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9793699 No.9793699 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen many videos like this one with experts talking about the biological advantages of genetic diversity. Given that a more genetically diverse population is healthier, should interracial mixing be encouraged?


>> No.9793703

i dont know but please please stop with the ass photoshopping. its worse than fake tits.

>> No.9793704

Not if we prioritize intelligence as a species, which we seem to, since it's our big trick and all.

>> No.9793709

>what is hybrid vigor

>> No.9793715
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It makes people click.
Not OP


>> No.9793718


Why would I make this thread on /pol/? You know damn well they're not going to be unbiased about this.

>> No.9793727

its fucking retarded.

>> No.9793753

No. The potential benefits are insignificant when there's already so many of us and the costs are much greater.
It's not just about biology, the ethnic cohesion within peoples can be a source of conflict or be used for getting a better sense of community and higher trust in a society.
Ethnostates doesn't mean inbreeding (especially since it doesn't mean complete isolation).

>> No.9793754 [DELETED] 


stay on topic

>> No.9793852

Literally all of the problems of both parents but half of the benefits.

Plus all of the behavioral problems of having no identity

Also kalergi plan

>> No.9793854
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>> No.9793869

It should be allowed but not required. There's nothing else to it honestly.

Also there's more to genetic diversity than just procreation. There's also a diverse diet where everyone doesn't consume the same exact thing. There's also environment and bacteria acclimatisation too.

>> No.9793914

Also removes any genetic diversity.

>> No.9794043

you'd be the first to go if thats the case

>> No.9794046
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>> No.9794053

>its another episode of conservative hillbilly hicks cant into historical extrapolation

considering a half black became an american president before a full black its def not a negative and only dont have a pre-existing identity to conform to which is a result of brainlets like you into structuralism

>> No.9794054

>Given the benefits of genetic diversity
You're confused, to say the least.

>> No.9794057

>what is inbreeding?

>> No.9794256

Mixing doesnt increase diversity, genetic diversity is caused by an accumulation of mutations overtime not mixing random groups of humans. If you pour dirt into water well there is no more pure dirt or water you just destroyed the diversity.

>> No.9794258

>Fucking your race is inbreeding
Yes anon a british man fucking a german girl is inbreeding, please kill yourself.

>> No.9794261

>to avoid inbreeding you have to marry someone from another continent
You're confused, to say the least.

>> No.9794270

Hybrid vigor only happens when one or more of the parents are horrifically inbred

>> No.9794271

>It should be allowed but not required

often things are not "required", but encouraged or otherwise indirectly put upon those who wouldn't normally be inclined to behave in a certain way. i'm not just talking about racemixing, but certain behavioral patterns in general. people should stop thinking only in terms of what's legal and illegal, but how their environment encourages certain habits and whether or not those environmental influences are organic or carefully manufactured.

>> No.9794272

If everyone was mixed overnight, the current donor and transplant system would collapse. Countless people would die.

>> No.9794278

If you do it on purpose...

If you just want all randomly fucktogether you get distribution of bullshit.

>> No.9794284


this type of manipulation can be very subtle and it's often hard to ascribe responsibility or discern motive.

>> No.9794289

misused term to describe an extremely fringe case in which constant in-breeding causes the introduction of different species/subgroups to be beneficial to the diversity of the species
This doesn't apply to humans unless you want to talk about several generation of strict in-breeding, as in two main genes being passed in the family over and over. Do that for 15 generations and MAYBE hybridization will be something to look forward to. At the same time, breeding with the same species outside of that minuscule pool would also have the same effect without any drawbacks that you would have with interspecies hybridization.

Interracial hybrids have shown fertility problems and, in case of continued hybridization, total infertility within 3 generations. On top of that, hybrids, while having less chances of genetic-carried diseases, have a broader spectrum of diseases they are susceptible to. It's a losing game on the long run so go ahead and jump into it head first, retards

>> No.9794299
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>> No.9794302

Nature can only get you so far if your Nurture sucks senpai

>> No.9794312

Guatemalans are genetically closer to us than africans, you racemixing pushers are really nothing more than black fetishist that want to pollute the human genome with african DNA.

>> No.9794329
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>> No.9794332

There is none as there are too many africans to erase their unique blood from this planet even if you mixed every white with them.

>> No.9794338

A single drop of disgusting white blood is all it takes to contaminate the pure black genome.

>> No.9794351

Are those experts themselves practicing what they preach? Probably not.

>> No.9794358
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what looks unhealthy or inbred about these people?

>> No.9794361

Can we have a thread without people who have to be contrarian no matter what and pass off their views as normal?
Being a racist isn't unbaised. Go make this thread on /pol/ if you want white pride.

>> No.9794362

race mixing is a positive for people who have had lots of first cousin marriage. people like jews. western europeans have no need to mix races for high genetic health.

