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9814594 No.9814594 [Reply] [Original]

News Article:


>> No.9814604

Anything and everything with the word "quantum" is popsci bullshit. Theoretical physicists invented the whole concept (along with string theory) just so that they had something to research now that classical physics are pretty much solved already.

>> No.9814619


>> No.9814624

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9814654

His second sentence is paranoid nonsense, but his first sentence is correct.
It's up there with Gödel's incompleteness theorems as shit people completely misinterpret because they don't have enough background in the topic to even begin understanding how it works let alone to have a coherent opinion of their own about its implications.

>> No.9814674

>his first sentence is correct
sure bud

>> No.9814698

Godel's incompleteness theorems aren't that hard to understand.

>> No.9815021
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>Godel's incompleteness theorems aren't that hard to understand.
Yet people constantly bring them up in popsci / philosophy contexts and completely misinterpret them as meaning truth doesn't exist or mathematics is limited (the latter is especially obnoxious since Gödel was an extreme Platonist and the entire point of those theorems was to show how Mathematics itself existed independently from and beyond the scope of constructed systems like PM).
I'm not saying quantum physics doesn't exist, I'm saying every time a filthy casual brings it up they're misunderstanding everything about it to the point where it would be better for everyone to just never discuss it informally. People trying to talk about it without all the mathematical background that underlies it exploit its abstract complexity as an excuse to say anything goes and all the magical bullshit they want to believe in is therefore true.

>> No.9815041

Well, truth doesn't exist (not that we could even come to a consensus of what "existence" of such notions would even mean) and "math is limited" is at best just as meaningless as well. Of course, we can't find a logarithmic runtime algorithm that decides every problem, so "it is limited", as far as our capabilities for an ideal situation go.

>> No.9815067

I always felt this was the case already, self fulfilling prophecies, outcome pulling to lead to it. you can see it in markets , and human relationships

>> No.9815093

axiom "no god" is as valid, and is compatible with reality

>> No.9815306

This seems to be in the same realm as the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment, seems like retro-causality until you take a closer examination.
>That picture
Why is that guy so famous again?

>> No.9815693

thanks anon, will read

>> No.9815707

Because he (correctly) stated that university "safe spaces" are going too far.

But just because he's right one time does not mean he's right all the time. In that picture he couldn't be further from the truth, and his incel followers are pathetic.

>> No.9815750

This. It's more philosophy with math than science.

>> No.9816016

>Science Alert

Literally a clickbait BuzzFeed tier site, go back to re.ddit with that shit