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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9803206 No.9803206 [Reply] [Original]

When will you idiots realize that all math is just circular reasoning fallacies? It’s all just pixie dust and bullshit. None of it means anything I think it was probably created to keep autists busy and entertained to keep them away from the gene pool.

Prove to me that anything in your magical mathematical world is actually real and more than just some autistic fairy tale.

>> No.9803215

t. Guy who's never used mathematical techniques to make accurate real world predictions

>> No.9803230

>muh math can be applied to the real world because my calculations prove it
Very good argument anon

>> No.9803243

I wish I was as stupid as OP,

Seriously though—have you ever heard of physics? All mathematic formulas that can be used to make 100% accurate predictions of the future.

>> No.9803257

Yes but accurate to what system? The math proves 100% that physics will work the way it is supposed to mathematically. I don’t really see how that is a meaningful prediction when you already know the answer because you made it up.

>> No.9803263

If my calculations let me make physical estimations using the language, it is useful.

>> No.9803293

>accurate to what system

The real fucking world brainlet, have you tried visiting?

>> No.9803305
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Holy shit bro get tested, seriously

>> No.9803334

This thread makes me wanna cry. Using computers to claim that math is "pixie dust and bullshit". How can a person be so fucking dumb?

>> No.9803336

Tfw posting from a phone or computer, designed by mathematicians and physicists

Oh i forgot. God made it. The day after he made man.