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9802934 No.9802934 [Reply] [Original]

Are dolphins secretly smarter than humans?

>> No.9802948

It's not a secret.

>> No.9802952

Yes, they just don't have hands though.

>> No.9802955

i believe it comes down to cortical neurons, that's the most important factor when searching for intelligence, i believe dolphin brains devote a lot of brain power to their echolocation. but if i recall correctly they have a very handsome, near level of human cortical neurons as well...

>> No.9802959

What about whales?

>> No.9802968
File: 112 KB, 1549x418, cortical neurons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cortical neurons
actually...i'm wrong.

>> No.9802973

Turns out that only retards bother with civilization, technology, and other such dead ends. It's a far better survival strategy to just flipper around and eat fish with your mates, and it's more fulfilling and fun too

>> No.9802975

wonder what they think about... spending decades in the sea.

>> No.9802985

>Turns out that only retards bother with civilization, technology, and other such dead ends. It's a far better survival strategy to just flipper around and eat fish with your mates, and it's more fulfilling and fun too

The edifice of civilization endures beyond ourselves and lets us improve quality of life and reach beyond what the previous generations and other species might even imagine. Decadence and laziness is failure.

>> No.9802990

>Pilot whales turn out to have twice as many neurons in their neocortex as humans do. Of the other animals so far examined, none comes close. Given that we have reason to believe that unihemispheric sleep reduces brain efficiency, we could reason that this measure overstates their intelligence but, as I have previously argued, we have fundamental reasons to think this shouldn’t be by a factor greater than two. Should we just assume that Suzana Herculano-Houzel is wrong, or should we, in the absence of any stronger evidence for their cognitive level, declare them totally protected until such time as we have reasonable evidence that they are less intelligent that humans? That is a big call, so let us see what else we have on them.

>One potential counter argument is that a few pilot whales have been held in captivity since the sixties. Surely then, we would have noticed if they had that level of intelligence. By all accounts, they have proven no harder to train than bottlenose dolphins but, unfortunately, they suffer captivity very poorly. In fact so poorly that, throughout the sixties and early seventies, their life expectancy in captivity was only six months. As such, little can be deduced from the anecdotal experiences of trainers with a few depressed individuals. It seems that no scientific cognitive testing has ever been performed on them.

>Dietary breadth has also been found to be a good predictor of a species intelligence. Of what little other data we have on them, their diet is broader than most cetaceans. Below is a typical quote on it.

>The Pilot Whale has quite a selection when it comes to the foods they eat. Their diet includes squid, octopus, herring, and various small fish.

>Perhaps it is not as varied as a killer whale, human, or sperm whale, but then, those others are better studied. This still doesn’t decide the case.

>> No.9802993

>The Algorithm

>Into this relative vacuum a new finding has come. Thanks to an innovative new algorithm and extensive data set, we now know that pilot whales display a dialect-type pattern in their vocalisations. It was shown that all but two of the six studied pods have highly distinct vocal patterns. The exception, pods B and J, had indistinguishable calls. Neither the environment nor the time of day had any noticeable effect on these patterns. As I have noted with sperm whales, this pattern would also manifest if we are ignorantly examining the carrier signal for a fully fledged language. Thus, last month we learned that it was hard to exclude the possibility of pilot whales having a real language without much further research.

>On this site, I have noted many metrics by which sperm whales exceed humans, and all other cetaceans. What I have never been able to get a handle on is how the next echelon down in cetacean intelligence compares to humans. No matter how wrong if feels, I can’t exclude the possibility of killer whales, humpback whales, and pilot whales each being our peer, with sperm whales above them all. As I imagine you do, I hope that isn’t the case, but it is ignorant to confuse wishes with reality. A clever species would play it safe, and give full rights to all these animals, until we have proof that we humans are their superiors. Let’s show our own intelligence, and take that option.


>> No.9802999

imagine being as sentient/sapient than a human if not more so and being cursed to drift along the ocean depths your whole life...

must be hellishly boring.

>> No.9803009

Their bonds with eachother must be very strong. And maybe their sense of sound gives them more 'sight' than we could possibly imagine.

