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9797311 No.9797311 [Reply] [Original]

based chem brahs

I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel/blog highlighting latest synthetic research and total syntheses in general (no practical demonstrations but animation of syntheses etc). I find that more advanced chemistry & synthetic strategy videos are highly underrepresented. Given that people always say that your channel/blog should be the channel you would like to listen & read about personally, this looks like a potentially interesting hobby.

I'm mainly going to do this for myself as I really enjoy compiling syntheses etc. but I'm unsure of how many people will be interested in this. Should I just post some posts in the chemistry reddit and hope for the best? Maybe dumb it down a bit in order for normies to understand and talk about compounds relevant to history/daily life?

>> No.9797319

Dumb it down to like undergrad level. This seems too niche for normies but sounds like it could be too complicated if it wasn't dumbed down a bit. It sounds interesting in theory though as long as you aren't a completely monotonous sperg. You could go for the broscientist market too
>source: me, an undergrad

>> No.9797350

this OP
start with known stuff like drug molecules and actual drugs like LSD salvionrin etc
people need to be interested enough on the molecule itself before they are interested in how it can be made synthetically

>> No.9797356

Yeah thats what I figured. At least picking a niche is a good thing from what I've read (although this might be too niche) and I think I can always broaden my scope to other research areas (my education is very good and multidisciplinary).

I know that there are a lot of chem/science channels but most of them deal with popsci/meme tier trivia/experimentals and not really latest research

>> No.9797362

Should I focus on the audience that is not interested in hearing about the more chemical & synthetic aspects and try to get them interested/bait at first with well known compounds (~your suggestion) or target already interested people to whom I can talk to about some autistic 30 step endeavor total synthesis?

Probably the former given the bigger potential audience, scalability and longevity?

Thanks you guys really appreciate it

>> No.9797401

I think it's a better option to go for the people who aren't into chemistry at all but are casually interested to know how shit works
I think the people who are interested probably won't waste as much time watching your videos, but you should focus on both groups, just focus a little more on normies is my 25cents

>> No.9797419

I don't think it's too niche at all, but I feel like it wouldn't be too hard to get a following in the diy broscience or nootropic/fitness market.
See: diy "biohackers"

You seem to be more versed on the topic though, and could target researchers or grad students looking for new avenues for research.

The latter is less trendshit, but the popsci shit probably has a better audience right now, and you could even scale to selling your own products or partnering with nootropic companies

>> No.9798078
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Yeah, I guess that people that are interested to begin with are just going to read the paper itself and are a much smaller audience.

I actually now found that this guy made some videos on targets like LSD and cocaine (/channel/UC41tKXBn3CKQJ-9zBviDVqw/videos). So I might go more into detail how syntheses evolved over time, who did it under what circumstances, random anecdotes I can gather from papers etc. Given that this guy has 210 subs from let's say 5 videos (made and stopped one year ago so he probably lost a few as well) leads me to think that there surely could be interest.

After "baiting" people with 3-4 videos about nootropics, drugs and steroids and posting it on reddit etc. (this guy probably just got these views from the search function), I can still reconsider where the channel is heading and ask people for what they want to hear next about (more complicated syntheses or more meme stuff).

Does this make sense?

>> No.9798167
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>> No.9798288

Talk about the big stuff first like Woodward's work

>> No.9798315

What does the Tig represent?

>> No.9798321
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Agreed, I guess I can start with popular drugs, nootropics, steroids whatever and then do some videos on some classics from Woodward, Corey, maybe Nicolaou and then judge from there.

I'm still not sure on the format and how normie/undergrad-friendly I should design everything. I guess making it relatable to non-chemists and putting some "hooks" and stories should be my main goal (compared to actually looking at what disconnections where made, what other strategies entailed etc.)

I think that would be quite dumbed down but then again, looking at the few videos that are similar to the ones I'm planning most people write something along the lines of "I didn't understand a word but think it's interesting", so I shouldn't be too focused on the synthesis and chemical concepts themselves

which kind of defeats the purpose of my channel so I have no idea what I'll do, thanks for subscribing to my blog xd

>> No.9798324

It's the ester of tiglic acid

>> No.9798413
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>> No.9798733

>total synthesis
It's cool, but is there any chance we'll see overviews of research about synthetic methodology? I personally find that discovering new mechanisms (and by extension the unique structures they allow) far more interesting than total synthesis. This is probably a more niche topic, though, and seeing as more people are interested in drugs, their synthesis with known reactions, and their applications/effects, it might be too much to ask. You'd probably be guaranteed a large portion of devoted late undergraduate chemists and graduate chemists, though.

