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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 116 KB, 750x861, New Einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9819619 No.9819619 [Reply] [Original]

You can stop trying now /sci/ - the new Einstein has been found and it is a female!

>> No.9819623

I understand this is bait, but
>no URL in the image
>no link to the article
>name of publication not even in the image


>> No.9819659

The math behind her looks complicated, maybe it's legit

>> No.9819668

Has she actually done anything?

>> No.9819674

No, and this is my issue with journalists making such statements.
Unless she's put forward anything as groundbreaking today, as Einstein's work was back then, she isn't "the next Einstein".

>> No.9819689

wouldnt the next einstein be his child???

>> No.9819691


>> No.9819725
File: 383 KB, 1538x859, op is beyond a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind these posts?

>> No.9819737

god I wish that were me

>> No.9819753
File: 139 KB, 1169x993, cointelpro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On /tv/ the bot posts over and over and in its own thread also posts a post exactly like this post >>9819725

>> No.9819767

Take your cancerous headline thread back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9819782

Good god /tv/ really is trash now. Jannies and gookmoot should be ashamed.

>> No.9819784

This isn't a fucking journalist. It's a professor. Learn to read.

>> No.9819790

Poole's law: No, it's not the Jews, dumbass. You got trolled.

>> No.9819795

Does this thread really need to be made weekly

>> No.9819813

By Kat Merck | March 23, 2017
Ironically, you misread. Check your ego at the door before making posts online.

>> No.9819826

4chan has been infiltrated for years. On /sci/, there literally hasn't been a day that goes by without an IQ-race baiting thread for many years. I've been on this site for 7-8 years now and all these years its been going on. On /g/ microsoft tried spamming the board when their surface tablets first hit, and there's daily shill threads for graphics cards and other hardware. I'm sure the other boards have their spam as well.

>> No.9819858

Absolutely destroyed by: >>9819813
It's funny watching the ego shrink away.

>> No.9819908

have you?

>> No.9819913

>On /g/ microsoft tried spamming the board when their surface tablets first hit

do you really believe all this excrement you just typed

>> No.9819916

Am I claiming to be the next Einstein?

>> No.9820011

is this the next Darksouls of physics?

>> No.9820288

She actually has published papers in top journals like JHEP and PRL

>> No.9820312

Not that guy, but browsing /v/ I sometimes get the feeling that there are actual guerrilla marketing campaigns on here. The same threads, word to word and using the same picture, made tens or even hundreds of times at the most blatant.

Of course the lovely people here love to shitpost ironically and some may be naive enough to actually fall for hype enough to promote the product.

>> No.9820347

which one of them is as revolutionizing as any of einsteins

>> No.9820364

>which one of them is as revolutionizing as any of einsteins
I dunno, all I was asked about was whether she has done anything, what impact these publications will have isn't something can I can tell you. Her ideas do seem to be getting some traction given that people are citing her work. I don't 'new Einstein" is appropriate at all (and neither does she, actually)

>> No.9820382

The first rule of telling someone to learn to read is to be absolutely certain you in fact read the relevant literature.

>> No.9820391

I like the Egyptian / Byzantine touch.

>> No.9820394


She tilted her head.

>> No.9820400

She's a woman. She doesn't need to do anything

>> No.9820420

Few years ago everyone would have knew its trolling. Today its suddenly le ebul joose.
People get more stupid every year.

>> No.9820427


>> No.9820439

Really makes you hope Musk wasn’t trolling about making bot-proof media

>> No.9820440


Lel. They feel the need to write these articles but at the same time expect us to believe women are equal.

>> No.9820452

Born female, jewish, the list can go on..

>> No.9820460


>> No.9820463

Nice try Schlomo, you were ruining things back with the Carthaginians.

>> No.9820821

>Dat forehead
How can brainlets even compete?

>> No.9820831

iirc she has written a few papers, one of them with 40+ citations

>> No.9820878

haha males btfo

in all seriousness tho, for anyone who hasn't seen this thread before here's her website. http://physicsgirl.com/

the girl is obviously very technically talented/learned. She is also an egomaniac. I highly doubt that she possesses the creative spirit to break out of convention like Einstein did, but I can't dismiss her entirely.

still a QT

>> No.9820933

LOL will be forgotten soon like all the other 'Einsteins' that have been found before and never heard of again

>> No.9820956

wow what a very new creative thread ya got OP. i have never seen this thread before!

seriously im seeing /sci/ lacking content everything here is the same recycled shit.

>> No.9820958

>everything here is the same recycled shit.
welcome to 4chan

>> No.9820964
File: 136 KB, 838x434, 1499709762216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has been a target for several grass roots campaign companies. At least two were confirmed like 8 or so years ago, but I don't even remember the details. Now, there's tons of small time groups trying to render discussion on 4chan impossible, (since it couldn't be taken off line.)

>> No.9820976

what is this faggotry?
is this from reddit?

>> No.9821000
File: 256 KB, 1200x893, 1516546250485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the social media shit looks the same to me and I don't use any of them. 4chan has been my go to site since 2004.

>> No.9821006 [DELETED] 

>why would a corporation pay someone minimum wage to drum up hype on a popular anonymous imageboard?
It's a so crazy world

>> No.9821027

Mind shock seems to do the most damage.

>> No.9821031

same shit on /a/
we need some anti-shill countermeasures

>> No.9821036
File: 208 KB, 800x933, 1523745402840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what this thread is about. Only they don't realize that with stuff like thread watch and 4chan-X it doesn't really matter. You can have 200 threads going at the same time and not be slowed down by a few threads being this shit. It is the usual, "pissing in an ocean of piss," thing. Once you know what to look for you can filter everything anyway. Though, they are getting better at filter dodging.

>> No.9821040

/a/ is filled with tons of bot threads this very moment. People defend them saying, "it is board culture!", but those are newfags that simply don't know. The mod there does a pretty good job as is, one of the best on the entire site, still it isn't militant enough.

>> No.9821042

In other words, to have any meaningful disruptive impact, they would need a larger (and organized) population than the /pol/tard majority?

>> No.9821044
File: 285 KB, 1349x1488, bots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would need to push off all the threads and fill it with only their threads. Though, it seems they don't understand the very nature of 4chan in the first place. The threads that don't get moderated are those that are as close to the board topic as possible so it lasts longer. Only in doing that, their stuff becomes 4chan's stuff and they end up defeating themselves.

>> No.9821047

2016 caught ((them)) off guard, but they'll be ready for 2020 just wait

>> No.9821049

Well, we are here forever.

>> No.9821051

>a fucking leaf
of course

>> No.9821052
File: 625 KB, 2060x2312, sad-old-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9821056
File: 6 KB, 684x156, WW3 in full motion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See "Double Agent" in the image of >>9821000 and never believe what you are presented.

>> No.9821072

And that's a GOOD thing.

>> No.9821074


>> No.9821481

Upon further research of this person, I found that she built and flew her own airplane at age 16, graduated MIT in 3 years with a 5.0 gpa (I didn't know they went up to 5), and she had one of her papers cited by Hawking.

Good retort in my stead, anon. That is near how I would have handled it.

>> No.9821490
File: 69 KB, 750x750, 1500783878218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23 years old
>Been a NEET for 6 years
>Have to learn high school math now

>> No.9821492
File: 7 KB, 256x196, dcfesaf4356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does vagina beat penis?

>> No.9821495

Are you me?

>> No.9821730
File: 183 KB, 1024x887, GeeWhoCouldBeBehindThisPost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9821873

Too lazy troll I guess

>> No.9822003

>He dosn`t shitpost FOR FREE
LMFAO, embarassing