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9800231 No.9800231 [Reply] [Original]

What can be done about the rampant scientific illiteracy in the first world?
I keep seeing people that have NO understanding of science get herded around like cattle by pop-science garbage disguised as good information.
Eg. hyperloop, solar roadways, LEDs are spying on you, f l a t e a r t h, etc

>> No.9800245

>f l a t e a r t h
Fedoras take the bait every single time

>> No.9800262

No, i mean the real flat earthers. Not /pol/tards shilling it for keks

>> No.9800265
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>Americans read at the 7th grade (12 year old) level
>Americans can't do basic Algebra
>Americans haven't read the Bible
>Americans don't know geography
>Americans don't know history
>Americans don't know civics
>Americans can't into rhetoric
>Americans don't know a second language
>Americans don't know how to read or write cursive
>Americans can't figure out that their electronics are unplugged without seeking help

>> No.9800272

Yes, its pityful how far we've fallen

>> No.9800276

>In the first world

Scientific illiteracy is just as much of a problem in the second and third worlds, the first is just in a unique position of severe Dunning-Krueger. So I guess we start there, teach people how much they don't know.

>> No.9800399

>Americans haven't read the Bible
Nobody has read the bible. It's too long.

>> No.9800481

If you legit haven't read the Bible you are doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.9800491


Why do you think that?

(Genuine question)

>> No.9800494

All problems are caused by "climate change".

>> No.9800495

The Bible is historical fiction.

>> No.9800496

Religious books are the only ones you always learn something from no matter how many times you read them.
The world is filled with brainlets who only covet IQ and not emotions. Emotions matter too.

>> No.9800498

Reddit is that way fedora tipper.

>> No.9800500

was a funny read but a bit too silly

>> No.9800501
File: 502 KB, 554x2175, Children don't know Bible stories_ Three in ten kids don't realise the Nativity is a story from the Bible - Mirror Online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9800502

It gives you context for the society in which you live, we were not just dropped out of the sky. I guess my feelings on it are that it is history, and it is always better to know something about history than not (even if the 'something' is not 100% true).

>> No.9800517

It gives context to the motivations of people around you, and what has motivated people over the last 1500 years, as well as being a valued literary text that introduces character archetypes and timeless stories that continue to be parodied, referenced, and inspire new works to this day, and no doubt into the foreseeable future.

>> No.9800518

Not an argument. How is the Bible not historical fiction?

Biblical history is rather poor, since it adds literal magic to events that are semi-historical.

>> No.9800519

People are motivated by the primal desire to stay alive and feel good feelings.

>> No.9800520

We aren't arguing. We are stating opinions.
>Tips fedora

>> No.9800523

Nope. It is my claim the Bible is historical fiction. How is it not historical fiction, since it includes events that no doubt occurred mixed with ones that certainly didn’t along with themes of supernatural powers?

>> No.9800526

Tell that to Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams

>> No.9800529

Please point me in the direction of the post claiming the Bible is not historical fiction, nigger lover.

>> No.9800530

I don't wanna discuss religion but you're really being an anti-theist.

>> No.9800533

They didn’t feel good feelings so they killed themselves, since humans can figure out the bad feelings stop when we die.

Simply asking what’s so important about an article of historical fiction.

Thanks. Religion is rather cancerous so I oppose it.

>> No.9800534

your claim "certainly didn't" does not come with an accompanying argument, but i won't press that point.

However, let us also observe a diary of someone alive 800 years ago. Suppose that they make an incorrect statement in their account, which they believed to be true given the information that they had access to at that time. A statement like "a witch cursed our village with termites because we cast her out of our village" would obviously be considered untrue, however it is valuable history because that is the interpretation that was commonly made at the time. it gives us an insight into the behavior and lives of people from that time period. It's not fiction, its merely a flawed account that should be considered as such.

Should a historian claim that there is no historical value to that book?
due to that story we would now know A. there was conflict between a village and an outcast, B. for whatever reason, there was a huge termite problem, and C. this event reenforced the idea of witch's powers in this society, all of which are valuable to a historian

>> No.9800537
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>since it includes events that no doubt occurred mixed with ones that certainly didn’t
The bible isn't just one book with one theme dude. Stop being an absolutist.
>along with themes of supernatural powers
And you have a problem with that? Most classical historical works had that stuff in them too.

>> No.9800542


>> No.9800543 [DELETED] 
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>Religion is rather cancerous so I oppose it.

Atheism has kill far more scientists so I oppose it.

>> No.9800550



>> No.9800556


>The bible isn't just one book with one theme dude. Stop being an absolutist.

It’s a collection of books tied together into one Demi-coherent whole. Some are relatively historical. Others are just ramblings. It is overall historical fiction, a work that depicts events that did actually happen, some events that didn’t actually happen, and all mixed with supernatural powers.

>And you have a problem with that? Most classical historical works had that stuff in them too.

They’re historical fiction too, yes.

>> No.9800566

You should read the Bible for the same reason you should read any improtant literature, to stop being such a brainlet.

>> No.9800576


>> No.9800579

Hmm, you are right. We need a final solution to the brainlet question.

>> No.9800628
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>> No.9800631

>They’re historical fiction too, yes.

No, they are the standard historical works of antiquity.

>> No.9800634 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 484x396, 1419375679410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Einstein Theory of Relativity historical fiction because it's mixed with fictional accounted of him going at the speed of light on a train?

Stop being so autistic.

>> No.9800637

>first world
Thanks for remembering me that Brazil is a first world country.
68% of my fellow countrymen are functional illiterates.

>> No.9800652

Is Einstein Theory of Relativity historical fiction because it's mixed in with a fictional account of him going at the speed of light on a train?

Stop being so autistic.