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9806892 No.9806892 [Reply] [Original]

I think I’ve fallen for the video game meme a bit too hard.

How do I quit video games, or spend more time focusing on schoolwork?


>> No.9806894

Stop playing video games and go do something else instead.
What exactly do you expect anyone to tell you?

>> No.9806895
File: 348 KB, 1332x1949, Neural Rewiring enviornment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9806892 Pic related.

>> No.9806910

You've got a missing element of your life and filled it with video gayms, think about all the things you want but don't have for reasons such as; pride, fear of rejection, ego etc and then go and get them.

>> No.9806920

This is what a non-addict considers actual advice, but if you look closer it's nothing helpful at all.

>> No.9806943

Literally this >>9806895
You have to hard reset. I've been addicted to games my entire life and there have been periods where I dont ever feel like playing them because i havent played for weeks. But then through some social pressure ill pick one up again and end up wasting countless hours on it unwittingly.
I've come to this conclusion independently of this pic but its basically what i've been doing (or trying to) and it works for things like sweets too. My main vice is coming here to this board a lot.

>> No.9806946


>> No.9806953

>take a drug that makes you focus while playing videogames
>end up spending days instead of hours playing them
such an improvement, at least OP can level up with that advice.

>> No.9806964

>have you tried not being sad dude

>> No.9806966

I was addicted to MMOS and what changed my life was travelling abroad for 2 weeks where it hit me that life can be full of wonders if you make it so, hanging out with people, seeing new places, playing sports. Like go for a ride, visit someplace near, go to a random bar and meet new people.

You have to come to the realization that while you are improving in the game (your combat goes on, you hit another level) there is ACTUALLY NOTHING going on with your life. The time spent you could level up in a foreign language or get a gf or friends, is spent sitting still while practically nothing will stay with you, just like nothing stays with you from gambling. Someone will "level up" and do a masters, all you could say you did in the same time was level up in some obscure game nobody cares about.

T-this helped?

>> No.9806974

I’ve tried methylphenidate, Ritalin, Vyvanse, adderall, and all the rest. Methylphenidate helps the most, but I’d like to not need a drug to stop playing r6

>> No.9807572

Some good advice in this thread, but I'd like to add something more immediately practical.

My advice for you is to just avoid time-sink games with no real sense of progression. Games like LoL, Dota, CoD, etc. are just spinning hamster wheels. If you instead focus on games with fleshed out single player campaigns you can segment your gaming into reasonable chunks of time and get more of a sense of fulfillment.

>> No.9807624

cold turkey quit and realize that you want to dedicate your live to study so that you van avoid relapse

>> No.9807931


>> No.9807938

Not every addiction is bad. Video games don't hurt you. They train you.

>> No.9807942

Fucking this

>> No.9807962


People talk a lot about willpower. The key is finding out how much you have. Throw it all in a box and don't touch it for a month or give it to a friend

>> No.9807969

but addicting is what we do

>> No.9807970

Willpower isn't even a thing. It's just a buzzword lucky people use to make it seem like their accomplishments are a result of their virtue instead of pure luck.

>> No.9808066
File: 57 KB, 620x349, listen veronica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They train you.

>> No.9808070
File: 30 KB, 586x193, peter_heroin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop playing video games.

>> No.9808074

In my experience, video games are a waste of time. I haven’t been “trained” for anything. I spend my weekends sitting in front of a screen, draining away my life. If I had the willpower to, I’d love to be deriving equations or studying math or whatnot.

I don’t even think of it as “im throwing away my life” anymore. Im throwing away my future children’s lives. I’m throwing away all the money my parents spent on my education.

>> No.9808075

Never thought about it like that, but now that you mention it, that actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.9808091

>Structural strength isn't even a thing. It's just a buzzword lucky engineers use to make it seem like the bridge is still standing as a result of sound design instead of pure luck.

>> No.9808108

Read a homework problem then think about it while playing video games. When you come to the solution write it in gimp save it then repeat

>> No.9808113

being a stupid faggot isn't even a thing It's just a buzzword lucky shitposters use to make it seem like the post is retarded as a result of being a nigger instead of pure faggotry.

>> No.9808123

Focus more on studying habitually than not playing video games.
Start low, like 1 hour a day maybe more.
Add a 30 minutes to an hour every week or so.
Get a physical paper calendar and draw an x every day you study.

Quitting cold turkey is better but some people just don't have the will power and need to slowly wean themselves off.

>> No.9808130

To add to this, I rarely play single player games, and if I play a multiplayer game, it has to have some sort of measurable skill.

If you think you can get to challenger in lol, or get 5k mmr in sc2 or something, go for it. But if you've been stuck in bronze for 5 leagues or never win fortnite, you should move on to something you can get good at.

I used to play tons of card games. After playing top tier for a few months though, I quit. Now I'm learning python and SQL and study music theory.

>> No.9808139

The way that has worked for me is to allow yourself a period to overindulge in your habit to the point that you realize you're sick of the experience, and the desire for something more stimulating will build. If not sick, at least you will feel less addicted. Of course this is never a permanent solution, but nothing is, because after all, we live for our addictions.

>> No.9808141

brian tracy "the miracle of self-discipline"
go to the library (away from your games) and listen to it
he'll explain what's up
an hour of study really is more rewarding than an hour of vidya btw

>> No.9808146

Being and doing are different things retard.

>> No.9808538

Willpower is a thing, but it is more of an ability to resist temptation than to promote outcomes.

That is, willpower is not what makes you work like a motherfucker 12hrs a day every day of the week.

It is what keeps you from getting the fuck out of your desk to eat a pack of oreos when you should be working. It is what allows you to overcome any addiction. It is what makes you take a cold bath when it is cold out there, just because you want to challenge yourself.

Willpower is what allows dieting. Conquering and achieving is a thing of another sort.

>> No.9809639


>> No.9811281

Find something you can replace time spent playing video games with something you actually enjoy, for me I always thought I like video games so much why not try making my own, so I got into programming. Once a started to get into it a little more I basically replaced all of the time I spent wasted on playing games with something ore productive. I would say I still have that addiction or compulsion but when it isn't being focused on something so worthless you feel better about it. Plus I now work as a software dev and still play games from time to time I just see it for what it is.

Ultimately choose something that is going to take a LONG time to figure out, if you find something you think you can actually enjoy run with it for longer than you usually would, there are times where you're going to get bored but if you persevere you'll reap the rewards.

>> No.9811389
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Video games always have a bad rap for being a time waster. On one hand, its just 1s and 0s ticking up and down, but I dont think I want to be changed to a point where I could never enjoy video games at all. My ideal future would involve maybe experiencing them more in depth in virtual reality, maybe accomplishing a bit more with my time, but never cutting them out entirely. I think there are benefits and experiences that people don't understand that come from gaming, both from taking in stories the same way you would with books of fiction, or the online social experiences living in a virtual space with others.