>> No.9794363

Finnish people are inbred. Islandics are inbred.

>> No.9794366

they arent. and they would benefit from breeding from other r1a/r1b type people if that were true.

>> No.9794368
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>> No.9794374
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>Given that a more genetically diverse population is healthier

breeding horses and donkeys doesnt increase the health of either population. There is an ideal genetic distance for breeding, and interracial is way way too far.

>> No.9794375
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i mean...

>> No.9794412

It really seems like you're the one that wants a political discussion so you should go over there to /pol/.

>> No.9794624


This is science. Not politics you fucking retard.

>> No.9794636


a lot of that shit is just wrong. it clearly wasn't written by someone well-versed in genetics.

>> No.9794640

>should interracial mixing be encouraged?
That's a political question, not a scientific one. You can answer either way no matter what the science says.

>> No.9794646


Interspecies != Interracial

>> No.9794653

Mixed breed dogs are the healthiest.

>> No.9794987

Apparently this faggots forgot about the recombination that ocurred in meiosis

>> No.9795024

What selective advantage do la creatura, el goblino, el mongrél and el ogro de las americas have over anyone else?

>> No.9795223
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>Interspecies != Interracial
you can cross lions and tigers to get fertile offspring. same thing with human races.
>Mixed breed dogs are the healthiest.
untrue. pure breeds that havent been deliberately inbred to hell are completely healthy.

>> No.9795232

>Spitting image of his father
So, he doesn't have guatemalan genes in him.

>> No.9795245

As someone who lives in a country with heavy mixing, no. Most of the time mixing results in getting the worse of both worlds, and not the contrary.

>> No.9795333


Well they have big dicks from the afro genes which is why European women love having sex with them.

>> No.9795338

>Most of the time mixing results in getting the worse of both worlds, and not the contrary

That is not a statement based on any scientific theory.

Stop posting made up shit or leave /sci/.

>> No.9795353
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>> No.9795354

What's worse: diversity, or inbreeding?

>> No.9795355

both are worse than pedigree european genes

>> No.9795367

>lions are too pure and inbred therefore then need to be mixed with tigers to make them better

its bullshit fake news and only brainlets dont realize it.

>> No.9795374


The American probably still has a bigger dick than the rest of them.

>> No.9795382

>its bullshit fake news and only brainlets dont realize it.

Comparing different animals to different races.

Wow you're stupid.

>> No.9795390

>Comparing different animals to different races.
its a fair comparison when the two animals (lions and tigers) produce fertile offspring when they breed. Its literally the exact same thing as when a blond northern European woman breeds with a sub-Saharan African male. There is no difference.

>> No.9795396
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imagine actually believing this

>> No.9795403
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I'm quite the diversity scholar, when we are talking about diversity in the context of relations of systems in general and especially in living systems.
People should have babies with the person they love. It certainly shouldn't be discouraged.
I think it should definitely be normalized. What should be encouraged is for people to look for love and friendship outside of their own communities. Ideas, genes, habits, all of these things are different froms of biological diversity, all mediated by signs. The more signs, the more interpertations and the greater the possibilities. So semiotic diversity is what's generally important.
People should be encouraged to go beyond their comfort zones when looking for a possibility, wether it's love, belonging, scientific truth, a sense of purpose or simply entertainment, we should encourage people to push the envelope.
It should stay rhizomatic.
Diversity and possibility are the agents of pattern formation!

>> No.9795408


It's true. Finns and Scandinavians have tiny dicks compared to Afro-Americans.

I guarantee that black dude probably plowed a lot of Nordic pussy.

>> No.9795409
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>> No.9795413

wheres the proof?

>> No.9795418

>General truth deduced from facts are Jewish lies.
Unlike some people, I know my beliefs are epistemologically justifies.

>> No.9795420
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>What should be encouraged is for people to look for love and friendship outside of their own communities

>> No.9795422
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youe beliefs are built around making white people do what you want them to. go diversify somalia howbowdah?

>> No.9795430
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idk why i asked, bc i already know the cuck is talking out his ass. heres a clue. africans do well on penis studies when they self report. any recorded study puts blacks at 5.5 inches on average.

>> No.9795431

They shouldn't look for love really, they should just look for the world around them and find love, which is an autopoetic thing, like all discoveries are.
You are encouraging everyone to dissolve into homogeneous suburban potato processors.
If people like you have there way we will all converge into one hideous global MCculture. Semiotic incest is the ultimate degeneracy.

>> No.9795436

>homogeneous suburban potato processors
as opposed to what? broader nosed brown coloured potato processors? why does everyone get offended by a white person who prefers white people?

>> No.9795439


Hey look, it's a tiny-dicked white nationalist from /pol/.