>> No.9803010
File: 51 KB, 548x435, Whale Squid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sperm whales dive deep into the ocean and have battles with giant squids
no-one's ever witnessed it but that's the theory why a lot of sperm whales have scars all over themselves

>> No.9803016

This. Just because an organ is bigger doesn't mean it is using energy with the same efficacy. An octopus has three hearts, but that's because it's so damn hard to pump blood around an octopus with all their complex muscle movements. Not only do humans have big brains, but we also have hands and vocal chords, which no doubt allows that brain mass to wire up into more advanced structures than given the stimuli a cetacean receives. Thus humans seem to be supercharged in many ways: number of neurons, input/output organs, and our culture.

>> No.9803025

why did you use that word instead of efficiency?

>> No.9803027

>The edifice of civilization endures beyond ourselves and lets us improve quality of life and reach beyond what the previous generations and other species might even imagine. Decadence and laziness is failure.

Go on. Explain

>> No.9803030

There's nothing to explain, he's just trying to cope with not being born into the dolphin master race.

>> No.9803032

makes you think. If dolphins are capable of the same type of philosophical thought as humans do they inherently hate their existence knowing that we have so much more freedom than them or would they consider life to be easy.

>> No.9803033

>knowing that we have so much more freedom than them
how would they know that?

>> No.9803034

Watch out for people who use that word. HUGE red flag!!

>> No.9803036

they're planning to genocide us with all of their might for destroying the oceans with plastics and pollution, but they are helpless, evolution only gave them flippers and an environment in which they cannot harvest fire

they are hopelessly cucked, all they can do is meekly look us at passively as we sail by them in our massive steel ships and submarines

>> No.9803042

>our massive steel ships and submarines
Maybe they know better than most humans that steel ships and submarines are an anomaly - a tiny blip in the geological record.

>> No.9803049

i wonder if their culture revolves around strong oral traditions dating back aeons, talking about the surface dwellers who come and go every ten thousand or so years once they develop past a certain threshold and inevitably collapse and revert back to the stone again...

>> No.9803054

The dolphins, whales and the ET's are all involved with the work on the Planetary Grid. Dolphins have a similar 'consciousness' to the Sirians. It all boils down the psychic powers such as telepathy.

>> No.9803084

lol I even wrote efficiency and then retyped it. I like to keep the definition of efficiency strictly thermodynamical. When you are talking about synergistic effects between e.g. biology and linguistics, I think this is a situation in which 1+1 = 3 or something like that. Unless you can somehow translate the informational complexity on the physical substrate into terms of energy, I don't think efficiency has the same meaning. I'm not saying that the octopus heart isn't as efficient as a human heart, I'm saying that the human is bipedal and has a skeletal structure and accomplishes MUCH more with that one heart than an octopus with three. This is the result of environment and balance and an advanced nervous system. So the heart has more efficacy (admittedly a much vaguer concept) but not necessarily more efficiency in a human.

>> No.9803087

He's saying that our generations are built upon the artifacts of previous generations unlike any other known animal you dumb whale

>> No.9803089

likewise, I am saying that our brain relates in a synergistic with many of our other organs, and human have some really advanced sensory organs which participate in that relationship. Perhaps there are only so many neurons required for consciousness to arise, and beyond that it is up to other factors. i.e. large brain size is a necessary but not sufficient condition for sentience

>> No.9803096

>informational complexity
im sorry, not following? are you suggesting only humans are sentient?

>> No.9803165

sorry, not just any sentience, I meant an advanced sentience characterized by intelligence and communication. Human beings are very good at making and interpreting symbols. Perhaps dolphins are too, but if so, they are utilizing their environment in a somewhat limited fashion. i.e. a specific set of high frequencies. Humans on the other hand have sight and sound and touch. Our ability to interface with symbols via our sense organs is very wide. Perhaps the dolphins huge brain is processing the hell out of those chirps, but they are essentially stunted by the bandwidth limitation in their method of communication. This informational perspective is what I am proposing contains synergistic effects which extend beyond the classic notion of efficiency in thermodynamics i.e. heat engine efficiency. This is the reason I chose to write EFFICACY instead of EFFICIENCY because I am trying to indicate that there is another concept in play, that of information. I hope that I have made my position more clear.

