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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9803876 No.9803876 [Reply] [Original]

In the interest of reducing the number of frivolous and shitpost-tier IQ threads on this board, here's everything you need to know about IQ scores, how they're measured, and their validity.

>Are online IQ tests accurate?

It depends on the test. Tests that consist of matrix reasoning puzzles (choose the missing shape) are effective at measuring fluid intelligence, but other aspects of your intellect are measured on professional IQ tests. I took the Wechsler test by way of a professional psychologist, and it contained elements of verbal reasoning, arithmetic, and logic. Scored a 144 btw humblebrag

The most accurate online test I've found is the European IQ test. Look it up.

>What does IQ measure, exactly?

IQ measures your problem-solving and logical reasoning abilities. The definition of "intelligence" is debated in the scientific community, but IQ remains the most accurate metric for representing one's intellect. Note that certain aspects of an individual's cognitive state (such as ADHD or learning disabilities) may detrimentally impact their IQ score even though they're fairly intelligent in reality.

>Is it true that IQ tests are racially biased?

No. Data doesn't lie. Certain demographics score lower on average than others. This doesn't make anyone or anything racist.

>How can I take an accurate IQ test?

Find a local psychologist and ask to take one. Alternatively, you could attempt to join Mensa - the test they administer isn't a true IQ test, but if you pass it, you likely have an IQ of 130 or higher.

>> No.9803880

>Can you increase your IQ?

In most situations, yes. You have an advantage in this department if you're under 25, as this means your brain is still developing. Regardless of your age, though, keeping your mind sharp by doing cognitively demanding tasks will increase your overall IQ score.

>Does IQ change over time?
Unless you perform cognitively demanding tasks, your IQ is likely to deteriorate as you age. Other circumstances, such as severe trauma to the brain, can also affect your IQ.

>Does drinking/smoking pot/using tobacco decrease your IQ?

There is no conclusive data suggesting that the consumption of alcohol/drugs decreases your IQ. That being said, some studies suggest this is the case while others deny it, so it's up to you if that's a risk you're willing to take just to get high once in a while.

>Why does IQ even matter?
IQ has a direct correlation with one's success in life, with some exceptions. Most scientists/mathematicians/computer scientists/programmers have above-average IQ scores. IQ has also been found to determine one's success in academia, with higher scores being correlated to higher GPAs.

>What foods should I eat to increase or preserve my IQ?

Fish (due to Omega 3's), protein, fats, and nuts/legumes. Avoid high amounts of sugar/starch.

>> No.9803882
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>> No.9803885

What is the IQ of the people who created the IQ test?

>> No.9803888

Talking about IQ tests is the ultimate IQ test.
You just failed.

>> No.9803892

110-120 on average for psychologists.

>> No.9803894

t. low IQ brainlet

>> No.9803896

Can IQ be extrapolated from college success? I'm top 4% (may be higher, but that's the bracket I'm in) at my college in mechE, but also very studious.
Don't really want a concrete number to put a number to my potential but I've always been curious.

>> No.9803900

>>Are online IQ tests accurate?
No online "IQ test" is accurate.

>> No.9803901

I only take IQ tests created by people with 200+ IQ, because they will create a better test.

>> No.9803902

I'd say so, yes. IQ has been correlated with GPA, as I stated in the OP.

Top 4% in your MechE program is impressive. Be proud of that.

>> No.9803904



>> No.9803912

Were those tests created by 200+ IQs? I will not tolerate fucking brainlets trying to measure intelligence.

>> No.9803916


>> No.9803917
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>The most accurate online test
> implying you can measure test accuracy

>> No.9803931

Why should I take some fucking dumb intelligence test when they couldn't even fathom the intelligence I have? They wouldn't have the first clue how to test for it because they ain't got what I got.

>> No.9803938

I know you're kidding, but this is a legitimate argument against IQ tests.

Some psychologists argue that human intelligence isn't quantifiable.

>> No.9803947

Hey not same guy but I'm in the top 5% of my pure maths bsc, what's my iq? pretty pls?

>> No.9803959

They would be correct, intelligence is not quantifiable, it's var too vague a concept and applies to potentially infinite scenarios in reality.