>> No.9795444

>people should just look at the world around them and find love

Governments doing everything possible to cram as many African migrants into white majority countries sure will make your goal more likely

>> No.9795452

lol coming from a creampie eating, cock caged cuckold, this doesnt really sting much; even if it were true. listen just because your little dick got unlucky doesnt mean white kangz arent fucking the women right. so stop projecting and go back to your little cuck corner, you poz drinking turd.

>> No.9795455

Yes, you and I should both go to somlia. Interaction is the only thing that keeps unique cultures alive.
Those gross monsters in your picture that all think exactly the same are degenerate. They will collapse as the world devolps and they remain stunted. Why would anyone romantize homogeneity? Especially tards that are going on about muh people.
You probably think neatly manicured lawns look nice, which is why you should live in a grassland for a while and learn.
People would literally still be fucking their sisters in caves until we went extinct from incest with your attitude.
Get it right, diversity is a good thing and keeps unique patterns delimited.
I have this hypothesis that people with your beliefs have no idea how complex adaptive systems work. Which should be a prerequisite for any serious discussion of almost all science.

>> No.9795456


That's some nasty shit you're bringing up. Projecting much?

>> No.9795461

>Get it right, diversity is a good thing and keeps unique patterns delimited.
yeah but thats the point bro. lets "diversify" somalia ie lets make africa more white, instead of just extincting the white race for no fucking reason.

>> No.9795464

>anon projects
>stop projecting
>no u

>> No.9795465


Is anyone here saying only white people should racemix? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9795467

As opposed to people who are actually cultured and have a productive culture with high potential for development and adaptive capacity.
>Why does everyone get offended
You seem like the offended one. It seems like limiting yourself to white people is silly and causes you to miss out on alot of possibilities.

>> No.9795472


How am I projecting? You brought up sick cuckold fantasies out of nowhere. Not only that, you went into some graphic detail with them too.

If you're not projecting, you're definitely a homosexual or some other queer (I'm not using that as a slur.)

>> No.9795473

im sure this little bitch might want to put his hat in for that. you liberals always talk about love etc etc but you get lost as soon as things dont go how your plans intend, when all the brownskins refuse to chip in and just exploit white altruism. you are friggin naive and its maddening.

>> No.9795474

You are completely missing my point, most diversity has nothing to do with reproduction. Even if white race is a spook and not a culture, "the white race" is what happens when 100s of unique white cultures disenigrate into nothing, mainly because of the destruction of agricultural communities and market liberalization.

>> No.9795477

its called having a command of the english language with cause to offend, you shit sniffing mongoloid. i guess i want to fuck spiders too right? you literally are a racial cuckold though, you just go on an axiom of "black = de big benis" and debase scandinavians on that basis. youre completely retarded, and probably just trolling so w/e but its still pretty loathsome and pathetic.

>> No.9795479

also you are completely retarded. cross cultural communication results in a monoculture after enough iterations. the only way to preserve difference is through isolation....jesus whats wrong with some peoples brains? its like they are geniuses at being really fucking stupid and weak, and jump through every hoop to get there.

>> No.9795481


Outside of white nationalists, I've never met a white guy who didn't like making jokes about the BBC.

>> No.9795486

oh no's, i need to like these jokes so people wont call me a nazi

>> No.9795488

>Those gross monsters in your picture
breeding lions with tigers doesnt make offspring superior to either parent group.

>> No.9795489


Not that anon, but to be fair it's partially whites fault for creating an ecosystem that economically treats high birthrate as a negative. The fact you have to entertain going to another country just to compete/ increase your birthrate notates that you are doing something wrong here. It's not like you're the Chinese who go to other countries because their population is so massive that they have no choice.

If you want to go to Somalia and knock up a woman or two from there you're free to do so. But no one is actively trying to make whites go extinct. Just like how no one is trying to make the Japanese go extinct but they are still fortifying an ecosystem that will lower their birthrate.

>> No.9795492

yeah its funny in a way, the same way you laugh at an animal. its actually a form of dehumanization, so well done liberals. blacks arent going to complain though, when whites are so convinced that they are all studs, but i can guarrantee you that the self esteem of the blacks who sit on the wrong side of average is completely bottomed out, and thats like 50% of them, so now you know whay blacks are such aggressive and "alpha" manlets.

>> No.9795494

Actually the more I think about it. I'd say the emergence of racism in America is what cased whites to loss their cultural heritage.
The meta idenity of race destroyed America because it unlimited cultural idenity beyond the actual culture.

>> No.9795499

>no one is actively trying to make whites go extinct
debatable. shipping in africans so fast they will outnumber native whites within 1 generation in some european countries seems like white genocide to me.

>> No.9795500

>but i can guarrantee you that the self esteem of the blacks who sit on the wrong side of average is completely bottomed out, and thats like 50% of them

Those black guys usually think the expectations are a lot higher.

I met one black guy who complained that his penis doesn't fit the BBC stereotype at all. He said he felt ashamed because his dick is only 6.25 inches.


