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9801794 No.9801794 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw get nearly 100% in all my calc and physics classes
> feel like I’m a genius
> talk to my friend from UC Berkley
> realize my classes are 50x easier than his stem classes
> do some more research
> find out my schools math and physics classes are tailored towards premed and engineering students because we have barely any math or physics majors
> realize I’m much less smart than I thought I was

Feels terrible bros, transferring to a much more rigorous tech school this fall I was sure I could get a 4.0 there too but now I’m starting to realize I’m really not special at all

>> No.9801804

To give you an idea we literally didn’t even cover greens theorem or navier stokes equations in any of my calc classes. I’m amazed my credits even transferred anywhere.

I feel so taken advantage of.

>> No.9801806

>realize my classes are 50x easier than his stem classes
Haha, no.

Why don't you just study extra material on your own?

>> No.9802228

a lot of schools don't cover greens or stokes because there isn't enough time. you're meant to cover it on your own

>> No.9802233

>navier stokes
this is bait

>> No.9802235

Grades were never an indication of intelligence. They're an indication of how obedient you are, and that's all.

>> No.9802244

t. 2.5GPA

>> No.9802246

How can you not have time? Dont you americans have like 26 lectures per course
t. maximum 13 lectures per course and we covered green, stokes and divergence theorem

>> No.9802247

What? I go to a pretty shitty school (Penn State) and even we covered stokes and greens theorem in my multi class.

>> No.9802252

Depends on the uni.
I had some courses which were 26 lectures at 1 1/2 hours and some courses which were 13 lectures at 3 hours.

>> No.9802301

someone tell me how the fuck this burger system of just hopping around institutions works? I always see advice to how you should start off at a community college then transfer with enough "credits" to a prestigious institution. Is this just advice for brainlets to give them hope? What about all the people you knew from your old uni? Sounds like a dumb system just start off in a good school.

>> No.9802326

If you start off in a good school you’ll be paying $20-60k a year just to take general classes like English and Afro-American Liberation Studies. Also if you did shitty in high school you won’t even get that far.

>> No.9802327

Good job with your good grades anon. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.9802330

what the fuck?! I thought the whole point of being a good school is that you don't do that shit and jump to very advanced and rigorous courses?

>> No.9802345
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tfw 2.5 GPA, multiple internships, undergraduate research, active in clubs, and already accepted job offer

>> No.9802352

>my school is specifically tailored toward engineering
>we cover greens' theorem and stokes' theorem

>navier stokes equations in basic calc

>> No.9802416

The shit tier departments need the funding and somehow sold the whole "well rounded education" thing to those who create the curriculum, who figured out that by doing so the uni would be more profitable.

Otherwise you could get through university in half the time and for half the money. It's fucking balls in my opinion.

t. did my general education requirements at a community college and saved a ton of money.

>> No.9802419

*and also got in to a good university

>> No.9802427
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tfw 4.0 GPA, multiple internships, undergraduate research, active in clubs, and already accepted job offer

>> No.9802429

isn't it cheaper to just close those useless departments?

>> No.9802433
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Sounds like you wasted a lot of free time.

>> No.9802439

Its not wasted if i enjoyed it

>> No.9802443
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Good for you then, fellow /sci/entist.

>> No.9802445

literally how, all internships are like 3.0+

>> No.9802458

The internships and job offer were all from the same McDonalds

>> No.9802470

I wanna do a math major but the school im going to is known for engineering. What information should I examine before I decide?

>> No.9802477

I got relevant work experience through family connections while I was in highschool. This was back when my GPA was around a 3.2. When I started college I did relevant part time work, club activities, and undergrad research. None of these had strict GPA requirements. By my Junior year, I could barely fit my work experience on one page. By the time I got an internship during college I stopped putting my GPA on my resume. When I was doing the phone interview for the internship I asked if my low grades would be a problem and they said no. GPA requirements are less important than relevant experience. I've only been turned away for a low GPA once.

>> No.9802481
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>> No.9802492

You can make a math major work just about anywhere as long as your department isn't complete garbage. I went to a third rate school that didn't even teach topology and I still got hired right out of graduation.

>> No.9802495

It's spelled Berkeley faggot, and math 53 was the most boring class I've ever taken. Where are you even transferring anyways?

3.2 gpa in highschool, are you actually retarded?

>> No.9802499

>are you actually retarded
I get paid to do research. I sure hope not.

>> No.9802500

I went to community college and we actually covered greens theorem and navier stokes equations, not shitting you, mabye your professor was lazy and went slow during the lectures?

>> No.9802568

I'm UCLA engineeeing student AMA. Berkeley is a joke

>> No.9802604

For what it's worth, basic calculus is basic calculus no matter where you go. What matter is whether you understand the underlying analytical techniques.
"Harder" schools merely artificially inflate the difficulty of the class through clever selection of test questions on tests with short time limits. I can give you a tricky integral that you need to some random identity to evaluate quickly, so if you're the type to do all the extra problems in the book you'll have seen it, and if you aren't, you won't have time to finish. So even though you both understand the main concepts, he gets an A and you don't.

They are an indicator of discipline and effort, both of which are strongly correlated with achievement, and significantly more important to admissions and hiring in almost any top-tier organization.
"le smart but lazy xD" 2.5 gpa clowns always skate by with the minimum possible and are almost always shit hires. If they are hired in spite of their GPA it's because they're a minority or have some family connections.

>> No.9802626

Most people don't go to school for engineering or physics, why are you always surprised that many calc classes are tailored to these people? Is everyone here actually retarded?

>> No.9802632

Cope harder bruinfag. Cal beats you across the board in math, engineering and CS.

>> No.9802639

what do you mean you don't cover green or stoke's theorem? Do you mean the actual rigor behind it, or just the formula?

>> No.9802657

How does it feel knowing your program is barely on par with UCSD and you'll be overshadowed by Cal grads forever?

>> No.9802824

of course you aren't special. even the berkeley kids arent special. you aren't worth shit until you start to publish research papers.

>> No.9803440

stop being such a special cunt and just focus on the course work

>> No.9803489

Not so fast, microcephaly.

>> No.9804313

green's theorem isnt even hard tho

>> No.9804417

That must be bullshit. Gauss and related theorems are widely used. If anything you need it in elementary electrodynamics.