>> No.9798791

The one thing I ask of you is to FUCKING WRITE YOUR SCRIPT IN ADVANCE
Don't fucking wing it

>> No.9799161

I think this is a great idea, but like the other anons said it's better to start with more popular compounds and gather some viewers, after that you could start making more complicated stuff. Dumbing it down might be smart but don't dumb it down too much since then it would kinda defeat the purpose of making the videos.

>> No.9799185

>synthetic "research"
Have fun getting replaced by a neural network in 5 years LOL!

>> No.9799690

Just to say, I would watch this. As I'm sure would many other chemistry master students and the like. Papers are dense and not that fun to read for pleasure but covering a synthesis with a little background and wider discussion on interesting mechanistic points in a way that doesn't leave you reaching for March's etc would be sweet as all hell

>> No.9799699

Yeah. Go for it m9. Sounds like a decent idea. Id say your success really depends on the execution

>> No.9799862
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I like useful methods and their application as well so if there is demand for it I'd definately do some of these too (or regular reviews and highlights of latest research)

got it, I'm planning the fuck out of the structure of the first video atm

thanks for the reassurement!

thankfully I'm not doing it anymore but just reading about it which is dope af

thanks for the support my dudes

I'll post on /sci/ when the video is out (hoping for ~3 days)

>> No.9799880



>> No.9800054

I don't think the latest synthetic research involves much total synthesis anymore. Besides Baran or one of his goons, I have maybe two JACS total synthesis papers. Usually total synthesis from random Chinese groups littler JOC, but that's all I really ever see of total synthesis.

My point is that I think you should focus your videos. From what you've said in the thread, it seems like you just want to make the YouTube version of "Molecules that Changed the World," which is fine if your target audience is undergrads/organic students. But if you want to catch the interest of actual researchers, I don't think total synthesis is the way to go.

Talk about >>9799185 . I think Doyle published another machine learning paper in science a few months ago, and Bertozzi had one in JOC a few weeks ago.

>> No.9800616

I saw your reddit post OP

>> No.9800777

thanks for you input. I don't think I want to really reach actual researchers as a main group, because they're
a) much smaller in size as an audience and very fragmented specialization areas
b) are generelly older and not as accessible as normies or younger people through youtube
c) already have access to all high impact journals, c&en news etc.

if this gets good feedback after publication I might always extend my topics to different scientific disciplines but I don't think I want to target hardcore researchers

oy thanks man, that shit blew up now I really have to step it up and deliver

>> No.9800804

Why not both? Do a few shorter, simpler videos then follow it up with a long complex one. You could even order it a bit like a course, covering certain simple ideas and techniques then tying it all together with a big synthesis that uses those ideas.

>> No.9800855
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they're underrepresented because it's an extremely small market and people like NileRed and nighthawkinlight blowing alkali metals up and making chloroform are a lot more entertaining

anyways i'd watch your videos chem friend, good luck

>> No.9801028

yeah I have a decent idea for my first video where I will include a simple and a more complex synthesis. I guess it all boils down to the people that watch me and their level but I don't want to do basic fucking ass videos on transformations people can just google

thanks mate

>> No.9801185

I like the idea - if the animation is good and the explanations reasonably accessible I'd watch it

>> No.9801214

I'm still not sure how I want to animate it as I'm not that experienced in animation/video making. There are 1 or 2 videos on syntheses that use hand drawn structures which I think some people could like but I'll do it with clean chemdraw structures. Just gotta be careful to not overload the space with schemes and make it too dry and cluttered.

>> No.9801221
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yea man do it, there is always intrest. channels like this https://www.youtube.com/user/TMPChem/playlists
are legendary

>> No.9803306

awesome! I really hope the discussion will not be too difficult for people that arent very eduacted in organic chemistry

>> No.9803332

>but I don't want to do basic fucking ass videos on transformations people can just google
Yeah, if you go down that route you'll just end up as another study aid channel, which must suck if you're genuinely passionate about chemistry.
What I'd do is put out a single "for beginners" video where you give a list of textbooks, wiki articles, websites etc. to visit if they struggle with something in another video. Then when someone leaves a comment complaining that they don't understand what you're doing and start begging you to do an "OChem 101" video (this WILL happen: people on YouTube feel entitled to decide for you what content you will make), they can just be referred to the "for beginners" and to follow the links therein.