>> No.9795501

>it's partially whites fault for creating an ecosystem that economically treats high birthrate as a negative.
you can thank a federal government which treats all people as blank slates for that. oh lashawnda needs welfare for her 10th kid, better pay up white middle class, better forget about a second kid, youve got bills to pay, and youre roastie wife might leave you if you dont go on holiday again this year! thanks liberals.

>> No.9795503


Go back to /pol/

>> No.9795505

It has nothing to do with morphology, it's all about their character, they have a dead morality and athestic. There is little possiblity for cultural devolpment, so it degenerates into nothing. That's exactly what it did, not because of some Jewish conspiracy, because it lacked the diversity for adaptive capacity, there was no adjectent possible.

>> No.9795508

>lions and tigers are too unique and will only survive if we make them breed with eachother

its bullshit

>> No.9795512

kek then its even worse. hes sitting pretty roughly 1 std dev above average and he is comparing himself to the mandingo he saw in blacked.com, thinking every one of his niggas is packing that kind of heat. its ridiculous. see how damaging this high expectation is on people. people have a lot of hate for this meme, but it could just be the most genius white supremacist trick ever devised by the jew. makes me believe the ashkenazi iq meme for one second only.

that being said that nigga tyrone is slacking, even ive got a bigger penor than that.

>> No.9795519

*hand rubbing intensifies*

>> No.9795521


It's fair for you to view it as much but the reason given for that increase migrants is to make up for low birthrate and prop up an aging population. But again that's the reason the governments/ economist give I won't say if it's 100% truth though since personally I think there may also be a cheap labor factor here too.


Welfare doesn't explain the rising cost of childcare though. Nor does it explain the rising cost of living and education either.

You can only blame so much on welfare queens who have too many children. Again the Japanese are suffering a similar situation and they do not have the kind of welfare policy or abuses.

>> No.9795525

to prevent economic collapse the banking system REQUIRES the population grow at absurd rates. North America, Europe, and Japan's populations had that rate of growth when their was an abundance of undeveloped land. Now that those nations are built out, population growth declined, and in some sense, stabilized at a carrying capacity. That however, is not okay, because the economic system will collapse if those populations dont grow at those absurd rates. Hence the governments bringing in as many people as possible to artificially create the same growth.

>> No.9795526

childcare should be communal between high trust groups, muslims know how to do it.

living costs go up when the fed prints a shitload of dollars to spend on useless programmes.

education could be cut in half if you re segregated schools. all the diversity causes cookie cutter techniques which dont really work for anyone. the results per dollar spent would be magnificent.

but thats the point. whites are being leeched off of, so anything which is good for whites (ie not bad) is bad for minorities. they really have no pride and expect everything to be given to them by de oppressa.

>> No.9795538

>Being a racist isn't unbaised. Go make this thread on /pol/ if you want white pride.
You are being racist right now.

>> No.9795635


this dude is mad

>> No.9796041

Did somebody actually submit this to their art course?

>> No.9796045

>Interracial hybrids have shown fertility problems and, in case of continued hybridization, total infertility within 3 generations
lol what is this retardation

>> No.9796051

who fucking cares? fuck what you want and can legally and consensually fuck

>> No.9796054
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> Interracial hybrids have shown fertility problems and, in case of continued hybridization, total infertility within 3 generations.

>> No.9796060


>A half black becomes president before a full black proving the point that the white genes improved the black gene pool

Great but Hitler was right in Mein Kampf that it strengthens the weaker but weakens the for stronger.

>> No.9796092

If mestizos were so great, their countries wouldn't be dangerous and violent places to live on average. European and American liberal democracies have just gotten a little out of hand with the impulse to make up new rights and tie everything up with a bunch of courts and rules.

>> No.9796111

>human genome
>with africa DNA
Boy do I have some bad news for you

>> No.9796136
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>> No.9796149

skin genes literally don't matter

real diversity that effects life is immune complexes

but yes, synthetic variants on current human alleles to promote general health as well as for inheritable appearance gene variants

>> No.9796178

>Given that a more genetically diverse population is healthier, should interracial mixing be encouraged?

From a genetics standpoint, two people can be of the same "race", even similar backgrounds or founding genetic populations and still be thoroughly unrelated. Mate selection naturally follows cues that avoid deleterious recombination the majority of the time

Its all just overblown media message hype and they've cherry picked some popsci to justify their retarded social engineering. Invent a problem (muh benefits) and leverage general stupidity (muh scientific popsci memes)

>> No.9796193

lol as if any woman would pick the nig out of those three.

>> No.9796207

>should interracial mixing be encouraged?

Because the moment you're trying to change our natural breeding habits, we lose out on all the benefits of diversity. You literally can't get the goose to lay golden eggs if you chop it up.