Some autistic test with silly little puzzles and patterns means jack shit in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9803960

230. Confirmed

nah, also pretty high most likely

>> No.9804145

>No. Data doesn't lie.
However, agenda-pushing """"scientists"""" lie about data. You cannot gloss over this fact with trite truisms.

>> No.9804518

Is your IQ set from birth? Because I've heard of this concept of "genetic potential" applied to penis size. Like peoples' genetic potential is much higher than they usually reach under normal circumstances.

>> No.9804811

you know that "X to end all Xs" only makes them stronger
lol look at ww1

>> No.9804858

IQ tests measure your ability to figure out specific problems that arise in the learning of modern euro-education

>> No.9805028

>the only decent thread on this board and it gets completely ignored

>> No.9805236


>> No.9805268

Circle jerk threads are never good

>> No.9805285

What the fuck does this sentence even mean?

>> No.9806814
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>IQ thread

>> No.9806853

IQ is white supremacist pseudoscience. You've been debunked sir, feel free to delete your thread

>> No.9806881

>IQ has a direct correlation with one's success in life, with some exceptions.

Define success.

>> No.9806965
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Getting that sweet thicc desu

>> No.9807029

My IQ is just around the treshold of creativity, that is 120 by the way. I am also good at lying, see:


>> No.9807206

IQ should be a filtered word on this board

>> No.9807287
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without a doubt

>> No.9807312

"H-hey guys I have an abstract number thats really high compared to yours, t-that means im smarter!"
If it was any of you vs kim kardashian in a life or death quiz on designer clothing you would all die. Point is intelligence is contextual.

>> No.9807406

Now if it was any of us vs kim kardashian in a life or death quiz on a topic neither of us have heard about with one hour to prepare, who do you think is going to die?

>> No.9807445

I don't think yoy understand the point im trying to make, inteligence isn't a super power, its a point system, you brain is the same shape and size as hers and holds the same amount of of information. You essentially get to put points into what you want. Kim put all her points Into pop culture and clothing. You put your points into science and learning methods, you don't have a superhuman power to understand things better. You just took the time to learn how to learn better. The same way if you and a body builder were given one hour to prepare for a sport you both don't know he would beat you. Because he trained to be able to train better.

>> No.9807451

Given enough time and dedication kim could become as intelligent or more intelligent than you, its just she has different interests the same way you have different interests.

>> No.9807466

>everybody's a winner!!!!!
Holy fuck millenials really are the fucking unique snowflake generation. Say what you will about IQ, but the fact is that some people simply are inherently stupid

>> No.9807490
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Are you honestly saying that the only reason someone like Oppenheimer is smarter than Kim Kardashian is because he focused more on maths and physics. Your body builder analogy is retarded as well because the best body builders are naturally talented as well as hard working in the gym.


>> No.9807495

Yes i know.... That's called a mental disability. Once again ill try and explain my point cause you really aren't getting it. Your computer with 1TB of space isn't a better computer just because its filled with infographs and pdfs about nuclear physics. And kim is actually winning at life much more than you are concidering she's probably in a bath of champagne rn and your online bitching about Millenials wondering why the interviewer at Lowe's didn't think your PhD in geography and theoretical mathematics was relevant.

>> No.9807502

Oppenheimer was better at math and physics because his parents directed him towards that in his upbringing, they played for his university, and he felt modt comfortable with people in his field and learnt off of them. Do you not understand what product of your environment is? If you cloned Oppenheimer and dropped him in Beverly hills he wouldn't magically build a fucking nuke.

>> No.9807511
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Look at this kid, as an adult he's the most talented person in his field currently. If people are born with natural abilities you should be able to tell what field he's an expert in right? Or maybe just maybe your making excuses.

>> No.9807517

i don't man, i grew up in a nomie environment and i always felt disdain for dumb plebs

>> No.9807565

Were you an only child? Did your parents always praise you? Were you never easily distracted? There's millions of factors that can apply.

>> No.9807613

Are you seriously trying to argue that certain people aren't born with a propensity for certain areas of study? As if some random bozo could reach the heights of dirac or von neumann through trying really hard from birth?

>> No.9807662

Sigh... Humanity has reached a point where we're in the process of discovering the very genes that code for intelligence. I'm not saying that stupid people are worthless. I'm sure Kim Kardashian is extremely good at being a fame whoring gold digger, much better than I'd ever be. But some people are born more intelligent than others. You can't seriously believe that's not the case. If you believe in evolution, then genetic differences are inevitable

>> No.9807674

Yes, they were both born blank fucking slates and had to learn everything they did.