>> No.9803174

Their brains are wired differently in such a way that that life a-okay for them

>> No.9803319

Yes, echolocation is a huge thing of what they do, makes one curious about how they perceive the world.

>> No.9803322

yes hedonists crave their comfort and they love to cling to their spooks of legacy and progress. Those toxic people become depressed when they are not dwelling in their fantasies

>> No.9803330

If we could use the dolphins advanced brain and communications technique and mix it with our physical bodies and abilities, i bet 10$ we would see a more modern society of peace and technological and scientifical advancment which would sustain our living for ages to come

>> No.9803338

>humans are so great
the word efficacy only really comes up when statistics are used to prove some astronomically small positive correlation
also, you know the word efficiency has correct usage outside of the realm of physics right? Eg. you can be efficient at doing your job.

>> No.9803392

This fucking thread.
"The more neurons the better, right?"
Just like the good old chromosomes

>> No.9803465

>he doesn't have MAX chromosomes
This board isn't for you brainlet

>> No.9803540

oh wow thanks for enlightening me. Maybe now you can respond to the substance of my post instead of greentexting me on microsemantics. /sci never fails to disappoint :) by the way, humans are pretty great

>> No.9803543 [DELETED] 

also as I stated previously, I'm not efficacy in any technically defined sense

>> No.9803575
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They just jump and play and have sex all day. They literally don't have any jobs or responsibilities besides their naturalistic urges. The only thing I can imagine being boring is their "landscape": just a continuous vast expanse of blue in the deep ocean.

Apparently dolphins' language is naturally pictoral, because they perceive sounds as visuals, in a circular "cymaglyph". Pic related.

Also, we have to remember that dolphins ahave literally been around for about 15 million years, they probably have had time to figure out how to live relatively peacefully with each other, which is probably why most of their day is spent playing. We could all take a cue from the dolphins, methinks.

>> No.9803588

>>The Pilot Whale has quite a selection when it comes to the foods they eat. Their diet includes squid, octopus, herring, and various small fish.
This made me laugh for some reason.
>why yes, the pilot whales have quite the selection when it comes to food. Their diet includes fish, smaller fish, even smaller fish and sometimes bigger fish too.

>> No.9803589

Modern dolphins used to have a civilization and the primitivists won.

>> No.9803590

That's like saying that all fruits are the same. KYS brainlet.

>> No.9803595

>can't comprehend innocent humour
>calls others brainlets
It's like poetry

>> No.9803605 [DELETED] 

I bet you have AHDH

>> No.9803608

Holy shit nibba, the ocean is fucking amazing, go scuba diving damn.

>> No.9803611

I could actually believe this

>> No.9803613

bruh, squid and octopus are not fish. Biologylet

>> No.9803618

I bet you have ADHD

>> No.9803622

I have adhd and I'm a marine biologist. What are you on about?

>> No.9803631

can i fug dolphin? pusy looks inviting

>> No.9803638

this to being honesty

>> No.9803643

Meditate more.

>> No.9803651

I'm always annoyed when people say dolphins (and whales) are not fish, but mammals. It's true, biologically, but does it matter?
Those are fishes because of their environment. What do they see? What do they hear? What do they interact with? Only water is what surrounds them, and other fishes. Their environment is just not stimulating enough to nurture (or even necessitate) intelligence.
They don't have hands (or analogue body parts) to manipulate things, but there are no things to manipulate around them anyway.
The "scientists" who investigate them fall in love with them because they are so sweet (especially those cute bottle-nosed dolphins that always look like they're smiling), and jerk them off. Literally.
You know what animals are intelligent? Crows. But they are not "cute", so we are not talk about them.

>> No.9803655

They're mammals because the females have mammary glands for which to feed their young you fucking brainlet. It has nothing to do with their environment or intelligence.

>> No.9803657
File: 332 KB, 640x640, 77E98ED3-FE76-41DE-9AAD-A1B3783B1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crows are cute you filthy faggot.

>> No.9803664

You'd have to be a huge faggot not to drink a dolphin load right from the source.

>> No.9803665

Can you read, retard? Or are you American? Like this bitch who gave LSD to a dolphin and had sex with it?

>> No.9803666

What the fuck are you smoking

>> No.9803668

You didn't even had the time to read that article...