>> No.9796223

As long as you're a good parent that can provide for your children then you've already done a good job. Race mixing or not, it doesn't matter as long as you don't pass on any serious inheritable conditions.

>> No.9796228

go back to /pol

>> No.9796260

>Given the benefits of genetic diversity, should interracial mixing be encouraged?
Oh look, another moron who doesn't understand runs of homozygosity.

>> No.9796272

>what is outbreeding depression

>> No.9796791

Most of the violence is directly linked to and caused by international relations. Going back to the beginning of the 20th century really, it was USA bannana wars but now the drivers are mostly international business.

>> No.9796796

I'm so sorry for bumping this thread, fug. I wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions.

>> No.9796817

Yeah, it's like looking at a trainwreck, of course it makes people click

>> No.9796821

>Literally all of the problems of both parents but half of the benefits.

>> No.9796828

Considering that we are just one virus outbreak away from extinction. We should encourage diversifying our genome further.

Stagnant genomes make it easier for viruses to wipe us out. There's a reason why evolution favored sexual reproduction, even though its quite disadvantageous in the short term.

>> No.9796831

>homogenizing all the races through mixing will increase diversity

you sure about that?

>> No.9797041


Just dumbfuck white nationalists who don't know what the hell they're talking about.

>> No.9797044


ah the lovely meme that insecure inbreds love to post.

it's funny how "amerimutts" like the hodge twins bust all kinds of nuts when they visit scandinavian countries where "pure blonde white women" want their big dicks deep inside of them

>> No.9797052

>Oh look, another moron who doesn't understand runs of homozygosity.

But anon, it sounds like you don't understand runs of homozygosity since interracial offspring is much more likely to have shorter lines of homozygosity.

>> No.9797056


A biased oversimplification of a very complex situation. That is exactly what I would expect from a low IQ white nationalist.

>> No.9797057

Wow, Science board. I expected better of you guys.

>> No.9797088


If you're the guy that posted this, you definitely sound like some Nazi weirdo.


>> No.9797114

no true diversity is when peoples are allowed to maintain their genetic lineage

>> No.9797135

/sci/ is quite lame and only 10% of the posters have actual worthwhile knowledge. I started my migratory journey from /pol/ to other boards this year and /sci/ disappointed me the most.

>> No.9797157

>I started my migratory journey from /pol/ to other boards
>/sci/ disappointed me the most.

That's probably because most people here are not retarded white nationalists.

>> No.9797162

It's cause this is a small board, so the /pol/-refugees seriously decrease the board's quality, whereas they are just a drop in the ocean on bigger boards

>> No.9797184

I'm 99% Ashkenazi per 23andme results.

>> No.9797186


To answer your question, yes, but not for my people, we are a minority and have been prosecuted for millennia so it's imperative we reproduce and stay with our own.

For others I encourage it, less genetic diseases, I have Tourettes.

>> No.9797188 [DELETED] 


I'm the OP and I don't know where it is you people like you are getting this idea that advocates of genetic diversity don't want to allow people to date whomever they want.

All I was asking is whether we should advice the human population through education that it's best to reproduce with someone from another race to have the healthiest offspring.

You have every right to ignore any advice from experts on the issue.

>> No.9797202

Is there a downside from a scientific pov of interracial mixing?

>> No.9797208

Your premise is false.

>> No.9797217


Do you have a study to back up your claim or are you just posting that out of insecurity?

>> No.9797219


Race mixing should be promoted globally for the same reason that the breaking up of the old clan structures in medieval Europe by the catholic church (by banning 1st and 2nd cousin marriage) allowed Europe to advance civilizationally.

>> No.9797220


Didn't the Catholic Church also encourage Spaniards and Portuguese men to marry indigenous women and convert them?

>> No.9797228
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I was expecting smarter people on / sci. no
>muh dik
retards like the ones from /b.

>> No.9797234

>a lot of that shit is just wrong.
Such as?

>> No.9797238

So, will you race mix?

>> No.9797246
File: 326 KB, 615x341, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get some knowledge

>> No.9797256

"Given the benefits of genetic diversity" is a sweeping statement that absolutely needs to be justified (which I'm sure you can't; all you can do is point to the link between consanguinity and an increased risk of birth defects).

>> No.9797258

That's some real edumacation there I'll tell ya hwat.

>> No.9797259

Genetic diversity is obviously beneficial, but your returns diminish at a certain point. As long as it's farther than like 2nd cousins you're probably fine.

>> No.9797268

Right. That study I linked indicates that under certain conditions genetic relatedness improves fitness rather than decreases it.

>> No.9797273

if you are a smart white/asian/jewish man with a degree, just be a sperm donor you will add to the IQ of the country, many colored people know that there people have an IQ deficit so they look for donors to give there children a better life

>> No.9797275

also why do people always post scantily clad women on all the posts its degenerate and makes 4chan look bad

>> No.9797276


The pic is related since it's a woman that's in the process of trying to give birth to genetically diverse offspring.