>> No.9807693

Nah, senpai.

Intelligence is genetic.

>> No.9807716

So why are the only geniuses of our time extruded from american or european institutions?

>> No.9807758


>> No.9807822

Every modern genius.... Can you give me an example of one that didn't go through a major university?

>> No.9807856

Alexandre Grothendieck
Okay he's dead but not so long ago.
I wouldn't rate Université de Montpellier as "major". Most people don't know any French universities, and those who do know mostly about ENS, Polytechnique and the Paris ones.

>> No.9807860

Level of educational attainment and lifetime earnings

>> No.9807907

That's subjective success. Do you think some cave dweller or sherpa gives a fuck about your degree? Objectively they are as successful as us long as they raise offspring. IQ is a meme see >>9803882 for the reason.

>> No.9807923

>falling for the meme this hard
Im sure youll be happy you worked and made yourself more efficient at working when your on your death bed.

>> No.9807974

Not him by how do IQ deniers deal with the fact that some young kids score very high on IQ tests even though they were raised just like every other kid?

>> No.9807979

What if you do that later in life? Does it still count?

>> No.9808045

yes, you can by using real, psychologist-implemented iq tests as a benchmark. The most accurate tests are then the ones that most closely follow the outputs of the proper iq test.

>> No.9808049

just take an online one.

>> No.9808051

jelqing exists

>> No.9808054

that's not 3000x magnification

>> No.9808055


>> No.9808057

if by "go through" you mean "graduated from", then many billionaires.

>> No.9808059

so, the only way to measure test "accuracy" is appeal to authority.

>> No.9808811


Not him by how do IQ supporters deal with the fact that some young kids make very nice sandcastles even though they were raised just like every other kid?

>> No.9809636

Part of intelligence is the ability to learn. So by saying that one of the two simply knows how to learn more efficiently or better literally translates into a higher IQ for that person.

>> No.9809650

Lmao have you ever done math in your life. There are plenty of people who try way harder than me but I still destroy them in math. You ar e obviously delusional if you think every dumb fuck can meet someone like Ramanujan (who had 0 training and lived in rural India but still figured out the pythagorean theorem as a kid) in intelligence. There are thousands of people who bust their asses studying and get nowhere. Only retarded NEETs who never made it pass algebra would say anyone can do what they did because they don't even understand what math is.

>> No.9809651

ITT: a bunch of retarded high school dropouts who think math is just quadratic formulas saying anyone can become Von Neumann

>> No.9809681

>meet someone like Ramanujan (who had 0 training and lived in rural India but still figured out the pythagorean theorem as a kid)
So, his brain was connected to the noosphere and he downloaded solution, because he was "genius" or what? How do you think the brain even works? Ideas are just come out of nowhere?

You reduce everything to mere man-made idea of "geniusness", because you can't grasp complex objective causes. You are simpleton.

>> No.9809687


hardworking and talented >>>>> lazy and talented >>>>> extremely hardworking and no talent/some talent > literal garbage > lazy and no talent/some talent

>> No.9809723

> Ideas are just come out of nowhere

To you maybe...If you want to know how people solve problems, search online, there are plenty of strategies.

He doesn't pull it out of nowhere. In fact, he probably had motivation for developing those ideas. We don't know what they are but anyone who has come up with such ideas had motivation. If you've done puzzles (of any discipline), you see that sometimes you instantly come up with the right answer, or you test reasonable solutions until you find the right one. Difficult problems can usually be broken up into mini puzzles and each can be approached that way. At this point the only limiting factor is time. The smarter you are, the better your conjectures are, the quicker you prove or disprove them, and thus the faster you solve the problem.

It's absurd to say everyone is the same. Clearly not everyone can get as good at swimming as someone like Michael Phelps so why should it be any different for intelligence?

>> No.9809838
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>Nailed it.

Both of my children are extremely smart. Both attended started TAMU in engineering. My (hard working) daughter graduated with her BS in Industrial Engineering. My son (not lazy, just a "convenience enthusiast") failed out of the School of Engineering and had to switch to IT management.