>> No.9803673

I like them just as much as I like dolphins, or trees, or leeches. But my opinion is not popular.

>> No.9803674
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>> No.9803675

>It's true, biologically, but does it matter?
Yes it matters.

>> No.9803683

In terms of intelligence? No. Crows, parrots and octopuses are demonstrably more intelligent than dolphins.

>> No.9803684

Source, I really don't believe you.

>> No.9803685

bottle nose dolphins pass the mirror test, my man

>> No.9803687

so do octopi

>> No.9803688

It's only a humor if it's funny.

>> No.9803690

Magpies and ants, too.

>> No.9803697

can Dolphins split atoms or understand existentialism? there, your answer is the answer to my question.

>> No.9803699

Causal understanding of water displacement by a crow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZerUbHmuY04

Alex the Smart Parrot - Talking bird distinguishes colors, shapes, sizes, numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0E1Wny5kCk

A demonstration of an octopus learning through observation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQwJXvlTWDw

>> No.9803700

Encephilization quotent

>> No.9803708
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what about ants? One ant is pretty stjuupit. Don't the researchers mean ants as a collective? (building sawdust hills and micro fuhrerbunkers)


>> No.9803714

That's a very good point. Alone, a human is useless. We, as a society can do so much more. Ants have this superpower.

>> No.9803718
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>Those are fishes because of their environment

>> No.9803722

Works for bees too.

It all depends on what you consider intelligence. Look up animals that can learn sign language (Koko, Washoe), kind of unrelated but really interesting nonetheless.

>> No.9803726

How the fuck does any of this prove that they are more "intelligent" than dolphins?

>> No.9803727

I wonder if we can trick them into making certain compounds for us if we make the GMO fairy visit the bees or the ant's farm lice/fungus

>> No.9803734

dogs can recognize the smell of their own urine right? why is this not an example of self awareness? dogs read human faces, gestures and emotions better than chimps do

>> No.9803736

Why, what can dolphins do? Eating fish and reproducing. But I digress. As others mentioned, that may be a better life than living in a technological civilization like us...

>> No.9803750

Dolphins also rape humans to death and use pufferfish to get high as a kite. Dolphins are deadlier than sharks numbers wise.

>> No.9803753
File: 316 KB, 1102x350, wodumedia.com-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wuz smarter than humanz n shiet
Any animal or insect lead a better life than humans in a modern society. My dog feels happier when sniffing asses than most humans are when going to work.

reminds me of bees picking up sugar from a m&m's factory which makes colored honey because of the food coloring

>> No.9803754

why are there no land sponges and Coral anyway? is it because they never crawled out the ocean? chemical barriers? there ain't even freshwater ones.

>> No.9803759

which was promptly banned because normies fear what they shouldn't fear and accept what they should shoo off. I'd buy some green or blue honey. Nice waste recycling too.

>> No.9803775

Yes, an environment has a formative effect a species. Is this surprising? They were land animal, presumably with feet. Now they have fins and generally look like a fish. Who knows how intelligent were they when they went back to the oceans, but surely they are resembling now more to fish than to advanced land mammals in intelligence, too.
Even humans can lose it in individual cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child) .

>> No.9803776

>why are there no land sponges and Coral anyway?
Because they are sessile colonies of polyps, and as last I checked the air isn't teeming with plankton.

>there ain't even freshwater ones

>> No.9803778 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 323x323, u cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, did you just step out 18th century?

>> No.9803781
File: 32 KB, 323x323, u cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, did you just step out of the 18th century?

>> No.9803795

What do you mean?

>> No.9803804

I don't need to explain what I mean by that. If you don't understand what's wrong with your post you don't belong to the current age.

>> No.9803807

You are very smart. Thank you for condescending to me.

>> No.9803814

"What do you mean?"
"If you don't understand, you're retarded."

Nice deflection there.

>> No.9803852
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>I don't have enough grasp of the English language or social norms, to be able to convey my thoughts and ideas to others, so they may understand me.

>> No.9804018


>> No.9804039

T. Flipper reporting in

>> No.9804044

>substance of my post instead of greentexting
but there really is none

>> No.9804067

big brain =/= smarter. this is due to environment and synergistic effects between the brain and other systems.

i doubt you even study physics so of course you wouldn't understand what i was talking about wrt energy and information

you know what, i changed my mind. i bet i could find a dolphin that was smarter than you

>> No.9804085

I bet I feel happier sniffing asses than your dog does anon.