If I have to spell it out for you, her husband is black and he's dumping his load deep inside her every single time they fuck.

>> No.9797298

judging by her pagan(stupid) necklace, the children might be more intelligent and successful than her

>> No.9797342
File: 228 KB, 634x305, Archaic Admixture in Africans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after the ancestors of what would be come modern Europeans (whites) left Africa, the humans who remained in Africa interbred with non-humans.

so basically the modern day Africans are part monkey, literally.

>> No.9797393


I'm not against the idea. I'm not going to reproduce with someone who's wrong for me, or I can do much better than, just because they're of another race.

>> No.9797469


>> No.9797542
File: 32 KB, 720x437, this is 4chan now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, your battle is an honorable one but you must know there is a white supremacist group formerly known as Stormfront constantly spamming, monitoring and raiding threads on 4chan. Doesn't matter the facts, they are organized and WILL seem like most of the board has racist tendencies while is actually a couple of well organized (and probably paid) posters.

And there is a bunch of casuals who believe the pseudoscience in which racists speculate. They no longer understand the debate is not about "different races" or "the health of the human race", but the actual death wish of a big part of the population that doesn't physically look like them AND speculate themselves to become a completely different race themselves.

TL;DR your battle is honorable, but money has been put in propaganda to silence legitimate debate and education.

Fun fact, blacks heal faster than white people.

>> No.9797549

>breed with low IQ brown
>kid comes out with mediocre intelligence
>how did this happen?!!!11? system raycism :((

>> No.9797571 [DELETED] 

Until you jewish parasites start mass breeding with blacks, shut the fuck up about diversity being good.

>> No.9797578

>blaming jews
>still being hypocrite
No I am not jew, but for what I can tell all stormfaggots still defend Israel and I bet YOU do too. You all probably get money from them and are really good pals. So shut up fuckboi.

>> No.9797613
File: 211 KB, 569x478, B6vqUDTIQAAdWhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the actual death wish of a big part of the population that doesn't physically look like them AND speculate themselves to become a completely different race themselves
couldnt agree more. I have no idea why they want to kill all the white people.

>> No.9797662

you sound like the guy who hears racist dog whistles everywhere, but denies being a dog or a racist.

>> No.9797674


I guess you don't consider that defamatory drawing something an antisemite would post, eh?

>> No.9797684

i guess you don't consider it defamatory to link someone to someone else so you can defame both of them

>> No.9797723

Neanderthals were also archaic humans you dummy dum dum.

>> No.9797877


I'm pretty sure that was the same person but as a precaution, I did write "if you're the same guy that posted this."

Anyway, I'm not really defaming anyone's personhood here considering they're anonymous you fucking retard.

>> No.9797901

You're confusing interaction with intermingling.
Interaction is what keeps cultures alive and dynamic. Intermingling simply blends them and kicks the problem of cultural decay further down the line, to the point where there are no more unique cultures to interact.

>> No.9798028

You realize that's not a photo, right?

>> No.9798030

Biologist here. Dog breeds are a great comparison for race: they aren't real either.

>> No.9798031

Probably a batch of airsofters.

>> No.9798043

Easily debunked by anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of how inheritance works, /pol/.

>> No.9798045

>George Orwell
Eric Blair, aka George Orwell, was a devout democratic socialist, just like Bernie Sanders.

>> No.9798380

No. And neither should some mythic quest for genetic purity.

>> No.9798389

Haha this

>> No.9798397

What country is the nigger from?

>> No.9798399

You are utterly powerless. People will continue to fuck whoever they want and wont ask permission from a virgin on /sci/.
Let that sink in

>> No.9798813

>what is genetic compatibility

>> No.9798819

Fuck you cheap bait, go to study something

>> No.9798845

Crossbreeding is key to overpopulation. You are genius!

>> No.9799166


Vulgar language, especially the kind that includes racial slurs, is frowned upon here at /sci/.

If you have a problem with that, go back to /pol/.

>> No.9799248

Unless it’s to stop the spreading of retroviruses.

>> No.9799455

My daughter came home from college a few weeks ago with some surprising news.

Looks like I'm going to be the grandfather of some healthy biracial offspring. :-)

>> No.9799670

>Easily debunked by how inheritance works

>> No.9799689
File: 169 KB, 680x649, 1518143858649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9799727

ppl from pol always derail these type of threads

>> No.9799743

thread question: should cross breeding different races of people be encouraged?

apparently the only appropriate answer is "yes" because anyone who disagreed was insulted and told to leave. So progressive.

>> No.9799778

>Have mixed child
>Teach them superior white cultural mores and values
>They identify with degenerate black culture anyway because it is cool with society

It's a loser's game. White/asian mix may be the only hope for humanity's future progress.