>> No.9804069

yeah, I hope the plebs won't be mad at me. I'm going to warn them at the beginning that it requires chemistry knowledge to be fully understood

>> No.9804137

+1 sub if OP does this.
t.a brainlet

>> No.9804149
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I'm hopefully going to publish this tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If you're a chem brainlet you'll only enjoy a third of the video but I'm really grateful for any subs

>> No.9805220

where is the channel OP?

>> No.9805261
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gonna upload in about half an hour my mate and probably make a second thread

>> No.9805354

here it is my man

>> No.9805383

Nice video
you swiss german, my man?
I prepared some short remarks for you

-maybe do something about your mic/ the popping sounds, it's kind of off putting
-I wouldn't let the lab journal quote stand on the screen by itself silently, just read it out loud
-lmao what the fuck at that liquid HCN step
-I'd try to be more confident in what you want to present in the video, it feels to jarring to have you constantly ask if the level was appropriate
-also, i don't know if it comes naturally to you, but I would try to talk in a more authoritative voice, it just simply sounds better recorded

in general, nice video and the stuff at the end was quite interesting, i'll sub and like for sure

>> No.9805389

yep Swiss

yeah I edited the fuck out of it and it's still scuffed sometimes (next time I'll just put the mic farther away from the mic)

yeah I figured that it sometimes sounds a bit whack but I didn't want to overdo it like in some sort of vlog. I repeated it like 3x to set the expectations correctly so people don't tell me that they didn't understand shit

but all in all valuable feedback thanks!

>> No.9805491

rip the other thread
Still, good job

>> No.9805497

Is it because of "lsd" in the thumbnail? My reddit post even got deleted rip, should I change that shit

>> No.9805498

Go for it. Always good to have more information out.

>> No.9805507

probably. May I suggest just putting a shrugging diethylamine cartoon man instead?

>> No.9805509

I just exchanged it with "lysergic acid" so let's hope for the best

last thread got 400 upboats and 5k views so that would be really great exposure

>> No.9805511

jesus christ I updated the youtube thumbnail like 10mins ago, if you click on the reddit link it shows the non-lsd thumbnail but the overall thumbnail that is present in the subreddit is still the lsd one fml

>> No.9805512

tried ctrl+f5?

>> No.9805515

I'll just wait like 15mins else I'm reposting every 2 mins like some attention whore xD

thanks for reading my blog btw mate

>> No.9805517

It shows correctly on the youtube thing, so it's ok
just remove "(Precursor to LSD)" from the title while you're at it. should take more heat off just in case

>> No.9805522

good idea! did that and gonna wait for some minutes for it to update

are you the guy from the other thread who referenced gary v?

>> No.9805586

No, I'm the towels guy

>> No.9805599

Sounds like a lot of work for very minimal return. Most of recent synthetic research is catalyzed nowadays and the theoretical aspects are hard to "dumb down" to YouTube level. You'd need to dumb it down to a maximum five minute video (since that's the average attention span of your YouTuber nowadays), with the content severely lacking quality as a result. If you choose to make it longer and keep the intellectual standards fairly high, there's no reason for you to do it for anyone because the people who want to know about advanced synthesis already have books/lectures about it or read the most recent papers.

My opinion is, try it if you really want to but don't expect a lot from it.

>> No.9805616

Thanks based towelsbrah
Yeah thats a big con imo aswell but I'll just make this for fun for a while and see where it goes. If I can after a while expand to other disciplines too and just talk about latest research updates in science, I might be able to hit a larger audience. Thanks for your thoughts

>> No.9805622

Of fuckin course you did LSD man. Be more original if you wanna attract actual chemists because i see pseuds blabbering about what joe rogan told them its off putting.

And no im not a faggot, i did a lot of acid in highschool into my freshman year but im now a senior undergrad and find it intellectually repulsive

>> No.9805637

I never consumed any drugs whatsoever (except caffeine) so I'm not a degenerate. I wanted to start out with a molecule that people heard of already so that was the sole reason