>> No.9804092

But can it run battlegrounds on medium settings at 60 FPS ultra HD Resolution?

>> No.9804101

larger brains are not only a goody proxy for general intelligence in of themselves but they are an even better proxy for intelligence when general size and physiology is fixed

compare the brain of Caledonian crows to all other birds of similar size, it's no surprise it's the most intelligent bird, it has the largest and most convoluted bird brain. not a coincidence at all.

>> No.9804107

sure, that makes sense to me. And from that angle OP's question is considering a (very) unfixed physiology, which I suppose is a more elegant way of talking about it

>> No.9804117

isn't the smoothness of the brain a factor in how retarded something is? AFAIK mice got very rough plowed brains and blue whales, derplords of the sea, got one as smooth as a bowling ball.

>> No.9804125

>synergistic effects
what are you, in marketing or something?

>> No.9804128

blue whale brains look pretty convoluted to me, in fact more convoluted than a mouse brain

>> No.9804134

then which animal had the large smooth brain?

>> No.9804139


>> No.9804146

lol, thankfully no. but it's sad that the parasites among us have reduced our ancient words to the point that your first association is some glib marketing campaign :)

>> No.9804187

they take slices of our best music to sell their garbage as well. and dont even think twice about it.

>> No.9804896

>Intelligence and brain size in 100 postmortem brains: sex, lateralization and age factors
>The neural basis of variation in human intelligence is not well delineated. Numerous studies relating measures of brain size such as brain weight, head circumference, CT or MRI brain volume to different intelligence test measures, with variously defined samples of subjects have yielded inconsistent findings with correlations from ∼0 to 0.6, with most correlations ∼0.3 or 0.4.

>> No.9806025


>> No.9806038

Already killyourself please.

>> No.9806040

>1 ExaFLOPS of computing power
Should be able to, with the right encoding.

>> No.9806041

Brain size doesn't matter. Elephants would be geniuses, but they're not. Same goes for the number of neurons.
The only case where size matters is if the person has anencephaly or some weird shit where some parts of the brain are missing.

You'd be surprised of how many retards still use the "brain is just a computer and neurons are like 1 and 0 dude" analogy

>> No.9806049

>Brain size doesn't matter
>t. small brained brainlet

>> No.9806109

Top kek

>> No.9806116

Mostly traps, and whether or not they are gay.

>> No.9806117

And rape. Don't forget all the dolphin rape.

>> No.9806227

So if I swim, im I an amphibian?

>> No.9806260

Yes by one meaning of the word, no by another.

>> No.9806299

Very well written anon. I completely agree with you. Very difficult to prove anything along those lines like 3 heart =/= bipedal humanoid. It's like trying to prove different ethnicity being more efficient at being a plummer or something.

This brings up a point that maybe humans, not by our brain cell count or whatever, but by our physical characteristics of being a humanoid (2 arms, 2 legs, fingers, thumb, eyes, ears, nose, throat, vocal chords, etc) that the shape of ourselves is the sole factor in the capability of developing intelligence/culture/sentience/what have you. You brought up a good point that due to the physical characteristics of a dolphin it is inherently impossible to develop intelligence like humans because it lacks a "horizontal" capability. By when I say horizontal I mean that a dolphin would always win against a normal human in sonar strength or whatever, but human have many different horizontal challenges like grip, optical vision, flexibility, and of course our vocal chords are nothing to scoff at either.

Just food for thought.

>> No.9806306

>It's a far better survival strategy to just flipper around and eat fish with your mates
Not really, cetaceans are critically endangered.

>> No.9806309

Sounds like more variety than I get. I never eat herring or more than two kinds of small fish.

>> No.9806325

they use a lot of that brain power analyzing squealing noises

so no

>> No.9806360

elephants are not geniuses but are among the smarter of the animals, and have even observed participating in death rituals similar to funerals

raw brain size will always be a very rough proxy for general intelligence, there is no way it can not be

>> No.9806363


this is a problem from your point of view as human, in this time and space

>> No.9806367


Simple, if no one archive and evolve the results of the previous generations, humans are still dumb monkeys.