>> No.9799983

It really depends. At that then it's a problem of what is being pushed as popular. So it's not an issue of genetic race mixing, but the sad reality that white culture isn't making money.

>> No.9800093

>because anyone who disagreed was insulted and told to leave.

Most of the people who disagreed didn't provide any useful argument as to why the premise of the OP is wrong.

Some didn't contribute anything with the exception of throwing racial slurs like this guy. >>9798397

>> No.9800106

i wasn't the same person, so either you're larping as the person who made that reply, or you're a paranoid delusional finding racist dog whistles under every rock, or it's second nature for you to discredit by linking to something else you're wanting to attack.

>> No.9800121


>> No.9800131

op shill btfo

>> No.9800266

>Most of the people who disagreed didn't provide any useful argument as to why the premise of the OP is wrong.

replacing all the distinct unique races with one mixed race doesnt sound like increasing diversity to me.

also you never see people trying to increase the diversity of majority black countries. for some reason its always white countries that need to be "fixed" by forced cross-breeding.

>> No.9800270


Hey look, it's another one from the other side of the debate offering up an eloquent rebuttal. >>9800121

>> No.9800275

>also you never see people trying to increase the diversity of majority black countries. for some reason its always white countries that need to be "fixed" by forced cross-breeding

You seem like a /pol/ poster but at the same time I think I might be wrong. My reason being that it's strange you wouldn't have noticed all the threads there advocating for bringing back Apartheid South Africa, Rhodesia and establishing Namibia as a "white state."

>> No.9800280

>replacing all the distinct unique races with one mixed race doesnt sound like increasing diversity to me.

No one is being "replaced." This type of fear-mongering and twisting of words is designed to drive people to the far right.

Also, genetic diversity means heterozygosity. When people who are genetically distant reproduce, their offspring has more heterozygosity.

>> No.9800306

>No one is being "replaced."
tell that to Germany, theyll be a majority african within one generation thanks to the governments forced replacement policy.

>Apartheid South Africa
im glad the apartheid ended but i dont like the roaming lynch mobs of africans killing white people.

>> No.9800310

This...This doesn't look good. I hope you photoshopped this and not some delusional 40 year old woman on Instagram.

>> No.9800453

>tell that to Germany, theyll be a majority african within one generation thanks to the governments forced replacement policy.

The majority of Germans don't have the same strange views you have. Otherwise they would not have voted for the current government.

>> No.9800464
File: 416 KB, 761x895, german migration backlash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my views arent strange, yours are.

>> No.9800472

>my views arent strange, yours are.

Other way around. The majority of Germans voted for parties that for the most part support Merkel's refugee policy.

The AfD makes up a very small minority in the German parliament because very few Germans voted for them.

They are a fringe group--they're neo-Nazis and that's putting it mildly.

>> No.9800473
File: 26 KB, 660x371, _101036882_elliot_rodger_2_shutterstoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why interracial people are healthier and more attractive

>> No.9800499

>majority of Germans want to import so many Africans that they will outnumber natives within one generation

i dont know how you arrived at that erroneous conclusion but i can assure you that no population of any country wants that to happen to them.

>> No.9800508

Epic strawman.

>> No.9800512


The number of refugees going into Germany has severely declined so I don't know what you're bitching about.

How about you use some of that energy and go complain to countries like Poland and Hungary. They originally promised to take in refugees but they didn't. So now the load on Germany and Sweden is far greater.

>> No.9800569
File: 42 KB, 800x600, Germany-views.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The majority of Germans
>I don't know what you're bitching about

>> No.9800646

>AfD makes up a very small minority
Going from zero to double digit seats in the Bundestag in one electoral period is a big fucking deal. They are the literal neo-nazis and they got power in the government, and not like the time everyone was so upset with the government that their protest vote for the AfD accidentally got them representation in the BT. These are people that legitimately wanted the AfD to have power in the German government.
I don't know what kind of news you've been reading, but Germany is currently on the fast track to booting Merkel and implementing mass deportations to their neighbors for national security.

>> No.9800726

no, i don't think so.

