talk while having ALS.

>> No.9823130

Speaking of the English s not being of the natal language speaking you are owning, correct?

>> No.9823135


>> No.9823137

First explain why Stephen Hawking is a fraud. Then we'll talk.

>> No.9823143

he stayed too much without moving without dying and that's my question

>> No.9823153

I will proceed to hide and ignore OP, but I just want to say that the infestation of /sci/ by low-life vermin and mathematically illiterate cranks like OP is but an inevitability for an open-membership community. I would advocate for some questions testing basic knowledge of real analysis or linear algebra as the lowest common denominator, but then again I'm not in charge here.

>> No.9823158

sure gtfo of my thread please

>> No.9823180

ALS is genetic

>> No.9823183

Let me try to understand you. You claim he's a fraud because he suffered ALS?

>> No.9823312


>> No.9823323

Don't forget he has the record for oldest person ever with ALS. Most die in 3 years, runner up made it 12 years.

The ONE and ONLY sir stevie hawkwing lived with ALS for 32 years....

>> No.9823328

Sure is a lot of cuntiness. Why are the most pissy people always in stem? Like, chill the fuck out man, we all are reading and studying the same exact shit. Youre cool, but dam son.

>> No.9823962


>> No.9824033

> basic knowledge of real analysis or linear algebra

How does that prove that Stephen Hawking isn't a fraud?

>> No.9824123

don't feed the troll

>> No.9824127

That was because he was a scientist and though he was a physicist, he was one of the best.

So that also meant the best biologists came to his aid. Experimental cures. If you want to be mad. Be mad you ain't on this level of science.

>> No.9824230
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1514984298805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a theory that Hawking was originally part of this cult, but pissed them off in some way, perhaps by threatening to expose them, so they had to shut him up. They poisoned him so that he became paralysed, and then wheeled him about like a meat puppet, making him "say" whatever they wanted.

Dumbest post of the year.

>> No.9824260

>That was because he was a scientist

>> No.9824277

They are desperate to hear a confirmation that the silly shit they believe is the truth, and they believe that /sci/ is some kind of authority
As in "if it's scientific then it must be real"

Basically the same as the retards who are self reaffirming themselves of their political views on /pol/

>> No.9824289

I am honestly quite fascinated by this thread. Some where out there is a person with a used-up prescription of pills, and the thing that keeps him scratching at the walls is the idea that Steven Hawking was a meat-puppet designed to trick us all.

>> No.9824311

you are just a retard

>> No.9824314

Go back to your flat earth thread

>> No.9824319

Yeah it's called "the cult of people who know more than me"

>> No.9824326

why does this board get more retarded everyday I swear

>> No.9824330

I doubt even Flatheads run at his level

>> No.9824342
File: 96 KB, 600x455, BF72FDE5-48B6-4596-A6A3-3D549A7E8EEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was simply because he was one rich fuck. Every single ALS survivor who lives past 20 years is usually very wealthy. If you had a nurse that was constantly attending to you, sucking your dick, you would probably live a long life too.

>> No.9824350

True, scientists do this too. Everyone wants to hear things which reaffirm their theories. No one wants to throw out their work. But as scientists we are required to do so no matter how much we don't like it.

>> No.9824367

kys illiterate brainlet

>> No.9824375

jaja fuck ur lanuash

>> No.9824472

>Why does /sci/ draw in all the crazies like moths to a light?

Honestly? I'd bet its the anonymity of posting here. There is a difference between trolls and the proper mental cases, and the ones that fall in between. While posting something like OP on, say, Facebook, will lead to people who know you confronting you with your craziness, posting here has no repercussions.

Nobody is gonna fire OP for shitposting from his mom's basement, assuming he has a job, but that might change if he did it in a public setting. At least here, they can air their ramblings in a secure, anonymous setting without any repercussions.

>> No.9824554

Kek wow he's so coherent.

>> No.9824566
File: 1.80 MB, 476x434, Whore King.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is he able to move his mouth like this with ALS? This was during his later years where the disease would have been at its worst.