>> No.9806376


>t. hungry japanese

>> No.9806430

What else would they eat? Steamed crabs?

>> No.9806459

Why sci so much funnier than the other boards

>> No.9806466


>> No.9806671


Humans dedicate a ton of neurons to their face and hands, and facial recognition.

>> No.9806680


Your metric is highly anthropocentric. Where we may sing a song or draw a picture, cetaceans may literally sing a holographic movie to each other.

>> No.9806694


Any creature which is social and has a large brain can safely be assumed to be highly intelligent, especially when they're as recently related to us as all extant mammals are. Before you start harping on about muh ratios, don't forget that the extremely large dinosaurs had walnut sized brains, and even then we see that birds can be highly intelligent with tiny brains.

>> No.9806756


Yes, but they don't have hands. So they're basically genetic trash. "Oh look at me I'm so smart" - Dolfin. "Dude, you don't have hands. You're a fucking fish. You can't do shit." - me.

>> No.9806762
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This is why sci is the greatest

>> No.9806825

Comfy letting the human brainlets do all the work

>> No.9806827

>you will never be able to flipper around with your mates
feels bad man

>> No.9806834

right, they are peaceful...
that's why they are known for organized gang-rapes

>> No.9806841

Have we decyphered their language?

>> No.9806854

That's a myth perpetuated by anti dolphin NGOs and people who just don't understand their culture.
It's actually mostly consentual

>> No.9806884
File: 71 KB, 300x458, brute_force_6012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well yeah they live in the water
basically a safe place
food everywhere
they can swim everywhere
they don't need industry for accommodating themselves into the environment unlike humans that are dependent of it

they don't need a monetary system or any kind of economics

they basically live free the only danger for them is humans and since they are smart we have all rights to be scared

>> No.9806890

They probably don't have enough synaptic pruning, and are thus the most autistic species.

>> No.9807011

Dolphins society:
>males and females equivalent
>free to navigate the globe and move through z-axis
>food swims right by you just suck it down and keep swimming yum!
>language is one step away from telepathically beaming thoughts
>spend all day having sex and playing

Human society:
>dimorphic sexual selection means men spend all their time in an elaborate pissing contest to impress females who are hardwired to select for obnoxious alpha males
>stuck moving slowly in 2d and landbound without contraptions
>need to go to elaborate lengths to procure and prepare food using contraptions
>escapist media is a poor facimile of true imagination
>can't surf for shit
>sexually frustrated cucks

>> No.9807017

it true

>> No.9807700

At the end of day we still shit, sleep, eat and fuck. What's the point of life without struggles if it only leads to an existential crisis?

>> No.9807892

they have a general higher consciousness, surprised no one has said it but if they had thumbs we'd be fukd

>> No.9807989
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This, imagine dolphins and other cetaceans communicating a holographic document or information. Maybe that have a holographic history they can 'draw out' with their chirps.

>> No.9807991

Where did we go wrong?

>> No.9808006

It's probably just dick pics, calm down.

>> No.9808014

schizo motherfuckers, I am amazed they get it together to function properly in nature. On the other hand, that's nature

>> No.9808016 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9808018
File: 397 KB, 1200x849, 1509341226658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many times this

>> No.9808356


Is that why they're always laughing? Swimming past humans in the water park and beaming them dickpics for lulz

>> No.9808773

what is your definition of smart?

the fact that we can kill them all and thry cant kill us all means we are smarter imo

>> No.9808782

>mike tyson is smarter than einstein

>> No.9808785
File: 323 KB, 600x450, jimmy_osgood_got_a_gun__static_shock__by_dlee1293847-d81rtjx[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9808786

do you know what an analogy is?

>> No.9808788

You, ya daft cunt.

>> No.9808807

lol sure i guess. but without advanced tool using I think that their stories might get a little boring. There's only so much you can talk about eating and sex. They lack any sort of recognizable religion or economic system which surely limits the accessible topics of philosophy. Simply put, there is not enough intellectual fuel for their big brains. Perhaps they live in some kind of strange psychedelic bliss, maybe with an oral tradition. But human thinkers have libraries and the internet. There's simply no comparison.

