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9797183 No.9797183 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw conscientous but only 115 IQ
>tfw got weeded out by Calc II
>tfw resident autist made fun of me for it saying I couldn't even get through kindergarten mathematics

>> No.9797232

Where were you taking Calc II? 97% here, but at a community college so I don't think it means anything. You're probably smart enough, anon. :)

>> No.9797237

Calc II is all industriousness. Failure at that stage is more failure of work ethic.

>> No.9797245

Lmao @ you blaming intellectual limitations on getting "weeded out" by calc II
have some fucking responsibility friend. It's easy to blame IQ test results.
>Including your grade in the class
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9797297

I'm a filthy bioinformatics major (biology + cs) and even I could get through calc 2 easy. You might be retarded anon

>> No.9797306

>weeded out by Calc II
pick one

>> No.9797318
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Let's be honest, you're IQ is below 100.

>> No.9797328

Isn't that considered retarded regarding maths?

>> No.9797464

There's a difference between maths and 'Calc II', which is just mindless symbolic manipulation that any teenager without serious brain damage can do.

>> No.9797592

Adrian is this you?

>> No.9797595

> 104 IQ
> straight A’s thanks to studying and time management
> feels good

>> No.9797648

if the average retarded engineering student can pass calc 2 it’s not because of your IQ you lazy fuck

>> No.9798772

I know. Feels bad man. I wasted all of mommy's money on my futile education. I've been reading genre fiction to cope but it hasn't been working well. The brainlet cope is real.

Honestly it might be now... that figure is from when I was younger. God I truly am a brainlet.

It is but I tried anyway because I always wanted to be a physicist. Guess it's time to give up and be more realistic LOL

I think so as well. I don't think I have brain damage it's probably that my brain is just naturally a bit dull lol... I think I'm gonna kill myself. Don't really have much more to live for after failing this lol

>> No.9798828


>> No.9798859

I got a B in Calc ii, know where the most infinity is, series are infinite ways to write numbers you are familiar with, and interest/growth rates just know the formulas and guess and check until you get the results that make sense. And fuck trig, I got a b

>> No.9799201

>Failed high school
>have 140+ iq

Stay pleb

>> No.9799312

I see a lot of hate towards trigonometry, even my professor is skipping it. Should I study it by myself or is it really useless.

>> No.9799362

I majored in Bio, so Calc II was as far as I went. I couldn't say.

>> No.9799378

Trig is awesome, study it.
It isn't compliucated, just understand the geometric intuition behind it and you can use it to solve all sorts of problems.
In calc II, trig is mostly used in a very clever integration technique called trig substitution, where certain expressions are interprereted as a side of a triangle in the unit circle.

>> No.9800056
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>not doing Calc II in highschool
>actually failing it in college
Anon, what the fuck are you doing. You failed the easy A class