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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 222 KB, 800x450, Flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9804284 No.9804284 [Reply] [Original]

If the Earth is flat, then why can't I see all the way to the other side?

>> No.9804293

your eyes don't reach far enough

>> No.9804296
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if /sci/ is so smart...
then why is everyone under the line responding to an obvious troll?

>> No.9804577

honestly though

>> No.9804673

because our eye beams have limited endurance

>> No.9806037

because we live in a simulated universe where the "fake" earth is round. but the REAL earth in the REAL world is actually flat

>> No.9806871

Assuming earth is a plane; perspective, and the limits of the physics of light waves traveling across the medium of the air into a lens would make seeing great distances (500+km with a telescope) a challenge.

>> No.9807189


>> No.9807473

you wouldn't be able to see all the way to the other side anyway due to the atmosphere

>> No.9808163
File: 188 KB, 640x406, psyopCIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag OP false flag replies
Back in my day, trolling was an art, shills these days are way too obvious.

>> No.9808194 [DELETED] 

Mountains look blue from farther away because air isn't perfectly transparent, it has a blue tint. This is also why the sky (etc.) is blue.
If the earth were flat, you would not be able to see the other side. Even if you climbed a tall mountain.

On that note: If the earth is flat, why are there mountains?

>> No.9808197

Mountains look bluer from farther away because air isn't perfectly transparent, it has a blue tint. This is also why the sky (etc.) is blue.
If the earth were flat, you would not be able to see the other side. Even if you climbed a tall mountain.

On that note: If the earth is flat, why are there mountains?

>> No.9808208
File: 7 KB, 212x238, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If air has a blue tint then why doesn't everything look bluish? Things indoors (with the windows closed and the lights on) would look less blue than if you were outside on a sunny day. And the tint would be gone in a vacuum, but we don't observe this.
If the air had a blue tint it would absorb all the colours besides blue, but it doesn't do that. It scatters blue light so every colour gets through the atmosphere in the same amount but blue light comes in at different angles.

>> No.9808212

Because the horizon is in the way you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9808265

Does that mean an infinite flat Earth would look like a hollow sphere?

>> No.9808393

Mostly because of the firmament, the dome causes a translucent vision during the day and the stars are the holes in the firmament