>> No.9800730

based boy

>> No.9800774
File: 26 KB, 400x400, rupert-sheldrake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In many models of change, the end or goal is implicitly seen as a n attractor by analogy with gravitation. In chemistry, for example, processes of change are modelled in terms of potential wells. A system is attracted to the lowest point, its energy minimum.
>In the mid-twentieth century, the biologist Conrad Waddington described the goal-directed nature of embryonic development in terms of attractors in an 'epigenetic landscape'. Each of the end-points represented an organ, such as an eye or a kidney, towards which a part of the embryo developed.
>With Charles Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859, biological evolution became mainstream. All life seemed to be engaged in a progressive development. Some scientists and philosophers thought that evolution showed the creativity of Nature herself; others, the imprint of divine creative activity; but atheists denied that there was any divine activity or purpose in evolution.
>In the second half of the twentieth century, neo-Darwinians insisted that all creativity was in the final analysis a matter of random mutations and the blind forces of natural selection: an interplay of chance and necessity. And when the Big Bang theory became mainstream in the 1960s, the presuppositions of materialism meant that the entire process of cosmic evolution must be purposeless, like biological evolution on earth.
>Thus the standard scientific view is that both cosmic and biological evolution are purposeless. The fact that the universe is just right for life, at least on earth, as in the Anthropic Cosmological Principle, does not mean that the universe as a whole has any purpose. Among countless universes, it just happens to be the one that has the right conditions for life. (Sheldrake 2012)

I would like to add that each race has its own evolutionary goal. A being that results from the crossing of two races with opposing goals becomes a being with internal conflicts.

>> No.9800864

Everything you have is because of white people. If we genocide the white people then we will lose it all

>> No.9800869

>waaah they shit on my bullshit fad water scams how dare they
Sheldrake reminds me of a child without his binky

>> No.9801115

>thinking the same conditions wont reappear after white people are interbreeded out
sayonara whitey thanks for the memories

>> No.9801118

>with internal conflicts.
the opposite must also be true
>synthesized goal
talk about biting the bullet

>> No.9801152

genetic pollution

>> No.9801889


Assuming that British tabloid shit is even based on a reliable sample size, that says they think the number is too high as it stands now. That doesn't mean they want no refugees.Germans were told that other member states in the EU would contribute to the refugee crisis but they didn't. Poland and Hungary for example didn't take the number they promised and so Germany had to increase their asylum seekers.

Also, in the end, the refugee situation is of a much less pressing matter than issues like the economy and stability of the European Union. Otherwise, the AfD would have won more seats in the Bundestag.

>> No.9801893 [DELETED] 

Leaving people in general the fuck alone should be encouraged

>> No.9801900

>Going from zero to double digit seats in the Bundestag in one electoral period is a big fucking deal.

Not really, all parties gained votes with the exception of the CDU and SPD.

The assumption is that the AfD is going to continue gaining votes but that simply isn't true. The election took place more than two years after the the most drastic part of the refugee crisis and they still only got 12% of the votes when they were the only party that wanted to kick the refugees out.

Pathetic. Germany and the European Union will not tolerate another Nazi party. Any right-wing twats that dream about a future Germany ruled by the AfD can only continue to dream because it won't happen.

>> No.9802142
File: 62 KB, 693x855, germany migrant crisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tabloid shit
sure snowflake... whatever delusions you need to tell yourself.


>> No.9802231


Not an argument.

>> No.9802351
File: 105 KB, 1165x792, german opinions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany wants more migrants from Africa. Only a racist minority are against more migrants from Africa.

you are living in a fantasy


>> No.9802459


It seems like you have trouble understanding the pics you're posting. None of them imply that Germans want to kick out the refugees.

>> No.9802490

They are also loaded questions surveyed by heavily biased political organizations.

>> No.9802518
File: 131 KB, 1000x541, 1039963025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont believe polls
lost cause

>> No.9802673

Race mixing is actually a bad thing.

If you have mix with a lower IQ population you will end up with a mixed race lower IQ population.

>> No.9802794


High IQ people exist in all races.

>> No.9802822


>> No.9802863

Got a study for that?

>> No.9802939

> got a study proving basic evolution true
It's already been well established that IQ is heritable.

If the average IQ of a race is lower than yours and they have mix with your race, it's going to bring down the IQ of your race.

>> No.9803029
File: 130 KB, 1590x684, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 2.41.55 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9803031

your mom did.

>> No.9803043

>thinks anxiety correlates with race mixing

oh boy

>> No.9803050

Why is Ryan so based?

>> No.9803058
File: 1010 KB, 1774x1200, RF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heaven forbid we know, for then it might be possible to corrupt him.

>> No.9803063

I used to watch him back in the ancap days.

>> No.9803067
File: 25 KB, 1357x800, IQ by Nation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I recently re-watched all of his An-cap day materials on CSMIRRORMIRROR.

It's been interesting to watch his progression (or degression, depending on your point of view) into a White Nationalist from Libertarian principles.

>> No.9803103

Those videos are amazing.
Im pretty sure he's still libertarian leaning, at least for politics within a white ethnostate goes.

>> No.9803108

It is, however, based on reality.

>> No.9803111
File: 886 KB, 1728x966, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 3.53.57 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, the 'White ethnostate' is a pretty big "But...", however I don't see a multi-racial state developing with the same degree of freedom experienced by the USA, England, Australia, etc. during their prime years. Hell, even Romans saw liberty as the prime value to strive for.


>> No.9803851


Are you sure you're just not insecure about your little peepee?