>> No.9808818

oh yeah, so what did dolphins invent?

>> No.9808819

what did you invent?

>> No.9808820

See; Encephalization quotient

>> No.9808821
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>> No.9808822

it might just be that they have redundant (or more correctly doubled) brain material because they only rest one side of there brain at a time when sleeping to prevent drowning this would also explain why the lobes appear to be more separated than the other brains
at least that is my theory
what do you think?
whats with the porno? very unnecessary

>> No.9808840

a miniscule fraction of freakishly smart humans out of literally billions came up with some new ways to make our lives easier, and gave it to a pack of baying ravenous consumers who of course misused the technology and ended up destroying the biomechanical heat engine that we all need to survive. What an amazingly smart species we are.

>> No.9808874

their brains are larger because
>bigger bodies
humans have the highest body/brain ratio and we have an increased ventrolateral prefrontal cortex which is for cognition and language and only present with humans

stop looking for animals smarter than humans, we are the homo SAPIENS

>> No.9808877

>what's with the porno?
porno is always necessary, our monkey brains demand it

>> No.9808972


>Can't even capitalize or use punctuation.

>> No.9809046

i disagree especially in non sexual discussions where it just shifts the topic to something unrelated and sexual unnecessarily
but you may believe as you wish

>> No.9809048

Humans will be soon too. What's your point, that we ruined everything while the dolphins had fun? Seems like a win for the dolphins still.

>> No.9809342

This is a family friendly board!

>> No.9810271

You forgot:

Dolphins society:
>One Universal Dolphin race
>No Borders

Human society:
>Donald Drumpf
>My Dad

>> No.9810319
File: 139 KB, 614x800, 1137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decadence and laziness is failure.
A failure, and also an unavoidable, cyclical consequence of peak technological progress. Yes, it all happened before. Yes, there is plenty of evidence of this and the most obvious clues have been presented to the general public through deliberately false attributions to more contemporary groups.

>> No.9810889

So just like in Arrival 2016.

Tower Of Babel has tore humanity apart, dayum

>> No.9810896
File: 924 KB, 884x1134, echoDiagram2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dolphin language is literally a movie.

>> No.9810913

Just like humans it seems

>> No.9810922

It's probably their language which requires so much brain power. Maybe if they had hands they would rule the world and we wouldn't.

>> No.9810931

this is fascinating desu senpai

>> No.9810987

do you have more info on this? do dolphins basically send each other videos through voice waves?

>> No.9811016

woah it's like who ever wrote this is mentally retarded

>> No.9811228

>I'm always annoyed when people say jellyfishes (and starfishes) are not fish, but medusozoa/echinoderm. It's true, biologically, but does it matter?
>Those are fishes because of their environment.

>> No.9811230
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.9811238

>They just jump and play and have sex all day.
They can do that in 1 hour, having nothing to do but that during the 24 hours that they are awake (because they don't sleep) must be hellishly boring.
>and the communist won.
>Implying we didn't had fun

>> No.9811241
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1523348412237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chinnel
>cares about punctuation

>> No.9811263

other anon here, apparenty this is a very enhanced version of the original signal and there seem to be no other snapshots. so the evidence is on the same level as jesus' face on a toast.

>> No.9811267

Dolphin language is naturally pictoral, as shown by >>9811230, so they would never have to "invent" a linguistical symbols, it's basically build into their heads. You gotta think though, that leaves less room for linguisical innovation and "evolution", so to speak.

Why play for only 1 hour when you could play literally any time you wanted. You a pessimist by chance?

>> No.9811299

>play all day
>every day
>every week
>every month
>every year
>every decade
When you can only do 3 things it gets boring eventually.

>> No.9811317

>imagine being as sentient/sapient than a human if not more so and being cursed to drift along the internet depths your whole life...
>must be hellishly boring.

>> No.9811329

>the posibility to read thousands of years of media
>more boring than living in the ocean
What are you here if is so boring?

>> No.9811499

pictoral languages do have symbols retard.

>> No.9811893

hey george

>> No.9812014

if dolphins are smarter then why do they let Japs eat them

check mate atheists

>> No.9812274


Dolphins incapable of abstraction? I don't believe you're smart enough yourself to make that assessment based on nothing but gut feeling.